Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 149 Monster

Chapter 149 Monster
Xu Miao immediately used the Feng Ling Jue, and slashed at the neck of the monster with a sword.However, the monster's skin is rough and thick, and ordinary attacks can't cut his skin at all.

Seeing Xu Miao's sudden appearance, the monster grabbed the Huaying sword with one paw and pulled it back forcefully.With brute force, Xu Miao will not be the opponent of the monster, and Xu Miao has no intention of foolishly fighting with the monster.

With a flip of the wrist, spiritual power poured into it, and Huaying pierced the palm of the monster's palm like a thorn.No matter how rough the monster is, it can't withstand Xu Miao's continuous output of spiritual power.

The monster felt the pain in his hand, so he could only let go of his hand and let go of Huaying.Once Xu Miao was out of trouble, it was like a fish entering the sea, with two fingers across the Huaying sword, and the north wind swept the ground to attack the monster.

Immediately afterwards, a drop in the ocean increased the power of the north wind blowing the ground again, and this third-level monster finally died in Xu Miao's hands.

Usually, whether it is a third-level black soul or a third-level monster, Xu Miao can easily deal with it.But this time to deal with the third-level monsters, he had to use two moves in a row.

This also shows that the strength of the monster is far superior to other creatures of the same level, which is definitely not good news for the already weak human monks.

The female cultivator who was rescued by Xu Miao looked at him with tears in her eyes, as if she was about to fall into Xu Miao's arms in the next moment.But Xu Miao didn't notice him at all. The reason why she saved her was just because there happened to be a third-level monster around.

After finishing this one, Xu Miao immediately flew away and rejoined the battle with the monster.The battle was not going well, and the monster's defense was much higher than he expected.

No matter how you beat him, you won't die, which makes Xu Miao feel very bad.Xu Miao didn't understand monsters and their weaknesses, so he tried to ask Qing Jiao.

Qing Jiao only said that all monsters have a magic core, as long as the magic core is still there, the monster can be reborn infinitely, just like the black soul.But monsters are different from black souls. Black souls have no defense and can only resist attacks with black energy.

The monster's body is their strongest defense, and ordinary magic weapons can't penetrate it at all.Qing Jiao talked for a long time, as if he had said a lot, but in Xu Miao's view, he didn't have a single useful word.

No wonder, Qingjiao is also a monster, how could he tell Xu Miao how to kill the same kind quickly, accurately and ruthlessly.

As for Xiaotian, although she had followed Mahayana monks, when she became conscious, there were no traces of monsters in the world, and she also didn't know the weaknesses of monsters.

Unable to learn from other people, Xu Miao could only try by herself, and get useful information through life and death fights one after another.

The monster and the black soul joined hands, not only to resist the black energy of the black soul, but also to resist the attack of the monster.This made many monks flustered, caring about one side but not the other.

Xu Miao held the painting shadow in one hand and the condensing light sword in the other hand, using two prongs to target the monster and the black soul at the same time.Just as Xu Miao killed a level [-] black soul, he suddenly threw out a level [-] monster from the side.

The monster opened its mouth wide and spewed out a ball of flames towards Xu Miao.The Bihai Qingtian Jue was running rapidly, and the water flow appeared from Xu Miao's right hand.Xu Miao waved the water to fight against the flames.

This stream of water is generated from the blue sea in the image, and it is also another use that Xu Miao discovered from the image.At first I thought that images could only provide spiritual power to the body, but later I learned that all objects in the images can be materialized.

As long as the blue sea doesn't dry up, the water in Xu Miao's hands can keep flowing.Xu Miao pushed the water forward and slowly approached the flame-breathing monster.

When Xu Miao was less than a few steps away from the monster, the water suddenly split into several streams and surrounded the monster.Xu Miao raised her other hand and used the Ice Condensation Art, and the water instantly turned into an ice cage.

The trapped monster kept hitting the ice cage with its body, and Xu Miao reached out to the monster with his spiritual sense to find its weak point.The hard work paid off, and Xu Miao found the weakness of the monster.

At the forehead, the consciousness can even penetrate into his body.Xu Miao controlled one of the ice picks and stabbed fiercely at the forehead, only to hear a scream, and the monster fell into the ice cage.

Xu Miao kept Qing Jiao's words in mind, as long as the magic core is not dead, the monster can be reborn continuously.He cut open the monster's body and looked for the magic core.The magic core was almost at the heart, Xu Miao hit a formula, and the magic core instantly shattered.

The defense between the foreheads of monsters is very weak, which is a good way to kill monsters.In order to confirm this statement, Xu Miao flew to another monster that attacked the monk.

However, no matter how Xu Miao searched for this monster with his spiritual sense, he couldn't find the weak point of defense.Xu Miao secretly sighed, such a creature is really indelible.

He could only team up with another monk who was in the early stage of foundation establishment. The monk next to him was not very good, but he ran away quickly. When he saw Xu Miao approaching, he turned his head and ran away.

Xu Miao was willing to help, but that didn't mean she was willing to be used as a weapon.With a backhand grab, Xu Miao grabbed the fleeing monk and sent him to the monster.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you are so powerful, why bother with us little monks." The other party wrinkled his face, "Your lord has a lot, let me go."

Xu Miao turned a deaf ear to this person's words and still pushed him to the front.The cultivator had no choice but to take out a strange magic weapon to resist the monster's attack.

The monster roared and rammed into the two of them, Xu Miao pushed the opponent forward hard to resist the monster's attack.He quickly turned to the back of the monster, adding a drop in the ocean to deal with the monster cleanly.

The monk who was used as a target by Xu Miao saw that the monster had been killed, so he was not in a hurry to escape, but walked up to Xu Miao: "Friend Xu, I lure the enemy, you kill the enemy, we owe nothing, there is no such thing as Who saved who?"

Xu Miao didn't care what the man was muttering behind, and took out the elixir to restore her spiritual power.Killing three monsters in a row, one of which was a level four monster, even Xu Miao's powerful spiritual power couldn't support it.

He looked around, and the number of monsters was still increasing.Xu Miao remembered very clearly that there were absolutely not so many monsters in that space, and their cultivation was not so low.

Those trapped in the space are all high-level monsters, even if they are not as good as Qingjiao, they are no worse than Qingjiao.But the monsters that appear now are not high in cultivation, and they don't even have a shape.

With a flash of inspiration, Xu Miao felt as if she was close to a certain truth.

"Senior Qing Jiao, does the Demon Realm still exist?"

A look of nostalgia appeared on Qing Jiao's face, but he quickly covered it up: "The cultivation world still exists, how could the demon realm disappear."

Since the space where the monsters are trapped is connected to the cultivation world, it must also be connected to the demon realm. Someone opened the entrance to the demon realm and let the demon realm enter the cultivation realm.

Xu Miao guessed the truth, but he still couldn't change the reality.Because he didn't know who opened the entrance, such a person must be at the top of the cultivation world, and he couldn't know.

All he can do now is to kill monsters.Xu Miao held Huaying in her hand again, and rushed towards the monster.Xu Sanshui's name appeared on the killing list, and the ranking kept going up.

"Look, Xu Sanshui, he has entered the top [-]!" In the killing list, the names in the top [-] have not changed for a long time.Black souls are easy to kill, but monsters are not easy to kill. This is recognized by all monks.

Especially in such a situation surrounded by monsters, it is a miracle that someone can rise to the top [-].

The battlefield outside the city was extremely fierce, and monks died from time to time.Xu Miao was surrounded by three third-level monsters at this time. His performance was too dazzling, and the monsters knew they wanted to surround and kill him.Otherwise, more monsters will die under his sword.

Surrounded by three monsters, Xu Miao calmed down and swallowed a few pills of Peiyuan Pill to restore her spiritual power.Relying on the aura of heaven and earth alone is not enough for Xu Miao to recover her spiritual power.

The three monsters rushed towards Xu Miao at the same time, and Xu Miao quickly rose into the air to avoid the frontal attack of the three monsters.The three monsters followed closely behind and rose into the air.

Before the three monsters reached the same height, Xu Miao raised his hand to support Fu Yu's helmet, head down, and killed one of the monsters.

For this attack, Xu Miao chose the strongest move at the moment - the death of heaven and earth.Using the heaven and earth nirvana, one of his eyes will turn completely black, and it is this eye that is seen by the monster.

The monster stopped its attack and slowly retreated.Xu Miao wondered, is it because the monster is afraid of her own eye.However, no one can answer Xu Miao's question.

The monster stopped attacking, but Xu Miao would not stop attacking, and the spiritual power was running wildly in his body.

Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art!What is the skill of Nirvana Heaven and Earth, a monster.As soon as the monster touched the world, it seemed to be split by an extremely sharp knife, and its body was divided into two halves.

Xu Miao passed through the two halves of the monster's body, reached out and grabbed the magic core, crushing it to pieces.He turned his head to look at the other two monsters, and the effect of using the Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art to make one of his eyes black has not faded.

The two monsters not only saw the pure black eyes, but also saw that their companion was killed by the person in front of them in the blink of an eye.Although monsters are not afraid of death, they will not go to death foolishly.

They wanted to escape, but Xu Miao would not allow it.In front of Xu Miaofei, the Huaying Sword was imbued with the power of the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art, and ruthlessly swept towards the two monsters in front of him.

In the face of the powerful power of the heaven and earth nirvana, the two monsters, together with their cores, were completely destroyed.

Xu Miao fought three monsters alone, and destroyed three monsters in a row without getting injured.All the monks who saw this scene exclaimed.

It is already extremely difficult for one person to deal with one monster. Xu Miao actually faced three monsters and killed them all.

Even monks in the late stage of foundation establishment should feel ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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