Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 118 Winning

Chapter 118 Winning
Liu Wen couldn't confirm Xu Miao's exact location, so he simply flipped over with his right hand and took out a wooden box lingering in black air.The wooden box was made of unidentified logs, but it shone strangely under the sunlight.

Liu Wen pressed the wooden box with both hands, and pushed back and forth, tens of thousands of silver needles charged into the field with black air.No matter how fast Xu Miao's movement is, it is impossible to avoid the rainstorm of silver needles.

Xu Miao quickly propped up her light shield to resist Yinzhen's attack.But as soon as the light shield touched the silver needle, it was infected by the black air of the silver needle, and a hole appeared immediately.

Although the appearance of the light shield can temporarily block the silver needle, it also exposed Xu Miao's position.Xu Miao simply withdrew the light shield, and waved the shadow with her right hand, protecting her whole body airtight.

He wanted to try to break through the silver needle group and get close to Liu Wen.Liu Wen didn't give Xu Miao this chance. The silver needles in the wooden box seemed to be inexhaustible, and they kept emitting black silver needles.

Xu Miao's feet were blocked and she couldn't move forward for a long time.He was angry, and if it was over, he would just hold a wooden box and send out some broken needles.At this moment, Xu Miao could only choose to call out the agarwood beads, spending most of her spiritual power to support the defense of the agarwood beads.

With the protection of a low-grade spiritual weapon, Xu Miao didn't waste any more time, but frantically used her spiritual power to improve her agility to the extreme.

Liu Wen only felt that Xu Miao in front of him disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, the sword in his sleeve had already reached his lower back.Liu Wen was caught off guard, secretly thinking something was wrong, and rushed forward suddenly, entering the range of Yinzhen's attack.

He has a unique secret recipe to avoid black air erosion, and being close to black air is beneficial to him.Xu Miao raised her eyes to look at the black air. The area covered by the black air was constantly expanding, and Liu Wen could not control the audience.

There is not much spiritual power left, and the agarwood beads cannot be used any longer.After Xu Miao put away the agarwood beads, she gritted her teeth and rushed into the silver needle group.The black air entangled Xu Miao almost the moment he entered the needle group, corroding his flesh and blood.

Xu Miao allowed the black energy to erode and did not mobilize any spiritual energy to resist. His goal was Liu Wen, and only by eliminating Liu Wen could the black energy stop.

He kicked his feet back hard, borrowing his strength to move forward, and the Shadow Shadow Sword attacked Liu Wen with an unstoppable power.Seeing that the black air did not block Xu Miao, Liu Wen unfolded the folding fan with a swipe, trying to use the folding fan to resist the power of Huaying.

Xu Miao's attack has already suppressed all the spiritual power in his body, and the images in the dantian all show the strongest state. The blue sea is already full of big waves, the westerly wind is bitter, and Cangmu has gone through several cold and heat.

The Huaying sword made a buzzing sound because of its too strong spiritual power.

At that moment, the tip of Huaying's sword pierced the fan of the folding fan, and the fan barely resisted Zhong Huaying's power, Xu Miao pushed Huaying forward again with force, and the fan made a sound of cracking and cracking.

Xu Miao withdrew Huaying with her backhand, but she was already sticking to Liu Wen. The sword in her sleeve pierced Liu Wen's defense and directly inserted into his waist.If the sword in the sleeve goes a little further in, it will reach Liu Wen's dantian directly.

Liu Wen turned his head numbly, and saw the sword in the sleeve at his waist, with blood dripping down the hilt, Xu Miao looked at him indifferently.Even if he didn't want to admit it, Liu Wen could only admit defeat.

"He Qinggu, get the first possession right!" Sun Leizheng announced in public.

The place where He Qinggu was located burst into enthusiastic cheers, Xu Miao heard these words like the sound of heaven.Finally, he let go of his strength, pulled out the sword in his sleeve, and panted heavily.

At that time, his spiritual power had been completely exhausted. If Liu Wen still fought back strongly, he would not have any strength to resist.However, Liu Wen was finally frightened by the Shurijian. Not all monks were willing to bet on the state of Dantian.

Xu Miao walked back to the sect with a sigh of relief. His face was pale, but deep in his eyes, there was a deep joy.Xu Miao took the pill from Ye Qiguang and began to meditate to recover her spiritual power.

Confronting four mid-stage cultivators in succession at the early stage of foundation establishment, with such strength, no one would underestimate Xu Miao, nor would anyone underestimate He Qinggu who owns Xu Miao.

The next battle was no longer in Xu Miao's hands.In the end, apart from He Qinggu's share that Xu Miao got, only Ye Qiguang got a share of possession.

To He Qinggu, being able to obtain two possessions of the Excellent Spirit Land was already an unexpected joy.After returning to Heqinggu's residence, Xu Miao was summoned by the head.

After the changes in the world, many magic weapons and elixirs in the sect were consumed in large quantities, and the stock in the warehouse was not even comparable to that of a larger cultivation family in the past, and the things that could be taken out and rewarded were very limited.

Zhou Ruxiang handed Xu Miao three bottles of Peiyuan Dan and 500 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones as a reward for this seizure of possession.

For the current environment of comprehension, the effect of pills and spirit stones has far surpassed that of magic weapons.No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, without sufficient spiritual support, it can only be regarded as a pile of scrap iron.

However, pills and spirit stones will not be affected by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. As long as they are used, they can obtain spiritual power from them at any time as before.

Holding the storage bag, Xu Miao didn't know what to say for a while.The sect's situation is very difficult now, and if you give yourself so many spirit stones at once, you may not be able to take care of other disciples.

Xu Miao raised her concerns and ideas to Zhou Ruxiang, but Zhou Ruxiang said seriously: "As you know, in the current situation, it is impossible to take care of all the disciples, and we can only divert resources to outstanding disciples like you."

"Only if you are strong enough, can you protect the other disciples in the sect and prevent He Qinggu from being swallowed up by other sects."

Until Xu Miao returned to her residence, she was still thinking about what Zhou Ruxiang said.Even though the sect has provided resources for itself as much as possible, these are not enough for cultivation. We can only hope that the aura conditions in Youlingdi can be slightly better.

On the second day, the people who obtained the possession rights from the major forces gathered together. A total of 13 people obtained the possession rights. These people will enter Youling Land together to rob the land.

The range in Youlingdi is relatively large, and the quality of spiritual power is naturally uneven. If you want to occupy the best position, it is definitely impossible to rely on your mouth alone. You can only rely on your fists. good location.

Speaking of which, thirteen people entered Youling Land, but according to the division of alliance forces, they were roughly divided into three parties.Demon cultivators are on the one side, and human cultivators are divided into two.

On Renxiu's side, Heqinggu, Jianyue Sect, and Danqingmen are on one side, Chengxuanzong, Sanxiu Alliance, and Fuyao Mountain are on one side.

Xu Miao did not expect that the Danqing sect would join hands with her own sect. In the past, the Danqing sect and Chengxuanzong wore the same pair of pants, and I don't know why they switched sides this time.

There are four people on He Qinggu's side, four people on Yaoxiu's side, and five people on Cheng Xuanzong's side.Originally, He Qinggu was unable to occupy the dominant position of this side, but due to Xu Miao's strong appearance, he forcibly held the dominant position in He Qinggu's hands.

Xu Miao followed Ye Qiguang to his own camp. The Jianyue Sect was Zhu Jia, a late-stage monk of Foundation Establishment, and the Danqingmen was also a late-stage monk, Yuan Yue.

If calculated according to their cultivation bases, among the 13 people, except Xu Miao, who is an early stage monk, and one casual cultivator, who is a mid-stage monk, the rest are all late stage monks.

In terms of combat power, Yuan Yue, a later stage monk of Danqingmen, is indeed not strong enough, and no matter how strong Xu Miao is, he can't compare with the late stage monks of Foundation Establishment, so he is really at a disadvantage.

Before coming here, Ma Xin also said that only Ye Qiguang and Xu Miao should do their best, and the focus should be on protecting themselves. After all, it was unexpected to get two possession rights this time.

If an accident happened in Youling Land, it would definitely be more harm than good for He Qinggu.

In the last use right of Youling Land, only the Jianyue faction among the three factions entered. According to Zhu Jia, he explained to the three people the location of the distribution of spiritual power in Youling Land.

To snatch the territory of Youlingdi is to place the jade tablet representing the right of possession in the stone tower of that territory.However, the jade tokens in the stone tower can be changed continuously until the snatching time ends.

The robbing time is three days, and once the three days are up, if there is no jade tablet in a certain stone tower, then this position will belong to no one's territory, and it will be allocated by other forces that successfully placed the jade tablet.

After a small teleportation array was replaced with brand new spirit stones, it flashed a blue light with a soft buzzing sound.No one wanted to be left behind, and they all entered Youlingdi immediately.

When standing on the soil of Youlingdi with both feet, Xu Miao felt the quality of heaven and earth aura again as before.He took a deep breath, enjoying the pure aura.

Soon, Xu Miao followed Ye Qiguang's instructions and first went to occupy the territory with the most general spiritual power with Yuan Yue from Danqingmen.

They knew very well that the strength of the four of them to seize the best site was nothing short of a dream, and it was better to get a site with safety first. Even if the quality of the site was not good in Youling Land, it was better than the outside environment.

Xu Miao and Yuan Yue moved quickly, picked two adjacent places, and placed the jade plaque in the stone tower.After seeing the jade tablet rising slowly from the stone tower, the two split up to look for Ye Qiguang and Zhu Jia.

When Xu Miao saw Ye Qiguang, Zhu Jia was no longer around, and Ye Qiguang had already fought with a casual monk, a monk from Fuyao Mountain.

The female monk from Fuyao Mountain was average, but casual cultivators were extremely powerful and had a lot of methods. With the combined efforts of the two, Ye Qiguang was obviously at a disadvantage.

Seeing this, Xu Miao immediately drew his sword and attacked the loose cultivator.The spiritual energy in Youling Land and the spiritual energy before the mutation can fully support Xu Miao's spiritual power loss.

As long as he can hold back this casual cultivator, Ye Qiguang will have a way to get rid of the female cultivator in Fuyao Mountain.Ye Qiguang saw Xu Miao's sword drawn, and instantly understood Xu Miao's thoughts, and moved sideways to attack the female cultivator in coordination.

From the early stage to the late stage, Xu Miao's pressure increased sharply.The monks in the late stage of foundation establishment are extremely coercive, and his sword moves are suppressed and slowed down. He uses all the spiritual power in his body to eliminate the impact caused by the gap in cultivation.

The casual cultivator recognized Xu Miao, and knew that if Xu Miao was not eliminated, he would definitely grow into a serious problem in the future.His subordinates killed Xu Miao mercilessly.

(End of this chapter)

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