Chapter 144
Xu Miao looked up at Qing Jiao: "Do you recognize the sword in my hand?"

"No one knows the prestige of the Nirvana Sword. Tiandingmen established a sect based on this, and when the Nirvana Sword came out, who would dare to fight for it. One of the most powerful sects in ancient times, no one knows, no one knows." Qing Jiao looked at Nirvana Sword, with nostalgic look in his eyes.

"But the sword in your hand doesn't seem to be the real Nirvana sword, but an imitation." Qing Jiao's eyes were extremely vicious, and he could tell at a glance that this Nirvana sword was not that Nirvana sword.

Xu Miao ignored Qing Jiao, and his subordinates kept cutting off the chains that bound Qing Jiao's limbs.The last chain was the trickiest, this one passing through the collarbone at a very short distance from the wall.If you are not careful, you will hurt Qingjiao.

Seeing Xu Miao's hesitation, Qing Jiao laughed lightly: "Don't worry about cutting it, it's just an imitation Nirvana sword, even if it hits me directly, it won't cause any damage."

Hearing this, Xu Miao activated the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art, and her spiritual power rushed to the Nirvana Sword. Holding the sword in both hands and looking down, the last chain was completely broken.

Once out of trouble, the Qingjiao immediately turned into its original shape, and flew in mid-air for a while before falling back to the ground.

If you want to leave here, you must swim through the channel flooded by well water again.If you want to take Qing Jiao out safely, you must let him enter the Hunting Stone.Qingjiao didn't object, and asked Xu Miao to move it into the Hunting Stone.

Passing through the passage again, Xu Miao returned to the mouth of the well.To Xu Miao's surprise, there were almost no black souls near the mouth of the well.Xu Miao reached out her spiritual sense, but no trace of the black soul was found at the farthest point.

Xu Miao was very surprised, and deliberately walked around the valley to make sure that the black soul did not stay in the valley anymore, and the black energy that had been lingering in the valley had dissipated.

He didn't know how many times the well water receded and the number of black souls increased during the two years since the curse was broken.If you want to know the current situation in the comprehension world, you must leave the valley.

When he stood outside the valley, Xu Miao knew where so many black souls went.There are black souls outside the valley. Although they are not densely packed, as far as Xu Miao saw, the number definitely exceeds the number of monks.

Moreover, the proportion of black souls in the first and second ranks has decreased, and there are more black souls in the third and fourth ranks.Such a situation is very unfavorable to human monks. Xu Miao hid her breath and flew all the way, which further proved this point.

The black soul is being greatly upgraded. If he guessed correctly, the highest level of the black soul may have reached level eight, or even level nine.That is equivalent to the level of human monks in the late Yuanying period, and the level of monks who transform gods.

But at least it hasn't reached the point where high-level black souls are everywhere. As long as you tell the monks in Yanwang City that the well water can restrain the black souls, human monks still have hope.

Xu Miao turned into a ray of light and quickly flew to Yanwang City.Yanwang outside the city, the black souls still closely surround the city wall.Unlike when they left, all the black souls built a stone city in an orderly manner, facing Yanwang City from a distance.

If one wanted to enter Yanwang City, one had to blaze a trail.Although Qingjiao was recovered, Xu Miao couldn't call Qingjiao out to kill the black soul under the eyes of everyone.

The closer to Yanwang City, the more clearly the tragedy of the cultivation world was displayed in front of Xu Miao.The corpses of monks fell on the ground in a disorderly manner, and no one collected them.

In the beginning, the golden core monks led the middle and late stage monks to fight in a place far away from Yanwang City, but now, the battle line has been compressed, and there are golden core monks, foundation building monks, sixth-level black souls, and fifth-level black souls fighting outside the city.

The black soul had no expression, he could only see the monk's ferocious face and his loud shouts during the fight.The appearance of Xu Miao attracted the attention of a level five black soul.

The fifth-level black soul eliminated the foundation-builder cultivator opposite him with one move, and then flew towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao put her hand on the storage bag at her waist, waiting for the black soul to approach.

Until the fifth-level black soul was close enough, Xu Miao raised his hand to create a well of water.As soon as the well water appeared, the fifth-level black soul sensed the abnormality, turned around and wanted to retreat.

How could Xu Miao allow the black soul to escape? With a wave of his right hand, the water vapor between the sky and the earth was quickly condensed into ice, blocking the black soul's path.With another wave of his hand, the well water went straight to the fifth-level black soul.

These two moves seemed complicated, but Xu Miao completed them in one breath.Well water is the nemesis of black souls, even at the fifth level, black souls cannot escape the suppression of well water.

After the black soul let out a piercing scream, the black energy gradually dissipated in the air, and the soul crystal hidden by the black energy also became shattered under the touch of the well water.

Xu Miao's confidence greatly increased after taking out a level [-] black soul so easily.He was in the group of black souls, looking for traces of high-level black souls.As long as Xu Miao sees a fifth or sixth level black soul, Xu Miao immediately throws out the well water.

So far, no black soul has been able to resist the power of the well water.The monks in Yanwang City saw Xu Miao's methods. Although they didn't know what Xu Miao did, it didn't prevent them from cheering.

The situation outside the city was changing rapidly. Originally, the monks were still at a disadvantage and were being suppressed and beaten by the black soul.When Xu Miao returned, she suppressed and beat the black soul who had been so arrogant all along.

Xu Miao used Fengling Jue to search for high-level black souls outside the city, and at the same time helped other monks in distress.Not long after, Xu Miao became the brightest star on the battlefield.

Wherever Xu Miao went, no high-level black soul could survive.Black Soul also noticed this and began to retreat quickly.Only the monks have always retreated, and the monks who have never seen the black soul retreat voluntarily did not know what to do for a while.

"What are you waiting for, kill!" Xu Miao shouted this sentence, and took the lead in killing the retreating black soul group.

Xu Miao's actions awakened all the monks present, the exhaustion and decadence on their faces were swept away, and they followed Xu Miao to kill the group of black souls.They believed that as long as Xu Miao was around, the black soul would not threaten them.

And the fact is exactly that, Xu Miao led a group of monks to kill the black soul.As long as there are high-level black souls appearing, they will be killed by Xu Miao with well water, without exception.

The number of black souls that finally retreated into Stone City was less than [-]%.In this battle between monks and black souls, human monks have won an unprecedented victory.

Xu Miao's performance not only attracted the attention of monks, but also the attention of higher-level black souls.

A black soul suddenly appeared and rushed towards Xu Miao with lightning speed.Xu Miao's eyes were fixed, and she raised her hand to create a pool of well water to resist the opponent's attack.

The opponent's aura is very powerful. If Xu Miao guessed correctly, it should be a seventh-level black soul, which is equivalent to the existence of a human Nascent Soul cultivator!Face to face, Xu Miao is not his opponent at all.

Fortunately, even seventh-level black souls are afraid of the power of well water.The seventh-level black soul stood not far away and looked at Xu Miao: "Human, you should die!" He gritted his teeth, burning with anger.

Xu Miao's right hand was clasped tightly around her waist: "Should I die? It's not your turn to fart here! Take your little brother and get out of here. Next time, it won't be your little brother who will die, but you." !"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.Except for the Nascent Soul cultivator in Yanwang City, no one dared to treat a seventh-level black soul like this.All the monks looked at Xu Miao as if they were watching a miracle.

The seventh-level black soul wanted to attack Xu Miao again, but just as Xu Miao wanted to fight back, another powerful spiritual force preempted the counterattack.Xu Miao turned her head and found that it was a monk wearing a blue and white Taoist robe.

This cultivator's cultivation is unfathomable, Xu Miao can't see how high his cultivation is, but he can directly use spiritual power to resist the attack of the seventh-level black soul, the last is a Nascent Soul cultivator.

"This junior has met Senior Nascent Soul, thank you senior for helping me out." Xu Miao still needs to be courteous for the monk Nascent Soul to help.

Cultivator Nascent Soul nodded slightly, then looked at the seventh-level black soul: "You and I have made an agreement not to participate in the following fights, don't you want to violate the agreement?"

The aura of the Nascent Soul cultivator soared in an instant, and the Taoist robe was automatic without wind.

The seventh-level black soul smiled bitterly: "Of course not, the old man just admires this human monk." After speaking, he returned to the stone city to show his face again.

When the monks outside the city saw the retreat of the seventh-level black soul, they immediately burst into cheers that shook the sky.He had never won before, and he thought that Yanwang City would be breached soon and would be killed by the black soul.

Unexpectedly, everything changed, and Xu Miao found a magic weapon to restrain the black soul.The faces of all the monks were filled with joyful smiles, sweeping away the previous decadence.

The Nascent Soul cultivator beside Xu Miao held Xu Miao's hand, and a magic circle rose and brought Xu Miao into the meeting hall.The high-level decision makers in Yanwang City gathered together and looked at Xu Miao eagerly.

To be precise, he looked at the storage bag on Xu Miao's waist.They all saw clearly that the water Xu Miao killed the black soul was taken out of the storage bag.

Faced with a group of high-ranking monks, Xu Miao did not panic. She smiled calmly, took off the storage bag and put it on the table in the meeting hall.

"Seniors, this is the magic weapon to restrain the black soul - well water." Xu Miao told everyone present about his experience in the valley, including finding the place where the monster was trapped.

Of course, he omitted the matter of subduing Qingjiao.If this matter is found out by other people, a lot of problems will soon be involved, and it will be difficult for him to protect himself at that time.

"You did a good job. If it wasn't for your discovery, we would still be helpless against the black soul." Mu Yin spoke slowly. Mu Yin was the Nascent Soul cultivator who was helping Xu Miao outside the city.

Xu Miao scratched her head, smiled brightly, and accepted Mu Yin's compliment.

"This old man will immediately notify the other cities and tell them about this matter. Xu Sanshui, you saved the entire cultivation world. You must be rewarded for such credit."

Mu Yin took out a storage ring and handed it to Xu Miao: "This is what I rewarded you personally. As for how the entire cultivation world will reward you, we need to wait until the black soul is completely defeated before we can make any calculations."

Xu Miao nodded and took the storage ring.The following discussion is about those bigwigs and has nothing to do with Xu Miao.Xu Miao left the conference hall very tactfully.

(End of this chapter)

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