Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 140 Removing Black Qi

Chapter 140 Removing Black Qi
However, when Xu Miao retreated quickly, he found a group of black souls gathered behind him, among which there were quite a few third- and fourth-level black souls.

The black souls in the valley moved extremely fast, much faster than the black souls outside.The speed of Xu Miao's retreat can only be equal to the speed of the black soul's pursuit.

Dozens of level [-] black souls surrounded Xu Miao under the command of the level [-] black soul.Xu Miao wanted to fly into the air to escape, but there seemed to be some kind of restriction in this valley, so she couldn't fly at all.

Xu Miao looked around, the retreat route behind had been completely blocked, if he wanted to go out, he had to kill all the black souls blocking the way.The black soul gradually approached, and the black air was about to contaminate Xu Miao's body.

Xu Miao quickly raised her left hand, and the armor of Fu Yu was formed instantly, resisting the approach of black air.Condensing a lightsaber from his right hand, he used the lightsaber to attack the heading four-level black soul.

Even when Xu Miao had figured out the characteristics of the fourth-level black souls, he could only deal with one at a time.There are too many black souls in front of him, and there is no way for Fu Yu Zhizhou to put them away.

This means that Xu Miao can't break through the black energy surrounding the soul crystal, let alone destroy the soul crystal.Facing a group of fourth-level black souls, Xu Miao has no advantage, nor any means of resistance.

Compared with the dozens of fourth-level black souls on the way back, there is only one fifth-level black soul on the way forward, and the others are first- and second-level black souls. If the speed is fast enough, there may be a way to avoid the fifth-level black soul. attack.

Xu Miao put away the lightsaber in her right hand, and simultaneously formed a helmet of Fu Yu with both hands, completely covering her whole body.Setting up two Fu Yu helmets at the same time is also a great consumption of spiritual power.

It is necessary to rush in in the shortest time to find the reason for the appearance of the black soul.If his expectations are correct, these black souls should have entered this world from a certain plane through a certain channel.

As long as that channel is destroyed, more black souls can be prevented from appearing, and it is possible for him to try to leave.

Xu Miao poured the remaining spiritual power in her body onto her feet, and the Feng Ling Jue was used to the extreme, making her figure unpredictable.

With a kick of both feet, he rushed towards the low-level black soul next to the fifth-level black soul.Low-level black souls can't pose a threat to Xu Miao, which gives Xu Miao a chance.

Xu Miao's whole body was like an arrow leaving the string, skipping the low-level black soul, and he didn't try to kill the low-level black soul.Every trick used will reduce his departure speed.

The fifth-level black soul opened up his intelligence and discovered Xu Miao's intentions. He directed the other fourth-level black souls to catch up with Xu Miao.Xu Miao ran forward desperately, even unable to recognize the specific direction ahead.

Xu Miao originally possessed the wind spirit root, so her speed was faster than that of ordinary monks, not to mention that with the blessing of Feng Ling Jue, her speed would be even faster.Under Xu Miao's full force, it was even faster than the fourth-level black soul.

The fifth-level black soul saw that the fourth-level black soul could not stop Xu Miao, so he shot himself and flew towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao has almost no chance of winning when a golden core monk who is good at flying chases down a monk who is in the early stage of foundation establishment.

The fifth-level black soul punched Xu Miao's back, and the black energy rushed towards the Fu Yu armor around Xu Miao.Xu Miao could only hear the sound of Fu Yu's helmet shattering, and he hurriedly continued to release his spiritual power to strengthen the broken Fu Yu's helmet.

However, all of this is just a drop in the bucket, Xu Miao's spiritual power is limited, if it is used to strengthen Fu Yu's armor, it will slow down the speed of escape.

The distance between the two was quickly shortened. Even though Xu Miao's Fuyu helmet could withstand the attacks of the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, it could not resist the attacks of the monks in the golden core stage.

After all, Fu Yu's helmet couldn't hold on, and turned into light spots all over the sky, scattered in the air.Xu Miao directly touched the weakened black energy from behind, and immediately felt that the black energy began to infect his spiritual power.

His speed slowed down again, and on the back of Xu Miao's neck, he could even feel that the fifth-level black soul raised his hand and grabbed his neck.Xu Miao's fine hair stood up, and he threw a talisman backward.

The shock wave generated by the explosion of the talisman slowed down the speed of the fifth-level black soul and pushed Xu Miao forward a few steps.With the help of talisman seals, the distance between the two was temporarily opened.

Taking advantage of the fact that the fifth-level black soul was still far away from him, Xu Miao swallowed ten Peiyuan pills at once.Ordinary monks in the early stage of foundation establishment swallowed five pills of Peiyuan Dan at a time, and their bodies might collapse because they could not bear the huge medicinal power.

Xu Miao doubled the amount and swallowed ten pills. Apart from the fact that his spiritual power was so powerful that it was comparable to the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, his body was reborn with spiritual power, so he was more receptive to the power of medicine.

The powerful medicinal power took effect instantly, converted into spiritual power and poured into the dantian.Under the control of imagery, Feng Lingjue was once again fully used, and Xu Miao's speed accelerated again.

At the same time, the fifth-level black soul has also caught up.Going on like this is not an option, he can't get rid of that fifth-level black soul.Xu Miao thought of the pair of empty wings he got in the monk's cave of Tiandingmen.

At this time, Xu Miao turned her hands and took out the empty feathers without thinking about other things, and put her hands through the wings. The empty feathers were seamlessly connected with the body, as if they were part of the body.

Xu Miao manipulated and flapped the air wings, and in an instant, all the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body rushed into the air wings.Xu Miao took ten pills of Peiyuan Pill again to supplement her spiritual power to support her flying with empty wings.

After flapping her wings twice in a row, Xu Miao arrived at a place where there was no trace of the black soul.Xu Miao shook her hands, took off the empty wings, hid her breath again, and hid in a huge tree hole.

The flying distance of the empty feather wings is too far, and Xu Miao has no idea where it has brought herself.You can only find a shelter first to recover your spiritual power.

Kong Lingyi consumed too much spiritual power, and the images in the dantian shrunk and languished. Xu Miao barely suppressed the desire to breathe heavily, and slowly calmed down her heartbeat.

Xu Miao took out five pills of Peiyuan, swallowed them all, and began to dispel the black energy in her body and restore her spiritual power.The erosive power of the black gas is too strong, and the medicine has no time to exert its effect, so it is infected by the black gas, which in turn increases the power of the black gas.

At this time, this black air has entered the dantian along the meridians.The monk's dantian is the source of all spiritual power, once the dantian is damaged, the monk's strength will also be affected.

Xu Miao tried her best to run the images in her dantian, trying to resist the erosion of black air.However, no matter how hard Xu Miao tried, the black air still slowly eroded the image.

Starting from the blue sea, part of the sea water slowly turns into a pitch black color.When the image is infected and affected, the state of the monk will be very different.

Now, Xu Miao's whole body was exuding black air, including Xu Miao's face, which was also surrounded by black air.

The blue sea in the image has all turned black, and the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body has been consumed by Kong Lingyi, so there is not much left.After taking Peiyuan Pill, the power of the medicine will be absorbed by the black air.

Xu Miao hardly had any extra spiritual power to stop the erosion of the black air. She watched helplessly as the black air turned the blue sea into a black sea, and the blue sky into a black sky. Even the green trees in the center of the blue sea began to be infected with black air. All black.

Vaguely, Xu Miao felt that this scene seemed familiar, as if she had just experienced it not long ago.He remembered, it was "The Secret of Heaven and Earth".

When he was practicing "The Jue of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation", his whole body was also shrouded in black air.But that kind of black energy is only a part of cultivation, after the cultivation is completed, the black energy will recede.

At this moment, the black air will not take the initiative to recede, but will take the initiative. Xu Miao's limbs have also been infected by the black air, resulting in black spots and pustules.

Since the "Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue" can annihilate the heaven and the earth, it must be able to deal with this black energy.Xu Miao opened her hands, palms up, absorbing the aura of the outside world with all her strength.

As soon as the spiritual energy entered the body, it was sucked away by the black energy.Xu Miao can only circulate the few strands of spiritual power and run the "Space of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation".

There is too little spiritual power, and the power of the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art is limited, but Xu Miao was pleasantly surprised to find that the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art can attack this black energy.As long as it is where the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art passes, the black energy will be reduced to a certain extent.

With a pale face, Xu Miao took a deep breath and absorbed the aura of heaven and earth while practicing the exercises.The quality of the heaven and earth aura in the valley is too poor, but the aura in the tree hole seems to have been filtered, and the quality of the aura has improved.

Reluctantly absorbing the spiritual energy, he promoted the operation of the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art to eliminate the black energy in his body.When the black air encountered the Heaven and Earth Jue, there was almost no resistance, and it dissipated away one after another.

After the black air in the limbs was eliminated, Xu Miao controlled the spiritual power and slowly poured it into the dantian.The black energy in the dantian still exists, and they seem to sense the power of the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art, and start to tremble.

Xu Miao didn't hesitate, as soon as her spiritual power entered her dantian, she used the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art to aim at the image.The imagery has almost merged with the black air, and attacking the black air will also damage the imagery.

Xu Miao's body was covered with cold sweat, and she couldn't stop at this moment. Once she stopped, the black air would come back, and all previous efforts would be for naught.

Enduring the pain of the image being attacked, Xu Miao controlled the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art to attack the black energy in the dantian indiscriminately.

In fact, if Xu Miao can cultivate the "Spirit of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation" to the highest level, he can slightly manipulate the power of the attack, avoid images, and only attack black air.

However, reality is reality after all. Xu Miao has only just learned about the annihilation of heaven and earth. It is very rare to be able to use it to remove the black energy in the body.

At this time, if someone else sees Xu Miao's eyes, they will find that both of his eyes have become pitch black, like a secluded pool, and people will be sucked into it.

The power of the world's silence followed the Bihai to attack bit by bit. When the blue sea was attacked, it kept rolling and galloping in the dantian, just wanting to avoid the powerful power of the world's silence.

Xu Miao forcibly suppressed Bi Hai's discomfort, allowing him to accept the attack of heaven and earth silence.The black air in Bihai and Qingtian has been removed, but the Cangmu has been completely infected. If you want to get rid of the black air, you can only pull the Cangmu completely from its roots.

This is a huge damage to Xu Miao.After a monk enters the foundation building period, the source of spiritual power is no longer the spiritual vortex, but the image.If the image is destroyed, it means that the cultivation base is greatly damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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