Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 128 Swamp Snake

Chapter 128 Swamp Snake

"Then I don't know how Fellow Daoist Ma plans to distribute the final benefits?" Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Ma Jun with her arms crossed.

A trace of hostility flashed in Ma Jun's eyes, but he quickly concealed it very well.Xu Miao saw all these changes and did not speak.

Ma Jun smiled and looked at Xu Miao: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Xu, since you are working together with me, you can naturally get a part of the magic weapon."

"But if I casually agreed with you to share a certain percentage, the other fellow Taoists would be dissatisfied. Why don't we go to the cave first to see how much the fellow Taoists have contributed in breaking the formation, and then we can discuss how to share it?"

The old fox went around, but he didn't want to say it directly.But according to people like them, even if they say it early in the morning, they will temporarily break the contract, and they can only play by ear.

Xu Miao nodded, and together with the four of them, turned into a light and flew to the ancient monk's cave.Since Xu Miao didn't know the way, she always followed the four of them.

The speed of the four flying was extremely fast, as if someone was chasing them, and they didn't stop for a rest along the way.If it wasn't for the abundance of spiritual power in Xu Miao's body, he would have been exhausted halfway.

After the five people flew without sleep for four days, they finally landed in a chaotic rock.

Ma Jun turned his head and told the four people: "There is not much time, let's enter immediately." The other three did not object and followed Ma Jun directly.

Xu Miao slowed down.He looked at the few people in front of him thoughtfully, what were they anxious about.An ancient monk's cave has not disappeared in the long years, so why rush for a while.

In other words, that formation can only be weakened within a certain period of time.If they can't catch up this time, maybe they won't be able to wait for the next weakening?Xu Miao guessed all kinds of ideas in her heart, but couldn't prove it.

Ma Jun led four people around east and west, and came to a stone pile.Through the stone pile, Xu Miao could clearly sense the unusual aura inside.

The spiritual power inside is very unstable. I don't know if it's because the cave has existed for too long, or because the world has changed. Xu Miao's consciousness can't even travel too far.

Huang Dun took a step forward and summoned the golden bell and the wooden hammer. The two hit each other in mid-air, and the force of the blows rushed towards the stone pile.The stone pile shattered in response, and many stones scattered in all directions. The five people each used their own methods to avoid the stones.

Xu Miao waved away the stone that was flying towards him, and at the same time paid attention to the evasion methods of the other four people.Don't look at just avoiding flying stones, the simpler the action, the better the level of the monk can be judged.

Whether it was the old man Huang Dun, Ma Jun or Fairy Xiange, they all used their methods calmly, but the young Deng Weiran was still a little flustered at the beginning.

Although he quickly calmed down, none of this could escape Xu Miao's observation.In the early days of the expedition, Xu Miao had a general understanding of the team.

After the pile of stones was cleared, a passageway with a height of only half a person appeared in front of everyone.Several people had been prepared for a long time, and they were quickly assigned a place to walk, except for Xu Miao.

Ma Jun glanced at Fairy Xiange, Fairy Xiange said knowingly: "Fellow Daoist Xu asked them to go to the front, can you walk in front of the little girl?"

Xu Miao looked up at the expressions of the four of them, and pointed to Deng Weiran: "I'll walk in front of him."

Deng Weiran didn't expect Xu Miao's choice, and didn't know how to deal with it for a while.After Ma Jun and Fairy Xiange looked at each other, they agreed to Xu Miao's proposal.

So the five of them led the battle with Huang Dun, followed by Ma Jun, Xu Miao, Deng Weiran, and Fairy Xiange bent down and entered the passage.Huang Dun, who was at the front, was holding a luminous pearl to explore the way, while the people behind all looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

According to their familiarity with this place, to be able to face an enemy here must be dangerous in this passage.Xu Miao clasped her hands around her waist to prevent surprise attacks and defend against enemies at any time.

No one spoke, only the sound of feet on the ground.

Suddenly, Huang Dun's hoarse voice sounded in front of him: "The Swamp Snake appears, everyone be on alert!" Huang Dun raised his hand and sprinkled a pile of yellow medicinal powder to disperse the Swamp Snake.

The first batch of marsh snakes died immediately under the powder in Huang Dun's hand, but soon another batch came up, densely packed.They jump over the corpses of their own kind and attack humans who disturb them.

Huang Dun raised his hands quickly, and the yellow powder fell down like snow.For some reason, the medicinal powder that was initially effective against marsh snakes became ineffective.

The marsh snake behind was not afraid of Huang Dun's yellow powder at all, and crawled towards the five people as if seeing prey.Huang Dun flipped his hands and took out a pair of golden scissors, and cut off the long snake in front of him at seven inches.

Swamp snakes are different from other monsters, they can crawl out from any gap and attack people.Some of the swamp snakes spit out snake letters to attack Huang Dun, and the other part crossed Huang Dun and attacked the remaining four people.

The passage was too low to display her figure. Xu Miao held the scarlet dagger in her hand, one by one, and chopped the swamp snake in front of her that was attacking her.

However, Xu Miao didn't kill all the swamp snakes, and deliberately let some snakes go to attack the two people behind.When Deng Weiran saw the swamp snake coiled around his body, he let out a sharp cry, which made Xu Miao's ears ring.

Xu Miao turned her head very dissatisfied: "Are you a man? A few snakes just look like this."

Deng Weiran was reprimanded by Xu Miao, and he didn't know how to refute for a while, but his face turned red, and the fairy Xiange behind Deng Weiran also curled his lips in disdain.

In order to stop the magic sound from piercing the ears, Xu Miao could only help Deng Weiran kill the Swamp Snake in exchange for a moment of silence.In less than a moment, the corpses of the swamp snake were all over the place, with almost no place to step on it.

Huang Dun also breathed a sigh of relief when there were no more marsh snakes.He was at the forefront of the entire team and faced the greatest pressure. Just as he was about to move forward, a sudden change occurred.

Suddenly, a snake bigger than the previous swamp snake sprang out from the side of the road, wrapping around his neck tightly the moment Huang Dun relaxed his vigilance.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Dun's life was already taken away by the Great Swamp Snake.This sudden change made everyone unaware. Without Huang Dun's resistance, Ma Jun became the first to stand in front of the three of them.

The long body of the Great Marsh Snake moved slowly, as if the quick attack just now was another snake.When the four of Ma Jun passed by here, there was only the little swamp snake, and other than the consumption of spiritual power, the others were not too difficult to solve.

On this trip, Ma Jun and others deliberately purchased medicinal powder to restrain the marsh snake in order to use the least amount of energy to deal with it. They thought it could be easily solved.

Unexpectedly, this swamp snake was not only not afraid of the medicine powder, but also a large swamp snake appeared, and even killed Huang Dun as soon as it met.This made the Ma Jun feel as if they were facing a big enemy. This turn of events was something they had never expected, and for some reason they would attract the Great Swamp Snake.

Several people communicated through sound transmission, and quickly thought about the strategy to deal with the enemy.Xu Miao also knew the cause and effect during their conversation.Moreover, he quickly thought of the reason why the Great Swamp Snake appeared.

The first time Ma Jun and others entered this place, they only used their spiritual power to attack the marsh snake, but the biggest difference this time was the yellow medicinal powder that Huang Dun spilled.

If Xu Miao's expectations are correct, the yellow powder is the main culprit for attracting the Great Marsh Snake.Xu Miao told the other three people about this idea, except for Deng Weiran, the rest of them all agreed with Xu Miao's point of view.

After knowing the reason, Ma Jun immediately used his means to collect the yellow medicinal powder, put it in the mouth of the Great Swamp Snake, and clapped his hands at the same time, indicating that there was no more.

Seeing Ma Jun's movements, Xu Miao couldn't help but touch his forehead: "I just told you the reason, and I didn't ask you to give it the yellow powder. With a monk in front of him, who would want to eat anything else."

Hearing Xu Miao's words, Ma Jun also realized that he had just done something stupid.There is no way but to confront it head-on.

Ma Jun's cultivation was in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and the Great Swamp Snake was a level [-] monster. It was hard to say who would win and who would win for Xu Miao.Now that everyone is on the same boat, it is impossible for Xu Miao to just sit back and watch.

But it is impossible for Xu Miao to help in the first time.The few people were not of the same mind, Xu Miao didn't mind using up Ma Jun's strength first.

Ma Jun quickly sent the voice transmission to let the three of them take action, but Xu Miao didn't know how the remaining two responded.But Xu Miao agreed very readily, acting like a good brother.

Ma Jun was already fighting with the Swamp Snake, Xu Miao summoned a scarlet dagger, and disturbed the Swamp Snake from time to time to create opportunities for Ma Jun.

The originally not spacious tunnel became even more crowded with the appearance of the Great Marsh Snake. Xu Miao had to sit on the ground to control the Scarlet Dagger.

What Ma Jun held in his hand was the golden scissors that Huang Dun had just used. This pair of golden scissors seemed to be the nemesis of the marsh snake, which had been injured many times by the golden scissors.

Ma Jun didn't intend to kill the Great Swamp Snake in the tunnel, but forced the Great Swamp Snake to vacate its path step by step. Xu Miao also controlled the scarlet dagger to follow behind Ma Jun.

Four people and one snake moved forward with difficulty like this. Fortunately, this road was not very long. After a stalemate with the Great Swamp Snake for a while, several people managed to get out of this road.

It felt so good to straighten my back again, Xu Miao almost wanted to stretch her waist.However, the Great Marsh Snake confronting them in front of them could not allow them to take a breather, and the open land was also suitable for it to display.

However, at this time, it was no longer Ma Jun fighting against the Great Swamp Snake alone, four people against a demon, the Great Swamp Snake swayed from side to side, and wanted to escape.

How could the four of them allow a fourth-level monster to slip away under their noses? Although the four of them joined hands for the first time, they were all smart people, and they quickly formed a tacit understanding to kill the Great Swamp Snake.

The fourth-level monsters have already formed inner alchemy, and the price is not a small number for their foundation-building monks.The scene fell into a strange calm for a while, and the distribution of the monster inner alchemy became a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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