Chapter 122
As monks add other materials later, the magic weapon can continue to increase in level.Therefore, the natal magic weapon is the most important magic weapon in a monk's life. Some people would rather not use the natal magic weapon for the time being than rush to refine it.

Xu Miao had been busy with other things before, ignoring her talisman.

He didn't have a specific concept of the natal magic weapon in his mind, but there was an original idea that the magic weapon should be a sword.Xu Miao didn't know what kind of sword it was and what material it was made of.

But who is Xu Miao, he has a master, he doesn't know, how can Ye Qiguang not know, after Xu Miao waved away the magic weapon, he went to Ye Qiguang's cave.

Ye Qiguang had anticipated Xu Miao's question, so he took out a very old bamboo slip and handed it to Xu Miao.The moment Xu Miao saw the bamboo slips, she had the illusion of returning to the mortal world.

In the world of comprehension, jade slips are generally used to record the required content, and more generally, the content will also be recorded on paper.And this bamboo slip, it's not that Xu Miao wants to complain, it's too old and broken.

The bamboo slips that were supposed to be green were glowing a dark yellow, and most of the strings binding the bamboo pieces were broken, and they were held loosely in the hand.

Xu Miao was afraid that a strong force would destroy the bamboo slips, and carefully spread the bamboo slips on the stone table aside.

The ink on the bamboo slips has almost faded, and it is impossible to see clearly if you don't carefully identify them.In addition, the characters on the bamboo slips are not the characters used in this era, but a very ancient one.

Xu Miao has only seen this kind of writing a few times when introducing the history of the cultivation world.The entire bamboo slips, from characters to styles, all show an ancient taste.

Condensing mist sword, these three characters are written on the far right of the bamboo slips.There is no introduction to this sword, and the bamboo slips only record the refining materials for the Ningwu Sword.

There are a lot of materials needed, some of which Xu Miao has never even heard of.

Ye Qiguang didn't make a sound, and Xu Miao thought about it quietly. How powerful this sword is, and whether it can be successfully refined are all issues that Xu Miao needs to think about.

There can only be one talisman. If you choose the Mist Condensing Sword, then Xu Miao will have no spare energy to find the refining materials for the second magic weapon.

Xu Miao was still not in a hurry to make a decision on dealing with the talisman. He wanted to know if there was any other choice.After Xu Miao asked, Ye Qiguang took out the other two jade slips.

Xu Miao stuck the jade slips on her forehead, soaking in her spiritual consciousness.One of the jade slips is also a sword, which records the water-attributed Bingxiao Sword.The Frozen Sword attacks the opponent with absolute freezing power.

The Bingxiao Sword can increase the spiritual power of the sword holder, condense water into ice, and use the sword as a medium to exert the strongest attack.The Ice Sword also has a defensive function, which can instantly form an ice shield to resist incoming attacks.

It can be attacked and defended, this ice sword is indeed very suitable for the current Xu Miao, who lacks a suitable defensive magic weapon, if he refines the ice sword, he can kill two birds with one stone.

The second jade slip is a chain sword of the wind attribute. It has the same magic weapon and two shapes, which can be used for long-distance attack or close-up attack.Whether it is the shape of the sword or the state of the chain is completely up to the monk to decide.

The chain sword can maximize the power of the wind attribute, and when the chain is stretched, it can form a wind array, control the opponent in it, and finally kill it.

Both magic weapons are very suitable for Xu Miao's wishes, and they are also very suitable for Xu Miao's situation.For Xu Miao, Ye Qiguang really took a lot of thought to find such a suitable magic weapon for Xu Miao.

Xu Miao put down the two jade slips and unfolded the bamboo slips again.There is no introduction to the specific effect and power of the Ningwu Sword, which is the most troublesome point for Xu Miao.

According to the various materials recorded on the bamboo slips, as far as Xu Miao knows, this fog-condensing sword should have both wind and water attributes, but this is just Xu Miao's speculation.

Among them were materials that he didn't recognize, and he couldn't completely determine the properties of the Mist Condensing Sword.

Ye Qiguang was worried about the same thing as Xu Miao. Even as Xu Miao's master, he couldn't make decisions for Xu Miao.He suggested that Xu Miao take both the jade slips and bamboo slips back so that he could think about it.

After considering all the pros and cons, decide which one to choose as your talisman.

Xu Miao returned to the residence with the refining methods of the three magic weapons, called Xiaotian immediately, and handed the old and dilapidated bamboo slips to Xiaotian.

Xiaotian took it with a puzzled look, and read it all the way, as if he was recalling something: "I heard the previous owner mention this fog-condensing sword, it seems to be a refining method invented by a demon cultivator."

"Demon cultivators can refine magic weapons? Don't they all believe in their bodies the most?" Xu Miao asked curiously.

"The Taoist partner of this demon cultivator is a human being, but humans and monsters have different paths. One human and one demon, including their children, are hunted down by both sides. In order to protect his descendants, he came up with the idea of ​​refining the fog-condensing sword."

"How powerful is the Mist Sword?" Xu Miao is not interested in the origin of the Mist Sword. He pays more attention to the power of the magic weapon. No matter how miserable the story is, he has nothing to do with it.

Xiaotian shook his head: "I only know that this demon cultivator is a ninth-level great demon cultivator. Since it is the refining method he came up with, it shouldn't be weak."

A ninth-level demon cultivator is already equivalent to a monk in the stage of human transformation into a god.According to Xiaotian, this demon cultivator is to protect his descendants, so this magic weapon must be strong but not weak.

The power can be determined, and the only thing that Xu Miao needs to embarrass is the material.Could it be that the magic weapon directly created by the ninth-level demon cultivator could not be refined by himself.

Xu Miao looked at the bamboo slips again, and Xiaotian also came over and pointed at one of the materials: "This is the rib of the ninth-level demon cultivator, which is the main material of the Mist Sword. If there is no rib, the Mist Sword cannot be refined at all." system."

Sure enough, Xu Miao knew that the magic weapon refined by the ninth-level demon cultivator for his descendants could be something that a little foundation-building cultivator like himself could try to refine.

At this time, Xu Miao just wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood to relieve the depression in her heart.

The Ningwu Sword could not be refined, so Xu Miao shifted his target to the Bingxiao Sword and Changfeng Chain Sword.Although the long wind chain sword can send out wind gusts to trap the opponent in battle, Xu Miao can do it in other ways.

As for the Bingxiao Sword, it can advance, attack, retreat, or defend, and it can also strengthen the power of spiritual power again.After a comprehensive comparison, Xu Miao still chooses the Bingxiao Sword as her talisman.

He took a last look at the ancient scroll of bamboo slips, sighed, and put it into the storage bag, ready to return it to Ye Qiguang.

Xu Miao was about to go out, but was stopped by Xiaotian: "Why didn't you choose the Fog Condensing Sword?"

"Is that something people can choose? Even if you kill me, I won't be able to get the ribs of a ninth-level demon cultivator, let alone those strange raw materials."

Xiaotian looked at Xu Miao with a helpless expression, but suddenly smiled triumphantly: "I know where that rib is?"

Xu Miao's figure froze instantly, as if she didn't hear Xiaotian's words clearly, until Xiaotian repeated it again, Xu Miao's expression became ecstatic, from disappointment to surprise, this kind of psychological gap is really not something ordinary people would experience .

With the main material, as long as you search hard for other materials, you may really be able to successfully refine the Mist Sword.If you really can't get other materials, go to another refining master and try to add other materials to make changes.

Xu Miao didn't hesitate any longer, and quickly settled on her natal magic weapon.

The fog-condensing sword, who else can give it up.

Xu Miao returned the remaining two jade slips to Ye Qiguang, and also told Ye Qiguang that he would refine the Fog Condensing Sword.

The refining materials of Ningwu Sword are too high-end and rare, and there is only one raw material in He Qinggu's entire sect.Ye Qiguang got the only raw material from Zhou Ruxiang - meteorite silver.

Xu Miao solemnly put the meteorite silver block into the Huntian Stone, then bid farewell to Ye Qiguang, and went to find the refining materials for the Ningwu Sword.

After being silent for a while, Ye Qiguang handed Xu Miao a storage bag, and after telling Xu Miao to be careful, he waved his hand to signal Xu Miao to leave on his own.

Xu Miao opened the storage bag, and there was a jade slip in it, which recorded the map of the western land after the heaven and earth changed, and the distribution range of various forces.

At the same time, there are two bottles of Peiyuan Dan, three hundred middle-grade spirit stones, and a low-grade defensive spiritual weapon imitating a Qi shield.

Xu Miao looked at everything in the storage bag and felt the master's concern for him.After the world changed, even sects couldn't come up with so many things at once.

Xu Miao reckoned that what Ye Qiguang handed over to him was about to wipe out his entire family.He took a last look at Ye Qiguang's closed cave, and followed Xiaotian's instructions, and went first to the place where Yaoxiu's ribs were.

Xu Miao turned into a ray of light and flew towards a place far away from humans and monsters.

Flying and flying, Xu Miao found something was wrong, the place he passed by was completely different from the location Xiaotian mentioned.Xu Miao quickly stopped flying, landed on a mountain peak, and looked around.

"Xiaotian, did you remember the location wrong? It doesn't feel right."

Xiaotian appeared in response, looking around at the surrounding environment, her beautiful eyebrows frowned: "There is the burial place of the ninth-level monster, and it has been hidden very deeply. After all, so many years have passed, the sea has changed, and time has changed. Too many things."

"I can only tell you the general route according to my memory. As for whether I can find it, I'm not sure." Xiaotian's tone was deeply uncertain.

Having reached this point, there is no need to turn around and go back, we can only continue to move forward.In order to ensure safety, Xu Miao has to stop to absorb spiritual energy every time he flies, so as to ensure that the spiritual energy can always be maintained in a sufficient state.

Xu Miao did not calculate the time carefully, but it can be roughly estimated that it has been flying for more than two years.

The jade slip of the map that Ye Qiguang handed over to Xu Miao only showed the locations of major forces and sects. There were no monks actively exploring other places, so there were no records.

Without the guidance of the map, and Xiaotian's memory is too vague, Xu Miao can only fly forward by feeling.

Fortunately, Xu Miao finally found a location that Xiaotian mentioned.A strange mountain, the whole mountain is like a pen, straight into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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