Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 141 Level 6 Black Soul

Chapter 141 Level Six Black Soul
Even if Xu Miao has two images, one of them cannot help being abolished.However, at this moment, the arrow had to be fired, and the black energy had to be eliminated, otherwise Xu Miao would be controlled by the black energy one day.

Xu Miao manipulated the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art, turned its power into a hand, grabbed the trunk of the Cangmu tree, and lifted it upwards forcefully.The wind spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was completely chaotic, and the problem of the balance of wind and water spiritual power that had been solved long ago appeared in front of him again.

If the image of the wind attribute is abolished and the spiritual power of the wind is insufficient, the balance in the body will be broken. Xu Miao must re-establish the image before the imbalance of spiritual power causes greater consequences, and this is almost impossible.

Although Xu Miao had experience in creating the image of the westerly withered green tree, the spiritual power in this place is insufficient to support Xu Miao to reconstruct the image at all.

In addition, once the spiritual power is out of balance, it will instantly destroy the monk's body and take his life. Xu Miao once again stood on the edge of the cliff of life and death.

But the black air has completely disturbed the Cangmu, and the whole Cangmu has been destroyed. Xu Miao must destroy the Cangmu and regenerate it.Now that it has been done, Xu Miao has no way out.

Two spiritual senses, one mind and two purposes.Xu Miao freed her hands and set up a defensive formation and a small spirit-gathering formation.Reconstructing the image will definitely attract the attention of the black soul in the valley.

He could only set up two formations in time, among which the small spirit gathering formation used high-grade spirit stones as the source of spiritual power.Thanks to the cave of the monks of Tiandingmen, otherwise he would have lost his life here.

Xu Miao summoned Xiaotian and told her to pay attention to the small spirit gathering array. Once the spiritual power of the spirit stone was exhausted, it should be replaced with a new high-grade spirit stone immediately.After confessing, Xu Miao immersed all her mind in her dantian.

While controlling the water spirit power, he was running the "West Wind Withered Green Tree" exercise with all his strength.The black air in the body has been completely removed, what needs to be done now is to rebuild the image.

After all, Xu Miao has experienced it once, and Xu Miao has become a lot more proficient in doing it this time.Driven by abundant spiritual power, the image of the westerly withered green tree began to form rapidly.

The wind spirit power cannot keep up with the speed of the water spirit power, so Xu Miao suppresses the water spirit power with all his strength to minimize the consequences of the imbalance of the spirit power.In order to speed up the formation of the image of the wind attribute, Xu Miao slapped her chest, and a drop of heart blood appeared.

Ever since Heart Blood was affected by that drop of mysterious blood, its effects have become extraordinary.Xu Miao guides her heart's blood into the image of the westerly withered green tree, and her heart's blood automatically enters into the green tree to promote its growth.

With the help of his heart and soul, the Cangmu soon began to take root and sprout leaves, and a brand new Cangmu appeared in the blue sea.Different from the last time, this time the Cangmu does not need the central island to grow.

It is directly rooted in the blue sea, absorbs spiritual power from the blue sea, and promotes growth.Under this huge crisis, Xu Miao has completely integrated the images of wind and water attributes, so there is no gap.

Xu Miao ran "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" and "West Wind Withered Green Tree" at the same time to mobilize the two kinds of spiritual power in the body. When the two regained their balance, Xu Miao opened her eyes.

"Have any black souls noticed any movement here?" Xu Miao immediately asked Xiaotian about the situation.

Xiaotian shook his head: "No, when you were meditating, there were low-level black souls approaching, but suddenly there was a strange sound, and then all the black souls seemed to have gone to the place where the sound originated."

Xu Miao fell into deep thought after listening.One voice can command all the black souls. If it is a monster, it will usually be the leader. If it is put on the black soul, it is very likely that a powerful leader will also appear.

Near the tree hole, until Xu Miao recovered her spiritual power, no black soul was found approaching.

Xu Miao felt very strange. Was it really called away by the so-called leader?He carefully extended his consciousness, searching for the trace of the black soul.To be on the safe side, Xu Miao didn't fully extend his consciousness, but put away his consciousness after covering a part of the area.

When fighting in Yanwang City, Xu Miao discovered that these black souls were very sensitive to divine consciousness.He didn't want to provoke the high-level black soul for the time being, so after a brief investigation, he withdrew his consciousness and began to think about how to leave.

This place should be the innermost part of the valley, and according to what Xie Chu said, this valley has only one exit, and if you want to leave, you can only leave from the entrance.

But if you want to reach the entrance, you have to turn around and face a group of black souls, including the fifth-level black soul.And after such a long time, that fifth-level black soul may have advanced to a sixth-level black soul by devouring its own kind.

Perhaps that leader was evolved from a fifth-level black soul, and a sixth-level black soul is enough to control a party of black souls.

The road back was difficult, and Xu Miao really didn't want to face that fifth-level black soul again if it wasn't necessary.Xu Miao quietly waited for the day to come, because he also found that the power of the black soul was slightly weakened during the day.

Although the reduction is not much, it is better to deal with than at night.

The sun was rising, and Xu Miao hid in the tree hole, feeling the sunshine.He carefully left the tree hole and looked around.Similar to the results of the previous spiritual investigation, there are no large numbers of black souls here, only a few low-level black souls.

Xu Miao raised the knife and fell, harvesting the lives of the earth-level black souls.As he walked, he observed that this place was now shrouded in a kind of black air, which seemed to be the same as the black air on the black soul.

But there is another difference, that is, this kind of black air will not affect the monks.Xu Miao was infected by black air before, and her image was almost destroyed.It was he who ran the "Spirit of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation" in time to rebuild the imagery and escaped the catastrophe.

I don't know what happened to Zhang Xin who entered with him, and the five Xia Qingyi outside.They have already learned that there are level five black souls in the valley, and the most likely thing is to withdraw in time and seek reinforcements.

I am now almost isolated and helpless, but fortunately there are many methods, otherwise I will really die here.

Xu Miao was thinking about the black energy while walking. The black energy of the black soul would affect the monk's body and the magic weapon, whether it would affect the spirit of the weapon.

If Xiaotian is not affected, he can use Xiaotian's power to try to kill the fifth-level black soul with the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art.

"Xiaotian, as a weapon spirit, will you be affected by the black air?"

"Theoretically speaking, it shouldn't be. I am originally a spirit body, and I don't have a real body. As long as the Hunting Stone exists, I can always exist. Even if I destroy this spirit body, I will be able to condense the spirit body again after a while."

Xu Miao nodded thoughtfully, re-condensing the spirit body must require sufficient spiritual power.The current environment in the cultivation world is so bad, it's better not to try it.

As Xu Miao walked out, the number of black souls increased.Fortunately, they were all just low-level black souls. Xu Miao didn't need to support Fu Yu's helmet for the time being. She swung her lightsaber and ended the lives of low-level black souls.

Whether it is killing the black soul or walking, Xu Miao pays great attention to concealment.The black soul that may have advanced to level six, and a large number of black souls at level four are quite tricky.

While walking, Xu Miao suddenly felt that the world seemed to be distorting, and she could hardly stand upright.Xu Miao half-kneeled on the ground, keeping the ground steady with one hand.

He felt the source of the distortion, which was in the southeast direction.After stabilizing a little, Xu Miao carefully approached in the southeast direction.

When Xu Miao was hiding his figure and slowly approaching that side, he saw people who could not appear at all, it was actually Xia Qingyi and others.

There are only Xia Qingyi, Wei Kang and Xi Ting here, there are only three people, the other two people don't know where they went.Moreover, these three people are not fighting the black soul, but are tied to three pillars.

Opposite the three of them is a sixth-level black soul. The funny thing is, that sixth-level black soul is still sitting on a stone chair, vividly resembling the image of the king of the mountain.

A group of fourth-level black souls surrounded the sixth-level black souls, and some low-level black souls surrounded them.Xu Miao was almost sure that this sixth-level black soul was the fifth-level black soul that chased and killed her just now.

Xu Miao didn't dare to show her anger, for fear that Xumi Pei's effectiveness would not be enough and she would be exposed in front of the sixth-level black soul.Facing the fifth-level black soul, Xu Miao could barely escape.Facing the sixth-level black soul, Xu Miao reckoned that she didn't have to run away, but just waited for death.

The fifth-level black soul has opened up spiritual intelligence, and the sixth-level black soul has learned the language of the cultivation world, and seems to be talking to Xia Qingyi and the other three.

The distance was too far, Xu Miao couldn't hear clearly, but he didn't dare to get too close, and he didn't dare to use his spiritual sense to explore the situation easily, for fear that the sixth-level black soul would find his trace.

At this moment, two more figures rushed from the other direction, confronting the sixth-level black soul.Xu Miao half-closed her eyes and recognized the other two people.

He thought about the situation in front of him in his mind. Xia Qingyi's five people just happened to be confronted with the sixth-level black soul, so he might be able to leave quietly. Without the obstruction of the sixth-level black soul and most of the fourth-level black soul, he might be able to reach the entrance of the valley.

But if you want to get to the entrance, you have to go through the two opposing parties in front of you.This is a huge adventure. If you can pass it safely, you will be able to leap into the sea and let the birds fly in the sky.

If it is discovered, it will be very miserable. It will definitely be caught by the sixth-level black soul, and will be dragged into the water by Xia Qingyi and others.

Xu Miao observed the surrounding environment and tried to find a road that was as safe as possible, but no matter how Xu Miao calculated, he couldn't find a safe road.

When Xu Miao was still worrying about the way, she saw a sixth-level black soul grabbing one of them out of thin air. The black energy passed through the man's chest, grabbed out the heart, and swallowed it.

The monk whose heart was eaten didn't even have time to let out a scream, so he collapsed on the ground limply, without any breath.

Xu Miao frowned. It turned out that the sixth-level black soul wanted to eat human hearts.If this continues, he will definitely wander around after eating the five of Xia Qingyi, and maybe he will find himself by then.

At this moment, he could only temporarily put aside his grievances with Xia Qingyi and save the remaining four people.The five escaped together, and there was a possibility of leaving.

Unable to fly in the air, only relying on her feet, Xu Miao quickly approached Xia Qingyi and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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