Chapter 134
But who is Xu Miao, with two powerful spiritual senses, even if he walks slowly, he is not easy to bully.He stopped and looked at the person calmly: "I don't know why the two fellow Taoists came here?"

One of the ugly men looked at Xu Miao: "I just need to hand over the token to enter Yanwang City, and I can spare you."

"Pretending to be an old man in front of me, you think too highly of yourself." Xu Miao looked at the two of them mockingly.

The two men shot at the same time, and two similar spiritual forces instantly surrounded Xu Miao, blocking the retreat in all directions.

"Boy, let me tell you, I am I, and I wanted to save your life, but it seems that even if I save your life, it will be taken away by other people sooner or later. Why don't I do something good and let you reincarnate earlier?" Don't meet Lao Tzu again in your next life."

The ugly people, one Lao Tzu, seemed to have regarded Xu Miao as a mortal person, and there was no way to resist.

Xu Miao calmly felt the dilemma formed by the joint efforts of the two. I have to say that this dilemma is very ingenious.Ordinary monks in the early stage of foundation establishment will definitely die or die.

Unfortunately, they found the wrong partner.In Xu Miao's eyes, this dilemma is like building blocks built by a three-year-old child, which can be broken with a wave of hands.

"With your methods, you want to be my father. You really don't know how to be my father." Xu Miao snorted coldly, and with a wave of her hand, she broke the predicament of Guanghua Shining.

The two were reacted by the power of the predicament, and they were ejected several meters away.They looked at Xu Miao in astonishment, and quickly realized that the iron plate was mentioned this time, so they turned around and wanted to run.

How could Xu Miao accept their wishes, grabbed the two of them out of thin air with both hands, threw them on the ground, and then cast a forbidden spell to trap the two of them.

The expressions of the two people changed drastically, and they begged for mercy repeatedly. If Xu Miao hadn't controlled them so that they couldn't move their bodies independently, they would definitely kowtow non-stop.

Xu Miao grandly held the two people's storage bags in his hands, and directly used his powerful spiritual sense to break the restrictions on the storage bags, and found the city entry token in one of the storage bags.

But there is only one token, it seems that these two people want to gather two tokens and enter the city together.I don't know how many people they robbed, there are a lot of miscellaneous things in it.

All kinds of array flags, talisman seals, and a lot of magic weapons, but the grade is very low.Adding up the spirit stones in the two storage bags, there are more than 1 low-grade spirit stones.

"Senior, we were wrong. We were the ones who didn't know Taishan and ran into you. Your lord has a lot, so let us go!" The two hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Who is Lao Tzu?" Xu Miao glanced at the two of them casually.

"Of course you are Lao Tzu, you are the father of both of us, there is no need to deny this, father, what do you think?"

Xu Miao sneered when she heard this.Both are monks in the early stage of foundation establishment, but they don't have the slightest pride and self-esteem as monks. Such people are a waste of cultivation resources to live.

However, before killing them, some questions need to be asked: "What is the current situation in Yanwang City?"

When they saw Xu Miao asking questions, they thought Xu Miao would let them go: "Is it because we answered, you will let us go?"

"That's not necessarily the case, I just know that if you don't answer, you will definitely die." Xu Miao looked down at her palm, and a ball of spiritual power appeared, threatening the two people on the ground.

"We say we say, and we hope that the seniors will bypass us because we know everything and say everything."

"The current high-level officials in Yanwang City are said to be in charge of several cultivation families affiliated to several sects. These cultivation families usually have discord and disharmony, and they often have disputes."

"It's all nonsense. I want to hear about the situation of the monks in the city." Xu Miao looked at the two of them with an unhappy expression.

"Yes, yes, now, monks who have a token to enter the city need to pay 200 yuan for low-grade spirit stones every month. In addition, they also need to go out to perform related tasks. While performing tasks outside, all the spirit stones must be handed over. .”

Yanwang City's appetite is getting bigger and bigger now, even if it wants to control the monks who stay in the city, it shouldn't be so harsh, so no monks are willing to enter Changliu.

Even if he had a lot of spirit stones, he couldn't afford to waste them like this. Xu Miao frowned, thinking about whether to enter Yanwang City, or choose to go to other cities, which might cost less.

The two of them were also very good at observing words and expressions. Seeing Xu Miao's expression, they knew what Xu Miao was worried about.

"Senior, in fact, paying so many spirit stones is aimed at those monks who are unwilling to join forces in Yanwang City. There are several major forces in Yanwang City. In order to attract monks to recharge their strength, they have greatly increased the amount of spirit stones paid."

The two introduced to Xu Miao the five major forces in Yanwang City, namely the four middle-level cultivation families attached to Xihuizong, Jixingdian, Yongtongmen, Zhuoli Pavilion, and the forces of Duobao Pavilion.

The surnames of the four families are Wei, Yi, Yu, and Liu. Among them, the Wei family attached to Xihuizong is the strongest.The strength of the remaining three is about the same, and the strength of Duobao Pavilion is slightly inferior. However, Duobao Pavilion has a wide range of sources of information, and other forces will not easily provoke them.

As long as you join one of the five major factions after entering the city, and receive the protection of the faction, you only need to pay one hundred spirit stones every month. You can do the task or not, and if you complete a certain task, you can also offset the spirit stone.

Xu Miao can only say that it is just a few families who rely on the big tree to enjoy the shade. It is because of the several sects attached to the West Land that they have become so rampant, and a little monk like himself has to follow their rules.

To be precise, it is not their rules, but the rules of the strong, the iron-like rules in the cultivation world.

"Senior, we also heard a piece of news, and it was this news that caused the five major forces to keep recruiting monks. It also stimulated us casual cultivators to desperately snatch the entry token and enter Yanwang City."

When Xu Miao heard this, she raised her eyes as a question.

"Since the change of heaven and earth, the quality of spiritual energy has become very poor. But at night, some black air comes out from nowhere. This kind of black air will kill the skin of ordinary monks."

"At first, there was only one point, but everyone didn't pay attention to it. During this period of time, there has been more and more black air, and more and more people have died. Everyone found that only Yanwang City can resist this black air."

"Does it mean that the news you heard will completely spread out in a few days?"

There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the two of them, and they didn't expect Xu Miao to guess it so quickly: "Yes, it is said that the black air has gradually formed a human appearance, and it seems that it has developed spiritual wisdom, and has adapted to the sun, and will soon attack human monks aggressively. .”

Xu Miao did not expect that the situation in the realm of comprehension would change so quickly. Since this kind of situation would happen here, it would also happen in Heqinggu's residence.

I don't know if Master and the others have found a way to resist the black energy. Yanwang City is too far away from Heqinggu's residence, so Xu Miao can't go back at all. Now he can only keep himself temporarily, and then find another plan.

Xu Miao took the city entry token in her hand, took out the spirit stones from the two storage bags, and threw the rest on the ground.Although there are only more than 1 spirit stones, it is better than nothing, and it can be regarded as a lesson for those two people.

He released the restraint of the two, said "Get out", and the two picked up the storage bag on the ground, stumbled and supported each other to leave.

Suddenly, the instinct of the body made Xu Miao feel the danger, and he moved a few meters to the left abruptly, avoiding the black air generated out of thin air.

With Xu Miao's sunbow in hand, she fired several arrows in succession to dissipate the black air.This was the first time Xu Miao saw the black air, and he did not expect the black air to be so difficult to deal with.

Although the Sun Splitting Bow is only a top-grade magic weapon, its own cultivation level is there.Compared with the cultivation base in the middle stage of foundation establishment, it takes a few arrows to eliminate the black air. If Xu Miao encounters a group of black air, he can only run away.

Xu Miao looked up at the sky, the sun was right, and the black air could be produced at this time, which showed that what the two said was true.You must enter Yanwang City as soon as possible, relying on the strength of many monks to resist the black energy.

Xu Miao rushed to Yanwang City with the wind blowing under her feet.There were quite a lot of people entering Yanwang City, among them were monks who tried to rush into Yanwang City, but they were all driven out by the city guarding monks.

By the time we arrived at Xu Miao, half a day had passed.Xu Miao handed the token to the cultivator defending the city, along with a few spirit stones.

The other party was very satisfied with Xu Miao's sensible behavior, and after checking and confirming that it was correct, he let Xu Miao enter.When Xu Miao passed by him, he also sent a voice transmission to tell Xu Miao: "Your token belongs to the Wei family."

Xu Miao nodded in thanks. Although the other party told him the news because of a few spirit stones, Xu Miao still had to express his gratitude.Just because Xu Miao looked at the token by himself, he didn't find any difference in it.

It should be that these city guard disciples have practiced specific exercises to check each token.

The power of the Wei family belongs to Xihuizong.Xu Miao still remembered that at that time Xihui Zong mobilized all the people to find the murderer who killed Lin Zhao, and she saved Zhu Ping because of it.

I just don't know if Xihuizong still cares about this matter. Although I have the Thousand Transformation Mask on my body and changed my appearance, this mask can only fool the Jindan monk at best, but cannot fool the Nascent Soul monk.

If he is so desperate to meet the Nascent Soul cultivator, then he will be in big trouble. I just hope that the cultivator of the Wei family did not participate in the last incident.

After Xu Miao asked the direction of Duobao Pavilion, she went to Duobao Pavilion first.Now there are only three materials for his natal magic weapon, the Ningwu Sword: the ribs of the dog demon, the meteorite silver block, and the net sky sand.

In order to refine the original fog condensing sword and make it into shape, at least six materials are needed.There are many news about Duobao Pavilion, which is Xu Miao's only hope at present.

Different from the panic situation in Yanwang City, the maids in Duobao Pavilion are very calm.It seems that this Duobao Pavilion can be opened all over the five continents, and it really has its ability.

(End of this chapter)

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