Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 127 The Exchange

Chapter 127 The Exchange
But before entering Yanwang City, he still had to go to the exchange outside the city.For the first time, Xu Miao didn't browse all kinds of items carefully in order to buy talisman-making tools.

This time I go, I have to take a closer look. If there is something that is cost-effective and suitable for me, I might as well take it.

After Xu Miao put away the thirty or so talisman seals that had just been drawn, she asked Xiaotian to return to the Huntian Stone, and went to the exchange by herself.Upon arriving at the exchange, Xu Miao found that the atmosphere here was extremely dignified.

The nearby monks gathered around one after another, commenting on what happened in the exchange, and Xu Miao also knew what happened from their fragmentary words.

It turned out that the number of people in Yanwang City once again exceeded the extreme value, and the high-level officials in the city had to temporarily increase the conditions for entering the city. The 100 yuan low-grade spirit stone has risen to 200 yuan low-grade spirit stone, and the price is not the most important thing.

To enter Yanwang City, one needs to obtain an invitation card.Without an invitation card, it doesn't mean that you are not allowed to enter, but you need to pay 1000 yuan of low-grade spirit stones as the entrance fee.

In addition, the required monthly fees are not included and need to be calculated separately.This decision completely angered the monk who had finally saved enough spirit stones to prepare for the progress.

The monks who were rejected by the city gate could only come to the temporary foothold of the monks outside the city.Originally, one or two monks swallowed this breath secretly, but as more and more people were rejected, the anger of the monks was completely provoked.

Whether it is a monk who has no money in the first place, or a monk who cannot enter Yanwang City because of the price increase, they are extremely indignant, which can be said to have aroused public outrage.

But in the cultivation world, the least valuable thing is anger.No matter how angry you are, without the corresponding cultivation strength, no one will take your anger seriously.

Therefore, all the monks present were furious and decided to kill the monks who came out of Yanwang City.The monks in Yanwang City will go out to perform tasks, and the price increase this time makes more monks go out to make money.

This also allowed the monks outside the city to find an opportunity to kill one directly and snatch their tokens for entering the city, and everything would be fine.As soon as this idea came out, it was echoed by many monks.

Soon, several teams were formed, ready to rob and kill the monks who left the city.

Upon hearing the news, Xu Miao's brows never relaxed.Yanwang City, I have to enter, but in order to enter a city, it is too extravagant to spend 1000 yuan of spirit stones.

Xu Miao also heard that after entering the city, monks without an invitation card will not be treated as well as ordinary monks. They can only squeeze together a group of people in a separately opened place, and cannot enjoy various information resources in the city.

Just for this, you need to pay five hundred low-grade spirit stones every month.The actions of Yanwang City's high-level officials obviously do not want any more monks to enter the city.

Is it because something happened in the city, or it is true that the city can no longer accommodate so many monks, so this method of anger and hatred must be adopted.

Some people want to enter the city, and some do not want to enter the city. Although some monks have left, most of the monks still stay and continue to set up stalls and trade.

At present, I can only take one step, count as one step.If you can't get useful information here, maybe you have to be like those teams, robbing and killing the monks who left the city.

Xu Miao first went to the exchange where raw materials were sold. However, many of the materials here were low-level, for monks in the Qi refining stage, and there were very few things suitable for the foundation building stage.

Disappointed in his heart, but Xu Miao continued to walk forward. He would not give up until he finished walking this area.

From the corner of Xu Miao's eyes, he saw a stall in the corner. The owner of the stall was a monk in the Foundation Establishment period. The quality of the things sold in the Foundation Establishment period should be much better than those.

Xu Miao walked over and glanced at the things on the booth one by one.Although the quality was much better, it didn't have what Xu Miao needed.

Suddenly, something caught Xu Miao's eyes. It was a simple bronze tripod with silver glittering sand in it.The shape of this sand is especially like the Jingtian Sand that is made of the Mist Sword.

But he couldn't be sure, so he could only transmit the voice to Xiaotian and asked if the sand was Jingtian sand.Xiaotian seemed to be probing with his spiritual sense, and he was silent for a long time before giving an ambiguous answer.

Under the heating of high-temperature flames, Jingtian Sand can melt many items that cannot be melted by flames.Xu Miao can only gamble, if he wins the bet, he will make a lot of money.

Xu Miao pointed to Xiao Ding: "How do you sell this?" No one knows whether it is the price of Xiao Ding or sand, which is Xu Miao's wit.

If the seller finds that the buyer is in urgent need of an item, it is inevitable to raise the price on the ground.

The stall owner was an old monk with a big beard and wrinkled face.He raised his eyes to look at Xu Miao, then lowered his head: "The Tusha Ding, a medium-grade magic weapon, and eight hundred low-grade spirit stones."

"How's the defense effect?" Xu Miao focused all on Ding, completely leading the stall owner's thoughts away.

The stall owner didn't look up, and said, "It's not that good."

When Xu Miao heard this, she almost laughed angrily. How can there be such a business.It's fine if you don't sell, and you also depreciate the goods.Seeing that the stall owner didn't care, Xu Miao didn't want to talk to him.

He took out four third-level medium-grade talisman seals, and stretched them out to the stall owner: "Should I change them?"

Now the stall owner has been in a dead-face state, and finally changed.He seemed to be short of talismans, so he nodded quickly, and asked Xu Miao if he had any extra talismans.

Naturally, Xu Miao would not reveal her real situation, but said vaguely that there were only a few left, and they would be used to save her life.

The stall owner stopped talking with Xu Miao quickly after exchanging with Xu Miao.But after Xu Miao turned and left, the stall owner's voice came from his mind: "Tonight, at midnight, I invite fellow Taoists to meet here and conspire to repair the ancient cave."

When Xu Miao heard this, she paused for a moment, and left without turning around.When he returned to the place where he temporarily stayed, Xiaotian appeared, holding a spit sand tripod, and carefully compared it under the sunlight.

"How? Is it real Jingtian sand?"

Xiaotian shook his head: "The quality is impure, only [-]% of this tripod is Jingtian sand, and the rest are just ordinary sand, which is useless."

Because Xu Miao deliberately misrepresented the purpose when buying it, and only asked about defense, Xu Miao was not clear about the other functions of this spitting sand tripod.

Judging from the name, since it is a sand-spitting tripod, as the name suggests, sand should be spit out from it.Xu Miao poured out all the existing sand in the cauldron, leaving an empty cauldron, and placed the cauldron in the place where the spiritual energy was abundant in the Hunting Stone.

I hope this sand-spitting tripod will not live up to its name, and spit out more sand, so that even if the content of Jingtian sand is low, I will have a day to make up enough Jingtian sand.

As for the stall owner talking about the ancient repair cave, Xu Miao needs to think about whether to go or not.

Generally speaking, when caves and secret places appear, and monks cannot enter and explore alone, they will invite friends, and they will not invite buyers so casually like the stall owner.

He thought to himself that he hadn't exposed any flaws during the transaction, so the only thing that made Tan take the initiative was when he took out the four talisman seals.

At that time, the stall owner's expression changed instantly. He must have entered the cave and needed the power of talismans.I made a mistake and happened to expose the matter of the talisman.

But the other party couldn't be sure how many talismans he had, so it was too childish to invite the explorer so easily.But an ancient cave mansion is very attractive to Xu Miao.

In any case, he needs to go and find out.Even if the opponent treats him as cannon fodder, he has the means to deal with it.

As soon as the midnight arrived, Xu Miao disappeared and approached the booth in the corner.Four people had already gathered there, besides the old stall owner during the day, there was also a beautiful woman, a young man, and a middle-aged man.

The four seemed to be discussing Xu Miao's strength, and the young man spoke first: "Young Daoist Huang, is the person you're looking for reliable? There are really many talismans?"

The old man showed embarrassment, but he could only bite the bullet and answer: "I think he has four talismans when he makes a move, so he should be rich."

"Fellow Daoist Huang, don't be confused. People with wealth would come to our place. Who doesn't know that they are poor people who can't enter Yanwang City." The beautiful woman retorted slightly mockingly.

The middle-aged man seemed to be the leader of the four of them, and he raised his hand falsely: "Even if there are not enough talismans, it can only be him. The cave has been opened in the past few days, and others are unwilling to join us. Don't wait for me."

Xu Miao, who was hiding in the dark, heard this, and realized that the other four really wanted to explore the cave, but couldn't find the fifth person to join, and Xu Miao just appeared at this time, even if Xu Miao had nothing, they Will choose Xu Miao.

Xu Miao controlled her figure and stepped back slowly.After changing the direction, I came to the old man's booth.The four people's originally impatient expressions were slightly controlled when they saw Xu Miao.

"Fellow Daoist, you came in a timely manner." At this time, about a stick of incense had passed, the young man said this, while giving Xu Miao a warning, he also wanted to give him a warning.

However, Xu Miao didn't pay attention to it at all, and followed his words: "Xu has always been so timely." When the two came and went, they were full of gunpowder.

It was the middle-aged man who seized the opportunity and said, "Friend Xu, Ma Jun, this is Deng Weiran." Ma Jun pointed at the young man and then at the beautiful woman, "This is Fairy Xiange, Huang Dun is the one who invited you during the day. "

Xu Miao nodded and met them one by one. Just like in Xici Town before, Xu Miao concealed her real name and called herself Xu Sanshui.

Ma Jun briefly told Xu Miao about the place they were about to go to: "It's an ancient cave, with exercises, magic weapons and other good things in it, but the formation at the core of the cave is a bit tricky."

"We need to gather the strength of five people to break it. We were a little troubled at first, but now with Fellow Daoist Xu's righteous move, we will no longer be able to stop us."

Justice?He is not righteous, since he is here, the price needs to be negotiated, and it is absolutely impossible to use him for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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