Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 139 Pathfinder Stone

Chapter 139 Pathfinder Stone

The black air immediately dispersed and rushed towards Xu Miao.Without dodging or evading, Xu Miao raised her left hand, and Fu Yu's helmet made a move to resist the erosion of the black air. The lightsaber in her right hand instantly condensed and stabbed at the soul crystal of the black soul, and the soul crystal was instantly shattered.

As soon as Xu Miao finished cleaning up the black souls around him, she saw Wei Kang leading several black souls close to him.Wei Kang pretended to be invincible, fighting and retreating, but the sinister smile on his face betrayed him.

Xu Miao sneered, and raised his right hand, leaving the body with spiritual power, and directly pushed Wei Kang into the middle of several black souls.

Wei Kang cheated people instead of being cheated, and hurriedly dealt with the black souls around him.And Xu Miao kindly lured a few more black souls to Wei Kang's side, and it wasn't until Xia Qingyi came to help that they were completely resolved.

"Fellow Daoist Wei, if you're not strong enough, it's better to quit the mission as soon as possible." This time it wasn't Xu Miao who mocked Wei Kang, but Zhang Xin who also looked down on Wei Kang.

"Xu Sanshui, if it wasn't for your tricks, how could I not be able to solve it!" Wei Kang raised his hand and pointed at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao didn't even look at it, a burst of spiritual force forced Wei Kang to withdraw his hand: "I hate people pointing at me the most, and next time, your hand will not have a chance to withdraw."

In front of Xia Qingyi, Xu Miao casually said threatening words, which made Xia Qingyi's face extremely ugly.

"Friend Xu Daoist, is it too much to threaten your companion?"

"Excessive? Threatening your companions?" Xu Miao raised her eyes and looked at Xia Qingyi, "Do you regard me and Zhang Daoyou as companions? I am afraid that when we reach the valley, Zhang Daoyou and I will become your pathfinding stones. Xia Daoyou, did I say anything?" wrong?"

What Xu Miao said bluntly happened to be Xia Qingyi's thoughts.The situation in the valley was weird and unpredictable, and the five of them were all disciples of the great sect, no matter who was sent to enter first, they could not explain to the sect behind them.

But Xu Miao and Zhang Xin were different. They were just casual cultivators, and they didn't have the backing of their sect masters. Even if they died, they would die in vain.Xu and Zhang are the most suitable first batch of candidates to enter the valley.

And Xia Qingyi also believed that Master Xie's intention to find two casual cultivators was the same.But everyone knew it was one thing in the bottom of their hearts, and it was another thing to be told by Xu Miao.

What I am most afraid of is the sudden silence in the air, no one can catch Xu Miao's words for a while.

Xu Miao looked at the five people sarcastically: "Aren't the disciples of the famous sect all eloquent? Why are you dumb? Or is it that your dirty thoughts have been exposed to the sun and you are speechless?"

"Friend Xu, what do you want?" Xia Qingyi couldn't let Xu Miao control the situation, he wanted to firmly hold the initiative in his own hands.

After Xu Miao and Zhang Xin had a brief exchange through sound transmission, they said: "It's very simple, since Daoyou Zhang and I are going to be the pathfinder, we also recognize it, but even if people in the world do part-time jobs, they still have to be paid .”

"My fellow Daoist Zhang and I don't want much, how about fifteen Peiyuan Pills each? Of course, you can also refuse, as long as you are willing to enter the valley with us first."

"Otherwise, I will return to Yanwang City immediately, expose the thoughts of you famous disciples, and let everyone comment on it. At that time, I am afraid that your elders will not be able to keep you."

Xu Miao turned against the general, and with a large number of Peiyuan pills in his body, he also had an extra layer of protection.

Wei Kang said unconvinced: "Xu Sanshui, you want too much! You have taken away half of our Peiyuan Pill."

"A lot? I don't think so, or you think your life is not as good as fifteen pills of Peiyuan pill. Fifteen pills per person, 75 pills in total, if you agree, do it, if you don't agree, break up!" Xu Miao's voice was stern.

Xia Qingyi had no choice but to give in. If the stalemate continued, it would not be of any benefit to them, and if they could not complete the task in the end, Uncle Xie Chu would definitely reprimand him severely.

In front of the five people, Xu Miao and Zhang Xin divided the 75 Peiyuan Pills equally before continuing to fly.

Before setting off, Xie Chu specifically told him that it was best not to reveal his whereabouts on the way.Just now, I deliberately didn't put away my breath, and it was also to test the strength of my teammates, so I had a good preparation.

Now that the test has passed, Xia Qingyi's six voice transmissions concealed their aura so as not to attract the black soul again.This time it only attracted the attention of the third- and fourth-level black souls, and next time, it may be the attention of the fifth-level black souls.

The seven people didn't know what methods they used, and their aura was instantly hidden, without leaking out at all.Everyone looked at each other tacitly, knowing that everyone's strength is not weak.

In order not to waste time, Xia Qingyi did not stop to rest halfway to replenish his spiritual power, he only said that if his spiritual power was insufficient, he could swallow Pei Yuan Pill.However, along the way, no one took the initiative to take the pill, and they all flew calmly.

When the appearance of the valley appeared in the eyes of everyone, Xia Qingyi landed on the ground with six people.There are many black souls near the valley, and they cannot attract their attention, so they must land early.

The map on the jade slip ended here, and the rest of the place needed to be explored by the seven of them by themselves.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, remember what you just said." Xia Qingyi looked at Xu Miao and Zhang Xin.

Xu Miao nodded: "That's natural. I will enter the valley with Zhang Daoyou first, and I will notify you to enter after confirming that there is no problem."

Xia Qingyi handed Xu and Zhang two sound transmission jade pendants. Although he was unwilling in his heart, he did a good job on the surface: "Two friends, be careful in everything."

Xu Miao and Zhang Xin moved separately, exploring left and right.Loose cultivators have their own methods, and they don't want to be exposed to outsiders. Zhang Xin proposed this, and Xu Miao was happy to agree.

Wei Kang, on the other hand, was still thinking about it: "As far as the level of the two of them is concerned, they still enter the valley separately. Isn't it courting death? In the end, we have to go in and solve it by ourselves, wasting the Peiyuan pill."

This time, Wei Kang was interrupted by Xia Qingyi.From the test just now, Xia Qingyi had to admit that Xu Miao and Zhang Xin's strength was really extraordinary. If the two of them entered the valley and couldn't escape, then it would be dangerous for the five of them to enter the valley as well.

Xu Miao didn't know what Xia Qingyi was thinking, he walked carefully in the valley with Xumi Pei, who had locked his breath.There are many black souls in this valley, but as far as I can see so far, they are all low-level black souls of the first and second grades, and no trace of Xu Miao has been found.

In this valley, the aura condition is even worse than the aura condition outside.If we talk about the absorption rate of spiritual energy from the outside world, Xu Miao can reach [-]% now, and in the valley, it drops to less than [-]%.

If it is found to be besieged here, it will be fatal to any monk.Xumi Pei is now covering up his aura, but Xu Miao is not sure whether he can also hide his aura when encountering a higher-level black soul.

Not far away, there are many black souls gathered together, the number of black souls there is much more than the number of black souls seen along the way.

With so many black souls, Xu Miao also found third-level and fourth-level black souls among them.He quickly found a gap between two boulders, turned over and hid inside.

As the sun gradually moved westward, the number of third- and fourth-level black souls increased, until the fifth-level black souls also appeared among the group of black souls.This fifth-level black soul seemed to be the leader, and the other black souls knelt down to salute.

A fifth-level black soul is equivalent to a monk in the early stage of the golden core stage. No matter how many methods he has, he cannot beat the fifth-level black soul.Xu Miao held her breath and controlled the flow of spiritual power to the slowest level.

The fifth-level black soul suddenly lifted into the air, stretched out its black hand without warning, captured the low-level black soul in its hand, and then swallowed it.The other low-level black souls seemed to have long been used to this kind of scene, and they were still kneeling on the ground, lying motionless.

The power of the fifth-level black soul is almost growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.If it continues, level [-] and level [-] may appear.

Xu Miao was caught in a dilemma. If he tried to stop the fifth-level black soul from devouring other black souls now, it would naturally guarantee that no new sixth-level black soul would appear for the time being.

However, he needs to resist the fifth-level black soul head-on. Xu Miao knows what it feels like to face the Golden Core cultivator head-on. It is a feeling that life is worse than death.

He didn't have that much awareness to save the comprehension world.But if the fifth-level black soul is allowed to upgrade, one day, the entire cultivation world will be flooded with black souls, and there will be no trace of the human race.

Xu Miao informed Xia Qingyi of the situation in the valley through the sound transmission jade pendant, and his mission was completed.Even if he turns around and leaves now, no one will blame him, because this is simply an impossible task.

After thinking about it again and again, Xu Miao decided to leave temporarily to avoid the fifth-level black soul.Let those Yuanying monks and Jindan monks come and strangle them.Even if you can't enter the valley, can't you destroy the valley directly from the outside?
The accident happened at this moment, and the sound transmission jade pendant that Xu Miao still held in her hand suddenly burst into pieces with a strong breath.

be cheated!At this time, Xu Miao suddenly had a thought in her mind, that she was tricked by Xia Qingyi.This sound transmission jade pendant has been inspected by myself, and no strange problems have been found, but now it suddenly exploded.

If Xia Qingyi intentionally caused chaos in the valley and caused the black soul to kill him, then Xia Qingyi didn't need to let him and Zhang Xin come in as pathfinding stones.

Now only the fifth-level black soul has been discovered, and the others have not been harvested yet.No matter how impulsive Xia Qingyi was, no matter how much he wanted to put himself to death, he would not kill himself in such a disregard of the overall situation.

After comprehensive consideration, there should be no problem with the sound transmission jade pendant itself, so the cause of this incident is likely to be the special magnetic field in the valley here, which caused an accident when the sound transmission jade pendant was transmitting a message, and finally the jade pendant exploded.

The aura produced by the explosion of the jade pendant directly attracted the attention of the nearby black souls.Surprisingly, the fifth-level black soul also noticed the explosion of the jade pendant.

Xu Miao's trace was exposed, and he immediately jumped out from the gap between the two boulders and ran towards the entrance of the valley.At this time, I can no longer bother to investigate any news.

(End of this chapter)

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