Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 121 Occupying Land

Chapter 121 Occupying Land
"Why, don't you talk? There are times when you are speechless? Didn't you just go crazy?" Xu Miao spoke again, but the monk Chengxuanzong was stubborn, no matter how much Xu Miao ridiculed him, he would bear it. down.

The man was a bit arrogant, Xu Miao curled her lips and focused on the previously injured Sanxiu.Xu Miao didn't dare to promote the two late-stage cultivators who were at the peak of their strength.

As for an injured casual cultivator, Xu Miao is still confident that he can contend with it.When the other two were trapped by other people, Xu Miao singled out this person.

"Xu Miao, it's true that the old man is injured, but don't think you can beat me!" The man saw the malicious approach and quickly stopped him.

Ye Qiguang's sword was too powerful, and the injury he caused has not recovered until now, so he couldn't help at the critical moment, and even delayed his retreat.

Therefore, he was also disgusted by his companions. If he was defeated by Xu Miao again, he would go back to face the elders in the alliance without shame, holding the fire pot tightly in his hand, ready to release the flames at any time.

"Why are you so nervous, I just see that it's boring for you to stay by yourself, and help you have fun." Xu Miao continued to close the distance between the two with a smile.

Xu Miao's hands are behind his back, and spiritual power is condensed in his hands. His feet guide the deep underground water flow. With the movement of his feet, the water flow is always under Xu Miao's feet.

"You're so kind?" The hand of the casual cultivator holding the fire pot couldn't help shaking.He knew very well that although Xu Miao's cultivation level was at the early stage of foundation establishment, he was definitely not weaker than any mid-stage monk he had seen.

His current injuries are serious, and his combat power is greatly reduced.Xu Miao has many tricks, so she confronts her rashly, fearing that it will be bad for her.Taking advantage of the distance between the two of them about ten steps away, the casual cultivator turned his head and turned into a ray of light and left.

Xu Miao was stunned for a moment. He could see the other party's nervousness, but he didn't expect that a late stage monk would be defeated without a fight against himself, an early stage monk, and fled directly.

In fact, Xu Miao just wanted to trap that casual cultivator, lest he play any tricks and cause trouble to the siege on the other side, but he didn't expect that the man was so timid that he didn't dare to fight.

The fact that the monk has been able to live safely as a casual cultivator until now is inextricably linked to his conservative character.He will not make a move without a full chance of winning, but he will give up without hesitation if there is a slight danger.

The two monks from Cheng Xuanzong's side also noticed their companions running away, and they couldn't help showing contemptuous expressions on their faces.

However, the expressions on their faces soon became unmaintainable. Being besieged by several people, it was difficult for geniuses to break out, let alone them.

Chengxuanzong's people are obviously already in a weak position, as long as the pressure is applied again, I don't believe they will fight to the death.Xu Miao made up her mind and said loudly: "That fellow Taoist from the Loose Cultivation Alliance, as long as you kill Cheng Xuanzong's person now, I can keep you a jade token."

"Otherwise—" Xu Miao didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning was already obvious, and the other party had no other choice.

Loose cultivators have not been influenced by sect divisions, they will not have any sense of belonging and loyalty, whether it is cooperation or attachment, it is just based on the situation.

Everyone on the field stopped for a while, and Yun Ke was the first to send a voice transmission to Xu Miao, asking him why he broke the agreement between the two parties.

Xu Miao replied unhurriedly: "The Sanxiu Alliance is not like a sect. Their people are all over the place, and their influence is not limited to this place. It is beneficial and harmless to make friends with them."

Then the topic changed: "Cheng Xuanzong's people have such little influence, and if there are more people with more mouths, it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible."

Under Xu Miao's explanation, Yun Ke quickly understood his intention.However, it is one thing to understand, but as a fourth-level monster, being led by the nose by a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, he doesn't feel very good.

Even so, he had to admit that human beings were born with much more resourcefulness than other creatures.Even the monk with the lowest level of cultivation here, his resourcefulness is like an old monster that has lived for hundreds of years.

Yun Ke had heard of the grievances between Xu Miao and Cheng Xuanzong before, but it was the first time Yun Ke had seen such a straightforward attack on Cheng Xuanzong.

What Xu Miao used was all conspiracy, not like those conspiracies.It's equivalent to telling everyone that I did this, and you can object if you have the ability.

It's a pity that not only Yun Ke, a level [-] monster, but everyone present were included in Xu Miao's calculations.Suddenly, he remembered a saying of human beings - in the midst of strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away.

Xu Miao did not participate in the battle, but played a vital role in this battle.He can be sure that the name Xu Miao will become famous in the West, and even the whole continent in a short time.

Seeing that Yunke didn't object, several demon cultivators couldn't express their objection.Naturally, Ye Qiguang would not refute Xu Miao's idea, and now only look at the reaction of the casual cultivator.

Could that casual cultivator fail to see Xu Miao's plan?Of course not, he saw very clearly that Xu Miao's goal was to completely break the alliance between Sanxiu Alliance and Chengxuanzong.

However, in such a situation, does he have a second choice?No, he raised the magic weapon in his hand to the monks of Chengxuanzong.

The monk of Chengxuanzong was extremely anxious: "Friend Kong Daoist, we have formed an alliance and made an agreement. If you behave like this, aren't you afraid of being retaliated by Chengxuanzong after you go out?"

First, he threatened again, and then he gave a lot of money: "As long as Kong Daoyou can cooperate with you, after you go out, I will definitely report to Elder Jindan and invite you to become the elder of the Keqing sent by me. In the future, you will have endless cultivation opportunities." resource."

When Xu Miao heard this, she was just leisurely watching the show with her chest in her arms, and she was not in a hurry. He knew that this casual cultivator would choose the most correct decision.

The monk surnamed Kong lowered his head, as if he was thinking about the conditions proposed by the monk Chengxuanzong, and there was a glimmer of hope on the monk Chengxuanzong's face.

However, his hope will never come true.When he was not paying attention, the monk surnamed Kong scratched his dantian with his hand, and after a successful blow, he retreated to the side and remained silent.

The monk surnamed Kong fell silent, but Xu Miao couldn't keep silent.As the single-handed creator of this situation, Xu Miao now needs to come forward to solve the mess.

"Friend Daoist Kong, you and another companion are looking for a suitable place to place the jade token. With the wisdom of Fellow Daoist Kong, you should know what I mean when I say appropriate?" Xu Miao looked at the man with a smile on her lips. .

The monk surnamed Kong nodded, then turned into a ray of light and walked away from this place.The next step is the distribution of the remaining sites. Xu Miao automatically gave up one site and divided the best site with Yaoxiu equally.

He Qinggu occupies one of the poorer quality, two of the better quality, and half of the best quality Youlingdi, adding up to three and a half.Although he lost a territory, he gained the trust and alliance of Yaoxiu.

This deal is really a bargain.After all the sites were allocated, several people left Youlingdi and returned to their respective camps.

Before Xu Miao left, she was stopped by Yun Ke: "You Daoist Xu is young and promising, and the future is bound to be limitless. I hope that if something happens in the future, Fellow Daoist Xu will still think of me as a demon cultivator."

It turned out that he wanted to continue to cooperate, and there was no reason to refuse the cooperation that came to his door. Xu Miao nodded happily, and followed Ye Qiguang back to the sect's residence.

Ye Qiguang had already informed the sect of the result of the possession of Youling Land in advance, and when he returned to the sect, he saw the expressions of excitement on the faces of all the disciples.

In the previous battle for the Unseen Land, due to the injuries of the most powerful people, He Qinggu did not get a possession right, which made all the disciples extremely frustrated.

With Xu Miao's return, not only was he able to obtain an additional quota of possession for the sect in the struggle for possession, but he also used tactics to finally obtain three and a half sites, enough for monks in the sect to use.

For the disciples in the sect, this is tantamount to shocking news.In terms of sect power relations, besides suppressing Cheng Xuanzong, Xu Miao also joined forces with the Yaoxiu and Sanxiu alliances to form an alliance.

With this method, this strategy, and this strength, Xu Miao has become the No. 1 of this generation in the hearts of all disciples, and no one has any objections.

Zhou Ruxiang has already begun to arrange for his disciples to enter Youling Land, three and a half sites, making them the biggest winners, and giving Zhou Ruxiang more space to play.

These are not issues that Xu Miao needs to consider. He has a more serious issue to appreciate.Xu Miao sat in his temporary cave, displaying all the intact magic weapons one by one.

He didn't have many magic weapons in the first place, but after so many encounters and catastrophes, Xu Miao's magic weapons became even fewer.Speaking of this, Xu Miao was very depressed.

Since the auction in Xici Town, Xu Miao has only obtained a few usable magic weapons, and the other magic weapons obtained cannot be used in front of people.

As for the rest of the time, most of the encounters were monks or monsters whose cultivation base was much higher than his, and they could only resist with magic weapons, which greatly increased the loss of magic weapons.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Xiangzhu was also damaged in Youling Land just now, almost none of the defensive magic weapons are suitable for him, and only the Huaying Sword is suitable for him as an offensive magic weapon.

With the increase of his cultivation base, Huaying Sword gradually couldn't keep up with his spiritual strength.When fighting with others, Xu Miao could clearly feel the strength that Huayingjian could not fully display.

It is urgent to find a new and more powerful magic weapon.When a monk reaches the foundation building stage, he will generate pill fire in his dantian. The power of this pill fire is closely related to the monk's strength.

At this stage, the foundation-building cultivator will also start to refine his own natal magic weapon through the pill fire.

The natal magic weapon is an important magic weapon that every monk needs. When the magic weapon is at the same level, the natal magic weapon has stronger power and is easier for the monk to manipulate.

The natal magic weapon is different from other magic weapons, it can be continuously advanced.

(End of this chapter)

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