Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 125 Demon Cultivator Appears

Chapter 125 Demon Cultivator Appears
Xu Miao searched around, up and down, but found nothing special. Perhaps this place was just used by the ninth-level demon to tell his story.

From this point of view, the ninth-level demon is quite boring, like a sentimental scholar who has to write down his past love and hatred.Xu Miao complained in her heart, but the stone door suddenly closed by itself.

not good!Xu Miao walked a few steps quickly and came to the door, but found that the stone door could no longer be opened.Xu Miao's face became very ugly, but she didn't realize that it was a trap.

Holding the Thousand Hammer Hammer in his hand, all the spiritual power was transported into it, and when he swung it vigorously, Xu Miao felt that the vibration was infinitely magnified in this closed room, but there was no change in the Shimen.

Xu Miao took out the blood drinking knife again, trying to find an opportunity to open the door in the gap between the stone door and the wall.The blood-drinking knife got stuck in the crack of the door, the back of the knife was turned over, and the right hand hit the stone door, but there was still no sign of the stone door opening.

Unable to find a way to leave from the stone gate, Xu Miao was about to look at the stone room again, only to find that there was a spiritual power fluctuation on the stone table, and powerful demonic power overflowed from it.

The image of a middle-aged handsome man appeared above the stone table. He seemed to have just woken up and rubbed his eyes.The eyes of this person and Xu Miao met, the person didn't respond, but Xu Miao felt like a lightning strike.

This person, he recognized, was in the illusion he experienced after entering the mountain col.If Xu Miao guessed correctly, this person must be the ninth-level big demon cultivator.

"I haven't seen anyone enter this stone room for a long time." The voice of the big demon cultivator was smooth and without the slightest ups and downs, which was different from the literal meaning of his words.

Xu Miao looked at the demon cultivator vigilantly. After such a long time, no matter how powerful the demon cultivator was, his life would be taken away by time.But Xu Miao did not relax his vigilance. Even if the ninth-level demon cultivator was dead, it would be easy to kill a foundation-builder cultivator like him.

"I don't know who the senior is?" Xu Miao asked cautiously, wanting to confirm the other party's identity.

The demon cultivator flicked his sleeves, walked to the side stone bed and sat down: "Old man Mu Lu, just an ordinary demon cultivator." Mu Lu didn't tell Xu Miao his real identity, and Xu Miao didn't intend to investigate further.

"It's you, a little guy with a low cultivation base, who dared to cross the mountain of bones and arrive at this stone room. Let me guess, is your purpose the same as those people, coveting the bones?" Gradually.

Xu Miao thought that there was nothing to hide about this matter, so she generously admitted: "That's right, this junior wants to refine a talisman, and the main material is the ribs of the senior's corpse."

Mu Lu looked at Xu Miao with interest: "I never said that the bones here belong to the old man, how did you come to this conclusion?"

"Senior's life experience was told on the stone table, and a clone was left here, so apart from Senior Mu's body, this junior couldn't think of a second conclusion. What's more, the senior's question confirmed the junior's guess."

Xu Miaolang said loudly, but also concealed the fact that he encountered the illusion and saw Mu Lu in the illusion.

"Haha, you little guy is really interesting." Mu Lu laughed, but Xu Miao didn't feel any smile from his laughter.

Xu Miao was running her spiritual power vigilantly behind her hands, ready to attack at any time.

Mu Lu saw through Xu Miao's thoughts, but didn't point it out. He just asked, "The bones are indeed mine, but why should I leave the ribs to you?"

"Since the senior asked such a question, there must be something that needs to be done by the junior. The senior just talks, as long as it is within the range of the junior, he will definitely go through fire and water, and he will not hesitate."

But Mu Lu didn't take Xu Miao's promise to heart at all: "You are just a monk in the Foundation Establishment period, what can you do with such a cultivation level?"

"It's better to stay here, talk to me, chat, and when you die, how about I show you my bones?"

When Mu Lu said this, he was careless, but Xu Miao listened to the sound, and he knew that Mu Lu definitely wanted to keep him.

Xu Miao was thinking a lot, thinking about how to let Mu Lu get rid of the thoughts that trapped her.Now Xu Miao doesn't want to get ribs anymore, he just wants to get out of this damn place.

"Senior Mu, are you willing to let this avatar stay forever in this burial ground where no one enters? Don't you want to find the culprits who killed you?"

When Mu Lu heard this, his expression became fierce instantly.Xu Miao hardly saw Mu Lu's movements clearly. Mu Lu had already pinched Xu Miao's neck tightly, lifted him in mid-air, and could kill Xu Miao at any time.

"You, from, where, where, listen, come, from?" Every word, Xu Miao can be sure that as long as there is even the slightest mistake in the answer, Mu Lu will directly kill himself without mercy.

Xu Miao's face was calm, showing no panic at all: "When I entered this burial ground, I experienced a fantasy—" Xu Miao told Mu Lu all the contents of the fantasy, without any concealment.

There is definitely a monstrous hatred in Mu Lu's heart, and he can feel the slight trembling of Mu Lu's hand holding his neck.Xu Miao was determined that this was her only chance to escape.

"And the altar that the senior worshiped, the junior has seen it in other places. Didn't the senior think that it was a conspiracy? Why do all the low-level monks and demon cultivators lose their minds and only fight."

Xu Miao is persuasive and persuasive, and guides Mu Lu's thinking to his own side.

However, Mu Lu is an old monster who has lived for many years, how could he be led by the nose by Xu Miao in a few words, he gave Xu Miao a meaningful look, and let go of Xu Miao.

Xu Miao, who was no longer restrained, quickly took a big breath to relieve the hypoxic state just now.

"Boy, after experiencing such an illusion, you didn't become obsessed with it. You were able to calmly watch everything that happened in the illusion as a bystander. You are very determined." Mu Lu's words could not tell whether it was a compliment or a sarcasm.

Xu Miao didn't answer, he knew that Mu Lu must have something to say.

"Since you already know what happened in the illusion, the old man doesn't want to lie to you, it is indeed true. But with you, you can't change anything, let alone find the reason."

"The people who knew these things are all dead. Too much time has passed." Mu Lu looked down at his palm and said such a sentence.

Xu Miao said seriously: "The dead are gone, at least those who come can be chased." As soon as the words fell, Mu Lu suddenly looked up at Xu Miao.

"There will be a day when these things will be unraveled, but it depends on whether you are willing to take this step, senior." Xu Miao was not afraid to meet Mu Lu's eyes, and looked straight into Mu Lu's eyes.

"Hehe——I'm stunned. After so many years, my fighting spirit has been worn away. Instead, I have to rely on you to wake it up." Mu Lu turned his head to look at the stone table, as if he was looking at another person through the stone table. .

"Human beings are human beings after all. Human beings who were once so small and weak can come to today, and they are inseparable from people like you. They are not afraid of the sky and the Tao."

Mu Lu did not continue this topic, but changed the subject abruptly: "As far as I know, there are not many magic weapons that need my ribs as the main material."

Not only are there not many, it's just that one, Xu Miao slandered, but didn't dare to show it.

"This junior just saw a roll of bamboo slips, which recorded the Mist Condensing Sword, and the main material in it mentioned the need for a rib." Xu Miao took out the bamboo slips and handed them to Mu Lu.

When Mu Lu saw the bamboo slips, he didn't reach out to take them for a long time. There was a look of nostalgia in his eyes, as well as deep sadness that couldn't be resolved.

"Since you got this scroll of bamboo slips and came here again, you must already know the origin of the Mist Condensing Sword." Mu Lu's words were not a question but a statement.

The way Mu Lu looked at Xu Miao changed again and again, even Xu Miao couldn't see what kind of deep meaning was contained in it.Mu Lu waved his right hand, and Xu Miao heard a heavy voice.

Xu Miao frowned and looked back. The stone gate had already been opened, which meant that Mu Lu had decided to let her go. Xu Miao couldn't help jumping with joy in her heart.

Without saying a word, Mu Lu left the stone room with steps.Xu Miao hurriedly followed behind Mu Lu and came to the first bronze door.Not knowing what Mu Lu did, the bronze door slowly opened.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of years this door has been closed. At this moment, it finally reopens and is displayed in front of a contemporary person.

Inside the bronze door is a road made of stone, suspended in mid-air.The road is not long, and at the end of the road is a circular floating platform.

A huge bed of ice was placed on the floating platform. For some reason, after so many years, there was no sign of melting.

Mu Lu walked towards the ice bed and quietly looked at the person lying on the ice bed.Xu Miao followed and saw two people lying on the ice bed, one of them was exactly the same as Mu Lu.

The one next to him must be Mu Lu's human Taoist companion. This woman has a beauty that Xu Miao has never seen before.Her expression was peaceful, as if she had fallen asleep and would wake up the next moment.

Xu Miao walked aside, leaving room for Mu Lu.The separation of a lover is heartbreaking no matter who it is.

"Take it." Mu Lu's voice sounded behind Xu Miao, and he turned his head to see that Mu Lu was holding a glistening white rib.

The purpose of this trip was to get this rib, but when the rib really appeared within Xu Miao's reach, Xu Miao didn't feel much joy.

His biggest touch is the impermanence of the heavens. Even a powerful ninth-level demon cultivator cannot resist the rotation and change of the heavens.A momentary trance flashed in Xu Miao's eyes, and he was confused about cultivation.

When Mu Lu saw Xu Miao's eyes, he immediately understood Xu Miao's thoughts. He put the ribs in Xu Miao's hands, and scolded: "Boy, don't forget, you just said what I listened to the old man."

"No matter how high the sky is, turn the sky over; no matter how strong the Tao is, it will completely destroy this Tao!"

(End of this chapter)

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