Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 146 Trade Fair

Chapter 146 Trade Fair

"I have met fellow Daoist Lin on several occasions." Xu Miao admitted frankly.Since Lin Youning asked openly, it meant that he had found out that Xu Miao had met Lin Zhao.

But from Lin Youning's actions, it can also be seen that he has not found out who killed Lin Zhao. If he conceals his words at this time, it will definitely arouse Lin Youning's suspicion.

On the contrary, Xu Miao was so upright and unpretentious that Lin Youning was taken aback.The first time Lin Youning heard Xu Miao's name, he became suspicious, Xu Sanshui, he immediately thought of the person related to Lin Zhao's death.

But now Xu Sanshui's appearance is not the same as what he learned. After thinking about it, he can guess that neither the appearance at that time nor the appearance now is the real appearance of this person, so the name Xu Sanshui may also be Not his real name.

Lin Youning had an expression of seeing through everything, but Xu Miao didn't see through what Lin Youning was thinking.

"Lin Zhao died in the Daoyi Secret Realm. As far as I know, Fellow Daoist Xu also entered the Daoyi Secret Realm together. I wonder if Xu Miao knows how Lin Zhao died?"

"I don't know about that. At that time, he and I entered the Daoyi Secret Realm back and forth, but after entering the secret realm, we separated. I don't know where Lin Zhao went later."

"If Fellow Daoist Lin hadn't mentioned this, I wouldn't know about it." Xu Miao refused to know about Lin Zhao's death. Lin Youning looked at Xu Miao with suspicion, but Xu Miao just didn't know.

Unable to get any news from Xu Miao's mouth, he kept doing Tai Chi in his words, seemingly saying a lot, but he didn't say anything.After just a few words of conversation, Lin Youning was sure that Xu Miao was very cunning and difficult to deal with.

He recruited a mid-stage foundation-building monk and whispered to him to follow Xu Miao to see what he would do next.The man nodded in response and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

The power of Duobao Pavilion is spread all over the mainland, and there is no magic weapon that Xu Miao wants in Yanwang City, maybe there will be in Xuanhuai City.Xu Miao asked about the location of Duobao Pavilion and planned to go there.

"Boy, you are being followed." Qing Jiao's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Xu Miao remained calm and deliberately changed the route, turning east and west, and the breath behind him followed him all the time.

Xu Miao wondered who would follow him.After all, he had just arrived here, so he didn't cause any trouble.Moreover, he came here with Mu Yin's audio-transmitting jade slip, and this must not be faked, so it must not be someone sent by Wei Ya.

For the rest, Xu Miao only dealt with Lin Youning and Sun Hu. If Sun Hu wanted to investigate him, he would not send people from the middle stage of foundation establishment.After simple elimination, only Lin Youning was left.

Lin Youning didn't believe his words, so he recruited a middle-stage foundation-establishment monk to follow him.His cultivation is only in the early stage, Lin Youning is sure that he will not find the mid-stage monks.

What's more, the cultivation level in the middle stage of foundation establishment is just in line with Lin Youning's cultivation level.In addition, that cultivator seems to have practiced exercises to hide his body.If Qing Jiao hadn't noticed that someone was following him, he wouldn't have found out at all.

I'm afraid that what he does in Xuanhuai City will be firmly controlled by Lin Youning.The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light. This is very unfavorable to Xu Miao.

However, the reason why Duobao Pavilion becomes Duobao Pavilion is that he will not disclose customer information.Xu Miao walked into the Duobao Pavilion openly, and the people behind could only wait outside the Duobao Pavilion.

Xu Miao told the maid in Duobao Pavilion his intention of coming, looking for a magic weapon to hide his breath.Like Yan Wangcheng, the maid still said apologetically that there is no such magic weapon in Duobao Pavilion for the time being.

However, the maid told Xu Miao that there will be a monk fair tonight.Xu Miao was very surprised when she heard the news.Xuanhuai City has been besieged by black souls for so long, what is there to trade.

It was the maid who answered Xu Miao's doubts: "The siege has been going on until now, and the magic weapons or items in the hands of many monks have been used up, worn out, and urgently need to be replenished."

"At this time, you can exchange what you don't need from other people's hands for what you need." This is a mutually beneficial method. After Xu Miao thanked her, she left Duobao Pavilion.

The cultivator who followed was still persevering, and Xu Miao didn't care, so he found an inn temporarily and settled down temporarily.

At a trade fair, there must be something that can be sold.Whether it is the magic weapon or the cultivation technique in his hand, many of them cannot be seen by others, and the only one that can be disclosed to the public may be the talisman seal.

But he used a lot of talismans before, and there are not many left.He wanted to draw some third-level talismans before it got dark.

By the time it got dark, Xu Miao had more than [-] third-level talisman seals in his hands, including four third-level top-grade talisman seals.The third-level top-grade talisman is equivalent to a full-strength blow of the foundation establishment Dzogchen.

The best talisman seal, I hope that in this environment, the price can be raised, and he can get what he needs in exchange.

After putting away the talisman, Xu Miao set off to the place told by the maid in Duobao Pavilion.All monks are welcome to enter here, and only the more monks participate, the more likely it is to get what they need.

In addition to the foundation building, Jindan monks, and even Nascent Soul monks, there were people who came here to communicate, which was beyond Xu Miao's expectation.It was said to be a trade fair, but the monk who was in charge of the auction in Duobao Pavilion was still invited to host the trade fair.

Each monk will temporarily store the exchanged items at the trade fair processing desk, and write down the required items. If other monks have specific items, the transaction can be concluded.

The rules are simple, similar to auctions.Xu Miao put all the twenty or so third-level talisman seals that had been rushed out on the processing table.

The monks at the processing table have never seen someone take out so many third-level talisman seals at once, including several top-grade talisman seals.Although the third-level talisman is a bit expensive, it is still more popular in the war against the black soul.

Generally, monks would not take out this kind of thing easily, after all, it can be used to save lives at critical moments.But since Xu Miao took it out, the monk in charge of registration also followed the rules.

"What do you want to exchange for the talisman?"

"I want a magic weapon to hide my breath." The monk nodded, took out a number plate and handed it to Xu Miao.

"No. 75, this is your number. When it's your turn to trade these talismans at the trade fair, you can use this number plate to negotiate prices with other people on the spot."

Xu Miao nodded her thanks and found a random place to sit down.The cultivator who had been following him also entered the trading venue, Xu Miao smiled inwardly, and closed her eyes to rest.

"Comrades, everyone is welcome to participate in this trade fair. My old man, Xue Qin, is invited to host the fair..." Before Xue Qin finished speaking, he was interrupted by the monks in the field.

"Fellow Daoist Xue, don't talk about those who have something and don't have it, let's start quickly, who knows when the next attack of the black soul will start."

Xue Qin was not annoyed when he was interrupted, and began to introduce the various items that the monk took out in order.Although Xu Miao didn't need the things on the stage, it didn't prevent him from feasting his eyes.

The things brought out ranged from exercises to magic weapons, spirit beasts, and materials. Xu Miao was almost dazzled.Because many of them were brought out by Jindan monks, how could the wealth of Jindan monks be ordinary.

Even if a lot has been lost in the battle with the black soul, it is not comparable to ordinary foundation cultivators.

"No. 62, wood demon vine, in exchange for the blood of a fifth-level spirit beast." As soon as Xue Qin said this, Xu Miao's attention was immediately attracted.The wood demon vine is a spiritual creature that grows out of the fusion of monsters and green vines.

At different times, the state of this thing is different.Sometimes they are all in the state of monsters, and sometimes they are all in the state of green vines. Only when they are removed at a specific time can the state of coexistence of monsters and green vines be obtained, that is, wood demon vines.

The reason why Xu Miao paid so much attention to this was not because of anything else, but because the Wood Demon Vine was an important material for refining the Fog Condensing Sword.The wood demon vine is a wind attribute material, and it can maintain its wind attribute when added to the Mist Condensing Sword.

The monk who owns the wood demon vine wants the blood of a fifth-level spirit beast. Xu Miao does not have a fifth-level spirit beast, but he has a green dragon that was once comparable to a monk who turned into a god.

Xu Miao discussed with Qingjiao through voice transmission: "Senior Qingjiao, you can remove the magic energy from your blood and reduce it to the state of a fifth-level spirit beast."

The Qingjiao who stayed in the Hunting Stone leaned against a stone like an old man: "I promised to give you Qingjiao blood, but only once, this time I gave it to you, next time you want to refine that There is no such thing as a sword."

Xu Miao's head was full of black lines, so she could only lower her stance, and persuaded Qing Jiao with kind words: "Senior, why don't you think about it, what do you want, and I will try to get it for you?"

Qing Jiao looked up at the void in the Hunting Stone: "I want to kill that cultivator who once lied to me, can you do it?"

Qingjiao's path was blocked, so Xu Miao could only think of other ideas.Xiaobai is the descendant of the divine beast White Tiger. Although he is only a second-level spirit beast now, he might be able to use the power of the divine beast to fake the effect of a fifth-level spirit beast.

Xu Miao coaxed the little white tiger to bleed a little. The little white tiger sincerely recognized Xu Miao as the master, and asked Xu Miao to bleed very obediently.However, no matter how strong the aura of the divine beast is, it cannot completely imitate the blood of the fifth-level spirit beast.

Seeing that the wood demon vine was about to be exchanged for the blood of a spirit beast brought out by a Golden Core monk, Xu Miao was helpless.He could only think about waiting for the trade fair to end and ask the monk where he obtained the wood demon vine.

I don't know what Qingjiao was thinking, suddenly squeezed out a drop of blood and flew into the blood released by the little white tiger just now.Strengthened by Qing Jiao's blood, the energy of the small bottle of blood immediately increased, reaching level five, even close to level six.

Seeing this scene, Xu Miao was overjoyed and thanked Qing Jiao repeatedly.Qing Jiao snorted coldly, turned around and ignored Xu Miao.Xu Miao didn't care, and quickly sent the vial containing blood to the owner of the wood demon vine.

That monk was about to make a deal with the original monk, but Xu Miao suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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