Chapter 123

However, this mountain seems to have been split in the middle by someone, and the average is as if it was deliberately done.This mountain peak was not far from the burial place of the ninth-level great demon cultivator. Xu Miao flew for a few more days before landing on a flat ground.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Xu Miao found that the aura was extremely heterogeneous and low-quality, and even spiritual things did not grow here, so she couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of what Xiaotian said.

From birth, growth, to final death, monsters will absorb a large amount of aura from heaven and earth for their cultivation and advancement.Therefore, their bodies and bones will contain powerful spiritual power, and the place where the bones are buried will also be surrounded by spiritual power.

The spiritual power in the body of the ninth-level big demon cultivator is even stronger. His bones after death must contain rich spiritual power, and it will not be as desolate as Xu Miao's standing position, without fluctuations in spiritual power.

Xiaotian appeared from the Hunting Stone, and after observing the surrounding area for a week, he looked frustrated: "It's because I am too confident, too much time has passed, even if there is no change in the world, a ninth-level demon cultivator The bones must have been snatched away by others."

Having said that, Xiaotian still did not give up and released all the spirit beasts in the Huntian Stone, and ordered them to look for traces of the monsters.

When the spirit beasts returned without success one after another, Xu Miao finally gave up the idea of ​​refining the fog-condensing sword.

It is impossible not to be disappointed that the burial place of the ninth-level great demon cultivator was not found.However, Xu Miao was determined and quickly adjusted.

The Ningwu Sword cannot be refined, so go to refine the Bingxiao Sword. Trees move to death, people move to live, how can a living person be suffocated to death by urine.Fortunately, I had the foresight to print a rubbing copy of the jade slip recording the refining of the Bingxiao Sword in advance.

After Xu Miao adjusted her spiritual power for a while, she was ready to retrieve the silver mouse that hadn't come back and go to another place.

But the Silver Light Mouse suddenly ran towards Xu Miao from a distance, bit Xu Miao's clothes corner, and dragged him to another direction.

What's the situation, did you really find something?Xu Miao looked at the silver light mouse with surprise.

Since the Soulhunting Stone can generate spiritual power by itself, the Silver Light Mouse has become a second-level monster.Xu Miao was surprised when she first learned that the Silver Light Mouse could advance so quickly.

Could it be that after advancing to the second level, new skill points were lit up?Level [-] monsters can't directly communicate with human beings with their spiritual consciousness, so they can only roughly answer Xu Miao's questions with body movements.

"Have you found any clues to the Boneyard of the Ninth-Level Great Demon?" The Silver Light Mouse looked at Xu Miao blankly, then shook his head.

Perhaps the Silver Light Mouse discovered other interesting things. Anyway, he was idle, so he might as well go and have a look.

Xu Miao obediently followed the guidance of the Silver Light Mouse and walked forward.Thinking that there was no danger in the surrounding environment, Xu Miao also released the other spirit beasts with confidence and wandered around together.

The Silver Light Mouse took Xu Miao to a mountain depression by turning eastward and westward. Xu Miao stopped before the entrance of the mountain depression.

There is a situation in the mountain depression. This mountain depression is like a secret realm of Daoyi, and the spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate it at all.Looking from the direction where Xu Miao was standing, he felt that the inside was peaceful, but such tranquility was too weird.

It's not that Xu Miao thinks too much, but that he has encountered too many such things.If you are not careful, ten lives will be lost.

Xu Miao pressed the silver light mouse: "Xiaohui, have you been inside?" The silver light mouse nodded.

"Is there anything in it that threatens your life?" Silver Light Mouse shook his head.

Xu Miao let go of the Silver Light Mouse and looked towards the col with a solemn expression.This is an unknown danger, if possible, Xu Miao does not want to step into it.

However, the Silver Light Mouse clearly showed interest in the interior of the col, and it was really unreasonable not to go in and take a look.

Xu Miao asked the little white tiger if he felt threatened, and he also got a negative answer.If the perception of the silver light mouse is not clear and it will cause illusions, then the white tiger, one of the divine beasts, will definitely not have illusions.

Xu Miao made up her mind, sent the other spirit beasts back to Huntian, hugged the Silver Mouse in her arms, and stepped into the col.

As soon as he entered the col, Xu Miao saw the scene in front of him change.It was originally an ordinary mountain col, but it made Xu Miao feel like he was in a battlefield in an instant.

The surrounding creatures, whether they are humans, monsters, or other creatures, are all fighting each other.

One moment, everyone was still sitting around the fire, and the next moment, everyone drew out their weapons, slashing and wailing desperately.

Looking up, the whole world is caught in the flames of war.Countless people fell to the ground, dying with regret.The sad expressions of relatives and friends around them are deeply imprinted in Xu Miao's mind.

Xu Miao had killed people and demons before, but she had never experienced such a brutal fight. Her ears were filled with shouts, cursing, and wailing.

Xu Miao is like a passerby, wandering in the battlefield, no one will notice him, and no one will attack him.

A cub was leaning against an adult monster, crying sadly and sharply.Xu Miao wanted to reach out to hug him, but the moment she stretched out her hand, she saw the cub being killed by a human sword through the heart.

The human monk looked for another target with indifference.The same thing happened not only to monsters, but also to humans.

People kill, people kill demons, demons kill demons, demons kill, there is no reason, no grievances, only fighting spirit in their eyes.

Xu Miao didn't know what happened or why it happened.The scene in front of me is like the end of the world, all creatures are addicted to fighting, but they don't know what they are fighting for.

A sad and heavy sigh appeared, but the people on the battlefield didn't seem to hear it, only Xu Miao heard the distant sigh, weeping like complaining.

He wanted to go up to the person who was sighing, and wanted to ask him why such a hell on earth happened.All living beings, although they are of different races, all grow through the heaven and the earth, and He Bi broke out such a war.

The scene around him changed, and Xu Miao was sitting under a giant tree. Several people appeared at the same time. To be precise, they were demon cultivators, human cultivators, and spiritual cultivators.

They sat together, everyone's complexion was bad, and they were talking in a low voice, but Xu Miao could only see their lips moving, but couldn't hear their words clearly.

A ray of light flashed, and what they were talking about instantly appeared in Xu Miao's ears.

"The change of the heaven and the earth is to cut off our cultivation world!"

"The various races continue to fight endlessly, and there is no way to stop them. What is the problem?"

"Heaven won't allow me to wait, maybe we offended Gao Tian's god."

"Why would the gods let us kill each other?"

"Let's get out of here, let's flee to other places?"

"Flee? Where do you flee? Where can I find shelter? Such meaningless battles are happening everywhere."

The voice of the voice gradually decreased until nothing could be heard.The scene changed again, Xu Miao was standing next to an altar.

This altar, Xu Miao remembers it very clearly, is exactly the same as the altar at the bottom of the Rift Valley Secret Realm.But the content described on the altar mural is completely different from what Xu Miao saw today.

Which one is true and which one is false, or both are true, or both are false.

There were not many people under the altar, and Xu Miao couldn't see their cultivation level, so he could only guess that they were not low.

Everyone knelt down to the altar and begged the gods enshrined on the altar.

No one could see Xu Miao. Xu Miao walked up to the altar. There was a table in the center of the altar. There was only one incense burner with three sticks of incense on it.

"The gods won't come, the gods have abandoned us." A voice came from the kneeling crowd. Xu Miao looked up and saw that it was a demon cultivator. Xu Miao had seen him among the group of people who were discussing.

The race abandoned by the gods can only go to perish in the end.Xu Miao was placed in a piece of yellow sand, and the wind and sand blew across the sky, revealing the bones covered by the yellow sand, telling what happened to them.

Another gust of wind swept past, and Xu Miao had to close her eyes.The wind gradually subsided, and when he opened his eyes again, the illusions around him had disappeared, and the scene of the mountain col appeared in front of his eyes.

He frowned, wondering if what he experienced just now happened for real, or was it just created here for some reason to confuse people.

No one could answer Xu Miao's question, and the surrounding environment was extremely desolate.Xu Miao hugged the Silver Mouse tightly in her arms, and followed his guidance to the depths of the mountain depression.

A hole that is easily overlooked appeared in front of Xu Miao's eyes. If the Silver Light Mouse hadn't pointed it out, Xu Miao would never have discovered this hole.

Xiaotian's voice suddenly came to mind: "This cave entrance, I remembered! The entrance to the Boneyard of the ninth-level demon cultivator is such a very inconspicuous entrance."

Xu Miao pushed aside the weeds growing beside the entrance of the cave, and as soon as she poked her body in, she felt a powerful demonic aura.Perhaps this is the evil spirit of the ninth-level great demon cultivator. After countless years of changes, things have changed, and only the evil spirit remains.

Passing through the entrance of the cave, all Xu Miao saw was a mess.Not to mention the corpses of the ninth-level monsters, there are so many corpses that they can almost pile up into a hill.

Judging from the age of the bones, the latest one was tens of thousands of years old.As for the older ones, Xu Miao couldn't calculate the time either.

Since there is such a large evil spirit here, why did no one else enter this place again for tens of thousands of years before this.

Even if those emerging sects don't know the situation here, it is impossible for those sects with deep foundation and long history not to know the situation here, what makes them give up the items here.

Human monks didn't come in, so why didn't monsters come in.Such a strong and strong demonic energy is most suitable for the cultivation of monsters.Or, there are other reasons.

Xu Miao's eyes were set on the mountain of bones again. So many bones... Is it because of the illusions he had when he came in?

(End of this chapter)

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