Chapter 126
These words were like thunder, completely shattering Xu Miao's momentary confusion.The way of heaven has always been high and difficult to ask, but so what, the way of heaven always has an end.

One day, he will defeat the way of heaven and trample the way of heaven under his feet.Since those so-called gods cannot protect living beings, let the living beings on this land protect themselves.

Xu Miao held the rib that Mu Lu handed over to him, and it was icy cold.The evil spirit attached to the ribs has been wiped away by Muru, leaving only the purest power.

"Boy, this rib is in your hands. The rest of the material depends on your good luck. I hope you will not disappoint the old man." After Muru finished speaking, he waved his hand and summoned a teleportation formation. gradually become blurred.

"Senior Mu, can we meet again?" Xu Miao asked after taking a few steps forward.Mu Lu just smiled and disappeared into the stone room without leaving any words.

Xu Miao calmed down, put her ribs in the sky-hunting stone properly, and walked into the teleportation array.Sensing someone entering, the teleportation array immediately emitted a dazzling light, which made Xu Miao unable to open her eyes.

After the spiritual power of the magic circle fluctuated, Xu Miao looked back at the bone mountain when her feet were on the ground again.The bones were re-piled into a mountain, and no one seemed to have visited.

The external spiritual power still shows no signs of improving, and is still in a mixed state.Staying away from the crowd for a while, I don't know if those great sects have found a way to purify their spiritual power.

Xu Miao took out the jade slip of the map, roughly determined the direction, and flew towards Yanwang City, the nearest temporary town.

Yanwang City is one of the cities that was temporarily built by the joint forces of Xihuizong, a big sect, and Duobaoge, a comprehension world, after the changes in the world.

In addition to Yanwang City, there are several similar towns that provide accurate news and related cultivation resources for monks from all walks of life.

In this special period of time, all forces try to reduce friction and work together to build so many towns in a very short period of time.

Unlike going to Mu Lu's burial place, on the way to Yanwang City, Xu Miao could see a lot of lights flying through the air.There are foundation-building monks who are about the same level as him, and there are also higher-level Jindan monks.

Xu Miao was already close to Yanwang City, and from a high altitude, he could see the majestic city walls and the vast land area.Such a big deal must be the means of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

Yanwang City is quite popular, and it is the largest town in the nearest area.According to the introduction in the jade slip, there is a Nascent Soul cultivator sitting in Yanwang City, which can be regarded as a very safe place.

Therefore, now that the world is abnormal, many monks who have lost the protection of their sects and families choose to enter such towns one after another.

However, no matter how big the city is, it cannot continuously accommodate a large number of monks.The top management of Yanwang City also ordered that if they wanted to stay in the city, they had to pay one hundred low-grade spirit stones every month, or complete the tasks issued by the city.

Paying one hundred low-grade spirit stones every month is simply impossible for monks who have lost their homes.Everyone is willing to accept the task in exchange for a shelter.

But how can the task be completed easily? Most of the tasks are to explore unknown places, and countless monks died during the exploration.Therefore, some monks will compromise and station on the outskirts of Yanwang City.

Although it cannot guarantee absolute safety, it can also provide a little sense of security.Xu Miao looked down and saw many monks sitting around outside Yanwang City.

Xu Miao put away the escape light and landed directly here.Although both sect and master gave him a lot of spirit stones, Xu Miao didn't intend to hand them over to Yanwangcheng in vain, and would compare the two before making a decision.

A monk leaning on the tree trunk saw Xu Miao landing, and hurriedly leaned over: "This fellow Taoist, do you want to go to Yanwang City?"

Xu Miao nodded, and looked around by the way: "What's the situation here? Why don't you all enter Yanwang City." Xu Miao asked knowingly, pretending to be a foreign monk.

Most of the monks who did not have money to enter Yanwang City were Qi Refining Stage monks and some Foundation Establishment monks.Therefore, Xu Miao's cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment can win absolute respect here.

The man first introduced himself, calling him a casual cultivator named Zhang Pei, and briefly explained why he stayed here instead of entering the city.As Xu Miao knew, it seems that the information given by Master has not changed in the past few years.

Zhang Peixu babbled a lot of nonsense, and didn't mention the topic until he saw the impatient look on Xu Miao's face.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, why don't you consider staying here for a while. You only need to pay ten low-grade spirit stones a month, and you can still receive the protection of late-stage monks."

Ten spirit stones are indeed much cheaper than Yanwang City, but in comparison, only late-stage foundation-building monks can stand out.If something unexpected happens, the people here must be stragglers, unable to prevent effective defense.

Moreover, to refine the Fog Condensing Sword by oneself, the materials needed must be obtained from Yanwang City. Even if there is no real thing, you should be able to get some information.

Xu Miao pondered for a while, and asked, "Do you have a trading place here?"

Zhang Pei's eyes lit up: "Of course there are, but only monks who are willing to stay here can be eligible for the transaction."

When Xu Miao heard this, she just wanted to complain about their black hearts.The monks couldn't get together 100 yuan of spirit stones for a while, so they could only choose their side.Ten spirit stones per person, so many people, earn a lot.

Xu Miao felt as if she had eaten flies, and took out ten low-grade spirit stones and handed them to Zhang Pei.When Zhang Pei saw Lingshi, he laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, he just wanted Xu Miao to punch him so that he could breathe out.

Zhang Pei took the spirit stone, and without neglect, he handed Xu Miao a smooth polished stone with the word Ai engraved on it.

"This is the certificate for entering and exiting the exchange and living here. Fellow Daoist Xu must carry it with you, and there will be patrols to check it from time to time." After Zhang Pei gave instructions, he went to entertain another monk who landed.

Holding the stone in his hands, Xu Miao walked in the direction of the exchange pointed by Zhang Pei.

Originally thought that most of the monks in the exchange were Qi refining monks, and the number of foundation building monks would be very small.Unexpectedly, when Xu Miao arrived at the exchange, Qi Refining Cultivators and Foundation Establishment Cultivators were roughly the same in number.

It seems that after the changes in the world, the situation of the monks who established the foundation is not very good.The cooperation between demon cultivators and human cultivators has already prohibited humans from hunting monsters, and similarly, demon cultivators are not allowed to harm humans.

This caused many foundation-building monks to lose their means of earning a living, their income decreased, and the supply of spiritual energy could not keep up. Therefore, a large number of monks became desperate and could only choose to live here.

However, everyone gathered here, which also drove the transactions here.There are many transactions, and there may be some good things that can be missed.

The cultivation base in the early stage of foundation establishment is very common here and will not attract anyone's attention.

Except for the low-grade magic weapon of Imitation Qi Shield and the top-grade magic weapon of Xiulijian, Xu Miao's other magic weapons can hardly pose a threat to monks of the same level.

The natal magic weapon must still take a long time, and now it is necessary to obtain another attack-type magic weapon.A low-grade magic weapon is the best, if you really don't have one, you can find another top-grade magic weapon.

The previous spiritual stones were almost spent, and with the [-] middle-grade spiritual stones given by the teacher, they couldn't even make up the [-] middle-grade spiritual stones. Xu Miao wanted to cry just thinking about it.

With my current wealth, it is absolutely impossible to buy materials and magic weapons.Coupled with changes in the environment, the prices of these things will only rise and not fall.

Xu Miao decided to pick up her old business and make talisman seals.As soon as the Huntian Stone produced aura, Xiaotian planted excess water reeds in it and let it grow.

In ancient times, water reed was the most ordinary, precisely because it can grow in places with water and spiritual power, and it is almost not picky about the growth environment.

It was only later that the world changed, and the water and reeds all disappeared, and they never appeared in the eyes of the world again.It was also by luck that Xu Miao found traces of water reeds at the bottom of the Tongqing River in Heqing Valley.

There is no shortage of materials for the talisman paper, but the lack of cinnabar and talisman brushes.After Xu Miao quickly purchased the required items, she found a secluded place and began to draw symbols.

There were not enough formation flags, and it was impossible to arrange formations. Xu Miao asked Xiaotian to change his appearance and go to Zhang Pei to buy a stone, and was responsible for paying attention to the surrounding environment.

After everything was ready, Xu Miao began to make talisman seals.Xu Miao hadn't touched the talisman seal for a long time, and couldn't find the status for a while, and discarded several talisman papers.

Xu Miao threw down the talisman pen and regained her composure before taking up the pen and starting to draw again.This time there is no obstacle, because of the improvement of cultivation base, Xu Miao can even draw a third-level talisman.

The value of the third-level talisman seal is quite high, and similarly, the success rate is also low.However, with the help of the talisman paper made of water reeds and powerful spiritual consciousness, the success rate of talisman can reach [-]% to [-]%.

No matter how strong Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was, he could only make five level-three talisman seals at a time, so he had to stop and rest.No wonder the usage rate of talisman seals is lower as you go to the back.

Many monks worked so hard to make talismans that they might not get a single successful talisman.And those talisman seal masters had a slightly higher success rate, but because they consumed too much spiritual knowledge, they could only raise the price.

The attack power of a third-level top-grade attack talisman is equivalent to a full-strength strike of a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment.But the price of 300 yuan for a piece of low-grade spirit stone is not something ordinary monks can afford.

At the same price, monks prefer magic weapons that can be used multiple times rather than one-time-use talismans.

The monks who like to use talisman seals are generally second or third generation disciples with a lot of money, otherwise they wouldn't know how to use talisman seals.

After figuring this out, Xu Miao had no choice but to go to the city. The monks here, Xu Miao didn't think they would spend a lot of money for talismans.

(End of this chapter)

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