Chapter 130

"This mask is extremely strong, and it will reflect the monk's attack on it. When we came here last time, because of some incidents, there were only four people left, and they were injured by the mask again, so we had to leave the cave." Ma Jun introduced the mask to Xu Miao.

Fairy Xiange moved her lotus steps lightly, and said softly: "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Xu can see the flaw in this mask."

"Hmph! How could he tell that this mask is not a formation?" Deng Weiran continued without waiting for Xu Miao's answer.

Xu Miao looked up at Deng Weiran, but said nothing.Just the pressure in his eyes made Deng Weiran shut up.Deng Weiran kept muttering in his heart, it was in the early stage of foundation establishment, how could Xu Miao's coercion feel so strong.

Xu Miao didn't care about Deng Weiran's psychological activities, and walked around the mask, but didn't find any flaws and weaknesses in the mask.There are five stone platforms inside the mask, which should be used after the mask is broken. No wonder Ma Jun and others need to find another person to go with them.

The sword in the sleeve was drawn out of its sheath and gently slashed towards the mask.Almost the moment the sword in the sleeve touched the mask, Xu Miao felt a strong reaction force coming straight to the sword in the sleeve. Xu Miao stepped back with her right foot to avoid being injured by the mask.

Xu Miao took out the sun-splitting bow again, stretched the bow and drew the string, and moved her figure and changed positions every time she shot an arrow.But the mask can always clearly find the source of power, and accurately bounce the power back to Sun Ripper Bow.

After the three arrows passed, Xu Miao put away the Sun Splitting Bow.The rebounding power of the mask will increase the power of the attack, just three arrows, and a crack will be formed in the bow of the sun splitting bow.

As Ma Jun said, this photomask is indestructible, and perhaps only talismans can break it.

Seeing Xu Miao's various means, Ma Jun was also helpless, and could only take out the four talisman seals in Huang Dun's storage bag.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, if my expectations are correct, this mask can only be broken with a talisman. The power of the talisman comes from the talisman itself. Even if it bounces back, it will still affect the talisman. On the contrary, it can strengthen the power of breaking the mask."

Hearing this, Xu Miao did not respond immediately, but fell into deep thought.An ancient monk's cave, where it entered the core area, could it be deciphered with only a mere talisman?

Xu Miao disagreed, but there was no other suitable method at the moment, so Xu Miao signaled Ma Jun to try with a talisman first.Ma Jun raised his hand and threw a talisman, which was detonated by Ma Jun when the talisman was close to the edge of the mask.

However, at the moment when the talisman exploded, Ma Jun uttered a scream, and fell to the ground with his head in his hands. In just a few breaths, Ma Jun bled to death from seven holes.

This accident shocked the three people present, none of them thought that someone would die after detonating a talisman.

Xu Miao squatted down and carefully examined Ma Jun's head.As soon as his consciousness penetrated into Ma Jun's sea of ​​consciousness, Xu Miao knew the reason of his death.The sea of ​​consciousness was severely damaged, and the consciousness collapsed. This was the sea of ​​consciousness crushed by the mask.

The other two also learned the reason for Ma Jun's death. For a while, the expressions of the three of them were not very good.Before the mask was broken, two companions had already died, and the three of them had the idea of ​​evacuating at the same time.

Babies are important, but compared to your life, your own life is more important.The three of them looked at each other and walked towards the way they came in tacit understanding.Fairy Xiange put away Ma Jun's storage bag, and Xu Miao didn't say much, acquiescing to her actions.

However, when the three of them were walking towards the teleportation formation, the surroundings suddenly started to shake, and the boulders rolled down. Xu Miao quickly used Fengling Jue to avoid it.

Boulders are easy to hide, and the most troublesome thing is the many ghost-like things that appear at the same time as the falling rocks.They made whining noises, disturbing people's minds, and rushed up to attack Xu Miao from time to time.

When Xu Miao was avoiding boulders, he also had to kill ghosts.The two spiritual senses were mobilized with all their strength, Huaying came out of the sheath, and with the help of falling rocks all around, he killed the ghosts lightly.

I don't know how these ghosts are formed. After killing one, it will immediately split into two and become two to attack again. There is almost no end to this.

At this time, Xu Miao really understood why no one was willing to join Ma Jun and the others, not only because of the existence of the mask, but because of these endless ghosts.

The number of kills is endless, and the number is increasing. Most of the monks will be heartbroken when they see this scene, and they wish to run for their lives immediately and never come back.

Ma Jun and the others thought they had found a way to break through the mask, and entered the Guxiu cave with confidence, but they died here in the end. I have to say that this is a big joke.

Fairy Xiange swung her two daggers in mid-air, resisting the ghost's attack.She had experienced a ghost attack, so she didn't kill her, she just resisted it.

In this way, the number of ghosts will not increase, as long as they can persist in walking to the teleportation formation, they can leave safely.Xu Miao looked at Fairy Xiange with complicated eyes, but she never told Xu Miao the correct way to do it.

Such a woman is too scheming, maybe she doesn't want Xu Miao to leave Guxiu's cave alive at all.Xu Miao chuckled, and imitated Fairy Xiange, only defending and not attacking.

Xu Miao and Fairy Xiange were able to deal with the hordes of ghosts with ease, but Deng Weiran seemed a little powerless.

His spiritual power control was not accurate enough. Even though he knew that he couldn't kill ghosts, he still used too much spiritual power when attacking and killed ghosts.

More and more ghosts made Deng Weiran more and more nervous.His subordinates were even more disrespectful, outputting spiritual power recklessly. The most direct thing was that he was surrounded by layers of ghosts and ghosts, unable to escape.

Xu Miao had joined Fairy Xiange at this time, and there was still a distance from the teleportation circle.As far as the eye can see, it is clear that the teleportation circle has been destroyed by the ghost.

Fairy Xiange's usually calm face finally changed. Although she quickly concealed it, she was clearly seen by Xu Miao at the side.

"Won't Fairy save Fellow Daoist Deng? He's the key to repairing the formation." Xu Miao pointed.

Fairy Xiange's eyes fluttered, she looked at Xu Miao, and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu can also repair the formation. Only one person who understands the formation is enough. What do you think?"

Xu Miao sneered in her heart. At first, this woman's plan must be to die under the attack of ghosts, and finally leave with Deng Weiran.Although he and Deng Weiran are both early-stage foundation-building monks, he poses a much greater threat to Fairy Xiange.

It's just that Fairy Xiange didn't expect Deng Weiran to be so useless, and Xu Miao's methods to be so sharp.When he learned that the ghost could not be killed, he stopped decisively and joined her to share the pressure.

Fairy Xiange had to change her strategy and give up Deng Weiran.This woman has a deep mind, and once she decides on something, her attitude changes immediately.

"Fellow Daoist Xu's means, his spiritual power is so tyrannical, the little girl really admires it." Saying that, Fairy Xiange stuck to Xu Miao's body.

Xu Miao avoided the woman calmly: "This picture of a fairy does not match the name of a fairy."

While the two were talking, they shortened the distance from the teleportation circle again.The teleportation circle is close at hand, but this circle is too damaged to be repaired in a short time.

What's worse, Xu Miao didn't have enough to repair the teleportation formation.

"Fairy, I'm sorry I can't repair this formation." Xu Miao pointed at the formation with a calm face.

Fairy Xiange's face changed drastically: "Friend Xu Daoist, what do you mean, didn't you repair it just now?"

"Don't be nervous, I haven't finished my sentence yet. Repairing the formation requires materials, but I don't have some of the materials I need. Those things should all be on Deng Daoyou." Xu Miao glanced at him and was blinded by ghosts. The figure of Deng Weiran.

Fairy Xiange was about to get angry when she heard about it, but she managed to control it after all, and her expression changed again and again: "Then Daoist Xu and I will go rescue Fellow Daoist Deng together."

Xu Miao shook her hand: "I have to repair the formation first. This formation is more complicated. I'll fix everything else first. When the fairy brings you Deng Daoyou, once the materials are put away, you can teleport away."

Reasonable and well-founded, Fairy Xiange has no reason to object at all.The formation can only rely on Xu Miao, even if she changes her mind now and doesn't want to cooperate with Xu Miao, she still has to get Deng Weiran out.

Fairy Xiange cast a bitter look at Xu Miao, then turned and flew towards Deng Weiran.

Xu Miao watched Fairy Xiange leave with a smile on her face, and then focused on the teleportation array.It's okay for these ghosts to destroy the formation, but they are so completely destroyed.

The structures of the two teleportation arrays are basically the same, as long as some parts are repaired.Xu Miao moved very quickly, and within a short time, all the places that could be repaired had been repaired, leaving only the missing materials.

The figure of Fairy Xiange has also been covered by ghosts. Xu Miao doesn't know what's going on there, so she can only sit here and wait quietly.

On the way of waiting, Xu Miao also found that these ghosts could not see anything, but only smelled the breath of the living beings to attack. He took out Xumi Pei, and after hiding the breath, the ghosts gradually dispersed.

Without the attack of ghosts, Xu Miao became more relaxed.He didn't care about the life and death of those two people at all.Even if they were all dead, he would just have to collect a corpse in the end.

Anyway, with the help of Xumi Pei, the ghosts couldn't find him.

After another incense stick of time passed, Xu Miao finally saw Fairy Xiange.The storage bag hanging around her waist belonged to Deng Weiran, and she didn't know whether she shot and killed Deng Weiran, or Deng Weiran was already dead when she rushed there.

Fairy Xiange found that there were no ghosts around Xu Miao, she was puzzled, and asked, "Friend Xu Daoist, why don't ghosts attack you now?"

Xu Miao took Deng Weiran's storage bag, opened it and found that there were only various materials left, and understood that some things in this storage bag had been taken away by Fairy Xiange first.

He shrugged, and replied extremely perfunctorily: "Maybe these ghosts find that I don't eat well."

(End of this chapter)

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