Chapter 143
"Human, you are very courageous. With such a low level of cultivation, you dare to come here alone." The man in the deepest cell saw Xu Miao appear, and provocatively.

When Xu Miao heard the words and looked around, a thick demonic energy surrounded the man.There are two bumps on the man's forehead, like horns.The man's limbs were nailed to the wall with special iron chains, and his collarbone was also trapped by chains.

"Xu Miao, he should be Qingjiao, we must get his blood." Xiaotian's voice sounded in his mind.

Xu Miao looked directly into the man's eyes: "You monsters are trapped by us and other senior monks, why don't I dare to come? The trapped green dragon is no threat to me."

"Hmph! You human monks have always been insidious and cunning, and I'm just being careless about your way." Qing Jiao gritted his teeth, very angry, and the tens of thousands of years of backlog of anger made him hate all humans.

Xu Miao didn't answer Qing Jiao's words, but walked around the cell where Qing Jiao was trapped.This cell was restricted and protected by spells, and there was no possibility of entering it.

"Humans, don't look at it. This cell was arranged by your monks in the stage of transformation. It is impossible for you to break through." Seeing Xu Miao's movements, Qing Jiao knew that he wanted to open the cell.

If the cell cannot be opened, Xu Miao will not be able to get Qingjiao's blood.Xu Miao frowned, looking for a way to break the boundary.

"Xiaotian, do you recognize this forbidden curse?" Xiaotian was once the weapon spirit of a Mahayana monk, so he might have seen this kind of forbidden curse.

With Qingjiao here, it was inconvenient for Xiaotian to show up directly. She directed Xu Miao to observe the forbidden spell on the cell from different angles.Qing Jiao also found it very interesting to see that Xu Miao was not giving up.

For tens of thousands of years, he has been trapped in this small cell without seeing the light of day.Lost freedom, lost dignity, only endless loneliness.

Although Qingjiao is a demon, he likes to be lively. The monsters in the Demon Realm practice on their own, which is very boring.He discovered that there is an extremely hidden passage between the Demon Realm and the world of human comprehension, so he often disguises his aura and sneaks into the realm of comprehension.

Once, his identity was seen through by a cultivator who transformed himself into a god.The cultivator who turned into a god fell in love with the green dragon's veins, so he deceived him with sweet words, and even attracted the demon domain to attack the cultivation world.

The final result can be imagined, the monsters were suppressed by the realm of comprehension, and the high-level monks even went to the demon realm to loot them.The tendons of Qingjiao were taken away by the cultivator who transformed into a god, and he was imprisoned here.

He hated that cultivator who turned into a god, and only wanted to kill him, but he couldn't take revenge.Ten thousand years have passed, and he also knows that if the monk who transforms the spirit does not ascend, he will only become a dead bone in the end.

Just when he thought he was going to die in this small world, a human monk came.He is still a low-level human monk, and according to his experience, such a monk is the best to control.

"Human, there is a flaw in the eighth place on the left of this cell, but I can't attack this flaw, but you can. As long as you break the forbidden spell and let me escape, I can promise you three things, how about it?"

Qing Jiao has been locked in the cell for too long, and he knows the restrictions outside the cell like the palm of his hand.Due to his limbs, his body was locked and he couldn't make a move, but with the help of this human monk, he just happened to be able to do what he had been unable to do.

Xu Miao walked to the eighth position from the left pointed out by Qing Jiao, and there was indeed a very hidden flaw.Although his strength is not strong, it doesn't take much strength to crack the flaw here.

You only need to remove it according to the prohibition law.After discussing with Xiaotian, Xu Miao devised a feasible plan.Xu Miao's plan was to break the restriction, take Qing Jiao's blood, and leave.

He reflected several times back and forth, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the plan, he took the initiative to break the forbidden spell.His formation has already reached an extremely high level, and this forbidden spell just allows him to reach a higher level of prohibition by the formation.

However, this restriction was arranged by the cultivator of Huashen after all. Even if tens of thousands of years have passed, the power has weakened and flaws have appeared, and he cannot easily break it.

Xu Miao's eyes were red, and her spiritual consciousness was working at full capacity, starting from the flaw to calculate the law of the forbidden spell.The amount of calculation involved is huge, and Xu Miao can only persist for one day and one night at a time, and must stop to rest.

It took about a year to get rid of half of the restrictions.This prohibition is a complete one. If you don't break it all, breaking a small part is the same as breaking a large part, which is equivalent to not breaking it.

"Human, your level is too low. I can break this curse in a day." Seeing that Xu Miao's progress was too slow, Qing Jiao couldn't help but sarcastically.

Xu Miaohun didn't care, he looked at the trapped Qingjiao with disdain: "Just you, one day? You haven't broken this curse for tens of thousands of years."

Xu Miao's words hit Qingjiao's deathbed, Qingjiao opened his mouth for a long time, not knowing how to refute.After all, Xu Miao's words were not wrong. Even if he knew more about the forbidden spell, he couldn't break it by hand, and it was useless to say anything.

However, he must also admit that although he said that the level of human monks is not good, but this person's understanding of forbidden spells has reached the point where it is almost superb.

Such amount of calculations, deciphering techniques, and relocation, if he only has the level of foundation building, he will definitely not be able to do it.Having nothing to say, Qing Jiao could only shut up and quietly watched Xu Miao continue to break the forbidden spell.

As more and more parts were cracked, Xu Miao's understanding of the curse became more and more sufficient, and the speed of cracking was inadvertently accelerated.

In the past, it was necessary to stop and rest after counting continuously for one day and one night, but now Xu Miao can persist for two days and one night before stopping to rest.

The spiritual consciousness has always been in a state of overload operation within a year. Although it has brought a great burden to the sea of ​​consciousness, it has also brought great benefits to the growth and training of the spiritual consciousness.

At least, the speed at which Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness strengthened this year was much faster than in previous years.

Only the last tiny part of the forbidden spell remained, and Xu Miao was able to decipher it in almost three moments.If it is cracked here, there will be no restrictions in the cell. If Qing Jiao has a plan, he will be powerless to resist.

Thinking of this, Xu Miao stopped her cracked hands, sat aside and looked at Qingjiao.From Qing Jiao's point of view, Xu Miao was just in a daze.However, Xu Miao was reconfirming the safety level with Xiaotian.

If Qing Jiao was pretending to be trapped, then he would have been able to get out of the trap through the flaw of the forbidden spell, and he would not have to be so hard trapped in the cell for tens of thousands of years.

"Xiao Tian, ​​is there any contract that can control the Qing Jiao?" The strength of the Qing Jiao is extraordinary, even if the Qing Jiao's tendons are taken away, it is an extremely powerful existence.

The current spirit beasts around Xu Miao, including the mythical beast Xiaobai, are still too young, with only two levels, so they cannot help him in battle.If Qing Jiao could be owned by him, then the situation would be different.

A demon who used to be comparable to a cultivator in the transformation stage, even if his strength is greatly reduced, it is absolutely enough to help himself now.

Xu Miao roughly estimated the chains that locked Qingjiao. I don't know what the consideration of the cultivator was, the power of the chains was not strong.He now has the Nirvana Sword in his hand, and he has also learned the "Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art".

The combination of the two may be able to break the chain that locks Qingjiao.

Xu Miao discussed the matter with Qing Jiao: "Qing Jiao, after I break the restriction, I can take you out."

When Qing Jiao heard the words, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Xu Miao sharply: "You, human, don't you think that you can break these iron chains if you can break the forbidden curse?"

"You tried everything possible to break the restriction, it must be for the things on my body. But the strongest green dragon veins on my body have been pulled out, and the only thing that can be used by you is the green dragon blood."

"Human beings, don't be too greedy." Qing Jiao said every word, with the momentum of always being in a high position in his words.

Xu Miao shrugged: "Originally, I wanted to make an agreement with you. After I die, you will be free. But since you want to stay here forever, I have no objection. The curse is restored."

After Xu Miao broke the last forbidden spell, the cell was completely defenseless, and Qingjiao was within easy reach.

"Are you sure, after you die, I will be free?" Qing Jiao was tempted after all, if he did not agree to Xu Miao's proposal, he would continue to stay in this dark place for tens of thousands of years.

And this human monk, no matter how long his life is, how can he live for more than ten thousand years.

"If you don't believe me, I can swear by my heart demon." Xu Miao looked at Qing Jiao without avoiding it.

After all, Qing Jiao lowered his high head: "Let's make a contract."

What Xu Miao signed with Qingjiao was a kind of spirit beast contract that Xiaotian told him, an ordinary spirit beast contract, Xu Miao was worried that he would not be able to control the powerful Qingjiao.

And this kind of spirit beast contract is called a life-and-death contract, no matter how high the level of the spirit beast being contracted is, it will be under the control of the person who made the contract.When the signer dies, the life-and-death contract will automatically become invalid, and the contracted party will be free again.

Xu Miao scratched her fingers and drew a contract on Qing Jiao's chest.With the last stroke, the light of the contract lines flashed, and finally disappeared on the skin of Qingjiao.

The life-and-death contract has been fulfilled, and there is an unspoken feeling between Xu Miao and Qing Jiao.

"Life and death contract, you know such a long-term contract, human being, you are really extraordinary." Qing Jiao took a deep look at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao ignored him, just picked up the chain and felt the hardness.Consistent with his guess, the hardness of the chain is not very strong, there is still a chance to cut it off.

A life-and-death contract has been signed, and Xu Miao doesn't mind if Qing Jiao knows his details.He took out the Nirvana Sword, used the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue, and the sword Jue became one, and he slashed at one of the chains that trapped him with all his strength.

"Crack," the chain snapped, Xu Miao held up the Nirvana sword, and was stunned on the spot for a moment.Although the chain is not that strong, it will not be cut off so easily.

Xu Miao looked at the Nirvana Sword in her hand, and then at the chains on the ground.

"The Nirvana Sword, this is the magic weapon of the Heavenly Cauldron Sect, and it's actually in your hands. It's getting more and more interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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