Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 136 The Black Soul Strikes

Chapter 136 The Black Soul Strikes
The essence of the technique is to release the spiritual power out of the body in an instant, and arrange the spiritual power in a special order to form a strong defensive mask.

Fu Yu's helmet can resist the attacks of higher-level monks, so the requirements for spiritual power are also very strict. If the spiritual power is not controlled well, the spiritual power in the body will be drained.

The jade slips recorded how to release the spiritual power and how to place the separated spiritual power. Xu Miao carefully followed the formula to run the spiritual power, but suddenly she couldn't control the spiritual power and rushed to the outside world completely.

The powerful spiritual power ravaged the inside of the cave. If Xu Miao hadn't prepared for it and arranged the corresponding formation, it is estimated that the defense formation of the cave would also be affected.

The most complicated and difficult step in "Fu Yu Zhi Zhou" is to control the spiritual power of the body. A slight mistake will cause the current situation. Xu Miao raised his hand to put the messy items back in place.

Absorb spiritual energy again, supplement the spiritual power in the body, and try to release the spiritual power again.

There was no problem with the release of spiritual power this time, Xu Miao breathed a sigh of relief, and then controlled the spiritual power to arrange in a special order.

The spiritual power must be compact enough to resist the invading enemy to the greatest extent.And even after the order is correct, it must be fast.

That is to say, if you want to use Fu Yu's helmet, you must complete the release of spiritual power in an instant, arrange it correctly, and form a defensive mask.Otherwise, the mask here has not yet been formed, and the attack from the opposite side has already struck, and it will be too late to say anything.

Xu Miao raised her right hand high, temporarily forming the prototype of Fu Yu's helmet.This is the first time that Fu Yu's helmet has been formed in Xu Miao's hands. In order to test its effect, Xu Miao specially ordered Xiaotian to attack with spiritual power.

Xiaotian's current cultivation base is almost equivalent to that of human monks in the early stage of foundation establishment. A wave of spiritual power attacked, and the brilliance of Fu Yu's helmet did not appear to be confused or weakened in the slightest.

However, Xiaotian's strength is not strong, and he can't truly reflect the power of Fu Yu Zhizhou.But from the current point of view, with such a protective mask, it should be able to block the attack of black air.

The biggest problem is not the defensive power of Fu Yu's armor, but the speed from the mobilization of spiritual power to the formation of a complete Fu Yu's armor is too slow, and there is even a slight possibility of failure.

This is an unacceptable mistake in the battle of life and death.In the battle of life and death, everyone can't wait to face it with the strongest strength. If Fu Yu's armor cannot be formed at will, it will lead to great danger.

What Xu Miao has to do is to familiarize himself with the steps of building Fu Yu's armor as much as possible, and try his best to speed up.With a change of mind, the spiritual power quickly released along the meridians, and the separated spiritual power was arranged in a precise order.

After the mask was formed, Xu Miao continued to count the time silently, but it was still slow.At this speed, if the opponent wants to attack, the spiritual power is already close to him.

Xu Miao kept releasing spiritual power, arranged the separated spiritual power, raised and lowered her hands alternately.The construction of Fu Yu's helmet must have a hand as the connection between the body and the outside, otherwise the Fu Yu's helmet cannot be accurately controlled.

I don't know how many times I have practiced, the formation speed of Fu Yu's armor has finally become fast enough. As long as Xu Miao's thoughts are moved, the spiritual power can be released in an instant, forming a powerful defensive mask.

The test of "Fu Yu Zhi Zhou" for monks is to control the spiritual power to the point of precision and ease of manipulation.It sounds simple, but you must have a proud talent and savvy, as well as an extraordinary spiritual sense.

Without the support of spiritual consciousness, it is impossible to control the spiritual power and arrange it in the correct position in a very short period of time.The release of spiritual power is an uncontrollable step. Even Xu Miao lost his sense when releasing it for the first time, and almost destroyed the cave.

It is precisely because of the combination of various conditions that Xu Miao was able to quickly complete "Fu Yu Zhi Zhou" in a short time.But at this time, Fu Yu's armor must be fully controlled by Xu Miao.

It would be more difficult for Xu Miao if he waved his hands while fighting and attacking, and the chance of success was not high.

But despite this, the speed at which Xu Miao practiced "The Jue of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation" and "Fu Yu Zhi Zhou" would be shocking if it was in ancient times, or even in ancient times.

Cultivation techniques without attribute restrictions are recognized as the most difficult techniques in the cultivation world.And Xu Miao, without the guidance of the teacher, explored alone and succeeded in cultivation. Xu Miao's aptitude has reached an extremely high level.

The token of Duobao Pavilion, which Xu Miao had been putting aside all this time, vibrated at this moment. Xu Miao picked up the token and heard the voice of Brother Li: "Friend Xu, the black soul is attacking, hurry to the Duobao Pavilion forces at the city gate .”

The black soul that Xiushi Li was talking about was the black energy mentioned by the two monks before. It seems that Yan Wangcheng has already given a name to this black energy.

After Xu Miao packed up her formation, she went to the city gate and walked to the Duobao Pavilion.Most of the members of the Duobaoge faction are casual cultivators, as well as monks from some small sects.

The remaining four families recruited disciples from some great sects, or extremely strong casual cultivators, and ordinary minor cultivators would not pay attention to them.

Xu Miao followed the crowd of Duobao Pavilion to the top of the city, and saw that there were densely packed black souls outside the city.These black souls are like human beings, they walk on two feet, and even their attacks carry the shadow of human monks.

The monks stationed outside the city who were unable to enter the city had disappeared at this moment, leaving only endless black souls.I don't know if he was killed by the black soul, or if he has already scattered and fled for his life.

The highest level of cultivation in Yanwang City is the early Yuanying monks, but this time he did not come forward in the Black Soul incident, but the late Jindan monks came forward to organize monks from various forces.

The five major forces are divided into four sides, stationed at the four gates of Yanwang City, east, south, west, and north.Among them, Duobao Pavilion and the Liu family worked together to be in charge of the northern city gate.

The reason is very simple. The Liu family's strength has been damaged recently, and they cannot stand alone. It just so happens that the strength of Duobao Pavilion is not strong. Together, they can just resist the black souls in the north.

Standing on the city wall to the north, looking at the almost endless black souls, Xu Miao knew very well that this was an endless battle, either all the human monks were killed or all the black souls were killed.

Even today, no monk knows where these fearless black souls come from, and there is no trace of their existence on this land.

The senior management of Yanwang City also knew that many monks only cared about themselves and did not care about others.

Therefore, they specially set up the black soul killing list. The number of black souls killed by everyone will be included in the book with tokens, displayed on the killing list, and rewards will be issued every ten days. The top [-] monks can Get great rewards.

This method mobilized all the monks. Originally, they were here to obtain asylum, and they had to pay extra spirit stones. Now, as long as they kill more black souls, they can also get a lot of money. Why not do it.

All of a sudden, the cultivator's fighting spirit was extremely high, and everyone was gearing up, wishing to kill the general immediately and fight the black soul in the dark.

Xu Miao looked at the excited monk beside her, but fell into deep thought.This black soul is not easy to deal with, as long as his body is contaminated by his black energy, he will die immediately, and it is difficult for gods to save him.

And now the black souls seem to be more organized, whether it is offense or defense, they advance and retreat with speed, and there must be a higher level of black souls directing them.

Such a high-level black soul, monks fighting with it, may not necessarily be able to take advantage of it.Even if the higher-ups in Yanwang City propose rewards, it won't be long before everyone finds out that there are heavy casualties, and such rewards will no longer be able to motivate the monks.

In the end, Yanwang City must not escape the result of the city being broken.It's just that all of this is just Xu Miao's guess. Due to her low cultivation level and unable to directly inform those in power, Xu Miao can only put aside this idea temporarily and wait for the moment of attack.

Xu Miao didn't have to wait long for the horn of attack. Whether it was the enemy's black soul or our monks, they were all eager to try.The horn sounded, and a large group of monks rushed to the group of black souls.

However, what awaited them was a brutal massacre.These black souls seemed to have developed their minds, besieged and killed, a few black souls trapped a monk, and then attacked the monk with black energy.

The monks whose escape route was blocked could not dodge, and could only barely fight with them. The result was very clear. The first batch of monks who entered suffered heavy casualties, and less than half of the monks managed to retreat back into the city.

The monks found that the black soul seemed to be advanced, and its strength increased greatly, but their cultivation base did not increase for the time being. The ebb and flow was very unfavorable to the monks, and the morale in the city was very low.

Yanwang City fell into a stalemate for a while, no matter how much the higher-ups encouraged and promised, the casual cultivators were unwilling to take the initiative to attack, and those higher-ups were even more unwilling to let the family's children be the wayfinding stones.

The situation is very tense, the life-and-death enemies inside and outside the city, the family inside the city, the relationship between the disciples of the sect and the casual cultivators has become awkward again.Everyone thought that Yanwang City was in danger and no one was willing to fight.

He only thought about how he should escape when the city was broken.Xu Miao walked through the city wall, hearing these words.Xu Miao shook her head, there were eggs under the overturned nest.

Yanwang City is broken, and the only thing waiting for them and this group of monks is death. These people who usually claim to see the way of heaven can't see through life and death after all.

Unable to sit still, Xu Miao approached Cultivator Li, who was supervising the battle in front of Duobao Pavilion, and mentioned her thoughts to him, reconciled the forces in the city, and tried to let them know that if the stalemate continued, no one would survive.

Cultivator Li was surprised that only Xu Miao, who was at the early stage of foundation establishment, could think of this question. Even he had heard a Jindan elder say it by chance.

Cultivator Li just let out a long sigh. Cultivators said that they were used to planning for themselves, and it was almost impossible for them to try their best to keep a city.

Having said all that, Xu Miao also knew the current situation in the city. If the city was finally broken, he could only try to escape, but the sky and the earth are big, and there are black souls everywhere, so where can he escape.

After all, things turned around, and the Nascent Soul cultivator in the city showed up.

(End of this chapter)

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