Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 131 Entering the Core

Chapter 131 Entering the Core
Fairy Xiange was in a hurry, but she couldn't take measures against Xu Miao, and she was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.Seeing Xu Miao repairing the formation slowly, she couldn't help urging: "Friend Xu, can you hurry up?"

Xu Miao also had to hide his breath so that ghosts would not attack him.But Fairy Xiange is different, all the ghosts gather around Fairy Xiange and attack her continuously.

But in a short time, Fairy Xiange's clothes have been torn off by ghosts, her fragrant shoulders are slightly exposed, and her snow-white skin is exposed to the air.

However, Xu Miao still glanced at her unhurriedly, and still slowly repaired the formation.Fairy Xiange was furious, grabbed Xu Miao's shoulder with one hand, and threatened: "Fellow Daoist Xu, if you continue to work hard like this, I will kill you directly!"

"The fairy can just do it, I can't resist." Xu Miao didn't raise her head, and didn't take Xiange Fairy's threat to heart at all.It's a joke, Xu Miao is the only one who knows the formation here, if he is killed, who will repair this only way of life.

Fairy Xiange really felt the difficulty of advancing and retreating. Xu Miao was too difficult to deal with, and there were a group of dangerous ghosts around her.She could only restrain her temper and soften her voice.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, was it the little girl just now? I hope fellow Daoist don't take it to heart. If we can escape from Ascension this time, the little girl can satisfy whatever request fellow Daoist has."

Fairy Xiange said she still did not forget to wink at Xiang, with all kinds of charms.It's a pity that Xu Miao didn't have any interest in her, she didn't even look at her, and still kept her head down and did her own thing.

"I just hope that after going out, the fairy will not think about killing people to silence her, so Xu Miao can feel at ease." Xu Miao directly picked on Xiange Xiange's deepest thoughts, so she could only smile awkwardly and was unable to answer.

Facing Xu Miao who doesn't like oil and salt, Fairy Xiange just feels that this is the most aggrieved day since she stepped into the cultivation world.With her demeanor and appearance, monks have always bowed down under her skirts, how could she be like this Xu Miao.

Her own cultivation was obviously higher than his, but because of Xu Miao's formation skills, she couldn't deal with it directly, which made her very annoyed, and made her lose her sense of strike and killed a lot of ghosts.

"Fairy has to be careful when you strike. If you continue to kill like this, I'm afraid that fairy will die and stand on the teleportation array." Xu Miao's words were full of sarcasm, which made Fairy Xiange even more angry.

With a buzzing sound, the teleportation formation lights up.Before Xu Miao said anything, Fairy Xiange rushed directly to the center of the formation, and with a flash of light, the person disappeared from the formation.

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth, and she bent down again to remove a certain part of the formation.Xu Miao didn't repair this formation correctly at all, and there was a huge deviation in the weight of the materials.

Fairy Xiange was afraid that she was rushed by ghosts, so she didn't check whether the formation was sent correctly, and sent it in a hurry.Xu Miao also deliberately provoked Fairy Xiange many times, making her lose her mind due to anger.

It can be said that every step of Fairy Xiange is within Xu Miao's calculation range.As for where Fairy Xiange will be teleported, Xu Miao can't know.

Losing the living goal of Fairy Xiange, the ghosts gradually dissipated between heaven and earth.Xu Miao took Xumi Pei and leisurely walked to the position where the mask was located.

Xu Miao had observed the process of Ma Jun detonating the talisman before. The biggest mistake was that after the detonation, he did not let go of his consciousness.However, it is not popular for monks to cut off their consciousness casually, except for Xu Miao, a freak.

Xu Miao took out ten third-level medium-grade talisman seals, and raised her hand to type them out so that they were evenly distributed on the mask.Xu Miao didn't rush to detonate the talisman, but walked to a corner away from the mask.

Ten third-level talisman seals exploded at the same time. Xu Miao couldn't accurately estimate the power that the mask would produce, so he could only avoid it first.When everything was ready, Xu Miao allocated ten small portions of consciousness.

At the moment when the talisman was detonated, the consciousness was split.The Fake Qi Shield appeared in front of him, and through the Fake Qi Shield, Xu Miao stared at the mask without blinking.

The explosion was really powerful. Even if you stood in a corner that was not easily affected, you could feel the entire cave mansion shaking violently.

The mask strengthened the power of the talisman again. Under the double power, the solid mask was instantly torn apart, turning into bits of broken light scattered in the air.

When the mask was torn apart, a huge aftermath swept across the cave. Xu Miao obviously felt that the already extremely unstable spiritual power was disturbed by the power of the mask.

And under the pressure of Yu Wei, the imitation qidun would even be overthrown.Xu Miao hastened to increase the input of spiritual power, and barely stabilized the Fake Qi Shield.

This is still the power of a low-grade spiritual weapon. From such a distance, it is almost impossible to resist the power of the mask bursting. The methods of the ancient monks are really unpredictable.

After everything returned to calm, Xu Miao walked out from the corner.The spiritual consciousness swept across the interior of the cave without any obstacles, and even the ghosts disappeared. I don't know if it was because of the explosion of the mask.

The five stone platforms that were originally covered by the light mask were exposed to the air.These five stone platforms are arranged in an unknown order, forming a strange shape.

Xu Miao can be sure that in the various jade slips he has seen, there is absolutely no mention of this shape.In other words, the order in which the stone platforms were placed was unique to ancient monks.

According to Ma Jun's thinking, five people are required to stand on the stone platform at the same time.But Xu Miao checked the stone platform, and there was no sign of spiritual power flowing.

Being able to be covered by such a strong and powerful light shield is definitely not just a meaning of the shape of a totem.Since the core of the cave is mentioned, the way to enter the core must be related to the five stone platforms.

Only Xu Miao is alone, and it is impossible to let the five stone platforms have people, but Xu Miao is not only him, he also has spirit beasts and weapon spirits.

With a movement of the divine mind, four spirit beasts and a weapon spirit appeared out of thin air.It seems that the spiritual power in the Hunting Stone is especially suitable for the cultivation of spirit beasts, and all four spirit beasts have reached the level of second-level spirit beasts in a short period of time.

Xu Miao directed the four spirit beasts to sit on the four stone platforms, while he himself sat on the last stone platform.However, after sitting for a long time, nothing changed. The stone platform is still a stone platform, and the gravel residues on the side are still there.

Seeing this scene, Xu Miao raised her forehead, and if she had known about it, she would have asked Ma Jun how to use the five stone platforms after breaking through the mask.The four spirit beasts didn't dare to move casually, they stayed obediently on the stone platform and looked at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao looked at Xiaotian swaying here and there. She didn't understand the methods of the ancient monks. Only Xiaotian who had followed the Mahayana monks might understand the mystery of the stone platform.

Xiaotian cast spiritual power on the stone platform for a while, then picked up the little white tiger and checked the stone platform.Qi Ling is Qi Ling, the older you are, the more you know.

"This stone platform should also be a teleportation formation, but it requires five monks to activate their spiritual power at the same time to generate traction with each other. Like a five-pointed star, each direction is connected to the position connected to it."

"However, this spiritual power must be of the same origin, that is to say, the five monks are all practicing the same technique, but if there is a little difference, they cannot drive this formation."

From this point of view, even if Ma Jun and the others successfully broke through the formation, they would not be able to use the stone platform to enter the core of the cave.Because the fundamentals of their cultivation are different from each other, with different attributes and different grades.Even if they exhaust all their spiritual power, it will not help.

But for Xu Miao, the situation is different.Except for him, the other four are his spirit beasts, and as long as the contract is converted, they can exert the same spiritual power.

After Xu Miao confessed to the four spirit beasts, in order to allow the four of them to continue to output spirit power, they specially arranged small spirit gathering arrays on the stone platform.

The four spirit beasts were connected with Xu Miao's mind, and their spiritual powers quickly merged together smoothly.As the output of spiritual power increased, the Silver Light Mouse was the first to fail.

When the flow of spiritual power was about to be interrupted, Xiaotian replenished the spiritual power for the Silver Light Mouse in time to allow the flow of spiritual power to run normally.

Xu Miao obviously felt that the temperature of the stone platforms began to rise, and a complex teleportation array began to form based on the five stone platforms.Xu Miao opened her eyes and looked around. This formation is very complicated, and it is impossible to study it clearly in a while.

The most important thing is that this formation is composed of five stone platforms. When they are not activated, the stone platforms are as inconspicuous as the most common stones.

But such a stone contains an extremely complex formation, and Xu Miao cannot but admire Gu Xiu's wisdom.The light of the formation is getting brighter and brighter, and the stone platform under the seat is getting hotter and hotter.

Suddenly, the spiritual power around her became distorted, and this feeling similar to teleportation but completely different from teleportation filled Xu Miao's side.

The light disappeared, and the spiritual power returned to calm. The stone platform is still a stone platform, but the surrounding environment has changed.Entering the eyes seems to be a school that has been scaled down, with a mountain gate and an attic.

Xu Miao walked towards this "sect" with four spirit beasts and Xiaotian. The plaque on the mountain gate read "Tiandingmen".It sounds like a very domineering name, but no matter how domineering it is, it will be lost in the long river of time in the end.

Entering the mountain gate, there are attics such as the Library Pavilion, the Treasure Pavilion, and the Alchemy Pavilion.The name is simple and rude, so that people who come here can know the function of the building in front of them at a glance.

Xu Miao pushed open the door of Zangshuge first. The strangest thing is that the time here seems to be stopped, there is no dust, no cobwebs, and there is not even a protective formation.It seems that the owner here has just left, and will return to this place the next moment.

There are rows of stone cabinets in the pavilion, but most of them are empty. Xu Miao walked all the way to the end, only to see a few jade slips.Xu Miao pasted one of the jade slips on her forehead and read it intently, only then did she know the origin of this sect.

According to the current time division, the Tiandingmen where this monk is located is a sect in ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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