Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 147 Wood Demon Vine

Chapter 147 Wood Demon Vine

The owner of the wood demon vine was actually not very satisfied with the blood of the fifth-level spirit beast sent by the original person. It seemed that the blood in the bottle had been left for a long time, and the spirit power of the spirit beast had lost a lot.

The blood can only reach the fifth-level standard, but no one else present can produce the blood of a fifth-level spirit beast.Even if he didn't want to, the owner of the wood demon vine could only hold his nose to exchange.

Before the transaction, another bottle of spirit beast blood appeared. This person naturally suspended the transaction to check the jade bottle sent by Xu Miao.As soon as the jade bottle was opened, the blood of the fifth-level spirit beast was full of vitality, as if it was the blood released from the spirit beast just now.

Moreover, although the blood in the jade bottle is said to be level five, it is already very close to level six.Even a fool would choose the blood provided by Xu Miao.

The owner of the wood demon vine held Xu Miao's jade bottle, and Transsion rejected the original one, and agreed to trade with Xu Miao.

The person who made the deal with the owner of the wood demon vine was a monk at the early stage of Jindan. He didn't expect that a monk at the early stage of foundation establishment would come out halfway, disrupting his plan.

The wood demon vine is an important material for him to refine a magic weapon, and this magic weapon is related to whether he can enter the middle stage of golden core.Therefore, his face immediately sank.

This person did not discuss with the owner of the wood demon vine, and directly transmitted the voice to Xu Miao: "Boy, the old man needs this wood demon vine. If you are sensible, give up the deal quickly."

Xu Miao laughed when she heard this.If the things he took out were not favored by the owner of the wood demon vine, he threatened him. Threats were the last thing he was afraid of in his life.

Xu Miao has been threatened by so many monks and monsters since she never stepped into the world of comprehension.Xu Miao didn't care about Jindan's threat to him in the early days.

"Senior, the trade fair depends on whether the items provided meet the requirements. In other words, those who can get it. Since the things given by the seniors are not as good as the ones given below, the wood demon vine must be mine. I advise the seniors not to use it. haunt me."

For the time being, Xu Miao gave that Golden Core cultivator the honor of being a senior, but if he was shameless, then Xu Miao would not be polite.

When the Jindan monk heard Xu Miao's reply, he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.For a small cultivator at the early stage of Foundation Establishment to dare to reject his request face to face, he is really ignorant.

"Boy Xu, although you hold the magic-killing water in your hand, you are not irreplaceable. There are many monks who want to get the magic-killing water, so you are not afraid that you will be decapitated when you leave the trade fair."

Hehe, the threat has even escalated, turning into killing himself.If Xu Miao could bear this breath, he would not be Xu Miao.Xu Miao stood up directly, making all the monks sitting in the seats startled, not knowing what Xu Miao wanted to do.

Xu Miao looked at Xue Qin on the stage, and said loudly: "Senior Xue has high morals and prestige, and he is in charge of hosting this trade fair. I have a question, is this trade fair a transaction based on mutual consent and not coerced by force?"

Xue Qin didn't know what Xu Miao was up to, and what Xu Miao said was correct, so he nodded and said, "Yes, it's all voluntary, you can't buy or sell by force, and you can't coerce others."

Xu Miao took out a sound concentrating stone, which is a magic weapon used to record sound transmission conversations in the cultivation world, and Xu Miao also got it by chance from someone else's storage bag.

When the golden core monk threatened him for the first time, Xu Miao took out the sound concentrating stone, recorded his own words, and guided the golden core monk to continue threatening him.

As a result, the cultivator followed Xu Miao's words and continued to threaten him, which was recorded by the condensing stone.In front of everyone, Xu Miao released the dialogue in the sound concentrating stone.

Since it was a dialogue between the Golden Core cultivator and the Foundation Establishment cultivator, the Foundation Establishment cultivator could only express contempt in his heart, and the other Golden Core cultivators did express their disdain directly on their faces.

It's no wonder that other people despise the person who threatened Xu Miao so much. Fairs are often held in the cultivation world, and it is not uncommon for high-level monks to threaten low-level monks.

But it was recorded by someone, and it was exposed in public. A Golden Core cultivator was tricked by a Foundation Establishment cultivator. The difference in cultivation level between the two was three realms, and there was a big realm among them. The Golden Core cultivator was really lost. face.

The Jindan cultivator who was exposed by Xu Miao blushed and looked at Xu Miao fiercely, with an uncontrollable killing intent in his eyes.He didn't expect a monk in the Foundation Establishment Period to be so courageous and turn against him in public.

"Seniors, fellow Taoists, in front of you, he has murderous intentions, which makes me not very panic. As early as when I was in Yanwang City, I had heard of the prestige of Xuanhuai City, the most powerful city in Xilu. The power of the power, the place where the talented disciples of the various sects gather."

"Therefore, when I participated in the trade fair, I didn't worry about being threatened. However, the first transaction I participated in was threatened with my life!" Xu Miao was so wronged that she was about to burst into tears.

"Or, is that Jindan senior coming from Yanwang City, so he is easy to bully?"

Xu Miao said that at this point, even if the monks present don't want to get involved, they have to get involved.It was obviously just a private grievance between monks, but Xu Miao went around and abducted it to the issue of the two towns.

When this comprehension world wants to join forces to fight against the black soul, there must be no civil strife.What's more, Xu Miao came to help Xuanhuai City on behalf of Yan Wangcheng.

Not only brought the news of the black soul, but also brought the important magic water.This great contribution, even if it takes a hundred years or a thousand years, will be recorded in the history of the cultivation world for future generations to look up to.

It is inconvenient for the Nascent Soul cultivator at the trade fair to come forward, so Xue Qin, through sound transmission, asked him to be fully responsible for this matter.Xue Qin was also very helpless, and took the initiative to speak up, breaking the embarrassment of the scene.

"Since the blood quality of spirit beast provided by Fellow Daoist Xu is better, according to the usual practice, this wood demon vine is naturally traded to Fellow Daoist Xu."

The owner of the wood demon vine heard the words, and fell into his arms.Originally, I wanted to make this deal with Xu Miao, who wanted the blood of that Golden Core cultivator who had lost his spiritual power.

Under the auspices of Xue Qin, Xu Miao successfully obtained the Wood Demon Vine.After getting the box with the wooden demon vine, Xu Miao deliberately glanced at the frantic Jindan monk.

"Senior, the safety of this junior in Xuanhuai City depends on you. If something happens to this junior unfortunately, it will be difficult for everyone not to associate it with you."

The Golden Core cultivator clenched his fists tightly when he heard the words, as if he was going to attack Xu Miao in the next moment.And Xu Miao stood there calmly, looking back at the other party.

Many Foundation Establishment cultivators admired Xu Miao's aura of unchanging face before the collapse of Mount Tai.Even high-level monks like Jindan and Yuanying couldn't help but praise Xu Miao secretly when they saw Xu Miao's performance.

The Golden Core cultivator was thrown backward by Xu Miao's anger, clenched his fists and loosened them, endured his temper and withdrew his gaze reluctantly.Xu Miao didn't care, patted the non-existent dirt on her body, and sat down peacefully.

The dispute between Xu Miao and Jindan monk was just a small episode, and it passed quickly. Xue Qin presided over the fair and continued.

"The number 75 to be traded next is more than [-] third-level talisman seals, including three top-grade talisman seals. The item to be exchanged is a magic weapon that can hide the breath."

As Xue Qin said, he showed the talisman to everyone.The talisman seals made by Xu Miao will be more powerful than the talisman seals of the same level.Cultivators can know this through the fluctuation of spiritual power on the talisman seal.

When Xu Miao heard that her talisman was about to start trading, she couldn't help but sit up straight.Although Xumi Pei can also hide his aura, as his cultivation base increases, the cultivation base of the enemies he faces increases, and it is gradually unable to meet his requirements.

Xu Miao reckoned that in the current situation, she had to go out frequently, so the magic weapon to hide her breath was particularly important.Therefore, it was planned to exchange for such a magic weapon with a third-level talisman.

After all, the power of the top-grade talisman can directly kill a fourth-level black soul, which makes many foundation-building cultivators very excited.Not all Foundation Establishment cultivators are as heaven-defying as Xu Miao, who regard leapfrogging and killing enemies as common as drinking water.

Although there is now magic water, who can guarantee that every monk can get enough magic water?It is still safer to have some talismans in hand.There are many monks with such thoughts, but few monks meet Xu Miao's requirements.

After Xue Qin introduced the talismans, it was time for the monks to trade on their own.When everyone saw that number 75 was Xu Miao, they were frightened again.

In the early stage of foundation establishment, monks could produce so many third-level talisman seals at one time, including several top-grade talisman seals.Level [-] talisman seals, although foundation-builder monks can make them, they will definitely not be able to obtain so many top-grade talisman seals.

This shows that Xu Miao has a lot of attainments in talisman making, and is very likely to be a master of talisman making.Many forces have moved their minds. If Xu Miao can be recruited under his command, he will definitely be able to add a lot of assistants.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator took a fancy to the talisman that Xu Miao wanted to exchange, but some Golden Core cultivators and Nascent Soul cultivators took a fancy to Xu Miao's talent in making talismans.

From now on, Xu Miao has only said that he is a casual cultivator.Regardless of whether he is a casual cultivator or not, he will not be a disciple of a famous sect anyway.Then those who are interested can make great profits and let Xu Miao work for them.

Therefore, even if some high-level monks don't need third-level talismans, they will still take out magic weapons to hide their aura, just to make a good relationship with Xu Miao.

Xu Miao was only thinking about exchanging talisman seals for magic weapons, but ignored that his talent for making talismans would be appreciated by high-ranking monks.But even if Xu Miao noticed this, he would still choose talismans.

Because apart from talisman seals, he had no other suitable items that he could take out.

Within a moment, more than a dozen trays flew towards Xu Miao, and these trays were filled with magic weapons to hide the breath provided by other monks.Xu Miao did not expect that there are so many monks who have this kind of magic weapon and are willing to exchange it with her.

Xu Miao lifted the red cloth covering the tray, looked at them one by one, and first eliminated the magic weapons that were only magic weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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