Chapter 137

When everyone is in chaos, an absolutely powerful person needs to appear to rule everyone.In the mortal world, such a person will eventually become an emperor, but in the world of cultivation, such a person is only the strongest.

The strongest monk in Yanwang City, Lu Cunji, a monk in the early Yuanying period, appeared in the midair of Yanwang City.Yanwang City does not allow the monks in the city to fly in the air without authorization, and if they violate it, they will be severely punished.

Of course, this provision did not exist for Lu Cunji.

Lu Cunji's voice was not high-pitched, but low-pitched. With the blessing of Yuan Ying's cultivation, it reached the ears of every monk in Yanwang City.

"Everyone, now that the cultivation world is facing a catastrophe, it is time to advance and retreat together and fight the enemy together. At this time, there should be no division of any forces. No matter who it is, it is an important part of our cultivation world."

Everyone heard it, some people were excited, some people sneered, everyone's reaction was different.

"The old man knows that you must have such thoughts and dissatisfaction. On this point, the old man admits that at the beginning of the black soul invasion, he did not coordinate the relationship between all the monks."

"Now the old man declares that all the monks will obey the arrangements of the following fellow Taoists—" Lu Cunji introduced several monks in the later stage of Jindan. These monks have different backgrounds, but they also verified Lu Cunji's statement that he will join hands to fight against the enemy .

"The black soul killing list still exists. As long as you can kill a certain number of enemies, no matter who you are, you can get rewards. Fellow friends, there are black souls raging everywhere now. We have no backup, no reinforcements, and we can only rely on ourselves hold on."

"After the black soul is defeated, I will drink the celebration wine with you again!" Cultivator Yuan Ying stepped forward and resolved the tension between several forces. Although he couldn't interfere with everyone's private thoughts, he was able to get along in harmony on the surface.

The monks still guarded different city walls according to what they said before, the only difference was that they had different commanders.Anyway, Xu Miao is just a little monk in the foundation building period, and he has to work for anyone on top of him.

Having experienced the painful lesson of the monks attacking rashly for the first time, all the monks are fully prepared this time.

The monks in the golden core period led the monks in the middle and late stages of foundation establishment to fight in the depths, the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment led the high-level monks in the Qi refining period to clean up the black souls outside the city, and the low-level monks in the Qi refining period were responsible for the logistics.

Yanwang City began to work like an orderly machine.Xu Miao is only at the initial stage of cultivation. He is responsible for leading ten monks at the ninth level of Qi Refining to kill the black souls near Yanwang City and guard the safety of the city gate.

In order to facilitate the management of the team of ten people, Xu Miao specially numbered the ten people, from one to ten, which is concise and clear.

Lu Cunji gave an order, and all the monks performed their duties, and Xu Miao also rushed into the black soul with ten of his men.His task is not only to kill the black soul, but also to protect his subordinates.

Therefore, his two divine consciousness divisions worked together, one for attacking and the other for observing the ten qi refining monks.

These black souls gradually formed a level, and the monks were also divided according to their strength, and the level was roughly the same as that of monsters.Most of the black souls on the edge of Yanwang City are below the third level, and the initial monks will not have much difficulty in fighting against them.

Xu Miao ordered ten of his men to only attack the first- and second-level black souls, and told them not to touch the third-level black souls.Xu Miao knew the strength of these ten people, they were just ordinary Qi-refining ninth-level monks, and they would never return to the third-level black soul.

The ten people nodded in agreement, and Xu Miao also rushed to the group of black souls.His Feng Ling Jue was unpredictably executed, and his feet were moving, looking for the third-level black soul.

A third-level black soul has formed a thing called a soul crystal in its body, which is the source of power for the black soul. As long as the soul crystal is not removed, the black soul can be infinitely reborn with the power of the soul crystal.

After Xu Miao heard the news, she specifically attacked the soul crystal in the black soul.The black energy of the black soul is not only fatal to the human body, but also has the effect of attacking magic weapons.

After thinking twice, Xu Miao decided to give up the magic weapon and use the lightsaber to kill the black soul.Using a lightsaber will speed up the depletion of spiritual power. Fortunately, the higher-ups of Yanwang City made preparations in advance and set up a formation to restore spiritual power at a specific location outside the city near the city wall.

This formation was arranged by Lu Cunji, and it was also to solve the worries of the monks who were fighting outside.

Even with Xu Miao's formidable spiritual power, after crushing the tenth black soul's soul crystal, he still needs to go to the formation to recover his spiritual power.Just when Xu Miao's spiritual power recovered more than half, there was a sudden commotion nearby.

"Level [-] black soul, there is a level [-] black soul here, we are no match for him, run!" The monks who heard these words ran away without even verifying the authenticity of the words.

Xu Miao looked intently at the direction where the voice came from. This kind of momentum fluctuation really didn't look like a third-level black soul.But in this position, there shouldn't be a fourth-level black soul, unless——

A vague idea appeared, Xu Miao quickly flew into the air, and saw that there were only low-level black souls, but several fourth-level black souls appeared.

These black souls are evolving, and their evolution rate is too fast, and the speed of monks' advancement can't keep up with them.

The chaos here has not attracted the attention of high-ranking monks for the time being. Xu Miao shouted loudly: "Everyone, calm down. The monks in the Qi refining period will gather together immediately and retreat into the city in order."

"Fellow daoists in the early stage of foundation establishment, together with me, cover the monks in the Qi refining stage!" Xu Miao specially added spiritual power when shouting, so that the nearby monks could hear them.

It's useless to just talk, Xu Miao immediately rushed into the group of black souls.Cultivators are always self-interested, without absolute interests, they will not take risks easily.Someone has to do it for them to follow suit.

Xu Miao's target is the fourth-level black soul closest to him. The power of the fourth-level black soul is almost comparable to that of the fourth-level monster.

The most terrible thing is that the erosive power of the fourth-level black soul is stronger. Even if it is a lightsaber attack, it will not last long before it will be infected by the black air. You must give up immediately to avoid the black air on your body.

The fourth-level black soul found Xu Miao's breath and leaned towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao's face was solemn, she condensed her lightsaber with one hand, and prepared to release her spiritual power with the other hand, and released the helmet of Fu Yu to protect herself at any time.

The black soul could not speak or make any sound, so Xu Miao couldn't even communicate with them.

The fourth-level black soul has already rushed towards Xu Miao, and the powerful black energy instantly surrounds Xu Miao.In an instant, Xu Miao raised her left hand high, and Fu Yu's helmet immediately formed a complete mask, perfectly blocking the powerful black energy attack of the fourth-level black soul.

Xu Miao didn't pause, swung her left hand down violently, repelling the black air around her, and at the same time, the spiritual power of her right hand increased greatly, and the lightsaber instantly became longer, piercing towards the soul crystal of the fourth-level black soul.

The lightsaber was infected by the black energy around the black soul in the short moment when it was released from the black soul. Xu Miao decisively gave up the lightsaber in the previous section, continued to output spiritual power, increased the lightsaber, and continued to attack the soul crystal.

If his blow is ineffective, then the morale of all the monks will be irreversible, and the defeat will be like a mountain, which will make the next situation very difficult.

Taking advantage of the lightsaber in his right hand to control the fourth-level black soul, he stretched out his free left hand, and the same lightsaber appeared, slashing directly at the black soul's body from top to bottom.

The black air was split temporarily by the lightsaber, revealing the porcrystal hidden in it.The blue sea in the dantian image is turbulent, a lot of spiritual power is circulating, the spiritual power of the right hand is strengthened again, Xu Miao stabs forward forcefully, and the soul crystal is completely turned into powder.

Once Xu Miao succeeded, she immediately retreated.When retreating, he still did not forget to strike with the lightsaber, sweeping across a large area of ​​low-level black souls.The other early stage monks were shocked by Xu Miao's blow, and they all paid attention to Xu Miao.

To kill a level [-] black soul, although every move and every move is very complicated, it is only completed in a few breaths.An early-stage monk killed the fourth-level black soul cleanly, and the monks present couldn't help but shouted "Hello".

"This fellow daoist is really powerful. He can easily kill the fourth-level black soul. How can we be left behind? Fellow daoists, why don't you come together!"

Xu Miao's behavior inspired the early stage foundation monks beside him, but it also gave them the illusion that the fourth-level black soul could be easily killed.But this is not the case. Xu Miao has the armor of Fu Yu in his hands, coupled with powerful spiritual power as the backing, to quickly deal with the opponent.

Other ordinary monks couldn't easily kill level [-] black souls like Xu Miao.

Sure enough, before Xu Miao had time to stop him, one of the initial cultivators who singled out level four black souls died.This also calmed down the hot-headed monks, and they all looked at Xu Miao.

This is the case in the world of comprehension. As long as you are strong enough, you don't need to say anything, and everyone will follow your instructions.Worshiping the strong has always been like this.

Xu Miao flew into the air: "Fellow daoists, there is no need to be nervous. Although the fourth-level black soul is a bit tricky, as long as two people work together, one is responsible for splitting the black energy on his body, and the other is responsible for crushing his soul crystal, you can completely kill him." Level four black soul."

Xu Miao's thoughts turned, and he quickly came up with a way to kill the enemy: "After a pair is successful, don't linger on the battlefield and rush forward greedily, retreat immediately and recover your spiritual power. Let the second group of people approach and kill the fourth-level black soul , Only in this way can you maintain the strongest combat power."

"As for the monks in the Qi refining period, they are only responsible for killing first- and second-level black souls. As long as third-level black souls appear nearby, report them immediately!" The sound of such a strategy is justified, and everyone present is completely convinced by Xu Miao.

"I am willing to obey the orders of fellow Taoists!" The crowd then followed Xu Miao's plan to kill the black souls. The combat power kept rotating, and the low-level black souls were constantly killed. The northern city gate where Xu Miao was located was firmly in control. In the hands of human monks.

While killing the black soul, Xu Miao will also pay attention to the situation of other monks. If the other monk is in danger, Xu Miao will rescue him and get a lot of praise.

After killing him for an unknown amount of time, the black soul finally retreated temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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