Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 119 Occupation

Chapter 119 Occupation
Several clusters of flames jumped out of a magic weapon that looked like a kettle, and in an instant, Xu Miao felt the temperature around her body rise a lot.Last time, Xu Miao's body was burned by Zhang Mingxi's spiritual fire, and she almost died.

Today, there are several clusters of flames. Does he look like a piece of paper? He must be burned with fire.Xu Miao immediately extracted the water vapor from the surroundings and gathered them together to form a water shield to resist the flames in front of him.

The flame was so powerful that the water shield was quickly evaporated into water vapor.As long as the water vapor is still there, Xu Miao can continuously create water shields.

Xu Miao chanted the magic formula, in addition to the water vapor in the air, even the water in the ground was directly extracted by him.The water spirit root gave him a natural sense of closeness to the moisture in the environment, no matter how much water he wanted to draw, he would not be hindered.

Coupled with the fact that the spiritual energy in Youlingdi is normal, Xu Miao can replenish spiritual energy anytime and anywhere.The image of the dantian was fully effective, and Xu Miao crazily absorbed the water aura and wind aura into his body.

Even so, it was difficult for Xu Miao to persevere.In the later stage of foundation establishment, it is not so easy to contend.The flame was less than three inches away from him, and it was really imminent.

Xu Miao saw Ye Qiguang from the corner of his eye, and he was about to finish off the female cultivator in Fuyao Mountain, as long as he could hold on for a while longer.Xu Miao's whole body was filled with spiritual power, and the robe was automatic without wind.

He raised his hands horizontally, pushing the water shield to condense into an ice shield, sweat kept flowing from the pores, Xu Miao seemed to have just been fished out of the water.

The size of the water shield became smaller and smaller, and it was no longer able to withstand all the flames.The hot flame touched Xu Miao's skin, and that familiar feeling lingered again.

However, that casual cultivator did not have the good luck of Zhang Mingxi to get the spiritual fire, but only the flame emitted by a middle-grade spiritual weapon.Otherwise, Xu Miao probably would have to go through the experience of becoming a bone again.

This experience was very uncomfortable, and Xu Miao didn't want to do it again.

The consumption of spiritual power is too great, even if it is continuously absorbed, it cannot make up for the consumption.The imagery in the dantian seemed sluggish at the moment, and even the sun in the blue sky dimmed a lot.

Xu Miao knew that he would not be able to hold on at this time. He felt that a long time had passed, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was just a few breaths.

And this effort of just a few breaths is already a miraculous existence.There has never been a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment who could hold a few breaths against a monk in the late stage, and either turned around and fled, or was killed by a palm.

If you can face each other head-on, no one will believe you when you say it.

When Xu Miao was still in the Qi refining stage, when he met Zhang Mingxi, who was also in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, he had no chance to confront him head-on, so he could only run away.

From Xu Miao's point of view, there is still a big gap between Zhang Mingxi and this casual cultivator. The strength of this casual cultivator is far from what Zhang Mingxi can match. I don't know how Zhang Mingxi advanced to the late stage of foundation establishment. .

The casual cultivator also saw that Xu Miao had reached the limit, and smiled cruelly: "Boy, it is your luck to die by my hands. Next time you reincarnate as a human being, remember not to be so arrogant."

After all, the other party struck out with a palm. This palm contained the powerful spiritual power of the monks in the later period, as well as the understanding of the world, which is definitely not something that Xu Miao can accept now.

Xu Miao knew that he couldn't catch it, but he didn't give up, and chose to catch it without a fight, but summoned Chen Xiangzhu to stand in front of him.The remaining spiritual power in the body rushed towards Chen Xiangzhu.

Chen Xiangzhu can resist Zhang Mingxi's second-level spiritual fire, but it may not be able to block the flames released by the middle-grade spiritual weapon.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Miao heard a cracking sound, and several beads on the agarwood beads were cracked.Ever since Xu Miao got this agarwood bead, it was always because of his lack of spiritual power that he couldn't persist in resisting it.

This was the first time that the spiritual power supplied to Chen Xiangzhu was sufficient, but Chen Xiangzhu couldn't stop the medium-grade spiritual weapon in Sanxiu's hand.

Soon, the cracks were all over the agarwood beads, and Xu Miao's complexion was very bad.Although his current spiritual power can support Chen Xiangzhu, but the grade of Chen Xiangzhu itself is too low to resist.

When the string connecting the beads breaks, the agarwood beads are completely damaged.The spiritual fire that lost its resistance instantly flew in front of Xu Miao. In the blink of an eye, Xu Miao only had time to prop up a simple protective mask.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the mask shattered.Xu Miao gave up using means to resist, Huaying made a move, and used a Flying Frost Strike, trying to slow down the speed of the flame.

"Hmph! Hit the stone with an egg, and the light of the firefly wants to compete with the sun and the moon!" Sanxiu didn't care about Xu Miao's attack. In his eyes, this kind of attack was no different from that of a three-year-old child.

Xu Miao raised the corner of her mouth and looked at him straight: "Really?"

Ye Qiguang has already dealt with the female cultivator in Fuyao Mountain, and now he is pointing his sword at the back of the casual cultivator.Sanxiu had no choice but to leave Xu Miao behind, and turned around to resist Ye Qiguang's attack.

Xu Miao fell to the ground, panting heavily. After his breath calmed down a little, he sat down cross-legged and absorbed the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth to restore his spiritual power.

Although Ye Qiguang killed the female cultivator in Fuyao Mountain, her body has not been disposed of yet.After Xu Miao recovered, she waved her hand to take the storage bag away, and then set fire to the body.

No wonder Ma Xin told them to put their own safety first. Deaths can happen anytime and anywhere in this Youling Land.

Xu Miao's absorption speed of spiritual power was already fast, and after his body was reborn through spiritual power, the relationship with heaven and earth became closer, and the speed of absorption went up to a higher level.

Ye Qiguang and the casual cultivator had a close fight, and the casual cultivator wanted to free up his hands to kill Xu Miao many times, but Ye Qiguang stopped him in advance to restore Xu Miao's spiritual power to protect the law.

Xu Miao exhaled the last turbid breath, his spiritual power had fully recovered, he stood up, and looked at Ye Qiguang and Sanxiu who were still fighting.

Unable to face casual cultivators head-on, it's not a problem to add chaos to him from the side.

The level of magic weapons in Xu Miao's hands is too low to be useful.He chose to use the surrounding water vapor to attack casual cultivators, as long as they hide well, it will definitely have an unexpected effect.

No one bothered, Xu Miao unscrupulously sucked out the surrounding moisture.Through his spiritual consciousness, he transformed the water vapor into the shapes of weapons for various attacks, and threw it at casual cultivators from time to time.

As the saying goes, if there are too many lice, they will bite. Although Xu Miao's attack can't really hurt the casual cultivator, it can disrupt the opponent's rhythm at a critical moment, allowing Ye Qiguang to seize the opportunity and launch a killer move.

That casual cultivator was made into a mess by the joint efforts of Xu Miao and Ye Qiguang, and he said bitterly: "You two are so many opponents, is it the work of a decent family?"

"This is called the rational use of resources. How can you be so old that you don't even know about this? Have you lived on dogs for so many years?" Xu Miao sarcastically sarcastically.

Sanxiu gave Xu Miao a vicious look, and threw an unknown object at Xu Miao.Ye Qiguang didn't notice it for a while and didn't stop it, the thing went straight towards Xu Miao.

Xu Miao instinctively sensed the danger, he backed up quickly, his feet were ecstasy, he kept changing directions, trying to get rid of the things behind him, but the thing seemed to have spotted Xu Miao, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

Seeing this, Sanxiu let out a sinister laugh: "It's a chasing soul bone butterfly. If you recognize someone, you will keep chasing them. Boy, you'd better save your energy and don't run away."

After learning what was behind him, Xu Miao continued to prod the casual cultivator while thinking about the way to get rid of it: "It seems that you have taken a fancy to me, and even made a soul chasing bone disc to chase after me. "

"It's a pity, young master, I only like girls who are like flowers and jade, and I'm not interested in people like you who have half of their body buried in the dirt."

That casual cultivator was blocked by Xu Miao's chest in one breath, unable to get out or in, he just wanted to kill Xu Miao with his palm.Ye Qiguang seized the opportunity of the opponent's fury, poured all his spiritual power into the sword, and pierced the man's chest with one sword.

"Master, well done! Hurry up and send the remaining half of his body into the soil." Xu Miao said, but her feet were not slow.

His Feng Ling Jue had already reached the peak of perfection, and although he couldn't kill the chasing soul bone disc at this moment, he was still able to maintain the distance between the two.

Ye Qiguang succeeded with one strike, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue him.The casual cultivator also saw that the situation was stronger than others, so he put oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away.After Ye Qiguang chopped off the bone plate following Xu Miao with a sword, he sat down and began to adjust his breath.

Xu Miao took advantage of the time given to Ye Qiguang to protect the law, and began to think about the current situation in Youling Land.

It is known that one person died in Fuyao Mountain and one person was injured in Sanxiu, so Cheng Xuanzong's strength was damaged.As for the demon cultivator, Xu Miao guessed that Cheng Xuanzong would take the initiative to join forces with the demon cultivator to deal with him.

I don't know if Zhu Jia succeeded in persuading the demon cultivator to deal with Chengxuanzong monk according to the previous plan.Everything is unknown, Xu Miao can only wait in peace.

After Ye Qiguang adjusted his breath, he put a jade tablet in the nearby stone pagoda.Up to now, He Qinggu's two jade tablets have been placed. Although the site is not very good, it is much better than the outside.

Moreover, Xu Miao also has a jade card of Fuyaoshan female cultivator in her hand. The biggest feature of this jade card is that as long as the holder dies, others can replace it.

There was an extra jade card, Xu Miao touched the original three characters of Fuyao Mountain on the jade card, and re-engraved He Qinggu.Holding this jade tablet, Xu Miao and Ye Qiguang turned into two escaping lights and went to look for Zhu Jia.

Zhu Jia didn't find it, but saw a single monk and a demon cultivator of Chengxuanzong meet.This demon cultivator seems to be restrained by monk Chengxuanzong, and has always been at a disadvantage in terms of moves.

Chengxuanzong's people are here, it would be too unreasonable for Xu Miao not to help.He and Ye Qiguang fell to the ground and walked towards a man and a demon.

The monks of Chengxuanzong saw the two rays of light falling down, and thought they would be companions at first, but they didn't expect to happen to be the people of the deadly enemy, He Qinggu.

He threatened Xu Miao and the two of them: "I advise you two to not meddle in your own business, so as not to get into trouble."

Xu Miao pretended not to hear, and touched her nose: "Do you think I killed you, or did I kill you?"

(End of this chapter)

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