Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 150 Invalidation

Chapter 150 Invalidation
Xu Miao walked out from the corner and said in a deep voice, "Who told you to follow me?"

The man just glanced at Xu Miao, then turned away and refused to answer Xu Miao's question.Xu Miao didn't care either. If you didn't tell me, would I not know?

Xu Miao stretched out her hand and placed it on top of the man's head. A powerful spiritual consciousness swept out and rushed straight to the man's sea of ​​consciousness.Xu Miao's Sea of ​​Consciousness is already far beyond the same level, coupled with years of experience, no one below Jindan can compete with him.

The man's sea of ​​consciousness was impacted by Xu Miao's powerful consciousness, and he was able to mobilize his sea of ​​consciousness to resist at first, but he could barely sustain it for a few breaths, without any ability to resist.

Soul search is always the fastest solution to understand the enemy's thinking.If it is an ordinary monk, even a high-level soul-searching monk will be hurt by the contents of the majestic sea of ​​consciousness of the high-level monk.

But Xu Miao is different. His sea of ​​consciousness is vast and boundless, and he has been tempered by the laws of heaven and earth. Unless he encounters a stronger force than the laws of heaven and earth, even the Nascent Soul cultivator cannot completely destroy his sea of ​​consciousness.

After getting the information she wanted to know, Xu Miao lit a flame and burned the man to ashes.In Xuanhuai City, due to some ulterior reasons, some monks died every day.

Xu Miao's behavior will not arouse the attention and dissatisfaction of any high-ranking monks, only Lin Youning will become alert and attack him again.

However, since Lin Youning would send someone to follow and monitor him, it meant that he would not be kind to Lin Zhao, and He Bi would be merciful.If it should be killed, it will be killed, and if it should be destroyed, it will be destroyed. Xu Miao has always been decisive in these aspects.

After getting rid of the follower, Xu Miao saw anxious expressions on the faces of every monk in Xuanhuai City.Xu Miao stopped a monk to ask about the situation, only to know that the black soul had launched an attack again.

Xu Miao was a little puzzled, now that he had obtained the magic-killing water, even if the black soul attacked, there was no need to be so anxious.After careful questioning, Xu Miao realized that the magic water had lost its effect.

Suppressing the magic water is an important method used by the ancestors to move it into the well as an important way to hinder the monsters. How could it suddenly lose its effect.

Against the crowd, Xu Miao hurried to the attic where the high-rises of Xuanhuai City were located.The senior officials of Xuanhuai City are also looking for Xu Miao, wanting to know the specific reason.

Whether it was seeing Xu Miao kill the black soul with the magic water, or the news from Mu Yin, who was also a Nascent Soul cultivator, it could prove that there was absolutely no problem with the magic water.

But why did things change drastically in the past few days, and the monk who had finally gained the upper hand fell into a disadvantageous situation again.

Xu Miao was led into the discussion room.A few Nascent Soul cultivators are holding a black soul and are experimenting with the magic water.This scene completely proved that the magic water has lost its effectiveness.

"Senior Qingjiao, why does the magic water lose its effectiveness?" The one who knows the monster best is Qingjiao, who is also a monster. In this case, Xu Miao can only ask Qingjiao.

Qingjiao communicated with the outside world through the Huntian Stone, and also saw the scene where the black soul was no longer afraid of the magic water.He deliberately took out a little of the magic-killing water that Xu Miao had stored in the Hunting Stone, poured it into his hand, and still saw that the palm of his hand was eroded by the magic-killing water.

"There are two possibilities. First, the magic-killing water was dropped by someone with a heart; second, the black soul has changed, making the body suitable for the magic-killing water."

Xu Miao frowned upon hearing this.If you want to prove this method, you only need to experiment with the magic water in your hand.If it's just that the magic water is dropped, it's easy to solve.

He can go to the valley again to retrieve the magic water.In the second case, maybe the world of comprehension has really come to an end, and Xu Miao dare not think about it.

"Seniors, this junior still has a little gram magic water left over from the last time I came here. You might as well use it to try again." Xu Miao handed out a storage bag.

The Nascent Soul cultivators present were all old monsters who had lived for thousands of years. When Xu Miao said this, they immediately understood what Xu Miao meant.Wei Ya took the storage bag, took out the magic water and sprinkled it on the black soul.

Black Soul was not affected in any way, the room was completely silent, no one spoke, only Black Soul hissed from time to time.

The magic-killing water loses its effect, and the valley where Xu Miao obtained the magic-killing water will surely fall and be occupied by black souls.Xu Miao is not only worried about the black soul, but also about the monsters trapped in that space.

There are a lot of high-level monsters inside, except for the green dragon that Xu Miao managed to bring out, there are many left.

Although Xu Miao informed the comprehension world about this matter, because the black soul has not been resolved, and the high-level monks in the valley cannot enter, the matter has been delayed again and again.

When Xu Miao was worrying about the monsters, a monk rushed into the room and said in a hoarse voice, "The monsters...the monsters are coming!"

Everyone's expression is not very good, the black soul alone has already made the cultivation world very passive, and adding monsters, the cultivation world has indeed reached the most critical moment.

Temporarily ignoring the magic water and black soul, everyone in the room rushed to the top of the city to investigate the situation.No matter whether it was as high as a Nascent Soul cultivator or as low as a Qi Refining cultivator, they were all observing the situation.

Xu Miao saw the monster standing in the middle of the black soul at a glance, and the aura exuding from his body was exactly the same as that of the devil.

Ten thousand years ago, the mighty man cast strict spells, restrictions, and chains to trap them. The strongest among them, Qing Jiao, needed his own help to escape.

So how did these monsters get out of trouble, Xu Miao kept thinking, trying to find the answer.

"Don't think about it, such an obvious answer is right in front of you." Qing Jiao's slightly mocking voice came to mind, "You, Xu Miao, are not the only ones who know where the monsters are trapped."

Being completely awakened by Qing Jiao's casual words, the monster is trapped, as long as there is a frivolous cultivator, he will think of breaking the restrictions of those spells and rescue the monster.

Just like they made a life-and-death contract with Qingjiao, they will also make a contract to release the monsters and let the monsters be used by them.Xu Miao rescued Qingjiao to help herself at a critical moment.

But some people are not like Xu Miao. They may want to use monsters to dominate the cultivation world and enslave all human monks, monsters, and monsters.

The reason why the monsters appeared was found, but Xu Miao still couldn't find the reason why the monsters were no longer afraid of the magic water.Without the magic weapon of magic water, human monks have almost no chance of winning against monsters and black souls.

"This world is actually very fair, one thing is one thing, and the magic water can restrain monsters, so naturally there will be other things that can restrain the magic water." Qing Jiao's calm voice appeared again.

That's right, one thing descends one thing, the law of heaven recurs, it's my own demonic obstacle.He thought that if he possessed magic water, he would be invincible in the world, but he forgot that balance is the iron law that keeps the world going.

I am just a small foundation-building cultivator. If I want to change the current unfavorable situation, I must have a Nascent Soul cultivator.Because of Bai Yan's relationship, Wei Ya, who was born in Ji Xingdian, is the most suitable candidate.

Xu Miao found Wei Ya and told him everything he knew.Wei Ya only had a rough guess about this matter, after all, it is not as good as Xu Miao who owns Qingjiao knows the truth.

Wei Ya told Xu Miao to act as if he didn't know anything, and never to reveal the matter at will.Even if Wei Ya didn't tell him these things, Xu Miao would not tell others easily.

As long as I say it, I will immediately become a thorn in the side of the monk who controls the monster, a thorn in the flesh.With the cultivation base in the early stage of foundation establishment, if the opponent makes a move, it is as easy as crushing an ant to death.

It is absolutely not possible for one person to accomplish these things. Both Xu Miao and Wei Ya are aware of this. They must find someone they can trust to resolve this matter.As for the monsters, all monks can only be prevented from killing them.

Now that the monsters are overwhelming the city, the magic water has no effect, and Xu Miao can't return to Yanwang City.Anyway, it doesn't make any difference to Xu Miao whether to kill black souls or monsters, where to do it.

There are Nascent Soul monks who have prevented the monks from fighting monsters and black souls in batches.Although Xu Miao was taken care of by Bai Yan, he was rewarded for nothing, and he would not lick his face to accept the care of Ji Xingdian.

Xu Miao still joined the casual repair team and participated in the battle.Like Yanwang City, Xuanhuai City also has a killing list, and monks who kill a large number of black souls will be rewarded accordingly.

Now the environment in the comprehension world has changed drastically, and monks can no longer go out to obtain resources. They can only rely on big forces and obtain corresponding resources through rewards.Therefore, the competition in the killing list is very fierce, and all the monks ranked in the top [-] have killed tens of thousands.

After Xu Miao received the token for counting the number of kills, she went out of the city to kill the enemy together with other casual cultivators.

However, in this group of casual cultivators, Xu Miao saw an acquaintance, it was Yang Lin from He Qinggu.Because Xu Miao has been wearing a thousand-change mask and changed her appearance, Yang Lin did not recognize Xu Miao.

Xu Miao still remembered the last time she went back to Heqing Valley, Yang Lin saw that he was as honest as a little daughter-in-law, with all his fangs put away, and there was a trace of respect in his expression that was hard to find by others.

At that time, he also said that he did not make a mistake in saving Yang Lin.Since I met Yang Lin this time, I naturally wouldn't allow him to be hurt by monsters and black souls. Who made him stronger than Yang Lin?

The monsters that join the battle are more difficult to deal with than the black soul.Although after tens of thousands of years of captivity, their strength and cultivation base have been greatly reduced, but they have lived for so many years after all, no matter in terms of means or fighting awareness, human monks cannot match them.

As soon as they came into contact, the human monks received a powerful shock.The first batch to go out of the city to meet the monsters were casual cultivators. In some respects, they were much worse than the disciples of the sect.

The only thing that is beneficial to human monks is that the demonic energy of monsters will not corrode the monk's body like the black energy of the black soul, and kill the monk within a few breaths.

The magic energy will only prevent the monks from absorbing the aura of heaven and earth normally, but after the changes in the world, the monks can no longer absorb the aura from the outside world, and the influence of the magic energy is also dispensable.

Xu Miao looked at the monster not far in front of her, and gnawed off the hand of a female cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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