Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 129 Repair the Array

Chapter 129 Repair the Array
Xu Miao knew very well that she couldn't act like she wanted to use everything at this time, so she chuckled lightly and said, "Neidan, you three share, I want the skin of this big swamp snake, is it okay?"

Ma Jun was very satisfied with Xu Miao's willingness to back down, and nodded repeatedly.With a swipe of Ma Jun's hand, he peeled off the snake's skin completely and handed it to Xu Miao.

The other parts of the Great Swamp Snake were received by Ma Jun in the storage bag, and how the three of them distributed it was none of Xu Miao's business.

Ma Jun continued to move forward with the three of them, and they were familiar with the road.Compared with the three of them, Xu Miao's biggest disadvantage is that he doesn't know the specific location and situation of this place, which makes him very passive.

After another turn, a teleportation formation appeared in front of the four of them.This kind of teleportation formation, Xu Miao tried hard to recall, only to remember that it was a remote teleportation formation in ancient times.

Even in ancient times, there were very few people who could use this formation.This formation method not only requires extremely high attainments in the formation method, but also needs to be able to place several materials at the same time in the shortest possible time.

The weight and position of each material needs to be extremely precise, without the slightest error, otherwise it will cause harm to the person who arranged the formation.

The person in charge of the formation was Deng Weiran. He took a step forward, took out a lot of materials from the storage bag, and sat down to fiddle with the formation.

Fairy Xiange said softly: "This place is outside the cave. If you want to enter the cave, you must pass through this teleportation formation. The person who knows the formation best here is Deng Daoyou, and he is now repairing the transmission formation."

Xu Miao nodded, expressing understanding.Although he was sitting aside, his spiritual sense was still paying attention to the formation.

Deng Weiran is only at the level of the initial stage of foundation establishment, and Xu Miao's powerful spiritual consciousness far exceeds that of the same level, so he can't be discovered by Deng Weiran even if he looks at it openly.

Xu Miao only had the most superficial understanding of this ancient formation, but with Deng Weiran's actions, she deepened her understanding of the teleportation formation.

Deng Weiran held several materials in his hand, hesitating.This is the most difficult step in building this array. Three materials must be placed at the same time, and there must be no mistakes in weight and position.

Xu Miao scanned it with her spiritual sense and knew that the weight of the material was wrong.Even if Deng Weiran could accurately place the materials in the corresponding positions, the formation could not work correctly.

Moreover, once there is an error in the teleportation formation, the teleportation position will change dramatically.The so-called difference is a thousand miles away, so many monks who repair the teleportation array will be more cautious.

Deng Weiran made a swift move without a trace of sloppiness, and the light belonging to the formation lit up with a buzzing sound, which also meant that the formation took effect.

An overjoyed expression appeared on Deng Weiran's face: "Haha! I'm done!" Ma Jun also had a happy face, and took a few steps to look at the teleportation formation.

The last time they followed other people into the cave, but there was a dispute later, and the teleportation array was also damaged in the battle. Thanks to Deng Weiran's attainments in the formation, otherwise they would have returned without success.

Xu Miao glanced at Deng Weiran who was overjoyed, thinking about whether to remind them.Ma Jun was more experienced in the rest of the way, and they deliberately found him, which must mean that there are places where it is difficult for a single person to pass.

"This teleportation formation is wrongly arranged, and it is impossible to teleport to the originally set location." Xu Miao's words made Deng Weiran furious. Xu Miao was upset at first, but now Xu Miao still questioned his ability to repair the formation.

He raised his hand and pointed at Xu Miao: "You know what, the light of the formation means that the formation can operate normally."

Xu Miao sneered, and looked at Deng Weiran sarcastically: "Since you study formations, you should know that there is a sentence in the teleportation formation that is far from the truth."

"As long as the general direction of the teleportation array is good, it can work normally, but the location of the teleportation will be sent to the wrong place due to a slight mistake in the construction."

Xu Miao pointed to the formation: "If you don't believe it, you can try it and see if it is the same as the scene you saw for the first time after teleportation."

After Xu Miao finished speaking, she sat down regardless of the reactions of the three of them.

Ma Jun looked at Xu Miao, and then at Deng Weiran. He believed in Deng Weiran more from the bottom of his heart, but Xu Miao said something so solemnly, and his cautious temperament made him suspicious.

However, Ma Jun's hesitation angered Deng Weiran. He didn't dare to criticize Ma Jun, so he could only vent his anger on Xu Miao: "Xu, you have been targeting me from the beginning. You said there was a problem with my formation. I see you It's just nonsense."

Xu Miao didn't answer Deng Weiran's words, but just looked at him with a half-smile, but said to Ma Jun: "It's true and false, it can't be verified by lip service, what do you think, Fellow Daoist Ma."

Deng Weiran felt aggrieved by hitting the cotton with his fist, and he didn't care about Ma Jun's reaction, and walked directly into the teleportation formation: "When I come back, you will know what a ridiculous joke you have made."

Before the words fell, Deng Weiran had disappeared from the magic circle.Xu Miao still looked like the old god was there, and she was not in a hurry, just closed her eyes and meditated.

The light of the formation lighted up again, and Ma Jun quickly asked: "How is the situation? Is the transmission location of the formation correct?"

But Deng Weiran blushed, and didn't say why for a long time.Seeing Deng Weiran's expression, Ma Jun also knew that there was a problem with the formation, but he had a different view on this humble Xu Miao.

Deng Weiran knew it, although he was a bit arrogant, but he came from an authentic sect that studied formations.For the time being, he has not seen anyone better than him in terms of formation skills.

But just because of this mistake, the monk Huang Dun invited was able to have such attainments in formations. This person is definitely not simple.His background, his teacher's school, and his temperament must be from the sect.

For a while, Ma Jun had guessed that Xu Miao was a disciple from a large formation like Ji Xingdian.As for the exchange that will appear in Yanwang City, it must be a disciple who has traveled abroad.

If Xu Miao knew what Ma Jun was thinking, he would definitely laugh and cry.His mastery of the formation is not because of how powerful his master is, but because an unlucky guy just happened to bump into his knife, and was killed instead of winning.

With such a guess, Ma Jun treated Xu Miao a lot more politely, and Xu Miao was happy not to tell the truth.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, I don't know how to change this formation so that we can be teleported to the correct place." Ma Jun's posture was extremely low, and he also knew that Deng Weiran was unreliable at this time. If he wanted to continue exploring the cave, Xu Miao had to be relied on.

Xu Miao didn't bother to play tricks at this time, and only asked Deng Weiran to take out the formation materials. Deng Weiran reluctantly asked Xu Miao what kind of materials he needed.

Xu Miao seized this opportunity and asked for a lot of them. He knew that Deng Weiran had all these materials, so naturally the lion opened his mouth.

"There is no need for so many, are you taking the opportunity to blackmail?" Deng Weiran pointed at Xu Miao angrily.

Xu Miao raised her eyebrows and looked at him: "First, I hate people pointing their fingers at me; second, if you know so clearly, how come the formation is still wrong?"

Deng Weiran, who was caught by Xu Miao, put down his fingers embarrassingly, and took out all the materials he said and put them on the ground.Seeing Deng Weiran's daring anger but not speaking, Xu Miao felt relieved.

I just like the way you see me unhappy but can't hit me.With a wave of her hand, Xu Miao put all the materials into the Huntian Stone.

"Why did you take it all in?" Deng Weiran was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting Xu Miao to take the materials for himself so directly.

Xu Miao shrugged, and said nonchalantly: "I, Le, Yi." With extremely fast hands, he dismantled some parts of the formation, added materials given to it by Deng Weiran, and assembled them together.

Deng Weiran's biggest mistake was that the weight of the material was wrong, which led to an error in the purpose of transmission.What Xu Miao has to do is to increase the weight and then install it.

Before Deng Weiran saw clearly how Xu Miao repaired the formation, he had already seen the light representing the operation of the formation light up.Deng Weiran, who knew the formation, didn't even know what Xu Miao did, let alone Ma Jun and Fairy Xiange.

Seeing that Xu Miao could easily complete the formation that Deng Weiran had tried for a long time but failed in such a short period of time, Ma Jun couldn't help giving Xu Miao another high look.

"Is there no error in the formation you repaired?" Deng Weiran asked unwillingly.

"You are questioning my research on formations, then you can stay here until we come out." Xu Miao ignored Deng Weiran and was the first to enter the formation.

The pressure of the teleportation formation disappeared, and Xu Miao saw a mess. It was obvious that someone had fought fiercely here.After a while, the three of Ma Jun also arrived here through the teleportation array.

"Xu Daoyou has reached such a level of mastery in battle. I really admire you. I don't know which real person you are a disciple of?" At this moment, Ma Jun has almost confirmed in his heart that Xu Miao is a disciple of Ji Xingdian.

However, Xu Miao waved her hand and said that she was just a casual cultivator, so she changed the subject and asked what to do next.

The display of strength has also won the respect of peers.Ma Jun told Xu Miao that there is still a core area inside the Guxiu cave.

All the treasures are placed in the core area, but if you want to enter the core area, you must break a defensive mask. This mask is extremely powerful. Last time, there were four of them left. No matter what method they used, they could only stop the mask in the end. Outside.

This time, it was Huang Dun who saw the talisman in Xu Miao's hand that made him want to invite Xu Miao.Use the talisman seal and the monk's power to gather at one point to break the mask.

Ma Jun explained the reason for inviting Xu Miao, but he hasn't said why other people don't want to join their team.But now is not the time to ask questions.As you go on, you will know the specific reason.

The interior of the cave was cleaned up last time, and all the traps were broken. They didn't encounter any danger along the way.As the road gradually narrowed, a huge mask appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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