Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 145 Aiding Xuanhuai City

Chapter 145 Aiding Xuanhuai City

Looking at Mu Yin's appearance, he didn't care about his real appearance and identity, so Mu Yin should have nothing to do with Lin Zhao of Xihuizong.

In this case, your personal safety should not be a problem.In addition, he provided a method to eliminate the black soul, no one can kill him at the risk of the world.

Xu Miao went to the Duobao Pavilion, he wanted to buy a magic weapon to hide the aura, preferably one that could fool the Nascent Soul cultivator.But Duobaoge told him with great regret that this kind of magic weapon was sold out as early as the appearance of the black soul.

Not to mention Duobao Pavilion now, you can't buy this kind of magic weapon anywhere.After all, no matter how many spirit stones there are, they are not as precious as life.

Xu Miao could only regretfully walk to the shop where the cave was rented. Since she returned to Yanwang City, she had to find a place to stay.But he didn't go far when he was stopped by a foundation cultivator.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, Senior Mu Yin has an invitation."

He obviously just came out of the conference hall, so why did he have to go back again.Could it be that Mu Yin heard the news from Xihuizong and wanted to hand him over to Xihuizong's people.

Xu Miao was in a state of confusion, and followed the foundation cultivator to the meeting hall.In the meeting hall, apart from Mu Yin, there were several Jindan monks, and they all looked very serious when they saw Xu Miao coming.

"Xu Sanshui, you survived from that valley and obtained the magical magic-suppressing water, which is indispensable. But just having this magic-suppressing water in Yanwang City is not enough, and other cities are still facing the danger of being suppressed by the black soul. "

Mu Yin took out three jade bottles and handed them to Xu Miao: "This jade bottle is specially used to hold all kinds of divine water in the cultivation world without losing the efficacy of the divine water."

"The magic-suppressing water you gave us in the storage bag has lost a lot of its effectiveness, and its effect on dealing with black souls is also much worse. For now, you and Zhou Xun will go to the valley together to take care of each other. Get the magic water as soon as possible."

In fact, just to be on the safe side, Xu Miao deliberately put a lot of magic water in the Hunting Stone when he left the valley.The Hunting Stone is different from the storage bag, no matter what it puts in, it will not lose the slightest potency.

Even if the magic water is in the Hunting Stone, until now, the effectiveness has not been lost.

Just because he wanted to cover up the existence of the Hunting Stone, Xu Miao deliberately poured another storage bag of magic-killing water, so that the monks in Yanwang City would not have doubts.

However, obtaining the magic-killing water is only secondary. The most important thing is that Xu Miao will send the magic-killing water to several other towns to help them eliminate the black soul.

Since the heaven and earth mutated, the long-distance teleportation array could not be constructed.Whether it is a sect or between towns, if you want to send messages, you can only rely on monks to send messages.

In Yanwang City, Mu Yin had to sit in the town to put pressure on the black soul. The other Golden Core cultivators had to guard Yanwang City and could not leave. Only the Foundation Establishment cultivator was the most suitable messenger.

In addition, Xu Miao knew the location of the well, so he was the best candidate to obtain the magic-killing water and then deliver letters to other towns.Xu Miao didn't expect to leave to perform the mission as soon as she returned to the city.

However, this was a task entrusted to him by the monk Yuanying, and he could not refuse, not to mention Mu Yin's expression that the future of the cultivation world was on you, which made Xu Miao's forehead twitch.

Xu Miao took Zhou Xun, who was also in the early stage of foundation establishment, to the valley. Along the way, Xu Miao received Zhou Xun's adoring expression, which made him feel uncomfortable.Fortunately, after Zhou Xun saw his unhappy expression, he put away his adoring expression.

When they reached the valley, there was still no trace of the black soul.After Xu Miao quickly took away three jade bottles full of magic water, she took Zhou Xun to the nearest town—Xuanhuai City.

Compared with Yanwang City, Xuanhuai City is more than double the size.Therefore, the number of black souls attracted by this town is more than double that of those near Yanwang City.

When Xu Miao and Zhou Xun arrived in Xuanhuai City, the monks in Xuanhuai City were fighting the black soul.Xu Miao saw the high-level black soul standing in the group of black souls at a glance: the seventh-level black soul.

A seventh-level black soul is supervising the battle outside, which also means that the highest level of the black soul here is definitely not only seven, but it is very likely to reach eight.

The eighth-level black soul is equivalent to the cultivation base of the late Yuanying, as long as he makes a move, this Xuanhuai city will be almost destroyed.It's just that they didn't make a move whether it was the eighth-level black soul that might exist, or the seventh-level black soul standing in the group of black souls.

Xu Miao guessed that the high-ranking Black Soul and the Nascent Soul cultivator had reached an agreement just like Yan Wangcheng, that only the low-level Black Soul and the monks would fight, and they would not participate in it.

The monks in Xuanhuai City are much stronger than the monks in Yanwang City.According to what Mu Yin said to him before departure, Xuanhuai city probably gathered the disciples of several major sects in the West Land.

That is to say, the most powerful and most talented monks in the Western Continent are all gathered in Xuanhuai City.Xu Miao and Zhou Xun shot at the same time, raising their hands and spilling a piece of magic-killing water.

The jade bottle can ensure that the effectiveness of the magic-killing water will not be lost to the greatest extent. Once the magic-killing water comes out, the black energy around the black soul will dissipate in an instant.

Xu Miao's figure was extremely fast, constantly moving between the black souls, swaying the magic water.As long as he meets a black soul of level five or six, Xu Miao will not show mercy.

But in an instant, the monk's pressure was greatly reduced.The monks in the battle also noticed the sudden appearance of Xu Miao and Zhou Xun. They obviously only had the initial stage of foundation establishment, but they could easily deal with high-level black souls by leaps and bounds.

Many monks have seen that the reason why they can do this is the water they raised their hands. As for what kind of magic weapon this water is, it is beyond their knowledge.

Zhou Xun's control over the magic water is not as precise as Xu Miao's, and he often wastes a lot. Unlike Xu Miao, every drop of the magic water will fall on the black soul accurately.

With the help of Xu Miao and Zhou Xun, the monks in Xuanhuai City were like a god, and quickly solved the black souls besieging Xuanhuai City.

Just when all the monks wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment stopped all the excited monks and ordered all the monks to withdraw to the city.

Xu Miao is just here for the first time, and the monks in Xuanhuai City have already retreated, so there is no need for him to rush forward foolishly.He sent a voice transmission to make a weekly patrol, and followed the large army back to Xuanhuai City.

As soon as they entered the city, Xu Miao and Zhou Xun were politely invited to an attic.The people who received Xu and Tuesday were a Golden Core cultivator and a mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator who had just commanded the cultivator.

"Sun Hu of Xihui Zong." The Golden Core cultivator spoke first, and pointed to the Foundation Establishment cultivator beside him, "This is my nephew Lin Youning."

The other two had already reported their families, and Xu Miao followed closely to introduce their intentions.He handed the sound transmission jade slip that Mu Yin gave him to Sun Hu, saying that he had found the reason for the appearance of the black soul and the method to restrain it.

Sun Hu could not open and inspect the jade slips of monk Yuanying, so he asked Xu Miao to wait for a while, and then left temporarily to look for monk Yuanying in Xuanhuai City.

Ever since Xu Miao heard that the Foundation Establishment cultivator in front of him was surnamed Lin, she was always worried.He did not forget the scene where Xihuizong went to war in Xici Town before.

If Lin Youning and Lin Zhao were related by blood, then this matter would definitely not be good.Xu Miao didn't expect that the disciples of Xihui Sect were the ones who received him, so it was difficult.

But no matter what Xu Miao thought in his heart, there was no expression on his face, with a calm and composed expression.

Instead, it was Zhou Xun, who was a casual cultivator of the Duobao Pavilion. Seeing the people of Xihuizong, he was inevitably a little nervous, and seeing Xu Miaoyun's calm and breezy appearance, he couldn't help admiring Xu Miao even more.

At this time, Sun Hu also returned to the room where Xu Miao was, and a senior monk came with him.After Sun Hu's introduction, Xu Miao found out that this person was Wei Ya, a monk at the early Yuanying stage of Jixing Temple.

Xu Miao handed three jade bottles to Wei Ya, explaining that the magic-killing water contained in the jade bottles is the key to destroying the black soul.

Wei Ya poured out some gram magic water and observed carefully: "You said this was found in a well in a certain valley?"

Xu Miao nodded and told Wei Ya the location of the valley in detail.

"Xuanhuai City also discovered a valley similar to what you said, and there are many black souls in it, but no one has been sent to investigate yet."

"Why is this?" Xu Miao was puzzled. After Yanwangcheng learned that there was something different in the valley, he immediately sent monks to check it out.It was precisely because of this that Xu Miao learned everything.

But Xu Miao didn't understand why Xuanhuai City didn't send people to check the valley. If Xuanhuai City had checked the valley early, even if they couldn't find the reason for the appearance of the black soul, they could still get the magic-killing water.

"There are nine-level black souls in that valley." Wei Ya looked at Xu Miao and said a word slowly.

When Xu Miao heard this, her eyes widened instantly.Ninth-level black soul, that is equivalent to a human deity cultivator.But in the current world of comprehension, incarnate monks have either ascended to the upper realm, or are retreating in a certain place.

In other words, there was no trace of the incarnation monk at all.There is no cultivator who can rival the ninth-level black soul, and no cultivator dares to go to the valley easily.

At the same time, Wei Ya told Xu Miao more than that.He told Xu Miao that strange valleys had been discovered in several other towns one after another.

However, there are nine-level black souls in these valleys.In addition to the ninth-level black souls discovered in Xuanhuai City, there are now as many as three known ninth-level black souls.

In this way, even if you have a well of magic water, you may not be able to deal with nine-level black souls, let alone three nine-level black souls.

What Xu Miao couldn't understand now was why only the valley next to Yanwang City didn't have a high-level black soul, or even a low-level black soul, while the other valleys had ninth-level black souls.

Wei Ya asked Xu Miao to leave first, and he will discuss the specific solution with other monks before notifying Xu Miao.After Xu Miao and Zhou Xun withdrew, they were stopped by Lin Youning.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, can I take a step to speak?" Xu Miao signaled Zhou Xun to leave first.

Xu Miao looked at Lin Youning calmly: "Friend Lin, what advice do you have?"

"Fellow Daoist Xu, Xu Sanshui, do you still remember Lin Zhao?"

(End of this chapter)

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