Chapter 151
The exclamation didn't last long, and everyone's eyes were attracted by something else.Not far from Xuanhuai City, a large group of monsters appeared, and the minimum level of each monster was level four.

The group of monsters were menacing and difficult to deal with. Xu Miao swung his sword to sweep away the black souls around him, gathered together with other monks, and watched the coming monsters vigilantly.

The city gate behind him slowly opened, and everyone scrambled to retreat into the city, and Xu Miao also entered Xuanhuai City with the flow of people.

At this time, a Nascent Soul cultivator flew into the sky outside the city. According to Xu Miao's understanding of the Nascent Soul cultivator, this Nascent Soul cultivator was probably a late stage great monk.

"Xihui Zong Peng Tianjie, please come out and talk to the leader." Peng Tianjie stood proudly in the air with a stern face, and his blue Taoist robe fluttered with the wind.

The man in fiery red clothes flew to the opposite of Peng Tianjie: "Huh! It's just a monk in the late Yuanying period, and he dares to be so rampant and speak nonsense."

"Huo Ya, he's still alive. Xu Miao, your cultivation world is probably in danger." Qing Jiao's voice sounded abruptly.

Standing on the top of the wall, Xu Miao watched Peng Tianjie and Huoya confront each other in the air. Their conversation did not pass voice transmission, and they did not avoid people.

"You don't have any chance of winning in the cultivation world now. If you still want to keep the orthodox inheritance, you will recognize our demon race as the master and be enslaved by us forever." Huo Ya said arrogantly.

"Your Excellency thinks too highly of yourself. We have a large number of talents in the cultivation world. There are various methods handed down to deal with your monsters. If you are willing to return to the Demon Realm, I promise not to pursue it."

"Humans, you might as well turn your head and look at your monks. Everyone has fear on their faces. Do you know what that is? It's because I'm afraid that my race will kill them and eat their bodies."

Huo Crow brushed off the non-existing dust on his robes: "A monk who has no fighting spirit dares to fight against my demons! I will give you three days to think about it. The bloodbath of the comprehension world is a complete shame."

Flame left a few words, and then led the other monsters back, but they did not completely retreat, but firmly surrounded Xuanhuai City, preventing the monks in the city from escaping.

Xu Miao looked at the monks beside him. It was the same as what Huoya said, no one still has fighting spirit in their hearts, so why struggle is necessary in a situation where death is inevitable, it's just the difference between early death and late death.

Peng Tianjie saw the fire crow and the monster temporarily retreating, so he also retreated into the city, strictly ordering the monks not to leave the city without authorization.But all the monks in the city heard the threatening words of the fire crow, and if they did not surrender, they would be slaughtered.

Many monks had the idea of ​​taking refuge in monsters, but they didn't show it for the time being.Xu Miao sat down against the city wall, he didn't even know what to do next.

Even the monks in the late Yuanying period could not do anything to the fire crow, let alone other monks.Unless the cultivators of Transforming God can appear to deal with the monsters, but the monsters surrounded Xuanhuai City, no monks can get out.

A monk came to look for Xu Miao, saying that the senior officials of Xuanhuai City had invited him.When Xu Miao arrived at the meeting hall, she found that Peng Tianjie was the only one in the room.

Seeing Xu Miao's arrival, Peng Tianjie asked him about the space where the monster was trapped: "Xu Sanshui, are you sure the monster is trapped in the restraint and there is no possibility of escape?"

Xu Miao hesitated for a moment: "If they are themselves, they will definitely not be able to break through the restriction and escape from birth. However, if someone is familiar with the forbidden curse, there may be a way to lift the forbidden curse and let those monsters come out."

"And—" Xu Miao decided to tell Peng Tianjie all his guesses. Now only the Nascent Soul cultivator can change this predicament. "Since that space is connected to the cultivation world, it is very likely that there is an exit connected to the Demon Realm."

"A person with ulterior motives passed through the valley and entered the trapped demon space. After breaking the restriction, he opened the passage between the demon domain and the trapped demon space, and then brought the monster into the cultivation world."

Xu Miao closed her mouth after finishing all her guesses.This guess is too bold, Xu Miao is not sure how Peng Tianjie will view this guess.

When Peng Tianjie heard this, his heart was also turned upside down.He knew what Xu Miao said about the trapped demon space, and he also knew that there were several exits in the trapped demon space.

It's just that the education he received since he was a child made him think that humans and monsters are distinct, and there can be no intersection, so he has always ignored the fact that someone will actively collude with monsters.

Now that Xu Miao pointed it out, he suddenly realized.The restrictions and spells set by the sages and powerful men must be indestructible, even if tens of thousands of years have passed, they will not be taken advantage of by monsters.

The only possibility is that someone with a heart will do this. He wants to use the power of monsters to unify the cultivation world.

After figuring out all the causal relationships, Peng Tianjie looked at Xu Miao with admiration.This person is just a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, judging from his bone age, he is less than a hundred years old, but at such an age, he has the wisdom almost like a demon.

He could see that Xu Miao was carrying some kind of magic weapon to conceal his true face, and he had also heard Lin Youning's report, saying that this person was very likely to be related to Lin Zhao's death.

But so what, Lin Zhao was spoiled by those so-called relatives, and he couldn't become a great weapon after all.He will not target Xu Miao because of some trivial matters, and ignore the entire cultivation world.

Today, Xu Miao was able to open up her heart, disregard Lin Zhao's affairs, and tell him this guess, which can be said to be a great achievement.This man is courageous and resourceful, and indeed deserves to be rewarded.

In the blink of an eye, Peng Tianjie thought of many things clearly.Xu Miao knew everything about him, and he had to confide in him.

"I know you have something to do with Lin Zhaozhi's death." Xu Miao shuddered when he heard Peng Tianjie's indifferent voice, but he didn't feel Peng Tianjie's killing intent for the time being, so he answered the words calmly.

"The junior did meet Lin Zhao in the Daoyi Secret Realm—" Xu Miao repeated what she said to Lin Youning.

But Peng Tianjie suddenly smiled softly: "I mentioned this to you to show that I don't care about Lin Zhao anymore. He lost his life and benefited the secret realm. It's just his own fault and no one else."

"What I want to ask you is, who do you think will let the monsters enter the cultivation world?"

It took about two years for Xu Miao to break the restriction, and it took only one month from when he returned to Yanwang City and informed the other monks to when he helped Xuanhuai City.

To be able to break all the forbidden spells within a month, open up the locked passages, and lead the monsters to invade the cultivation world. This kind of efficiency and method is definitely not something ordinary Nascent Soul and Golden Core monks can do.

The goal is obvious. Only the cultivator of Huashen can break through the restriction once arranged by the cultivator of Huashen in the shortest time.

"May I ask Senior Peng, among the cultivators who transform spirits, who are good at restraint and spells?"

When Peng Tianjie heard Xu Miao's question, he felt that Xu Miao was unusual.He pondered for a while: "There is a cultivator who transforms spirits. No one knows his real name. Everyone calls him Lihuan Daoist. He is very good at things like formations and prohibitions."

"What's his personality like? Has he ever experienced miserable things? Or is he often looked down upon by others?" Xu Miao's thinking is that if it is indeed done by people in the cultivation world, then it is nothing more than because of suffering from inhuman tormented, wanting revenge on the world.

It just so happened that another monster appeared. As long as he led the monster and swept across the cultivation world, he would be able to vomit the grievances of the past.

When Xu Miao asked this question, Peng Tianjie did remember what the ancestor of Huashen in the sect once said about Taoist Lihuan.

"That Taoist from the Illusion has low aptitude. It was just a piece of shit luck that he advanced to become a god. Such a monk is destined not to be able to ascend in this life."

This sentence was said casually by the ancestor of Huashen, but Peng Tianjie remembered very clearly that the expression on the face of the ancestor of Huashen when he said this was very disdainful and contemptuous.

"Taoist Li Huan seems to be looked down upon by other cultivators who transform spirits, but the ancestor didn't tell me the reason."

Hearing Peng Tianjie's answer, Xu Miao was almost certain that this Taoist Li Huan was the culprit who released the monsters and disrupted the realm of comprehension.

The cultivator who transforms the spirit has always been the topmost existence in this plane, but he has always been looked down upon by others.Over time, he has a vengeful mentality towards the world.

Xu Miao didn't find it strange that Taoist Li Huan did such a thing, which was very in line with the dark side of human nature.

"Senior Peng, even though we now know that Taoist Li Huan has done all this, there are only three days left before what Huo Ya said. If we don't agree to Huo Ya, it is very likely that the city will be destroyed."

"Then what's your opinion?" Peng Tianjie admired Xu Miao's wisdom and wanted to know his opinion.

"The juniors believe that with the current situation, we will not be able to defeat the monsters that are attacking us with all our strength. The best way is to negotiate peace with the monsters first, and then we can avoid the greatest death."

"The monsters will definitely not only target one city in Xuanhuai City, they must attack at the same time. As long as they can unite with monks in other cities, they will have a way to counterattack."

Xu Miao stroked her chin and said, "At the same time, find a way to contact the cultivator of Huashen. In this case, the situation will change only if the cultivator of Huashen steps in."

"Promise to surrender them, let alone whether the monk will agree, if the monster makes some kind of contract on the monk, how should it be resolved?"

Xu Miao shook her head: "No, the meaning of the younger generation is not to surrender to the monsters, but to share the cultivation world with them, with a certain place as the boundary, without interfering with each other."

"If the monster agrees, we can temporarily get a chance to breathe, and take it slowly. If you don't agree, it will be your end."

"These monsters came all the way to the realm of comprehension, and they didn't come here to seek death. It's better to resolve it peacefully than to go to war to gain territory."

After Xu Miao finished speaking, Peng Tianjie didn't speak for a long time.Xu Miao's idea is too bold. This is directly donating half of the land to the monsters. Not to mention whether ordinary monks will agree, even other high-level monks do not know whether they will agree.

(End of this chapter)

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