Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 138 Valley Mission

Chapter 138 Valley Mission
The moment the black soul retreated temporarily, Xu Miao felt that her hand was about to soften.He is different from other monks and can divide and cooperate.Xu Miao could only face the fourth-level black soul alone, and had to find time to help the monks in distress.

But the advantage of this is that he can use Fu Yu's armor more easily.As long as he is willing, he can instantly form the armor of Fu Yu.

Xu Miao followed the large army back to the city, only to learn that except for the northern city wall, the other three city walls suffered heavy losses.The sudden appearance of the fourth-level black soul caused the monks to fall into chaos.

Many monks even lost the idea of ​​fighting back, allowing the black soul to infect their bodies.This kind of situation happened frequently at the other three city walls, if it wasn't for Xu Miao's quick wit and killing the fourth-level black soul by himself.

Afterwards, he quickly made a plan and ordered other monks to kill the black soul, and the northern city wall would definitely suffer serious losses.As soon as Xu Miao returned to the city, he saw Brother Li from Duobao Pavilion coming and told him that Brother Jindan wanted to see him.

Xu Miao's eyes darkened, and she thought of several reasons why the Jindan cultivator wanted to see him. Of course, the biggest reason should be that he made almost all the soldiers retreat from the northern city wall. Such an achievement is inconceivable anywhere.

For this black soul attack, Yan Wangcheng specially arranged a courtyard as a meeting hall.The Jindan monk who summoned Xu Miao was in the conference hall.

Before entering the meeting hall, Xu Miao touched the thousand-change mask on her face to confirm that there were no flaws, and then walked into the hall.

In the meeting hall, several monks who were also in the early stage of foundation establishment stood.After Xu Miao nodded briefly, he found a chair at random and sat down. After seven people arrived, the Jindan cultivator arrived at the hall.

This Golden Core cultivator looks very young, and there is a special logo on his clothes, which should be the logo of a certain sect.The young Golden Core cultivator must be a disciple of a certain sect in the West.

"Xie Chu, disciple of the Zhuoli Pavilion, has met all of you little friends." Xie Chu had a faint smile on his lips, and his words were like spring breeze blowing on his face.

Xu Miao and the others hurriedly returned the gift, not showing it on the surface, but thinking about Xie Chu's intention in their hearts.Gathering the seven early-stage Foundation Establishment members in the meeting hall must not be for the purpose of chatting.

I will be photographed, it should be because I performed well when killing the black soul.By analogy, the remaining six people should also perform well.

If it was purely for rewards, they would definitely not even give time to rest and convene in a hurry.Then the only possibility is that seven of them are needed to complete one thing.

"Xie heard that all the little friends showed bravery in the previous killing of the black soul. They are rare and outstanding monks. I really have a generation of talents in the cultivation world."

Xu Miao secretly laughed in her heart. Generally, if someone wants to do something, he must praise him first, and then mention the matter.As Xu Miao expected, Xie Chu's voice changed.

"As far as Xie knows, there is a valley not far from Yanwang City, which should be related to the appearance of the black soul. Previously, Xie brought the monks in the middle and late stages of foundation establishment under his command, and they couldn't get close."

"Therefore, I hope that all my friends will focus on the realm of cultivation and go to investigate to find out whether the valley is related to the black soul. If they can find the reason for the appearance of the black soul, try to destroy it on the spot." Xie Chu's voice said. Gradually, his expression no longer had the original smile.

The request of the Golden Core cultivator is not something that the Foundation Establishment cultivator can resist.The seven people agreed to Xie Chu's request without too much hesitation.

Xie Chu took out seven jade bottles and brought them in front of the seven people: "There are thirty pills of Peiyuan Pill in this bottle, specially prepared for you."

"As for the person in charge of your trip, Mr. Xie doesn't know the rest of you. He only knows my nephew Xia Qingyi, so he will be the person in charge temporarily." Xie Chu pointed to the person sitting next to Xu Miao.

He took out another jade slip and handed it to Xia Qingyi: "I have given the map to go there to Qingyi. At tomorrow morning, we will leave on time at the gate of the East City." After Xie Chu's gentle eyes swept one by one, he waved his hand to send everyone away.

Everyone got out of the meeting hall and exchanged names.Only then did Xu Miao know that among the seven people, except for him and another person named Zhang Xin, the other five were disciples of the Martial Arts School.

Obviously, Xu Miao and Zhang Xin were excluded from the five people intentionally or unintentionally.Xu Miao and Zhang Xin were not asked for their opinions whether they were discussing plans for tomorrow or how to approach the valley.

Xu Miao didn't look down on this situation. Some disciples of the big sect always looked down on disciples of small sects like them, not to mention that Xu Miao only said that he was a casual cultivator, so they would not look down on casual cultivators.

Zhang Xin didn't have Xu Miao's self-cultivation, and his emotions were directly expressed on his face. If you look down on me, will I look up to you?Zhang Xin didn't even look straight in the face, but just raised his head to look at the sky.

After the five people finished discussing, Xia Qingyi turned to ask Xu and Zhang for their opinions: "Fellow Daoist Xu, fellow Daoist Zhang, what do you think about our decision just now?"

"Did you make a decision just now? I don't seem to hear anything, Zhang Daoyou, did you hear it?" Xu Miao picked out her ears and looked at Xia Qingyi with a half-smile.

Zhang Xin shook his head, with regret on his face: "I didn't hear it either, maybe it's because the two of us are not disciples of the sect, so we don't understand what they talk about."

Xia Qingyi's complexion immediately became uneasy. Xia Qingyi is the core disciple of Zhuoli Pavilion, and no one has ever dared to speak like this in front of him and challenge his authority.

"If the two of you have any objections to the decision made by me, you can speak up directly. Why do you do this?" Xia Qingyi suppressed his inner anger.

Xu Miaoyun said calmly: "Of course there is no objection. I dare not criticize the decision made by Fellow Daoist Xia."

Xia Qingyi felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly. When he made the decision just now, he deliberately didn't greet Xu Miao and Zhang Xin, just to let the two of them know his identity and not to use Qiao as a pretense.

Unexpectedly, these two people didn't care about his background at all, and blatantly sneered at him.However, Xie Chu's handing over the person in charge of this mission to him is also a test for him, and he must not lose his identity.

Xia Qingyi smiled stiffly and told the two of the decision just now.In fact, the five of them discussed for a long time, and they only said that they could not attract the attention of other black souls on the way to the valley.

As for the rest, no one could easily make plans without seeing the valley.

"Oh—so that's the case, we know. But fellow Daoist Xia, next time you don't want to smile, you don't have to smile. Do you know that your fake smile is very eye-catching." Xu Miao returned directly to her residence after saying this.

"Senior brother Xia, the two of them don't think much of you at all, so we must teach them a lesson tomorrow." Wei Kang, the son of the Wei family, and an inner disciple of the Zhuoli Pavilion said.

Xia Qingyi looked at Xu and Zhang who were going away with dark eyes, and did not speak, but the flash of killing intent on his face expressed the resentment in his heart.

Xu Miao returned to the rented cave, recalling the valley Xie Chu had mentioned.Why is that valley inaccessible except in the early stage of foundation establishment? This is the biggest question.Xie Chu's reason was actually hard to justify, but Xu Miao couldn't find the real reason either.

In addition, it is not a good sign to have a bad relationship with the five Xia Qingyi before they set off.Xu Miao has always adhered to the principle that no one offends me, and I will not offend others.

But as soon as Xia Qingyi came up, it was obvious who he was going to show off.If Xu Miao could hold back this breath, it would be hell.

Starting tomorrow, there will definitely be no peace. Xu Miao can figure out Xia Qingyi's temperament with just a glance.I am used to being praised by my classmates, how could I stand Xu Miao's cynicism.

The soldiers came to block the water and soil, Xu Miao was still afraid that Xia Qingyi would fail.With a lot of thoughts, Xu Miao closed her eyes and adjusted her spiritual power.

Early the next morning, Xu Miao went to return the rent of the Dongfu first, and then went to the gate of Dongcheng to gather.

Several people arrived almost at the front and back, Xia Qingyi saw that everyone had arrived, so he pointed out the location of the valley to everyone.Everyone is a foundation-building cultivator, and they can fly directly under the control of the light, and they don't need any magic weapon for flying.

Xia Qingyi didn't attack directly, but Wei Kang said: "This place is not close to the valley, you two come from casual cultivators, do you have enough spiritual power? Don't fly halfway, or you will run out of spiritual power and fall to the ground."

"If Fellow Daoist Wei is worried that you don't have enough spiritual power, you can also thank Senior for the pill. I think, no matter how bad you are, thirty pills of Peiyuan Pill are enough to fly to the valley." Xu Miao raised the corner of her mouth, Looking at Wei Kang.

When Wei Kang was told by Xu Miao, he was speechless. He didn't know how to refute, so he could only stare at Xu Miao with a blushing face, but Xu Miao didn't even look straight at Wei Kang.

Seeing that the two sides were at war, the female training court of Yongtongmen hurriedly tried to persuade them to make peace.Xia Qingyi also patted Wei Kang on the shoulder and ordered everyone to leave.

The six followed Xia Qingyi to the valley, and they could see that there were still groups of black souls outside Yanwang City.Although the black soul was defeated yesterday, everyone knew that this was only temporary, and the black soul would make a comeback soon.

At that time, the black soul's attack will definitely be more ferocious, which is why Xie Chu hastily sent the seven of them out.The wandering black souls noticed the breath of human monks and raised their heads one after another.

The black souls of the first and second ranks cannot fly into the air, but the black souls of the third and fourth ranks can fly.Those black souls also felt that the seven people were just fluctuations in their cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment, and flew into the air to block the seven people.

The few people Xie Chu found were indeed outstanding, and they were all capable of killing level four black souls alone with their initial cultivation.Although there are many broken habits of the famous sect, their strength should not be underestimated, as can be seen from this move alone.

After fighting some time ago, Xu Miao has already found a way to quickly kill the fourth-level black soul.Exercising the Feng Ling Jue, he quickly moved behind the fourth-level black soul, and forcefully split the black air around the black soul with his left hand.

(End of this chapter)

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