Chapter 132
The origin of the Heavenly Cauldron Sect can be traced back to ancient times. In the ancient times, the Heavenly Cauldron Sect was a stand-alone sect, but in the ancient times, it became a lot of down and out.

Many of the martial arts secret books in the sect were lost, and most of the high-ranking monks died, which directly led to a sharp decline in the strength of the sect.

In ancient times, Tiandingmen became a third-rate sect, lingering on with its former glory.But it is never the strongest who really survive, but the most adaptable.

Tiandingmen couldn't adapt to the ancient environment, and could only be eliminated by the torrent of time.The last generation of disciples built this microcosm of the sect according to the secret method handed down from ancient times.

It is hoped that the descendants who discover this place will practice the techniques of Tiandingmen and restore the glory of Tiandingmen.

Xu Miao can only say that this senior's idea is good, but it is absolutely impossible to restore a sect and revive its prestige in ancient times.

Not to mention whether people are willing to accept this task in the future, even if some people are willing, the world is different, the environment in the cultivation world has changed, and the forces have been reorganized. How can those big sects allow new sects to come out and rob them of their resources.

After all, all this can only be a distant dream, which will never be realized.

Xu Miao put down the jade slip with a complicated expression, deeply sighing.Such a powerful sect has fallen so far, and was finally wiped out, how many of them are helpless.

He picked up another jade slip, and this jade slip recorded exercises.The name of this exercise is "Heaven and Earth Jue", and there is no attribute restriction, which means that monks of any attribute can practice it.

It sounds like the requirements for monks are not high, but it is precisely such exercises that are difficult to practice.Those skills that require attributes can be cultivated as long as the monks have the corresponding attributes.

Regardless of whether the final cultivation power is high or not, it can always be used to meet the enemy.However, the "Heaven and Earth Silence Jue" has almost strict requirements on a monk's talent, roots, and comprehension.

In the ancient times, Tiandingmen relied on the "Heaven and Earth Jue" to traverse the world, cultivate to the strongest level, and be able to fight against the heaven and the earth.

In the ancient times, no matter how much effort was put into it, only a few members of the sect could successfully cultivate this exercise, and they only studied it to two or three levels, so they couldn't show its powerful power at all, and the sect eventually declined uncontrollably.

"The Art of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation" does not introduce specific grades, but as the strongest kung fu of an ancient school, it must be a heavenly grade, or even a heavenly top grade.

The strongest skill that Xu Miao possesses now is "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue", which is a mid-level heavenly skill.The other exercises are nothing more than Xuan-level, or even Huang-level exercises, not even Earth-level exercises.

Just from the text description of this "Space of Heaven and Earth", Xu Miao can feel the incomparable aura that destroys the sky and destroys the earth.With one move, the sky and the earth change color, and with another move, mountains and seas collapse.

Xu Miao's heart was beating extremely fast. This was an attack-type exercise, which just made up for his current weakness.The strongest skill is only the top grade of the mysterious level. It is no problem to face the same level. If you go up the level and meet high-level monks, you will suffer a bit.

But this is just Xu Miao's thoughts. If other early stage foundation monks know Xu Miao's thoughts, they will only strongly condemn Xu Miao for being dissatisfied.

What does Xuan-level top-grade mean, it is a little worse than Earth-level.Rounding it up, it is an earth-level skill, but it is still too weak and not powerful enough.Many early-stage monks of ordinary sects can have the top-grade kung fu of the original mysterious level, and it is estimated that they will wake up laughing in their dreams when they sleep.

Of course, Xu Miao's target of comparison has never been those ordinary foundation cultivators.Not to mention Zhonglu, which has the strongest level of cultivation, but in Xilu, such great sects as Xihuizong and Jixingdian, their outstanding foundation-building disciples will practice at least earth-level exercises.

If one day they run into disciples of these sects, even Xu Miao will fight very reluctantly, relying on his strong spiritual power.

Like two kettles of different sizes, the small kettle has a large spout, which allows the water in the kettle to be poured out quickly, but the large kettle has only a small spout, and no amount of water can be poured out.

Xu Miao's current situation is like a big kettle with a small spout. The spiritual power is too strong, but there is no corresponding exercise for him to use.This was determined by the background of the sect, so it couldn't be blamed on Xu Miao.

But in the future when you fight with other monks, others will not think you are a disciple of a small sect, so they will be merciful, and will only look down on you even more.Therefore, a high-level attacking technique is very important to Xu Miao at this moment.

With such a powerful technique in her hands, Xu Miao feels like she is dreaming now.He put down this jade slip, picked up the last one, and stuck it on his forehead.

This jade slip records defensive skills, called "Fu Yu Zhi Zhou".As the name suggests, it releases the spiritual power of the whole body to form a defensive light shield to resist external attacks.

It is mentioned in the Jade Slips that Fu Yu's helmet can resist the enemy's attack that is one level higher than that of a monk without any effort.No wonder Tiandingmen was able to stand out from all other heroes in ancient times. With the strongest attack and defense that can resist high-level, no one can be stronger than him.

Such a powerful sect did not lose to anyone or any demon, but to heaven and earth.Even if you have a super defense, you can't stop the attack of the world, and even if you have a super attack, you can't really attack the world.

"Fu Yu Zhi Zhou" also does not require any spiritual root attributes, but similar to "Heaven and Earth Nirvana", it requires extremely high talent, roots, and understanding.

Moreover, compared to practicing "The Secret of Heaven and Earth", the cultivation of "Fu Yu Zhixuan" is more difficult. It is mentioned in the jade slip that at the end of the sect, there is not a single disciple who has successfully cultivated. The disciple cultivated successfully.

Although Xu Miao now possesses these two powerful exercises, it is still unknown whether he will be able to practice successfully in the end.The Tiandingmen is the best evidence. The entire sect has tried their best, but few have succeeded.

Although I have a single and double spiritual root, and I am the most sensitive spiritual root in the cultivation world, I don't have the slightest advantage in front of these two exercises.

After he put all three jade slips into the Huntian Stone, he walked out of the Library Pavilion.He was not in a hurry to practice, but planned to go through the remaining few rooms before thinking about it.

Next, is the Treasure Pavilion.But the Treasure Pavilion was empty, and Xu Miao searched all over but couldn't find any magic weapon.I can't help being disappointed, I don't know what this person thinks, what kind of treasure house is built without a magic weapon, it's a waste.

Pushing open the door of the Alchemy Pavilion, Xu Miao was also prepared to have nothing.However, the items placed in the room surprised Xu Miao, there were several tripods for alchemy alone.

Xu Miao walked a few steps quickly and came to the side of the tripod, only to find that although these tripods were placed here, they were no longer usable.There are more or less cracks in these alchemy cauldrons, which cannot withstand the burning of the alchemy fire at all.

It's just that they were glued together with a special technique, and it's just put here as a pretense.Xu Miao shook her head, then turned to look at a stone cabinet standing beside her.

A jade slip stood alone on the stone cabinet. Xu Miao was about to take it off, but found that the jade slip seemed to be glued to the stone cabinet and could not be moved at all.

Xu Miao used her spiritual power to grab the jade slip with both hands, but she couldn't pick it up.Xu Miao curled her lips, and drew a line on the edge of the jade slip in frustration.

Unexpectedly, the jade slip took advantage of the trend and turned in a circle, and the stone cabinet began to move to the right with a bang.Xu Miao hurriedly stepped aside, holding Huaying, ready to attack at any time.

A half-person-high hole was exposed behind the stone cabinet. Xu Miao carefully poked his consciousness into it, and found a short path leading to a closed stone room.

There is still a person sitting cross-legged on the cushion in the stone room, but this person has been dead for a long time.Spiritual consciousness did not find any danger, so Xu Miao bent down and entered the entrance of the cave.

When he came to the stone room, Xu Miao took out the night pearl to illuminate the entire dark stone room.In front of this person was an alchemy cauldron, and there was a ball of flame in the cauldron.

However, this flame seemed to be restrained by someone, without any temperature, and there was no sign of burning.This alchemy tripod has no cracks or damage and can be used directly.

Xu Miao turned her head to look at the long-dead monk. It was a very young man with a faint smile on his lips, as if he would open his eyes in the next moment to entertain the unexpected guest.

The monk wears a storage ring on his hand, which is similar in shape to today's storage rings.Xu Miao took off the storage carefully, penetrated into it with consciousness, and was frightened by the items inside.

Xu Miao felt that she had been frightened a little today and her heart was beating a little faster.There are only 30 yuan for top-grade spirit stones, more than 500 top-grade spirit stones, more than 6000 middle-grade spirit stones, and 10,000+ low-grade spirit stones.

A top-grade spirit stone is equal to 100 yuan of top-grade spirit stones, a piece of top-grade spirit stones is equal to 100 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, and a piece of middle-grade spirit stones is equal to 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.

With so many spirit stones added up, there are more than 3000 million low-grade spirit stones converted into low-grade spirit stones!
Xu Miao was almost blinded by the light of the spirit stone. What is getting rich overnight, this is called getting rich overnight!With this worth, even He Qinggu may not be as rich as Xu Miao is now.

With so many spirit stones, even if Xu Miao was paralyzed in Yanwang City and did nothing, he could stay for hundreds of years without any problems.

Next to the spirit stone, there are several magic weapons.These magic weapons can be used directly without any damage.But Xu Miao saw that although these magic weapons were very special, she was also a little helpless.

The rank of the magic weapon is too high, Xu Miao can't take it out at all. They are all acquired spiritual weapons, which are only used by Jindan monks.As long as Xu Miao shows up in front of outsiders, it won't take long for her to be hunted down by the entire cultivation world.

The monks in the early stage of foundation establishment held the acquired spiritual weapon far beyond his strength, and they were only from a small sect. Those old monsters who had lived in the cultivation world for so many years could think clearly with their knees.

(End of this chapter)

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