Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 124 Authentic

Chapter 124 Authentic
It was those illusions that bewitched people's hearts and made them fall into a fight, which finally created such a mountain of bones?This is still an unanswered question.

The Silver Light Mouse in his arms struggled to jump to the ground, Xu Miao let go of his hand and let the Silver Light Mouse go to find things he was interested in.

Not knowing if the bones of the ninth-level great demon cultivator would be under this mountain of bones, Xu Miao picked at random and gave up the idea.

I don't know if this mountain of corpses is due to the passage of time, or because of the resentment they carried when they died. As soon as Xu Miao's hands touched the bones, she felt horrified and her mind was unsteady.

If Xu Miao insisted on moving the mountain of bones away, he could be sure that his mind would eventually get lost in the mountain of bones and never regain his sobriety.

But the Silver Light Mouse didn't seem to be affected by the resentment on the bones, no matter how much he writhed, it didn't have any effect.But the other spirit beasts, including the little white tiger, couldn't get close to the bone mountain.

If it is an adult beast, the blood of the beast in the body can suppress this evil spirit.But the little white tiger is only a child, and no amount of divine beast talent can manifest in him.

As for Xiaotian, Qi Ling is more susceptible to the influence of evil spirits, let alone Xiaotian whose condition has not recovered.

Xu Miao sat on the other side away from the bone mountain, recalling everything that happened in the illusion just now, but was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a boulder moving.

Xu Miao quickly stood up vigilantly, the place where the sound was made seemed to be in the middle of the bone mountain.

After the sound dissipated in the air, the height of the mountain of bones dropped rapidly, as if a big hole appeared out of thin air under the mountain of bones, and the bones fell down one after another.

The height of the mountain of corpses did not change anymore. Xu Miao flew into the air and looked at a bottomless tunnel in the middle of the mountain of corpses.I don't know where this tunnel leads. The bones that were reduced just now must have fallen down along this tunnel.

Xu Miao poked out her spiritual consciousness, and this time her spiritual consciousness was not hindered, so she could penetrate it smoothly.But until Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness reached the farthest point, he did not reach the end of the tunnel.

The Silver Light Mouse jumped directly into the tunnel without waiting for Xu Miao to decide whether to enter or not.In desperation, Xu Miao could only follow closely behind and enter the tunnel.

There is no evil spirit near the corpse mountain in the tunnel, but there is always a strong evil spirit lingering around.A place with too much evil spirit is not suitable for human monks to stay for a long time. Xu Miao held the sword in his right hand, lit the flame with his left hand, and quickened his pace.

With the light of the flame, Xu Miao looked at the situation of the tunnel while walking.The walls of this tunnel are smooth and flat, without any joints. It is very likely that the demon cultivator directly blasted a complete tunnel with his magic power.

There were still black marks on the wall, Xu Miao leaned forward and could smell a faint smell of blood.There must have been fierce battles in this tunnel before, so that this bloody smell still exists.

At the end of the tunnel is a circular room with several roads extending out from the room.What surprised Xu Miao the most was where did the bones that fell into the tunnel go, and why they didn't see them all the way.

There are three roads in total. After Xu Miao felt the path that the Silver Light Mouse was walking on, she also walked towards that road.

Xu Miao obviously felt a stronger and stronger evil spirit, but when passing a certain section of the road, the evil spirit suddenly disappeared, and there was nothing left, only a strong aura.

In addition, the quality of this aura seems to be the best aura site in Youlingdi, and it is already comparable to the aura before the heaven and earth mutation.

At the end of this road is an ancient bronze door.The Silver Light Mouse stood outside the bronze door, squeaking repeatedly, looking at Xu Miao for a while, and the bronze door for a while.

Xu Miao tried to push the door hard. I don't know if there is a mechanism installed, or too long time has passed. There is something wrong with the mechanism of the bronze door, and it cannot be pushed open no matter what.

After confirming that there was no trace of the magic circle on the bronze door, Xu Miao picked up the Silver Light Mouse, poured spiritual power into the Thousand Hammer, and knocked hard on the door.

The bronze door was hit hard, sending out a strong shock, and dust fell from the ceiling connected to the bronze door.The bronze door itself did not respond, nor did it show signs of opening.

The blow just now contained [-]% of Xu Miao's power, so it couldn't affect the bronze door, so Xu Miao could only use other methods.

Instead of a smooth side, this bronze door has relief carvings on it.The relief is very complicated, and it looks like a dog with huge fangs from a distance.

Xu Miao put her hand on the bronze door, trying to find relevant organs on it.However, he has touched the bronze door up and down, left and right, and found nothing abnormal.

This bronze door has no spiritual power flow, and there is no trace of formation. Could it be that at that time, the demon cultivator opened this door by pushing it open with brute force?
Or the agency is in another place, but I didn't find it along the way.Impossible, there is no restriction of spiritual consciousness here, Xu Miao has spread his spiritual consciousness all the way, if there is a mechanism, it is impossible not to notice it.

It can only be explained that the mechanism to open this bronze door is on the other two roads.Regardless of Silver Light Mouse's objection, Xu Miao sent Silver Light back to Huntian Stone, marked it, and walked to another path.

As soon as he set foot on this road, a powerful demon power rushed to his face again.Even after so many years, the monster power of the ninth-level great demon cultivator is still so powerful.

Xu Miao was almost struggling, he could only temporarily transform into a light shield, so as to slightly relieve the suppression of the evil spirit on him.

When Xu Miao's consciousness reached a certain place, she suddenly felt a sharp pain like a needle prick, which made Xu Miao withdraw her consciousness in an instant.

There was no difference in the scene he saw with his spiritual sense just now, how could he be attacked suddenly, and even his spiritual sense was almost swallowed up.

With this dangerous experience, Xu Miao didn't dare to spread his consciousness too far when he was walking, and always controlled it within a three-foot range.

The road under his feet suddenly sank, and Xu Miao hurriedly withdrew his feet and retreated. Just after walking behind, the smooth and problem-free road collapsed in an instant.

Xu Miao stepped on the sinking road with both feet, borrowed her strength, and hung on the top of the stone wall.All the roads collapsed like a chain reaction. Xu Miao probed to see that the depth was bottomless. She carefully explored with her spiritual consciousness, but she didn't reach the end even to the farthest point of her spiritual consciousness.

It's better to finish the road first. Xu Miao imitated the crawling method of the gecko, relying on spiritual power to stick his limbs to the top, and crawled slowly to the end of the road.

Another door, but this time a door made of boulders.Xu Miao pushed hard, and with a creak, the stone door opened, and a stone room appeared in front of Xu Miao.

Xu Miao shot a ball of spiritual power towards the ground of the stone room to test the firmness of the ground of the stone room.After confirming that there was no problem, Xu Miao turned over and jumped into the stone room.

No one entered the stone room for a long time, and all the furnishings were covered with a thick layer of dust.There is a stone cabinet on the far left, a stone table in the middle, and a stone bed on the right.

It couldn't be simpler, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the cave of a ninth-level demon cultivator.There should have been a lot of items on the stone cabinet, but after all, it could not withstand the passage of time. When Xu Miao touched those items, they turned into floats and floated in the air.

All Xu Miao was left with was a cough that couldn't stop. There was so much dust that he couldn't hold it back.

The things on the stone cabinet were useless, so Xu Miao turned to look at the stone table.The stone table was also covered by a layer of dust, Xu Miao raised her sleeves, and the true face of the stone table was revealed in front of Xu Miao.

There are densely packed small characters engraved on the stone table. Xu Miao looked at it intently, but found that she couldn't understand the characters.It shouldn't be, if this is the burial place of a ninth-level demon cultivator, his writing should be the same as the writing on the bamboo slips.

There is no reason why I can't understand it, or that I found the wrong place, Xiaotian's news is fundamentally wrong, this is not the burial place of the monster who wrote down the refining method of the Mist Condensing Sword.

Even Xiaotian, who has gone through many things and learned many languages, was confused when he saw the words on the stone table and could not answer Xu Miao.

Xu Miao had no choice but to copy the entire text and rubbing it into the jade slips.In the future, I will go to the Yaozu and ask the Yaoxiu if he knows anything.

Speaking of demon cultivators, Xu Miao, with a glimmer of hope, released a few little guys from the Huntian Stone to let them recognize the writing on the stone table.

But, after all, they are just the most ordinary little monsters, how could they know the characters of the big monster so many years ago, Xu Miao can only be selfish, and wants to try his luck on the last road.

But the little white tiger didn't move its paws. He tilted his head and looked at the words on the stone table seriously.

"Xiaobai, can you recognize these words?" There was a glimmer of hope in Xu Miao's voice.

The little white tiger shook his head, his eyes were a little confused, and he seemed to be recalling: "I feel that I have seen these words before, but I can't explain them word by word."

"I can only sense what he's saying."

It was a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect that the beast would know this kind of writing.

Xiaobai briefly explained the central content of the text to Xu Miao. The person who left this text was a dog demon. This dog demon fell in love with a human being. Then something happened. The human being died, and the dog demon did not want to live anymore, so They all stayed here.

It's really simple enough, Xu Miao secretly slandered, isn't this the same reason that Xiaotian told him about the nine-level monster cultivating the Fog Condensing Sword.

"Is there any mention of the Fog Condensing Sword here? Or where is his body?" Xu Miao just wanted to know about the Fog Condensing Sword.

"There is no mention of the Mist Condensing Sword, nor the corpse, only that the two of them will never be separated again."

Will never be separated again, does it mean that they died in the same place? As long as the human body can be found, the dog demon's body will definitely be found.The bronze door carved with the shape of a giant dog, behind the door is likely to be their corpses.

Thinking of this, Xu Miao's heart is burning, as long as the door can be opened.Xu Miao started looking for mechanisms in this dusty room, trying to open the door.

(End of this chapter)

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