Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 152 Negotiations

Chapter 152 Negotiations
After a while, other Nascent Soul and Jindan monks entered this room one after another. Everyone sat around the table and looked at Xu Miao who was beside Peng Tianjie.

Peng Tianjie, they all know that he is a great monk in the late Yuanying period.In the era when the cultivator of Huashen did not come out, he was already at the top of the cultivation world.

But it was such a person, sitting next to him was a young monk in the early stage of foundation establishment.For them, the establishment of a foundation is really not worth looking at, and they can be solved by reaching out.

Peng Tianjie pretended not to see the expressions and eyes of the monks entering the room, and signaled Xu Miao to inform them of the plan they discussed.Xu Miao's clear voice sounded in the room, but it completely shocked the hearts of others.

As soon as Xu Miao's voice fell, a monk came out to refute.

"Ignorant child, we monks have always been the most powerful existence in the cultivation world, even demon cultivators cannot shake our status. How can we give up our cultivation world because of monsters!"

"That's right, no matter how powerful the monsters are, we also have cultivators who have transformed themselves into gods, so we just have to fight them back. I'm afraid they will do something!"

"Fellow Daoist Peng, this Foundation Establishment boy is talking nonsense, insulting us monks, why not just kill him."

Xu Miao listened indifferently to some of the monks' accusations and murderous intentions, and he almost laughed out loud.These monks are still living in the strongest dreams of monks, forgetting the biggest crisis encountered by the cultivation world.

What's even more ridiculous is that they still want to kill themselves by relying on their cultivation.Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth, squinting at the late Jindan cultivator who said he was going to kill him.

Peng Tianjie frowned, his eyes swept over everyone present.A sense of sadness suddenly surged in his heart, the cultivation world has been reduced to such a point, yet there are still people who can't see the situation clearly.

"Hehe——" Xu Miao's laughter made the monks who were talking all over the place stop at the same time, and looked at Xu Miao angrily.

"Boy, you are too arrogant!" The late Jindan cultivator unleashed a powerful spiritual force before he could finish his sentence.Xu Miao's spiritual power was about to be released, and when he was about to support Fu Yu's helmet, Bai Yan, Wei Ya, and Peng Tianjie shot at the same time to stop the spiritual power.

Peng Tianjie's face was extremely ugly, he slapped hard on the table in front of him, and looked at everyone fiercely.

Xu Miao cleared her throat, and said loudly: "Seniors, don't forget that Fire Crow only gave us three days, because you think that Xuanhuai City's current strength can withstand the full attack of monsters."

They did not forget that Fire Crow set a three-day deadline in front of all monks and monsters.However, they thought it was just Huo Ya's bluff, and they were nothing to be afraid of.

"Fellow Daoist Peng, aren't even you the opponent of Huo Ya?" Bai Yan asked.

Peng Tianjie shook his head slowly: "Huo Ya's strength is already half-step to transform into a god. I am not as good as him. If we fight, we will be at an absolute disadvantage."

"Even if you trade your life for your life, it will be very tragic. What's more, are you willing to fight with your life? I'm afraid you can't avoid it."

A Nascent Soul said: "We may be able to unite with Zhonglu's power. Zhonglu's level of cultivation is the strongest among the five continents. They must have a way to solve this problem."

Still unwilling to give up, Xu Miao doesn't know what these monks are insisting on. They have lost their lives, so why do they need the so-called dignity.Both dignity and personality need to be able to survive.

"Senior, we only have three days. Xuanhuai City is trapped, and the other cities must be the same. As far as this junior knows, the long-distance teleportation array in Xilu has been destroyed by that heaven and earth mutation."

"Such a short time and such a long distance, even senior Peng Tianjie can't do it, let alone other people."

If possible, Xu Miao really didn't want to have a spat with these people in the room, it didn't make any sense.

"The changes in the world have had a great impact on the cultivation world. Whether it is my Xihui Sect or your sects, it has been greatly affected. It is a blessing to be able to continue to pass on the orthodoxy."

In the end, Peng Tianjie, as the highest cultivator in Xuanhuai City, agreed to Xu Miao's method.The rest, such as notifying the monks and arranging various arrangements, has nothing to do with Xu Miao.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and everyone was not in a good mood. Surrendering to the former defeated general did not feel good.

It was still Peng Tianjie and Huoya who participated in the negotiation. The only difference was that Peng Tianjie brought Xu Miao with him.

"Fellow Daoist Peng, three days are up, what are you thinking about?" Huo Ya noticed the two appeared, and when he saw Xu Miao, a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

Xu Miao received a voice transmission from Peng Tianjie, and stepped forward: "We can give up part of the land and provide you with living and living."

"Little monk, you may have misunderstood what I mean. Three days ago, I made it very clear that you either surrender or die!" Huo Ya stared straight at Xu Miao with a strong pressure.

How could Xu Miao be able to resist the coercion of the half-step Huashen? The spiritual power in his body was running at full speed, and all the bones in his body were dislocated, making a clicking sound.

Suddenly, a light and warm force emanated from the dantian, dispelling the coercion emanating from the fire crow.Xu Miao knew that it was Qing Jiao who helped him dissipate this power.

Xu Miao was very grateful, and raised her head again to look at the fire crow: "I also made it very clear that the monks will give up part of the land, otherwise—"

"No, die, no, rest!" Xu Miao showed no fear at all, as if standing in front of her was not a half-step cultivator, but an ordinary foundation cultivator.

Peng Tianjie was very satisfied with Xu Miao's performance. He specially brought Xu Miao to negotiate, not just because of Xu Miao's wit, but because of his cultivation.

Only the foundation-building monks in the early stage of foundation building, using Xu Miao, just proved to the monsters that none of my foundation-building monks in the cultivation world will be afraid of you.

Xu Miao lived up to the trust, he faced Huo Ya without any fear, and dealt with it calmly, and even Huo Ya's coercion like a demonstration was dispelled by Xu Miao lightly.

Huoya also found something interesting about Xu Miao. He had never seen a foundation-builder cultivator be unaffected by his full force, even a Nascent Soul cultivator would be affected.

"Immortal?" Fire Crow snorted, "With your current strength, how can you be immortal?"

"Your Excellency, you may have forgotten that the most powerful sects and monks in the West Land are gathered in Xuanhuai City. No matter how strong your monsters are, we have corresponding means to deal with you."

"Do you want to fight with us to lose both sides, and then be chased and killed by the cultivator of Huashen, or just give up the fight and choose a peaceful solution. The life and death of your kind is all in your mind."

Xu Miao held the initiative of the negotiation in her own hands, and talked as if the monster was the party under threat.

"Are you threatening me?" Huo Ya's whole body was filled with devilish energy, and the surrounding environment was enveloped by devilish energy.

"Don't dare." Xu Miao said dare not, but she didn't have any fear in her heart, "I think your ancestors also know the power of my cultivator in the cultivation world."

"Your Excellency led the whole family into my cultivation world, just to gain a safe haven. Now we monks are willing to take the initiative to divide the West Land, share cultivation resources with the demons, and reduce battle damage. Why not do it."

"Or, Your Excellency doesn't care about the lives of your fellow clansmen at all, you just use them as a tool to invade my cultivation world!" Xu Miao's voice was stern, and the last sentence was especially loud, so that both monks and monsters could hear clearly clearly.

At the place where the monsters gathered, there was a rustling sound immediately, as if agreeing with Xu Miao's words.

Huo Ya was taken aback by Xu Miao's words before slowly reacting.He looked at Xu Miao, and his consciousness swept across Xu Miao's body unscrupulously.He always felt that this humble human monk was a fake.

It was the monk's conspiracy to deliberately use such a monk to humiliate him.He didn't think that monks with such schemes only had cultivation at the early stage of foundation establishment.

"Are you really only in the early stage of foundation establishment?" After Huo Ya asked, he regretted it. Whether a monk hides his cultivation, can't he still not be able to tell if he has a half-step transformation of a god.

"Is it true that monster training only improves cultivation, not IQ?" Xu Miao half-folded her chest and looked at the monster in front of her mockingly.

Xu Miao's voice was so loud that everyone could hear it. The city of Xuanhuai immediately burst into laughter, and Huo Ya could hear the sarcastic words of other monks from time to time.

Huo Ya gritted his teeth and raised his hand to hit Xu Miao.Peng Tianjie stood in front of Xu Miao in time to stop the fatal blow.

Standing behind Peng Tianjie, Xu Miao still said in a calm manner: "Your Excellency, if you can't say it, you have to do it. This habit is still the habit of monsters. Now that you have transformed, you should abide by the rules of humans."

"We have decided to negotiate peacefully, so don't do it lightly, be civilized, and don't be so rude." Xu Miao mocked the barbarism of the fire crow in every sentence.

Huoya also knew Xu Miao's intentions, but the conditions Xu Miao proposed were indeed attractive.A part of the land can be obtained without bloodshed.

It is much more cost-effective than working hard and not necessarily killing all the monks.After all, the existence of cultivator Huashen still hangs in his heart like a knife.

"Which territory do you plan to divide for my clan?" Xu Miao knew that Huo Ya had let go and agreed to his plan when Xu Miao heard this.Xu Miao took out a map of the Western Continent and unfolded it between the two sides.

The current heaven and earth aura quality in Xilu is very bad. According to what Peng Tianjie told him, Xu Miao puts those with more excellent aura on his side.

However, Xu Miao took a coincidence and did not directly state that this place belonged to human monks, but chose another place with extremely poor aura.

"The aura of heaven and earth is very poor, there is no difference, so we decided to choose this area, and the other area belongs to your demon clan." Xu Miao pointed to the place where the aura was very barren.

Huo Ya looked hesitantly at the location pointed out by Xu Miao: "We want this place.

(End of this chapter)

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