Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 142 Monster Forbidden Land

Chapter 142 Monster Forbidden Land
The Huaying sword came out of its sheath and cut towards the rope that trapped Xia Qingyi.Xu Miao's movements were quick, and before the other black souls could react, Xia Qingyi and the others had already escaped.

"Run separately!" Xu Miao only had time to transmit the words, and then rushed towards the exit of the valley.

The sixth-level black soul obviously didn't expect Xu Miao to have such a move, so he was furious and chased after Xu Miao.Feeling the powerful pressure of the sixth-level black soul, Xu Miao suddenly changed direction and moved in front of Wei Kang.

This is also the reason why Xu Miao saved Xia Qingyi and the others. The goal of running alone is too big, and running with five people can disperse the goals, and by the way, you can find a few substitutes.

Seeing Xu Miao suddenly appearing in front of him and feeling the sixth-level black soul so close at hand, Wei Kang could not help but curse: "Xu Sanshui, you are despicable——"

Before he finished speaking, Wei Kang was pierced through his chest by the hand of the sixth-level black soul behind him, grabbing his heart.Xu Miao could almost smell the blood on Wei Kang's heart.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xu Miao slowed down and took away the storage bag on Wei Kang's waist.Then he hit Wei Kang with a palm, and threw Wei Kang's body onto the sixth-level black soul.

The sixth-level black soul was blocked by Wei Kang's corpse, and watched Xu Miao run away again.In a fit of anger, he directly tore Wei Kang from the middle, dividing it into two.

Roaring and chasing Xu Miao, at the same time, other black souls gradually approached, trying to stop Xu Miao.

Xu Miao swallowed the Peiyuan Pill, filled her body with spiritual power, and accelerated her speed again.The sixth-level black soul spotted Xu Miao, and no one chased after him, but kept chasing Xu Miao.

Xu Miao groaned secretly, if she had known that this sixth-level black soul was so vengeful, she would not have rescued Xia Qingyi and the others.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from Xu Miao's side.Xu Miao turned her head and looked, it was Xia Qingyi.Xia Qingyi was hunted down by a fifth-level black soul. He wanted to catch Xu Miao and throw him to the fifth-level black soul so that he could escape by himself.

Xu Miao snorted coldly, Xia Qingyi's idea was probably going to fail.Xu Miao immediately grabbed Xia Qingyi's hand, held it firmly, and threw it to the sixth-level black soul behind.

Xia Qingyi didn't expect Xu Miao's spiritual power to be so powerful that she hardly had the strength to resist or struggle.While Xia Qingyi's hand was still in her own, Xu Miao directly interrupted his hand and took off the storage ring on Xia Qingyi's wrist.

"Ah! Xu Sanshui! You—" Xu Miao didn't let Xia Qingyi continue his words, and let go without looking back.Xia Qingyi was caught by the five-level black soul that was chasing up, and Xia Qingyi's screams could still be vaguely heard.

Even after using Wei Kang and Xia Qingyi to stop the black soul behind him, Xu Miao's speed still decreased uncontrollably.There are more and more black souls ahead, Xu Miao has to kill and flee.

Out of the corner of her eye, Xu Miao saw a well. The well was very strange. There were no black souls gathered nearby, as if all the black souls were afraid of that well.

Xu Miao made an emergency turn, and the lightsaber split open the black soul blocking in front, and rushed towards the well.He stood at the mouth of the well and looked towards the bottom of the well, where there was bottomless well water.

Since there is water, maybe he can leave here through the ground.Xu Miao looked back at the sixth-level black soul who stopped hesitantly not far away, then glanced at the well water, then turned over and jumped into the well water.

As soon as he entered the water, Xu Miao felt a bone-chilling cold.The temperature of the well water is so low that it can almost freeze the blood of the human body.Even Xu Miao is quite uncomfortable with the water spirit root.

The black soul is afraid of this well, it must be because of the existence of well water.But he didn't know why the black soul was afraid of well water. So far, Xu Miao only felt that the temperature was too low, and did not find other abnormalities for the time being.

Xu Miao took a deep breath and dived into the bottom of the well.The well water is very clear, there is no black air, but there are no creatures living in it.

The more Xu Miao dived, the more frightened he became. The well was very deep. He swam for about a stick of incense, but he didn't reach the bottom.The walls of the well are smooth and without traces, as if a powerful being penetrated the well directly.

The closer to the bottom of the well, the cooler the well water.Xu Miao tried her best to use her spiritual power to slow down the impact of the low temperature on her.

After finally touching the soil at the bottom of the well, Xu Miao discovered that there was a very low passage beside the bottom of the well, which even children could not enter, and they had to keep lying down to enter.

Xu Miao adjusted her posture, and when she was about to enter the passage, she heard Xiaotian's voice: "Xu Miao, dig the soil here, there seems to be something under the soil."

When Xu Miao heard this, she reluctantly changed direction and began to dig the soil with her bare hands.A horn-like thing appeared in front of Xu Miao, and Xu Miao wiped away the dirt from the "horn" with well water.

"Is this what you're talking about?" Xu Miao held up the "horn" and looked at it for a long time, but didn't find anything strange.

"This is the head horn of Fen Mo. Fen Mo is one of the powerful monsters that ravaged the cultivation world a long time ago." In the well water, Xiaotian couldn't appear, so Xu Miao put the head horn of Fen Mo into the Hunting Stone.

"Fenmo's devilish energy is deep, even if he has been away from his body for many years, there will still be devilish energy left. This horn, how come there is no magic energy at all." Xiaotian muttered to himself.

However, Xu Miao seems to have grasped a certain clue from Xiaotian's casual words.A part of the powerful monster's body, there is no magic energy at the bottom of the well, does it mean that the well water will dispel the magic energy?

In addition, those black souls are very afraid of this well, perhaps the well water here is the key.

"Xiaotian, do you think those black souls have demonic energy?" Xu Miao has never seen a monster with her own eyes, so she doesn't know what kind of demonic energy it is.

"No, the black energy on those black souls is much weaker than the devil energy, and it's not at the same level at all." Xiaotian replied without any hesitation.

Xu Miao nodded silently, that's right, the well water that can restrain monsters is even easier to deal with black souls.But where does this well lead to, Xu Miao has to figure it out.

He has a strong feeling that this well is the key element for the black soul to enter the cultivation world.But since the well water in the well can restrain the black souls, how did those black souls pass through the well water.

Xu Miao moved forward along the passage on the side. The interior of the passage was too dark, so Xu Miao took out the night pearl to light it up.There are more things that can be seen in this passage, and there are many incomplete bones in it.

Moreover, these bones are obviously not from human monks, they are strangely shaped, and they should be the monster bones that Xiaotian said.

Following the well water, Xu Miao swam through the long channel and finally saw a water surface.When Xu Miao floated on the water, she felt that this place was completely different from the cultivation world.

The eyes are scarlet, whether it is the sky or the earth, it is dark red, giving people a very depressing feeling.Even the aura of heaven and earth is different from that of the cultivation world, Xu Miao can't absorb aura from the environment at all.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be a demon realm occupied by monsters." Xiaotian's tone was extremely serious, "Hide your breath quickly, monsters like to devour human monks the most."

After hiding her breath, Xu Miao took out a lot of well water and put it in a storage bag.Since the monsters are afraid of these well water, then take some well water away.If you are accidentally discovered by monsters, you can also use well water to deal with them.

After getting everything ready, Xu Miao began to explore the so-called Demon Realm.After walking a few steps, Xu Miao saw the black soul.The black souls here are all first- and second-level existences, wandering aimlessly.

Unlike the black souls in the realm of comprehension, there are high-level spawns, and they can also command low-level black souls to attack human monks.

Not far away, there is a huge stone tablet with words engraved on it.Xu Miao walked around the black soul beside him and read the inscriptions on the stone tablet, only then did he know the origin of this place.

This is not the demon realm that Xiaotian mentioned, but tens of thousands of years ago, when humans were attacked by monsters, several powerful monks among them jointly constructed an alien space to trap monsters.

Because the monsters are too powerful, even the cooperation of several powerful people cannot completely seal the space here.Therefore, they left a gap and moved the magic water to restrain monsters from elsewhere, that is, the well water that Xu Miao swam all the way over.

It stands to reason that as long as there is well water, it is impossible for monsters to pass through the passage at the bottom of the well to reach the realm of comprehension.

It's just that after a long time, the well water is affected by the tide. In a certain period of time, the well water will temporarily subside, which also gives the monster a chance.

Most of the monsters in this space are forbidden and locked in the corresponding places, and no monsters will escape and wander outside.

But when the lifespan of many monsters ends, due to the strong resentment, the soul will not disperse, and gradually form a black soul, wandering around.In this space, they are subject to the laws laid down by the powerful monks and will not upgrade.

However, in the realm of self-cultivation, they have no constraints, and each black soul will quickly upgrade, thereby affecting the realm of self-cultivation.

After reading the inscriptions on the stele, Xu Miao also understood why there are a large number of black souls in the cultivation world.The space here is the source. If you want to cut off the black soul's retreat, you must seal off the well.

Xu Miao needs the help of a well to return to the realm of comprehension and inform other monks.Only in this way can the disaster of the black soul be completely resolved.

"Xu Miao, don't go back in a hurry. Do you remember one of the materials used to refine the Fog Condensing Sword—the blood of the green flood dragon? If I'm right, there should still be alive blue flood dragons trapped here."

"There are still green dragons here?" Green dragons are monsters that have appeared in the world of comprehension.However, it has been a long time since he showed up, and Xu Miao even thought about using the blood of other monsters to replace the blood of the green dragon, but he didn't expect that there was still a green dragon here.

The stele does not specifically describe the monsters locked here, but only mentions that the monsters that disturb the realm of self-cultivation are trapped here.Since there are historical records that Qingjiao once appeared in the cultivation world tens of thousands of years ago, there is indeed a very high possibility that there is Qingjiao here.

Xu Miao let go of her consciousness, looking for the trace of Qingjiao.He saw many weak monsters, chained and spellbound, firmly trapped in specially-made cells.

Once those monsters saw him, they wanted to eat him alive.Xu Miao was not afraid at all, and carefully looked at the monsters in the cell to see if there were any materials that could be used.

(End of this chapter)

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