Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 154 Seeking Cooperation

Chapter 154 Seeking Cooperation
The high-ranking monks sat around in the deliberative attic, and the expressions on everyone's faces were even uglier than before when the monster attacked.It is difficult for anyone to accept the feeling of being led by the nose.

"The best way for us now is to find the cultivator of Huashen. We can no longer interfere with these matters." A mid-Yuanying cultivator said.

When the other monks heard about it, they all agreed.All of these things that followed were led by the cultivators of Huashen. Their cultivation level looked high in the eyes of others, but compared with Huashen, it was nothing to look at.

"It's not that easy. The biggest problem is that we can't get in touch with the cultivator of Huashen." Wei Ya's words poured cold water on the heads of the monks present.

"From Du Pinghai's appearance, he should know where the cultivator has gone, and he won't be able to get out for a while. We can't rely on the cultivator, but we have to find a way to solve it ourselves." Xu Miao told him Inform everyone about the speculation about the cultivator of Huashen.

After Peng Tianjie read the jade slip, he did not refute Xu Miao's words, which also proved that he agreed with Xu Miao's opinion.

The geographical location of Xuanhuai City is excellent, whether it is the quality of spiritual power or other aspects, there is no other location in the west that is so ordinary.Therefore, the forces in Xuanhuai City will not give up this place easily.

"The soldiers are divided into three groups, one is to find the cultivator of Huashen, the other is to seek support from Donglu and Zhonglu, and the other is to go to the monster to try to cooperate." Peng Tianjie said his decision seriously.

"As for Du Pinghai's request, the old man will negotiate with him again and try to delay until you come back."

This decision is not the best way, but it is the most appropriate way.The monster looks powerful and cruel, but it can deal with it.As for the monks under Taoist Li Huan, cooperating with them is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

Peng Tianjie quickly selected the candidates who were looking for the cultivators who transformed the gods and contacted Donglu and Zhonglu. They were only candidates for negotiating with monsters.

"Senior Peng, let me handle the negotiations with the demons." Xu Miao saw Peng Tianjie's embarrassment. Negotiating with monsters is a very risky task. If you don't pay attention, you will die without a place to die.

Xu Miao was able to recommend herself, not because of anything else, but because of the existence of Qingjiao.Demons are different from human monks, they don't have so many schemes and tricks, as long as they agree with something, they will do it at all costs.

After a little thought, Peng Tianjie agreed to Xu Miao's self-recommendation.He took out a storage ring and said, "There are quite a few pills suitable for the foundation building period, which should be enough for you to complete this mission."

"There are also two top-grade defensive spirit weapons. If you can't communicate with the fire crow and the other party has a killing intent, you can use this to escape. As for the people who are traveling with you, let Lin Youning go with you, so that we can take care of each other."

After finishing speaking, Peng Tianjie waved his hand to let Xu Miao back down.Xu Miao weighed the storage ring Peng Tianjie handed over to him, her thoughts racing.Originally thought that he was going to complete this task alone, but Lin Youning was suddenly added.

Peng Tianjie knew very well that he had a suspicion with Lin Youning, and he even killed the monk who was following him.When two people meet, they still can't fight.Although I wouldn't be afraid of him, if he kept making troubles, it would be a headache.

When Xu Miao arrived at the city gate, Lin Youning was already standing there.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, we meet again." Lin Youning was full of smiles, but this smile seemed very fake to Xu Miao.

Xu Miao didn't want to talk nonsense with Lin Youning, so she just nodded, turned into a light and walked towards the demons.Xu Miao couldn't be sure what Lin Youning was thinking, and Lin Youning was sent by Peng Tianjie himself, so she couldn't do anything about him, so she could only be vigilant by herself.

The mulberry sheepskin glowed yellow and white in the sky, without any abnormalities.Xu Miao and Lin Youning fell to the ground, and shouted to a patrolling monster: "I have something to discuss with Huo Ya, please report."

The monster heard the words, but remained indifferent and continued to stand where it was.Lin Youning folded her hands on her chest, looking like she was watching a good show.Xu Miao glanced at him, but didn't care, walked straight through the barrier made of mulberry sheepskin, and walked in front of the monster.

"Didn't you hear what I just told you?" Xu Miao's voice was very soft, but her killing intent was very strong.This monster is only at the fourth level. If Xu Miao wants to kill it, even if it is not easy, he can do it with ease.

The monster's eyes were instantly filled with fear, and his instinct told him that this person was not easy to mess with.Since this human monk wants to find Fire Crow, then take him there.

The monster turned around and signaled Xu Miao to follow.Lin Youning didn't expect Xu Miao to make the monster obedient with just one sentence.Not long after the two left together, they saw Fire Crow sitting among a group of monsters.

"Human, you deceived me." Fire Crow raised his head, gnashing his teeth.

Xu Miao lifted up her robe, and sat next to Huo Ya, without the slightest sense of half-step transformation being on the side: "Oh, really? How did I deceive you?"

Seeing that Xu Miao not only didn't respond, but also boldly sat next to Huo Ya, Lin You Ning was so frightened that her heart jumped out of her chest.It's not that Lin Youning is timid, but that Xu Miao is really courageous.

Lin Youning is the core disciple of Xihui Sect. It can be said that he is used to seeing the world and sees a lot of people with high cultivation.However, despite this, he will also be afraid of high-ranking monks who are hostile to him.

At this moment, he especially wanted to open Xu Miao's head to see what was inside and why he couldn't see his expression of worry and fear at all.

"This land is much worse than the land occupied by your monks. There is nothing at all. We don't get any benefits here, and we don't even want to catch a few monsters." Huo Ya complained to Xu Miao angrily.

But in Xu Miao's eyes, he looked like a child who didn't get candy.

"You chose the place yourself. I didn't put a knife against your neck, so I forced you to choose. As for the content of the contract on the mulberry sheepskin, you have read it and agreed. Now it's time to blame me again. I am wronged. !"

When Lin Youning heard Xu Miao's words, the veins on his forehead twitched.He has seen courageous people, but he has never seen such courageous people as Xu Miao.He clasped his hands on the storage bracelet, ready to enter the battle state at any time.

Seeing Lin Youning's actions, Xu Miao couldn't help laughing out loud: "Lin Youning, what are you afraid of? Are you worried that Senior Fire Crow will kill you with a palm strike?"

"Put your heart in your stomach. If Senior Fire Crow wants to kill the two of us, will you allow us to come in? You say yes, Senior Fire Crow." The previous sentence was to Lin Youning, but the last sentence was It was said to Firecrow.

"What exactly are you here for?" Huo Ya was too lazy to go around in circles with Xu Miao, he found that Xu Miao's eloquence was really not his opponent, so he decided not to talk nonsense with him.

Xu Miao explained the purpose of coming here to Huo Ya in detail, and also showed him the pros and cons.

"Why should I join forces with you humans? It doesn't seem to be of any benefit to our race." Fire Crow looked uninterested, but Xu Miao saw an opportunity in it.

If Huo Ya is unwilling, he will send Xu Miao and Lin You Ning out immediately.Since he said that, it means that there is still room for negotiation.

"As the saying goes, there are no permanent enemies, but there are permanent interests. For the same interests, we can stand together again. The demons are just a bystander now, but they will also become victims in the near future."

"How can you be so sure about the thoughts of that group of people?" Huo Ya was puzzled.

Xu Miao smiled calmly: "Because I am also a human being, I understand the thoughts of those people best. By the way, one of your friends wants to see you, and it's over there."

The friend Xu Miao mentioned was none other than Qingjiao.He knew clearly that even if he had a brilliant tongue, he might not be able to persuade Huo Crow to join forces with him.

But Qingjiao is different. They are both demons, so it is easier to gain the trust of Huo Ya.In addition, Qing Jiao used to be a top-level existence in the Demon Race, and Huo Ya would always give Qing Jiao a face.

Huo Ya looked hesitantly at the position Xu Miao was pointing at, and sensed Qing Jiao's aura.The fire crow disappeared in front of the two of them in an instant. Lin Youning didn't know what kind of trick Xu Miao was playing, so she asked quickly.

Xu Miao just pretended to be there, and avoided answering.Although Xu Miao had a life-and-death contract with Qing Jiao, she couldn't know what he said through Qing Jiao.

When Lin Youning looked at Xu Miao, he would only think that he was confident, but he would not know that he was actually worried.Before coming, Xu Miao specifically communicated with Qing Jiao and asked Qing Jiao to persuade Huo Ya to cooperate with them.

Qingjiao didn't give a clear answer at that time, nor did he explicitly refuse, he only said that he had seen the fire crow.Xu Miao had no choice but to let the two demons meet each other and make a decision later.

As time passed, Lin Youning's expression became more and more impatient: "Xu Sanshui, what kind of friend did you find from Fire Crow? Is it reliable? Don't bring us in at the end!"

Xu Miao looked at Lin Youning thoughtfully: "Friend Daoist Lin, your behavior is not like the first disciple of the younger generation of Xihui Sect." Xu Miao didn't mean what he said, but Lin Youning listened with intentions.

Lin Youning is well-known, but only the disciples of Xihui Sect know that he is not the best one.The most outstanding disciples of Xihuizong's generation have been in seclusion all the time, and they have not left the seclusion even though they suffered from changes in the world.

He glanced at Xu Miao bitterly, and was about to say something more, when the fire crow appeared in front of the two of them, and Xu Miao also felt that Qingjiao had returned to the Hunting Stone.

"Senior Fire Crow, how do you think about it? Are you willing to cooperate with us to get rid of those who plot evil?"

"Yes." Huo Ya readily agreed, before the joy on Lin Youning's face appeared, he saw him change the subject: "The territory we occupy needs to be changed."

Xu Miao shook her head: "Senior Fire Crow, this is something that benefits both parties, please forgive me for not being able to agree to your conditions."

Huo Ya and Xu Miao started negotiations, looking for conditions acceptable to both parties.

"How about this, the demons like to devour monks, you take the corpses of those monks, how about we want the storage bags left by those monks?" Xu Miao put forward an extremely cruel condition.

(End of this chapter)

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