Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 120 The Battle of Tongues

Chapter 120 The Battle of Tongues
"Xu Miao, don't be so rampant. You were lucky enough to survive last time. Next time, will you survive?" Seeing Xu Miao and Ye Qiguang appear, the man stopped attacking the demon cultivator, but did not forget to continue Threatening Xu Miao.

"Heh - I don't know who will die next time, but I know this time, you." Xu Miao raised her hand and pointed at the monk Chengxuanzong, with her lips slightly parted, she said calm but cruel words, "Death is certain."

The monk Chengxuanzong had a secret way, two people and one demon had already formed an encircling posture around him, no matter which direction he came from, it was difficult to escape.He is more inclined to break through from Xu Miao's position than the fourth-level demon cultivator.

With a certain idea, the monk attacked like Xu Miao.Xu Miao had already seen through the other party's thoughts. As soon as this person's attack arrived, the corners of Xu Miao's mouth curled up, and his hands quickly passed in front of him, and a huge light shield appeared.

When Xu Miao saw the monk of Chengxuanzong, he had already negotiated with Yaoxiu and Ye Qiguang through sound transmission. The three of them besieged, and the other party would definitely break through from his own place.

He will try to stop the offensive against Fa. As long as Ye Qiguang can attack from behind the monks of Chengxuanzong, he will have a chance to kill another person.

The moment the light shield appeared, it was shattered by monk Chengxuanzong.Xu Miao's expression didn't fluctuate at all, her hands continued to swipe, and light shields appeared one after another to stop the opponent's footsteps.

Ye Qiguang's sword had already arrived, stabbing straight at the monk's back.Only then did the monks of Chengxuanzong realize that they had been fooled.

Xu Miao is not an ordinary early-stage foundation-building monk at all. Even if he can't create an attacking opportunity for the late-stage monks, but hindering the opponent for a few seconds is not easy for Xu Miao.

Ye Qiguang's sword moves were so fast that he didn't allow the monk to react at all. He had already pierced the man, and Xu Miao's mask also disappeared at this moment. The shadow sword pierced towards the opponent's dantian.

There was not even time to breathe from the moment the sword was thrust out to when it was successfully struck.Huaying stopped in the opponent's dantian, and Xu Miao made a special move to turn Huaying over, completely destroying that person's dantian.

If the dantian is destroyed, the spiritual power inside will lose control in an instant.At the moment when Xu Miao's spiritual power scattered, she immediately moved behind Ye Qiguang, and Ye Qiguang also propped up the light shield at the same time.

When everything returned to calm, Xu Miao went to Chengxuanzong's monks.The man's eyes were wide open, full of disbelief.Obviously he was still fighting with the demon cultivator just now, and he has the upper hand, and the jade card will be in his hands soon.

The one who prefers to die is the biggest enemy, Xu Miao and Ye Qiguang from Heqinggu.The situation changed instantly, and I became a turtle in a cage.

What puzzled him the most was that Xu Miao was only at the beginning stage, why he could block the attack of his later stage.Now he fell to the ground, watching Xu Miao approaching with numb eyes.

Xu Miao looked at him with a half-smile, with ridicule and disdain in her eyes.Xu Miao didn't speak, but reached out to take off the storage ring in his hand, and after confirming the token in it, he looked at the other party.

"Isn't it strange and confusing, why can I block your full blow? Anyway, you are going to die, so I will take it as a good deed and tell you."

"My talent makes my concentration of spiritual power comparable to that of mid-stage monks. It's just a matter of resisting a few breaths. It's really too simple. Do you understand now?"

After Xu Miao finished speaking, she gave the monk another sword, completely severing his life, and lit another fire, burning the body of monk Chengxuanzong clean.

After dealing with the biggest enemy, Xu Miao turned to the demon cultivator.The demon cultivator looked at Xu Miao and Ye Qiguang cautiously. He had consumed too much energy and spiritual power in the battle with Chengxuanzong monk. If Xu Miao wanted to do something, he would have absolutely no power to resist.

However, Xu Miao just turned her head to look at him, smiled, and mentioned that He Qinggu was willing to cooperate with Yaoxiu to kill Chengxuanzong's side together, and after getting their territory, the two parties would distribute it.

This proposal is already based on the power behind Yaoxiu. If Xu Miao wants to kill him and then blame Cheng Xuanzong, no one will know.Xu Miao did this only to increase the possibility of cooperation between the two forces.

The demon cultivator always felt that Xu Miao's smile was malicious, but the situation was stronger than others. At this time, he still stuck his neck and refused to cooperate. He might end up in the same fate as monk Chengxuanzong.

The demon cultivator turned his eyes, and nodded hurriedly: "It's raining, and the fourth-level raccoon cat is willing to form an alliance with your faction. When I see other companions, I will persuade them."

After receiving Mao Yu's guarantee, Xu Miao put the jade tablet that once belonged to Fuyao Mountain into the stone tower beside it.He Qinggu now owns three sites. Although the quality of spiritual power is not the best, the area is large enough to accommodate more disciples.

Not far away, there was a dazzling light, and the vibration quickly spread to the feet. Xu Miao and Ye Qiguang looked at each other, and then they turned into light and flew towards the origin of the vibration together with the drizzle.

When Xu Miao arrived, the place had already turned into a scuffle.Chengxuanzong's side, Yaoxiu's side, and Yuan Yue and Zhu Jia's side, the three sides fought together.

Among them, the situation on Zhu Jia's side is very pessimistic. Yuan Yue has been injured, and Zhu Jia can only protect Yuan Yue while dealing with the two parties.

Xu Miao did not impulsively join the melee, but together with Mao Yu, they shot separately to stop the two parties and suspend the melee.

The appearance of two people and one monster controlled the fighting scene.After the sound transmission between Mao Yu and his companions, Xu Miao also learned the details of the scuffle from Zhu Jia.

It turns out that the place where everyone gathers is already the place with the best spiritual power in Youling Land. No matter what power it is, they all want to get this place and win for the power behind them.

However, there are more wolves but less meat, and more monks and less porridge. After a disagreement, the three parties began to fight.This also shows from the side that the three parties have not reached an agreement and can only fight on their own.

This gave Xu Miao a chance. With Mao Yu as the middleman, he conveyed He Qinggu's goodwill to the demon cultivator. Xu Miao believed that he could get the demon cultivator's consent.

The three parties temporarily ceased fighting and sat in different positions.Xu Miao took the initiative to walk to Mao Yu's side to ask the demon cultivator's opinion.The leading demon cultivator is Yun Xuebao, whose name is Yun Ke.

Yun Ke said: "If we join hands with He Qinggu, what kind of benefits will our demon cultivators get?"

Xu Miao glanced at Chengxuanzong's side: "Chengxuanzong has five jade plaques, we share two of them, and the last one, the land is divided equally, this is the best area, we and you share equally from the stone pagoda, how about it? "

"Split equally? It seems that your strength cannot be divided equally with ours." Yun Ke grasped Xu Miao's cultivation level and wanted to get more benefits.

"Besides, you have a deep grudge with Cheng Xuanzong, but we don't. If Cheng Xuanzong offers better conditions, we have no reason not to form an alliance with Cheng Xuanzong."

Xu Miao didn't care at all about Yunke's attitude of wanting to sell for a price: "Does Chengxuanzong have that strength? Your Excellency can look at the number of people on Chengxuanzong's side. You should have noticed that there are two people missing."

"I'm not going to tell you the truth, those two people have already died, and we have obtained their jade cards. I only need half of Cheng Xuanzong's remaining three jade cards."

"Also, fellow Taoist Mao Yu must have told you how Chengxuanzong treated you." After speaking, Xu Miao stopped talking, and he had already put all the pros and cons in front of Yun Ke.

If this Yunke is a smart person, then he will make the most sensible choice.

Sure enough, as Xu Miao expected, after discussing with his companions, Yun Ke agreed to form an alliance with Xu Miao.

The alliance has been decided, there is no need to wait any longer, the battle is about to start.Chengxuanzong's strength is only left with two intact fighters, a monk of Chengxuanzong, a casual cultivator, and a wounded casual cultivator.

On Xu Miao's side, apart from the injured Yuan Yue, the dead demon cultivator, and the injured Mao Yu, there were still five intact battle strengths left.

The battle situation was almost one-sided, and Cheng Xuanzong's people were frustrated, and tried to destroy the alliance between He Qinggu and Yaoxiu many times.

Although Yun Ke formed an alliance with He Qinggu, he was still evaluating the strength of the other two parties.Although Chengxuanzong's side has only two intact combat powers left, these two are very powerful, far from being able to compete with ordinary monks.

Xu Miao saw the hesitation in Yun Ke's heart, and said via voice transmission: "Your Excellency must know what Cheng Xuanzong looks like. If you break the contract and turn against the water in the middle, then Cheng Xuanzong will definitely not believe in demon cultivators. Is the alliance still reliable?"

Seeing that Xu Miao was still lobbying Yunke during the battle, the late-stage monk of Chengxuanzong couldn't help scolding him: "Xu Miao, you are a young monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, what qualifications do you have in front of us late-stage big monks?" nonsense!"

"Hehe—who am I? It turns out to be a member of Chengxuanzong. I don't know if you have heard a sentence. Aspirations don't lie in old age, and no aspirations can lead to a hundred years. As long as I have the strength, why bother to stick to my cultivation? grade."

"Still." Xu Miao smiled slyly, "I know that I have been like a hopeless situation, and now I am going to jump the wall?" Xu Miao walked around the battlefield while talking, attacking the monks on Chengxuanzong's side from time to time.

"You!" The man was choked by Xu Miao, and he didn't know what words to refute, but just threw a spell at Xu Miao casually.

Xu Miao hurriedly dodged it sideways: "Look at me, Kong Chang is so old, if I can't talk to others, I will do it. Everyone is a gentleman who speaks but does not move. It seems that you are a villain through and through."

The enraged monk suddenly lost his discipline and acted indiscriminately. Ye Qiguang and Zhu Jia seized the opportunity to attack, and a long wound was drawn on his arm.

At this time, even a pig knew that Xu Miao's non-stop talking was just to provoke others, so he found an opportunity to fight with his own people.

The monk also kept silent and tried to concentrate on fighting, but he wanted to stop, how could Xu Miao do what he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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