Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 117 Winning streak

Chapter 117 Winning streak
The body of the puppet is solid and difficult to break, and even the connecting joints are perfectly protected by other materials.Under the control of the monk, the puppet kept attacking without caring about the loss of energy.

Xu Miao thought about bypassing the two puppets and attacking the monk directly, but the monk was standing at the edge of the competition stage, which prevented Xu Miao from attacking from behind.

The front of the monk was firmly protected by the puppet, and it was impossible to approach him from the front.The puppet waved the sledgehammer in its hand and attacked Xu Miao. The four hammers came at the same time. Xu Miao stepped on the sledgehammer and avoided it from the air.

This method of evasion consumes a lot of spiritual power, which makes Xu Miao, who is not rich in spiritual power reserves, even more stretched.

He turned over and rode on the puppet's shoulders, thrusting his sleeve sword into the puppet's huge head, and there was another crisp sound.Xu Miao frowned. What is the material of this puppet? The top-quality magic weapon can't break through its defense at all.

The other party seemed to be aware of Xu Miao's doubts, and said triumphantly: "This puppet's whole body is polished from the hardest diamond, and these magic weapons in your hands cannot penetrate it."

At this moment, Xu Miao felt that there was no way to start. The puppet's defense was too strong. If he continued to consume it, he would fail due to exhaustion of spiritual power, not to mention the next battle.

At this time, Xu Miao could only give it a go and use her strongest means and spiritual power to break through the puppet's defense.Xu Miao noticed the spot where the casual cultivator placed the spar at the beginning, which must be the driving source of the puppet.

Huaying came out of the sheath, held the sword in his right hand, pointed with his left hand, and slowly swiped across the sword.

Xu Miao's spiritual power is surging all over his body. With the innate foundation of single and double spiritual roots, coupled with the acquired supplement of the tenth level of advanced Qi refining, his spiritual power has far surpassed that of the same level, and can even compete with the mid-stage foundation establishment monks.

The other monks watching the battle couldn't help but exclaimed. With such a concentration of spiritual power, it doesn't look like a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment. Xu Miao must be falsely reporting his cultivation.

Some monks directly objected to Sun Leizheng, asking Sun Leizheng to re-evaluate Xu Miao's cultivation level, but Sun Leizheng just rolled his eyes.

A mere level of a foundation-building monk, could it be that a Jindan monk would misunderstand it? It's ridiculous.It's just that Xu Miao's spiritual power is too abundant, which caused the illusion of some people present.

Although Xu Miao's spiritual power surged, this casual cultivator still didn't care. It wasn't the first time he used his puppet. He had fought against mid-term cultivators many times without losing.

Not to mention that Xu Miao is only at the elementary level of foundation building, even if his strength reaches the middle stage, as long as he doesn't reach the late stage, he doesn't have to worry about it.

The north wind swept across the ground, and a strong wind appeared, creating a wind blade that chopped towards the center of the puppet's abdomen.This move was used in the Qi Refining Stage, but it could not generate wind blades. Now it is used in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and it can actually generate additional attack methods.

Countless wind blades cut towards the energy center continuously, and the puppet dared not move in the huge wind, for fear that it would be blown away by the strong wind after lifting one foot.

The casual cultivator stood behind the puppet to avoid the strong wind.The north wind hunted, but it was not enough.Taking advantage of the unabated wind, Xu Miao quickly changed her tactics, a drop in the bucket.

The power of the north wind rolling over the ground was doubled again, and the wind blade became twice as large as the original visible to the naked eye.Xu Miao concentrated the power of the wind blade on a puppet, and broke it with a little bit.

Xu Miao is not greedy. Attacking two puppets at the same time will disperse the power, and on the contrary, they will not be able to attack one of them.Only by attacking one with all its strength can it be possible to break the solid defense of the puppet.

There were several scars on the puppet's abdomen, which showed that Xu Miao's attack was effective.However, Xu Miao's own spiritual power was also depleted a lot, and the north wind and a drop in the ocean were used in turn to quickly drain the spiritual power in the dantian.

The blue sea in the dantian kept roaring, and the green trees on the central island bloomed with powerful vitality, providing spiritual power for Xu Miao's moves.

The puppet's abdomen was already broken, so Xu Miao quickly approached the puppet with wrong steps.The sword in the sleeve pierced through a corner of the abdomen, filled with spiritual power, and directly lifted the center cover violently.

The casual cultivator obviously didn't expect this, he quickly manipulated the puppet to retreat, and at the same time controlled the other puppet to attack Xu Miao's hands, forcing Xu Miao to stop.

Chen Xiangzhu appeared out of thin air and protected Xu Miao's body. Xu Miao stretched out her long arm and forcibly took out the spar.

The outer shell of the puppet is extremely strong, but the inner material is extremely complicated, and its hardness is definitely not as good as the outer one.The puppet immediately made a crackling sound, and the puppet that was bombarded inside instantly lost control. After swaying left and right on the ground, it fell to the ground and could not move.

The casual cultivator saw a puppet directly destroyed by Xu Miao, and there was no possibility of repairing it. He was furious: "How dare you destroy my puppet, I want you to pay for it!"

While speaking, Sanxiu manipulated another puppet to attack Xu Miao.

Xu Miao dodged away, and cast a sneering glance at the other party: "You want me to pay for my life even at your level, and you don't weigh yourself."

There was only one puppet left, which could no longer pose a threat to Xu Miao, and the other party could not hide behind the puppet safely.The situation on the field becomes one person versus one person plus a puppet.

Xu Miao's feet were strange and fickle, avoiding the last puppet, and rushed directly to the loose cultivator.This casual cultivator is good at puppet attacks, but not good at fighting with others by himself.

Being restrained by Xu Miao, the manipulation of the puppet also slowed down. At this time, the puppet could not give him any help, but became his burden instead.

Xu Miao didn't let the battle continue, and with a few simple moves, he forced the casual cultivator out of the scope of the competition platform.

The casual cultivator glanced at Xu Miao unwillingly, then picked up the wreckage of the puppet that Xu Miao had completely destroyed, and walked off the stage.

Xu Miao won four games in a row, and three of them were mid-term monks. This strength is definitely a source of pride. Even Sun Leizheng looked at Xu Miao a few more times.

In the initial stage of the monk's battle, you need to persist for ten battles before you can gain possession.However, Xu Miao is an exception. With the initial cultivation base to fight against the middle stage, the restrictions of the early stage rules can no longer be used.

To be on the safe side, Xu Miao asked Sun Leizheng: "Senior Sun, according to the current situation, does this junior only need to win one more game to obtain possession?"

It's not a big problem for Xu Miao to persist for one more game, but if he is asked to persist for two more games, it will be too difficult for others.So Xu Miao had to get a guarantee from Sun Leizheng that he would decide on the possession right.

Sun Leizheng didn't hesitate too much, he nodded and said yes: "Xu Xiaoyou, fighting with a low-level cultivation base, naturally you can't be limited to you by the mid-term rules. The old man agrees, just win one more game."

With the guarantee from the Golden Core cultivator, Xu Miao began to swallow the elixir to replenish spiritual power. This bottle of elixir was specially handed to Xu Miao by Qingyun in front of him on the stage.

Although it cannot be fully recovered, it is better than nothing.No one wanted the first possession right to be taken by Xu Miao. The moment the medicine took effect, a Foundation Establishment cultivator stepped onto the stage.

This is a cultivator from a comprehension family. Seeing him flirting with the monks of Chengxuanzong before he came to power, Xu Miao knew that he was with Chengxuanzong, and Chengxuanzong would not let him take possession easily.

After the other party came to the stage, he also reported his family name: "I am Liu Wen, the elder of the Liu family."

When Xu Miao heard this, she didn't raise her head, she was still absorbing the power of the medicine: "Who are you and where are you from? I'm not interested in knowing. I just need to know that you have an affair with Cheng Xuanzong."

Liu Wen didn't expect Xu Miao to directly call him out of his intention to take the stage, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, but he quickly adjusted, smiling, with a sanctimonious look on his face.

Xu Miao clicked his tongue: "I'm most annoyed by hypocrites, I can fight if I want to, and put on airs there, is it interesting?" Regardless of what the other party thinks of his words, Huaying makes a move, the strongest move, the north wind sweeps the ground .

Anyway, Xu Miao didn't care about deepening the grievance with Cheng Xuanzong.

Liu Wen looked very weak, and he looked like a gentleman, but he was not weak at all.The folding fan in his hand kept flying, blocking Xu Miao's moves.

That folding fan can always block his own attacks, and hidden weapons will appear from time to time, making it hard to guard against.

Xu Miao's spiritual sense has been fully deployed, but Liu Wen's hidden weapon has been manipulated for some reason, and his spiritual sense can't detect it at all.Moreover, the sound of the hidden weapon piercing through the air is very small, only when the hidden weapon is close at hand, can Xu Miao detect and avoid it.

This made Xu Miao very passive. He tried to mobilize the water vapor in the air to condense into ice and attack Liu Wen.However, the top of Jiuhua Mountains is too dry, and the water vapor content is abnormally low. After only a few silver needles condense, there is no more water vapor.

Seeing that Xu Miao was troubled, Liu Wen felt very proud and shook his folding fan even more vigorously.

Give up defense, let him attack with hidden weapons, as long as he can kill Liu Wen before the hidden weapons work.

Xu Miao's spiritual power poured into the Huaying Sword crazily, and her fighting spirit kept increasing, and she could even detect a trace of killing intent.When Xu Miao fights with others, it is best if he can defend, but if he can't, he will give up defense completely and concentrate on attacking.

Liu Wen didn't expect Xu Miao to be able to fight in such a situation.His smile deepened, and his left hand brushed casually across his waist.Xu Miao noticed this, but he didn't care.

Now that he has decided to kill the opponent with a powerful attack, no matter what moves the opponent uses, he doesn't need to care.

Liu Wen also poured spiritual power into the folding fan. His task was to defeat Xu Miao. As for the next four battles, he was not in his consideration.

As for Xu Miao, there was only this last battle left. Both sides had no energy left, and they used the strongest force to attack each other.

The Feng Ling Jue was cast, and Xu Miao's figure was unpredictable.Since the establishment of the foundation, Xu Miao's use of Feng Ling Jue has become more and more smooth. Once it works, ordinary people can't see where he is at all.

(End of this chapter)

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