Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 135 News

Chapter 135 News
"Senior, what do I need to buy?" A maid in the Qi refining period saw Xu Miao, stepped forward and said.

Xu Miao handed a jade slip to the woman: "I want the things mentioned on this jade slip." After the woman inspected it according to her words, her expression was filled with imperceptible doubts.

He said softly: "Senior, please wait a moment, and the younger generation will go to the elder here." After seeing Xu Miao nodding, he retreated politely.

After Xu Miao sat down, other maids served spirit tea.After a cup of tea, a middle-aged man with a short beard appeared and took Xu Miaoyin to the inner hall.The two exchanged surnames and sat down in turn.

"The materials Daoist Xu needs are all geniuses and treasures. It's a pity that there is no Duobao Pavilion here. Moreover, even if there are only news about these few materials, we only have three."

"With Duobao Pavilion's ability to reach the sky, can we only get information about three kinds of materials?" Xu Miao didn't give up.

Cultivator Li shook his head and sighed: "The environment of the cultivation world is different now, many things were destroyed and lost in that shock, and the materials needed by Fellow Daoist Xu are indeed very rare, even in the past it was difficult to find, let alone now .”

"Where are the three materials now?" It's okay to know the three materials. If you have six materials, you're afraid that you won't be able to find the remaining three.

Brother Li handed Xu Miao a jade slip: "Three kinds of materials, the white concentrate is at the bottom of Qinghuan Lake; the jadeite is in the cold valley; the wind grass is in the dense forest without streams."

"These three materials, my cabinet can guarantee their location is correct, and there is another material news, which cannot be sure whether it is true or not. Do fellow daoist Xu need it?"

"Of course, please Li Daoyou tell me."

"The dusty water is located in the deepest part of the Dark Mountain. This news was mentioned by a monk who has been to the Dark Mountain. However, since no one has entered the deepest part of the Dark Mountain for many years, my pavilion cannot verify the truth."

Xu Miao nodded to express her understanding: "I don't know the price of this news?"

Cultivator Li didn't directly talk about the price, but changed the subject: "I heard that Fellow Daoist Xu has joined the Wei Family faction."

When Xu Miao heard this, she became vigilant.I just came to buy materials and news, but Duobao Pavilion has already started to investigate my origin, which can't stop Xu Miao from worrying.

Cultivator Li also saw the undisguised displeasure and caution in Xu Miao's eyes: "Fellow Daoist Xu, don't be nervous. My cabinet has no intention of investigating you. It's just that fellow Daoists know that black air creatures are about to invade. One more helper." Power isn't it?"

"My pavilion is willing to give this information as a gift in exchange for a fellow daoist to join my Duobao pavilion. How would you like it?"

Li Xiushi's words were sincere and full of sincerity.As far as Xu Miao was concerned, she didn't want to go to Wei's house in order to avoid encountering people from Xihuizong and causing unpleasant things.

The others are no different.Since you can exchange information by joining Duobao Pavilion, why not do it.Xu Miao readily agreed, and Brother Li pushed the jade slip to Xu Miao, and at the same time took out a token and handed it to Xu Miao.

"Please Daoist Xu give me the token for entering the city." After the two exchanged tokens, Xu Miao left Duobao Pavilion.He now has a lot of spirit stones on him, and he no longer needs to sell talismans in exchange for spirit stones.

A large amount of black air appeared, and Xu Miao could not protect herself from it alone. She could only rely on the strength of several major forces in Yanwang City to repel the black air.Coupled with the promise of Duobao Pavilion, Xu Miao can only stay in the city now.

Next, Xu Miao needs to find a place to stay temporarily.The shop that leased the cave was empty, and when he entered the shop, the monk in charge was still dozing off.

When the other party saw Xu Miao, he immediately came to his senses: "I don't know where the cave you want to rent?" The man spread out a picture scroll while talking.

The scroll was dotted with dots of different colors, and the man pointed at them and said, "The red dots have already been rented out, and the dots of other colors are still vacant. The white ones are the ones with the highest quality of spiritual power, and the lower ones are yellow ones. blue green."

"What is the specific price?"

"White five thousand low-grade spirit stones for one month, yellow four thousand, blue three thousand, and green two thousand." Xu Miao's eyelids twitched uncontrollably when he heard the price.

This price is too expensive, no wonder no monks came to rent the cave.In Yanwang City, in addition to renting the cave, they are squeezed into a specially opened area with a group of monks.

Xu Miao is not used to being crowded with unfamiliar people, so she can't do many things.

"Green Cave Mansion, that's it, let's rent it for a month first." Xu Miao felt heartache just by saying this.He took out two thousand low-grade spirit stones, and after the other party checked that they were correct, he handed Xu Miao a token and told him the way to the cave.

Xu Miao nodded, turned and left the shop.According to what the man pointed out, Xu Miao arrived at the gate of the cave.Through the token to open the defense formation of the cave, Xu Miao felt that the quality of spiritual power was much better than the outside environment as soon as he entered the cave.

Although the degree of goodness was very limited, at least Xu Miao was provided with a place of privacy.Xu Miao took out some formation flags from Deng Weiran's storage bag, and arranged a small spirit-gathering formation and defensive formation.

Although the man claims that the defensive formation of the cave is very strong, even the Nascent Soul cultivator can't break it, but after all, it is someone else's boundary, and his own formation is the safest.

After everything was settled properly, Xu Miao took out the jade slips of "The Art of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation" and "Fu Yu Zhi Zhou", and thought about which exercise should be practiced first.

There are two exercises, one for attack and the other for defense. As long as you can practice successfully before the black energy attacks aggressively, you will have more strength and it will be easier to survive.

Suddenly, Xu Miao laughed, these two exercises may not be able to be successfully cultivated, so it is unnecessary to think so much here.Xu Miao picked up "The Jue of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation" and studied it, memorizing the formula by heart.

The heaven and the earth are extinguished, and the cultivation to the highest level can destroy the heaven and the earth.Of course there are elements of exaggeration in it, but the power of this exercise cannot be underestimated. With this, a sect stands at the top of the ancient sects, and it is by no means an ordinary move.

The spiritual power in the body began to operate according to the records of the exercises, other parts of the body have not changed yet, and the image in the dantian has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The original image is blue sea and blue sky, westerly wind and green trees, plus a red sun.But when Xu Miao practiced "The Jue of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation", the blue sky was no longer bright, and the red sun also lost its ability to illuminate the four directions.

No matter what the object is, it is plunged into darkness.Even that round of red sun was shrouded in endless darkness.Xu Miao didn't know if this was the effect of practicing the exercises, so he temporarily stopped the operation of his spiritual power.

The blue sky and blue sea covered by darkness in the dantian gradually reveal themselves, and the darkness gradually recedes.It seems that this "The Jue of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation" will first annihilate the images in the dantian before annihilating the world.

The power of darkness has always been terrifying and desperate.Even Xu Miao knew very well that this was just a side effect of practicing exercises, but she couldn't restrain the fear in her heart.

This exercise is really extraordinary, and it can actually make the caster feel terrified.

After Xu Miao calmed down her ups and downs, she resumed her spiritual power.The image was once again shrouded in darkness, and Xu Miao allowed the darkness to invade the image without moving, and his spiritual power continued to operate according to the formula.

In an instant, it was not only images that were shrouded in darkness, Xu Miao obviously felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was also invaded by darkness, and the consciousness needed to break through this layer of darkness in order to explore the external environment.

Next, Xu Miao's whole body was covered by a layer of black air, as if he was a monk practicing magic arts, exuding a fierce momentum and coercion that no one should enter.

Xu Miao didn't know this. After his consciousness was shrouded in darkness, he kept looking inside his whole body, paying attention to the changes of various parts of his body.

Meridians, flesh and blood, bones, and internal organs were all stained with black air without exception, except for the beating heart.Originally, the black air was already close to the heart, but the mysterious drop of blood in the heart suddenly exerted its power and dispelled the black air.

But that drop of blood only prevented the black air from contaminating the heart, and did not dispel the black air in other parts.During the circulation of spiritual power, there was also a sinister aura.

Xu Miao's altar was clear, and she knew exactly what she was doing. Even though her whole body was infected by black air, Xu Miao didn't panic.

As the spiritual power gathered between his hands, Xu Miao felt a powerful force under his control, as if he could destroy this cave with just a wave of his hand.

Xu Miao didn't use this power, but reversed the spiritual power and continued to flow into her dantian.The images in the dantian returned with the spiritual power, the oppressive darkness gradually receded, the blue sea and blue sky reappeared, and the red sun once again illuminated everything.

Immediately after the darkness in the dantian receded, the darkness in the sea of ​​consciousness also receded, and the consciousness was no longer hindered, and one could freely penetrate into any position of the cave.

Slowly, no matter the meridians, flesh and blood, bones, or organs, the black energy all receded completely, as if it had never existed.

Xu Miao opened her eyes, and one of them became completely black.This eye seems to be able to see through everything and break through the fog of the world.He closed his eyes again, and when he opened them, the darkness had receded, and his eyes became perfectly normal.

"Heaven and Earth Silence Jue" has been completed, this method that requires strict talents and roots, was cultivated by Xu Miao in this way.Even during the study process, there was no hindrance, and it was done in one go.

Xu Miao remembers the power between his hands very clearly just now, as if it could destroy the world, no wonder the Tiandingmen can establish their sect status with this exercise.

The token given to him by Duobao Pavilion was still quietly placed on the table. Cultivator Li once told him that when black air strikes and monks are required to fight, he will be notified through this token.

Since there is no response from the token now, it means that the black energy has not yet attacked on a large scale for the time being, and I still have time to study another exercise - "Fu Yu Zhi Zhou".

Fu Yu's armor is a defensive skill.After the cultivation is completed, a protective light shield can be formed with a wave of hands.

(End of this chapter)

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