Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 148 Bai Yan's gift

Chapter 148 Bai Yan's gift
Xu Miao pushed the magic weapon that was initially eliminated, and sent it back to the stage.The rest of the magic weapons are all spirit weapons, and the highest-grade spirit weapon is a middle-grade spirit weapon.

This medium-grade spirit weapon also looks like a jade pendant, with the word "Miao Guang" engraved on it.Xu Miao took Miao Guangpei in her hand and injected a burst of spiritual power, his aura was instantly concealed tightly without leaking out.

Xu Miao reckoned that this Miao Guangpei could deceive at least the spiritual consciousness of the late Jindan monks, and was very satisfied, and returned the remaining magic weapons to everyone.

Now that he has taken someone else's magic weapon, Xu Miao handed over the talisman to Miao Guangpei's original owner.It was also at this time that Xu Miao discovered that Miao Guangpei's original owner was a late-stage Jindan monk.

"Ji Xingdian Baiyan, after the trade fair, I invite Xu Xiaoyou to go to Ziqing Pavilion to have a talk." Ziqing Pavilion is the site of Ji Xingdian in Xuanhuai City.

The monks in the later stage of Jindan will look for him, not for the matter of overcoming the magic water, but only the talisman seals are more eye-catching.Maybe he was asking him to help make talisman seals, but the majestic Ji Xingdian still needs outsiders to help make talisman seals, so it is not realistic to think about it.

Xu Miao pushed this thought to the back of her head and looked at the items at the fair again.The next things, although there are many valuable things, are of no use to him, causing him to be short of money all the time.

At the end of the trade fair, Xu Miao heard that Bai Yan's voice again: "Xu Xiaoyou, don't forget the agreement between you and me."

When did I make an appointment with you, Xu Miao kept slandering her, but she still walked towards Jixing Hall.Now the relationship with Xihuizong is relatively delicate, if it can be connected with Ji Xingdian's relationship, it will be not bad.

Entering Ziqing Pavilion, after being looked at curiously by Ji Xingdian's disciples several times, he was ushered into Bai Yan's room.

Bai Yan didn't talk nonsense, and got straight to the point. He took out the talisman seal he got at the trade fair: "You made this yourself?" Although the words were questions, they didn't have any doubtful meaning.

Xu Miao did not refute, but nodded in agreement.

"The talisman paper of the talisman is made of water and reeds." Bai Yan saw that Xu Miao did not refute, and threw out another sentence.

Xu Miao was calm before because he knew that he couldn't hide this from anyone, let alone a monk in the late stage of Jindan, who lived a fine life in the realm of comprehension.

But he could see at a glance that the talisman paper was made of water reeds, which was beyond Xu Miao's expectation.Xiaotian told him how to make talisman paper.

Moreover, this method has almost disappeared in this world, and no one will use water reeds to make talisman paper.Even so, Bai Yan pointed it out.

Xu Miao was on the verge of facing an enemy, she was extremely vigilant, her mind turned, she searched for the most suitable wording, but there was no panic on her face: "Water reed?"

Xu Miao pretended not to know anything: "The junior has never heard of the water reed, this talisman was obtained by chance in the casual repair trading workshop."

He put the talisman paper he bought in the square market in Heqing Valley into another town's trading square market, thus hiding his true identity.

Whether it is Ji Xingdian or Xihui Sect, they are both huge monsters, and it is not something that a small sect like He Qinggu can compete with.Even if the master Ye Qiguang arrives and Yuan Ying will stand up for him, Xu Miao is not sure about their attitude towards the others.

Therefore, since Xu Miao went out, he has always called himself a casual cultivator, and has never exposed to anyone that he has a sect.

Bai Yan didn't care about Xu Miao's answer either. Looking at him, it seemed that he really believed Xu Miao's words. After all, the water reed had indeed been extinct in the cultivation world for too long.

"Since you are a casual cultivator, have you ever thought about joining Ji Xing Temple and worshiping me as a teacher?" Xu Miao's heart trembled, this was to recruit him.

At this time, the attitude must be well grasped, neither showing too much disdain nor being too close, both of which will arouse Bai Yan's disgust.

Needless to say, the benefits of joining Ji Xingdian are that you can get the protection of the great sect.Whatever happens when you go out, you can report the door number of Ji Xingdian, and other monks will give some face when they know that he is from Ji Xingdian.

In addition, Ji Xingdian is the sect that is best at formations in Xilu, and it also involves research on spells, refining tools, and alchemy.He can then obtain the formations recorded in the Ji Xing Temple, and the talisman and jade slips, which will be much faster than if he learns slowly from other places.

Xu Miao has absolute confidence in his talent in formations and talismans. He believes that if he can learn systematically and be taught by a famous teacher, he will definitely improve rapidly.

However, he had already become He Qinggu's disciple and worshiped Ye Qiguang as his teacher.At least until now, the sect has never been sorry for him.

Whether it is the teachings and cultivation resources given to him, or when he is coerced, he will vent his anger on himself.Such a sect, master, how could Xu Miao switch to others for personal benefit.

Xu Miao didn't hesitate, he shook his head firmly, and rejected Bai Yan's proposal: "Although this junior comes from a casual cultivator background, he also worshiped a master who taught the junior earnestly and carefully."

"The younger generation is terrified of being wrongly loved by the senior. But no matter what, I will not worship others as teachers."

Hearing Xu Miao's words, Bai Yan's voice suddenly turned cold: "Hmph! He's just a casual cultivator, how can he compare to Ji Xingdian. Xu Sanshui, do you know the consequences of disobeying a Golden Core cultivator?"

Speaking of this point, Xu Miao no longer panicked.Although Bai Yan's words were sharp, there was no killing intent in them.

"Senior will say so, and he will definitely not pursue the arrogance of the younger generation." Xu Miao grinned and said.

Bai Yan looked at Xu Miao seriously: "Your talent in talismans, if I'm not mistaken, is a rare genius. You really don't regret not joining the Ji Xing Temple and accepting formal teaching from the system? "

"No, regret." Xu Miao paused every word, loudly, expressing her firmness in her heart.

"Hehe—" Bai Yan laughed out loud when Xu Miao said this, "You are determined, and you can become my closed disciple. It's just that you don't want to worship me as a teacher, and I won't force it."

When Bai Yan waved his hand, a jade slip appeared out of nowhere: "This is my research on talismans, formations, and my experience for many years, all of which are recorded in this jade slip."

Along with the jade slip, there is also a token: "As for the token, it represents my identity. You are too popular in Xuanhuai City, and it won't be long before someone will trouble you."

Xu Miao didn't expect that Bai Yan would directly give him two important things like this. She opened her mouth to speak, but Bai Yan raised her hand to stop her.

"If you can't solve it, show this token to others. Those people will not make things difficult for you in the face of Ji Xingdian."

Xu Miao claimed to have seen many things, many people, and the warmth and well-being of many people, but it was only mediocre.But he really couldn't understand Bai Yan's actions.He recalled that among the people he met, there was no Bai Yan.It is almost certain that he has nothing to do with Bai Yan.

Generally speaking, it would definitely not be a good thing for a Golden Core cultivator to find him.This time when Bai Yan approached him, Xu Miao just thought that the other party asked him to make talisman seals.

Now things are completely out of track, and they are rushing to another road, and he can't even stop him.

"Senior, why do you take care of the younger generation like this and pass on what you have learned all your life to me? Are you not afraid that if I learn this, it will be detrimental to Ji Xingdian?" Xu Miao really didn't understand Bai Yan's brain circuit, so she couldn't help asking.

"Whether it was me coercing or luring you, you did not choose to join Ji Xingdian, and you held on to your loose cultivator master. With such a disposition, I don't think you will deal with Ji Xingdian."

"Some things are unavoidable after all. Even if it has been delayed for a long time, it will still come." Bai Yan's expression was very complicated at this time, and Xu Miao could not get useful information from just a few words.

After Bai Yan urged Xu Miao to put the jade slips and tokens in his eyes, he waved his sleeves and sent Xu Miao away.When the door of the room was slowly closed, Xu Miao heard Bai Yan's very low voice: "If possible, I will help Ji Xingdian in the future."

The low voice almost made Xu Miao think it was a hallucination. He wanted to look back at Bai Yan again, but the door was completely closed.

Xu Miao's head was full of confusion, and she didn't know what Bai Yan meant.Handing over two things to himself, and asking himself to help Ji Xingdian, is simply a fantasy.

He only has the cultivation base of the initial stage of foundation establishment. Even though he has a special spiritual root and the potential to advance to a high level, but now, he is still an ant-like existence.

When encountering high-ranking monks, they have to run away desperately, otherwise they will end up dead.And Ji Xingdian is definitely one of the top sects in the Western Continent.

Even if it is placed in the entire plane, it is still ranked first.In such a sect, talented disciples come forth in large numbers, the background is profound, and the ancestors are still alive. It is already settled not to trouble others, so how could they need others' help.

Until Xu Miao walked out of the gate of Ziqing Pavilion, his head was still dizzy, full of puzzlement and doubt.

But Xu Miao has always been in a good mood. Since she can't get the truth, she should just give up.Anyway, the two that Bai Yan gave him were good things.

Regardless of whether Ji Xingdian will stand behind him in the future, at least this strange Bai Yan is on his side.In the cultivation world, one more friend is always better than one more enemy.

When Xu Miao withdrew his attention, he found that the monk who had followed him before was still falling not far behind.Xu Miao was confused at first, but the people behind were still following closely, Xu Miao was furious, and it was not over yet.

He walked around to an empty alley, casually threw the trap on the ground, and waited for the other party to throw himself into the trap.I don't know if that person has only studied the technique of concealing body skills, and has not practiced the others, so the other party naturally followed Xu Miao.

The result is to enter the cheating network, the cheating network senses something, and immediately closes the network.The man finally realized that something was wrong, and jumped up to try to avoid the trap.

Xu Miao shot out a wave of spiritual power, covering the opponent like a mountain top, the man couldn't dodge in time, and was trapped by a trap.

(End of this chapter)

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