Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 153 The Conspiracy Revealed

Chapter 153 The Conspiracy Revealed
"Your Excellency, don't push yourself." Xu Miao pretended to be annoyed, but she had to bear it.

Huo Ya suddenly smiled and said: "If you don't want to cede this area to my demons, then there is no need to talk about it, and we will meet directly."

Xu Miao and Peng Tianjie looked at each other and took out a piece of mulberry sheepskin.Mulberry sheepskin is the evidence of important contracts in the cultivation world. It is a kind of item certified by the way of heaven and cannot be easily damaged by brute force.

Xu Miao wrote the content of the negotiation on the mulberry sheepskin, but Xu Miao played a trick on the treaty, only saying that this area was lent to the demons, not ceded.

In this way, given the right opportunity, the territory can be reclaimed.Huo Ya didn't notice the word difference, cut his palm and made a contract.Peng Tianjie did the same, leaving blood to testify.

Together with Huo Ya, Peng Tianjie placed the mulberry sheepskin on the dividing line between the two regions.With the mulberry sheepskin as the center, a layer of enchantment is automatically generated.

There was no longer any dispute between the two sides, and the fire crow retreated with the monster.As for the fire crow arriving at the destination and discovering that the quality of the aura of heaven and earth is extremely low, it will be a later story.

Without the threat of monsters and black souls, monks are no longer trapped in the city and can move freely.Many monks were indignant when they learned the reason for the monster's departure, and went to Xuanhuai City one after another.

Human monks have always been blessed existences in the cultivation world, enjoying the care of heaven, but they have to bow their heads to lowly monsters and cede their land.

Even if it was a resolution jointly made by the several sects in the Western Continent, they could not agree with it.Just after Xuanhuai City was besieged by monsters and black souls, it was also besieged by other monks.

However, no matter how the monks outside the city protested, no senior officials from Xuanhuai City went out to negotiate.The patriarch of a comprehension family, who was in the early stage of Yuanying cultivation, was selected as a representative, intending to enter the city to express the thoughts of other monks.

Before he entered the city, Xu Miao and Wei Ya appeared outside the city for the first time.As soon as Xu Miao appeared, she was glared at by many monks.

"Xu Sanshui, it's all your bad idea, you actually ceded my area of ​​cultivation world, where do you put us monks!"

"My tens of thousands of years of glory in the cultivation world are all destroyed by your hands!"

"Xu Sanshui, as a sinner through the ages in the cultivation world, why don't you kill yourself to thank the world!"

Xu Miao looked at the angry crowd with cold eyes, and listened to their accusations, but there was no change on her face, not even a sneer.

"Xu Sanshui, why didn't you say a word? Are you speechless? If you ask me, you must have secretly taken refuge in those monsters. You are a traitor!"

"Traitor!" Voices shouting that Xu Miao is a traitor kept coming and going.

Wei Ya looked at Xu Miao's indifferent expression, and admired Xu Miao even more in his heart. He was able to keep his face unchanged under the circumstances of being criticized by thousands of people. This child's determination is unimaginable.

"You all come from different cities, right?" Xu Miao finally said a word, but this sentence made everyone puzzled, not knowing what Xu Miao wanted to do.

"Yes, so what?" a monk replied loudly.

Xu Miao looked at the monk who answered: "Then, my fellow Taoist, where were you when the monster and the black soul overwhelmed the city? Did you leave the city to meet the enemy, or did you hide in the city and dare not leave the city?"

Xu Miao's tone was not harsh, and every sentence was very calm, but it was this calmness that made the listeners shudder.

The monk muttered for a long time before he could hold back a few words: "Naturally, it is to preserve strength."

"Hehe——" Xu Miao couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard this, "You don't even dare to come out of the city, and dare to accuse me here, who gave you the courage?"

In the end, Xu Miao's words carried a killing intent that could not be ignored, but this killing intent was not only aimed at this monk, but everyone.

"The realm of comprehension has been strong for tens of thousands of years, have you forgotten the scene of being suppressed by monsters. If you can't turn into a god, which one of you can win the half-step transformation?"

The monks outside the city were left speechless by Xu Miao's forced questioning, not knowing how to answer.

Xu Miao sneered, and the laughter was full of sarcasm: "Weren't you all very positive just now, why is no one answering my question now?"

"If you look down on monsters so much, why didn't anyone fight the monsters so hard before that? Everyone was as timid as a mouse, and they didn't even dare to go out of the city. Now that the monsters recede, their backs straighten, and the sound rang, right? ?”

The monks looked at each other. They really didn't have the guts to face the monsters directly, but now that the monsters were gone and there was no threat from foreigners, they would naturally find Xu Miao who made it happen.

"At least we are just avoiding and not fighting. You are directly ceding the realm of comprehension. How can you and I be the same!" Another monk broke the silence and retorted.

"Who told you that I will avoid and not fight." Xu Miao pointed to the towering killing list in Xuanhuai City, "You might as well go and see if my name, Xu, is on the list."

"If you're blind, you can also ask anyone in Xuanhuai City if I'm avoiding and not fighting!" Xu Miao stared at the man, making him look away uncomfortably.

"Let me tell you that it is impossible to change the monster occupying another area. This is also the only way to preserve the cultivation world. All decisions have been agreed by the high-level officials of Xuanhuai City. Whether you admit it or not, it is an unchangeable fact. "

Xu Miao stood with her hands behind her back, her sleeves fluttering in the wind, her expression was neither sad nor happy, and she looked indifferently at all the aggrieved people in front of her.

When the situation developed to this point, the patriarch of the Xiuzhen family finally stood up: "We are not here for anything else, but we just need an explanation from Xuanhuai City, and many of the land ceded out belong to us monks. The sect, where the family is."

Hearing this, Xu Miao knew the important point was coming.Let these monks ignore the high-ranking monks in Xuanhuai City and insist on asking for an explanation, precisely because they want to gain some benefits through this.

After the changes in the world, Xu Miao advocated dividing the area. It would not be too much to describe it as no weeds.With inferior aura, spirit grass cannot grow at all, let alone monk cultivation.

That's why the major forces in the West Land will preside over the construction of the city, so that monks who have lost their sect's residence can have a place to live.This has almost become a point recognized by the monks, but it is also because of this point that other monks have something to say.

"Fellow Daoist Du, how are you doing?" When it comes to cultivator Yuanying, Xu Miao is no longer suitable to come forward.

That Nascent Soul cultivator is Du Pinghai, the current patriarch of the Du family, who has inextricably related to a certain sect in the Eastern Continent. Wei Ya told Xu Miao via voice transmission, and also hinted that he should keep quiet for the time being.

Du Pinghai took out a jade slip and sent it to Wei Ya.After Wei Ya quickly scanned it, he handed it to Xu Miao who was beside him.After Xu Miao finished reading, her face sank like water.

In the Jade Slips, the major forces were asked to withdraw from Xuanhuai City and give it to Du Pinghai and others.Seeing these requests at first, some lions couldn't help opening their mouths, but at the end, Xu Miao really understood the intentions of these people.

There is a cultivator who transforms spirits behind them. This is not the most worrying thing, but according to the jade slip, this cultivator who transforms gods and the Taoist Li Huan reached an alliance to advance and retreat together.

The combination of the two cultivators, together with these cultivators, has become a powerful force that cannot be ignored in the Western Continent.Xu Miao didn't know the specific situation of the other continents, but he estimated that it should be similar to the West Land.

This is a long-planned conspiracy, first of all, to draw out the black soul and trap all the monks in Xuanhuai City.The monk had to go out by himself to find the reason for the appearance of the black soul.

Xu Miao lived up to everyone's expectations, found the valley, and successfully found the Land of Trapped Demons, which also allowed the Lihuan Taoist and another cultivator who had been hiding behind the scenes to release monsters from it.

With just one jade slip, Xu Miao figured out the cause and effect.This time the monster invaded the realm of comprehension, although there were natural disasters, there were even more man-made disasters.

"You human monks are really unsatisfactory. You clearly want to enslave my demons." Qing Jiao also saw the contents of the jade slip through the Hunting Stone.

Xu Miao clenched the jade slip in her hand, knowing that this matter was not that simple, she was caught in a huge net from the very beginning.The black hand behind the scenes has never appeared before, and it has already turned the cultivation world upside down.

"Fellow Daoist Du, are you not afraid that the old man will reveal this jade slip to the public?" Wei Ya also knew that he was completely tricked, and glared at Du Pinghai.

Du Pinghai showed a huge smile without hesitation: "If you tell them, will they believe it? Now, everyone in Westland knows that you gave up this land and the honor of being a monk."

Xu Miao took a step forward: "Du Pinghai, there is only one cultivator behind you, and there are also cultivators in the several sects in the West Land."

"Besides, if I tell Huo Ya what you think, do you think they will still be driven by you?" Xu Miao threatened Du Pinghai calmly.

"That monster Huo Ya has no cultivation and no brains. He will help us count the money after selling it. He will never believe you." Du Pinghai was full of confidence. The monks are not something that the current Xilu can compete with.

Because these two designed to trap all the cultivators in the Western Continent in one space, unable to appear outside to help them.However, Du Pinghai did not inform Xu Miao and others of this matter.

It is the most painful thing for them to have the hope of finding a cultivator who transforms themselves into gods, and to approach this goal infinitely, but never be able to achieve it.

"How are you two thinking?"

"We need to ask other monks for their opinions, and we will reply to you tomorrow."

"Then I'll wait for the good news. Of course, if you can't make an appropriate decision, I don't mind asking someone to help you make a decision." The meaning of the threat is self-evident.

Xu Miao took a deep look at Du Pinghai, then turned around and followed Wei Ya back to Xuanhuai City.

But it was that look that made Du Pinghai terrified.What Du Pinghai didn't know was that Xu Miao borrowed the power of Qingjiao.Even if Qingjiao's strength has weakened, it is more than enough to intimidate a Du Pinghai in the early Yuanying stage.

(End of this chapter)

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