Chapter 133
It must have entered a certain ancient monk's cave, a secret realm, and obtained a great opportunity to have these magic weapons.At that time, what awaits him is endless pursuit.

But I had no choice but to put these magic weapons into the Hunting Stone by myself, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came, he would not be able to detect the breath of the Houtian spiritual weapon.

If it happens that the killer is about to be killed, it is the time when these acquired spiritual weapons come into play.But for the current Xu Miao, the Acquired Spirit Tool would be very difficult to use.

Because the Houtian spirit weapon is provided to Jindan cultivators, if you want to use the full power of the Houtian spirit weapon, you must have sufficient spiritual power.

Although Xu Miao's spiritual power can be compared with that of a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, compared with the strong spiritual power of a Jindan monk, he can't keep up with it.

Even if you can't use it, just looking at it makes you feel comfortable.Anyway, it's my own stuff, so I can't use it now, so can't I use it in the future?
Xu Miao reckoned that when he reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment, he would be able to barely use the Houtian Spirit Artifact.

Each magic weapon in the storage ring is engraved with their name, which is very easy to recognize.One is the middle-grade Houtian spiritual weapon specially designed for flying—the empty feather wing, which is different from the general flying magic weapon. The empty feather wing is a pair of wings that can only drive a monk to fly.

The flying speed of the empty feather wing is more than twice as fast as that of the late Jindan monks.With such a speed, he can be invincible among almost all Jindan cultivators.

It doesn't matter if you can't win, as long as you can run and win.It is simply a must-have for killing treasures, exploring secret lands, and traveling at home.Of course, after equipping the sky wings, the flying speed will be accelerated, but what is gained is what is lost, and the consumption of spiritual power is also huge.

Every time Kong Lingyi flaps its wings, it will take away all the spiritual power in the body of the monks in the early stage of Jindan, and half of the spiritual power in the body of the monks in the middle stage.Such consumption, if there is no corresponding supplement of spiritual power, will definitely be exhausted by Kong Lingyi and die.

The second Acquired Spirit Tool is quite practical, called the Thousand Changes Mask.As the name suggests, this low-grade Houtian spirit tool is in the shape of a mask. After wearing it on the face, it can change the face according to the monk's mind.

After changing his face, even a Jindan stage monk would not be able to recognize the monk's true face if he scanned it with his spiritual sense.Of course, if you are unlucky and meet a Nascent Soul cultivator, you will be seen through immediately.

In addition, this magic weapon does not need to consume much spiritual power, it only consumes a small amount of spiritual power when changing the appearance.Seeing this, Xu Miao put the Thousand Changes Mask on her face, and the cold feeling penetrated her skin.

Sure enough, only a little spiritual power was needed, and Xu Miao's face changed dramatically.Xu Miao used to look like a handsome young man, but now he has become very ordinary, no one will notice if he is thrown in the crowd.

The appearance of real security is not how ugly it is, but ordinary.The uglier or more handsome the face, the easier it is to be remembered.But ordinary, but will not be remembered in the heart.

Xu Miao was very satisfied with the current appearance, and looked at the next magic weapon.This magic weapon is the ultimate postnatal spiritual tool—the Nirvana Sword, which was made for the "Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art".

It's just that this Nirvana Sword is not the real Nirvana Sword, it is a magic weapon specially imitated by Tiandingmen in ancient times.The rank of the real Nirvana Sword is the Chaos Spirit Treasure, which is one rank higher than the Huntian Stone in the Quansheng Period.

Like the Huntian Stone, as a chaotic spirit treasure, the Nirvana Sword also has a sword spirit, but when the Nirvana Sword is broken, the soul flies away.From this point of view, Huntian Stone's life is still relatively hard.

In the storage ring, there are a total of three Houtian spirit weapons, plus the alchemy cauldron in the alchemy pavilion, it can be counted as four pieces.After the alchemy cauldron is out, I will go to study it, and now I will continue to look at other things in the storage ring.

Inside the storage ring are mostly spirit stones and magic weapons, and the last thing left are a few jade slips and a pile of jade bottles.The jade bottle should contain all kinds of elixirs, but after Xu Miao opened them one by one, he found that the elixirs had lost their properties.

Xu Miao was a little disappointed, but anyway, he had already got so many good things, so it's fine if he doesn't have these pills.He shifted his gaze to the jade slip.

He took out a jade slip and read it. This jade slip recorded all kinds of alchemy recipes. It also mentioned that Tiandingmen was best at alchemy, but because of the great change in the sky, many alchemy recipes were lost, leaving only dozens of kinds.

As a sect specializing in alchemy, there are only dozens of alchemy formulas, and it is indeed at the end of the road, irreversible.Most of these dozens of elixir formulas are no longer suitable for the current cultivation world.

Some of the spiritual herbs mentioned in it have been extinct for a long time and cannot be further refined. The most terrifying thing is always the passage of time.After Xu Miao sighed, she took out another jade slip.

This jade slip talks about various defenses and attack formations, which are used for the revival of the younger generation.It's just that these formations are all tens of thousands of feet long, which are completely unsuitable for Xu Miao's personal use.

Xu Miao couldn't help feeling a little frustrated that the two consecutive jade slips were useless, so he took out the last jade slip to read.However, this jade slip is more succinct than all other slips, with only one word "absolutely".

It is the word "absolutely" that brings a sense of despair and sadness to Xu Miao's mind.This has never happened before. The jade slips only record the relevant content, without any emotions.

But this jade slip was too simple, but the influence it brought to Xu Miao could not be ignored.That kind of endless sadness, endless despair, it seems that the person who wrote this word will fall into the endless hell forever and never come out again.

Perhaps it was because the sect would eventually cut off its inheritance, which made this person so desperate and sad.Xu Miao packed up everything and left the stone room.

There is still the alchemy cauldron left in the alchemy. Xu Miao approached the cauldron carefully, but saw the words "Refining Heaven Cauldron" written on the bottom of the cauldron.This sect is really domineering and mighty as always.

It's just refining a elixir, is it necessary?Xu Miao secretly complained in her heart.Lian Tianding is easy to solve, but how to deal with the sealed spirit fire in the cauldron is a big problem.

Xu Miao had suffered from the spirit fire more than once, and one of them almost died. He didn't want to be tossed by the spirit fire again.I don't know how to deal with this group of spiritual fire for the time being, so I won't deal with it.

It is currently the safest way to let this spirit fire stay in the Heaven Refining Cauldron.Xu Miao purposely set aside a storage bag and put the Liantian Ding into it before leaving the place.

After visiting the three attics and taking a lot of things, Xu Miao is satisfied and should try to leave this place.Xu Miao went back to the place where the five stone platforms were, and repeated the method of entering here, but found that the stone platforms did not respond.

Xu Miao had no choice but to call Xiaotian out.After Xiaotian checked it again, he said that the five stone platforms had lost their function and were a one-time teleportation formation.

Xu Miao was in a bad mood. A one-time formation meant that he couldn't leave here.Unwilling to give up, Xu Miao began to look for opportunities to leave in various attics.

All the spirit beasts were ordered to find the exit, and Xu Miao was also searching here and there.He recalled that he walked all the way, among the three attics, there was nothing particularly strange, the only difference was the stone room.

Stone room!With a flash of inspiration, Xu Miao hurried to the secret room.The secret room remained the same as when Xu Miao left.He had checked the entire secret room and there was nothing special about it, but there was one place that Xu Miao didn't check.

That was the position under the ancient monk. Xu Miao carefully moved the monk's body to the side and lifted the seat cushion, only to find two lines of words written under the seat cushion.

The handwriting is not very clear, Xu Miao carefully deciphered it, but could only see a few words - Tao... bully... road... Jue.

Xu Miao couldn't tell what the monk wanted to express from the remaining four characters, so she could only guess based on the era and environment of the Tiandingmen.

Perhaps it was because Tiandingmen was deceived by some forces after its decline, which resulted in the cutting off of the way to improve the school's level.Xu Miao thought to herself that it was only a grievance a few hundred thousand years ago, and had nothing to do with herself now.

I put these words behind me and saw a round hole under the seat cushion.Xu Miao half-closed her eyes and looked at the scene below the round hole.

However, there is only chaotic darkness below the round hole, and nothing can be seen clearly.Xu Miao stretched out her consciousness, but found that she couldn't get through the round hole to get down.

Xu Miao glanced at the monk's hand from the corner of his eye, and suddenly realized that the round hole was exactly the same size as the storage ring.Xu Miao took out the storage ring and pressed it on the round hole, and Xu Miao's whole body was instantly enveloped in light.

After the sense of space distortion receded, Xu Miao realized that she had left the secret room.According to the state of the heaven and earth aura environment, Xu Miao can be sure that this place is already the outside world.

It's just that this place is quite different from the direction Xu Miao first entered the cave. Xu Miao touched the thousand-change mask on his face, and after confirming that it was correct, he found a random direction to fly. go.

It turned out that the place where Xu Miao came out was a very long distance from the cave. I don't know if the ancient monks did it specially to protect the people who inherited the Tiandingmen.

Xu Miao was thinking about various matters in her mind while flying.

Yanwang City needs an invitation card to enter, and without an invitation card, the treatment in Yanwang City will be very low.Although I have a huge sum of money, if it is exposed casually, it will easily arouse the jealousy of other monks, and it will also affect future actions.

The best way is to intercept a monk who came out of Yanwang City and get his entry token.It's just that there are so many monks outside, no one will write on their faces that I have a token.

Identifying whether the monk belongs to Yanwang City has become the most difficult problem for Xu Miao now.Xu Miao landed on the ground near Yanwang City, where monks were forbidden to fly, and Xu Miao didn't want to get into trouble.

He was walking in the woods on foot, and because he had something on his mind, his walking speed inevitably slowed down, but this gave other people a wrong signal of "I am weak, come and kill me".

Two monks in the early stage of foundation establishment approached Xu Miao maliciously from the left and right.

(End of this chapter)

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