Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 155 Killing Sneak Attack

Chapter 155 Killing Sneak Attack
"They are all your kind, so just give them to me so generously, boy, your heart is really extraordinary." Huo Ya was silent for a while, and said such a sentence.

Xu Miao laughed lightly: "Then I will take it as a compliment from my seniors." Speaking of this, the two parties have reached an agreement, and Xu Miao has no need to stay here, so she got up and left.

Lin Youning didn't expect Xu Miao to complete the task with a few words.He also understood that Xu Miao was able to convince Huo Ya with the help of that mysterious friend, but Xu Miao didn't say anything, so he could only bite the bullet and ask.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, who the hell did you invite to get Huo Ya to agree to join us?"

Xu Miao glanced at Lin Youning: "Why should I tell you?" After that, she ignored what Lin Youning thought, and turned back into a ray of light.

Seeing this, Lin Youning could only follow Xu Miao angrily, without saying a word.

After the two of them crossed the barrier formed by the mulberry sheepskin, Xu Miao discovered the problem.The surrounding environment is too quiet, this is not the case on the way here.

Xu Miao slowed down, and released the spiritual power of her left hand, ready to support Fu Yu's helmet at any time.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, is there something coming?" After all, Lin Youning is an excellent disciple of Xihui Sect, not an idiot. After Xu Miao found out that something was wrong, he also quickly noticed the abnormality.

Suddenly a strong wind came from behind, Xu Miao immediately dodged to the left, and at the same time twisted her body, raised her left hand high, and instantly propped up Fu Yu's helmet.

The strong attack caused by the strong wind collided violently with Fu Yu's helmet, making an ear-piercing sound. Xu Miao strengthened the power of Fu Yu's helmet while holding the Huaying sword in his hand, and the north wind swept the ground to attack in the direction of the strong wind. go.

The north wind swept across the ground, bringing with it a bleak aura of all things, domineeringly breaking down the threat posed by the strong wind.When everything was calm, Xu Miao waved his hand to dissipate Fu Yu's armor, looking for the person who attacked him.

The spiritual consciousness is spread out in a large area, not letting go of any corner.There was no abnormality, very calm, Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness has always been strong, but even so, he did not find anyone.

Based on the power of the strong wind alone, Xu Miao didn't think that this person had the cultivation base of Golden Core Stage.Since it was sent to deal with him, the most likely one was the late foundation establishment cultivation base.

This person was very clever in hiding his movements. Xu Miao's consciousness kept scanning, but he couldn't find him.Lin Youning was only used as an incidental, and the man's target was not him, so he was not seriously injured.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, I'm afraid we are being targeted." Lin Youning looked serious.

Seeing Lin Youning's expression, Xu Miao held back, but still couldn't hold back: "Friend Lin, I'm not blind, I can see."

Lin Youning was choked by Xu Miao, but she didn't know how to refute, so she turned her head to look for the attacker.

Xu Miao closed her eyes and explored quietly.He can be sure that the person didn't escape, if he left quickly, there would be fluctuations in spiritual power, and the other person must be hiding in a certain place.

The focus now is to find that position, and the powerful consciousness sweeps across the surrounding environment calmly.This is not the first time Lin Youning has felt Xu Miao's consciousness, but he will still be shocked by Xu Miao's powerful consciousness.

"Fellow Daoist Xu—" Lin Youning was about to speak when Xu Miao raised her hand to stop her.Xu Miao noticed a fluctuation of spiritual power, and his eyes immediately became sharp.

Lin Youning's spiritual consciousness is far from being able to detect subtle fluctuations in spiritual power. When he saw Xu Miao walking past, he could only follow behind Xu Miao in confusion.

That fluctuation of spiritual power was quickly hidden, as if it had never happened.But because of this, Xu Miao became more and more sure that the sneak attacker was hiding there.

Xu Miao covered her breath with the Miao Yupei given by Bai Yan, and quietly approached a big tree.Even after finding the other party's hiding place, Xu Miao continued to scan with his consciousness.

He wanted to use his divine sense to give the other party the illusion that he hadn't been discovered yet.And the other party did follow Xu Miao's plan, thinking that his whereabouts hadn't been revealed.

This big tree has a depression, which happens to be a blind spot in the field of vision, so it is not easy to be found.If it wasn't for Xu Miao's strong spiritual sense, she wouldn't be able to detect the spiritual power fluctuations that the man revealed when he was exhaling.

Lin Youning followed Xu Miao without hiding her breath, which was also Xu Miao's intention.There is a distance difference between the two, the other party will notice Lin You Ning approaching, but cannot find Xu Miao.

That person will be on guard against Lin Youning wholeheartedly, and won't care about Xu Miao.Xu Miao had already turned to the depression of the big tree, and he could already see the sweat on the man's forehead.

Xu Miao casually threw out the cheating net. The cheating net could not only trap the visitor from the bottom up, but also trap the target from the top down.The man was caught off guard by the trap, and was stunned for a moment.

It was this moment of daze that gave Xu Miao a chance.Xu Miao shot like lightning, and quickly stretched her right hand towards the man's dantian. The sword in the sleeve was out of its sheath, and powerful spiritual power gathered at the tip of the sword. With the help of the sword in the sleeve, it pierced through the opponent's defense in an instant.

The man's reaction was also extremely fast, and he immediately took out a dagger and cut through the trap.The deceitful net was just a magical weapon, but the man's dagger was a spiritual weapon, so it was naturally irresistible, and it immediately became a few pieces of broken net.

Xu Miao didn't have time to feel sorry for the pitfalls. She drew the Huaying sword out of its sheath with her left hand, flipped her wrist, and attacked the opponent's dantian again.

The man bent over and stepped back.But at this moment, Lin Youning was standing behind that person, no matter whether he had a quarrel with Xu Miao or not, at this moment, he did not let the attacker leave.

Even if Lin Youning is not the most powerful disciple of Xihui Sect, he is still famous.He quickly made a tactic with both hands, and a ray of light instantly formed in front of him, blocking the opponent's way.

Xu Miao followed that person closely, but the other person was stopped, and Xu Miao seized this opportunity.The Huaying sword was switched to the right hand, and the north wind swept the ground, and the three of them were immediately enveloped by the strong wind.

The spiritual power didn't stop, and another move was a drop in the ocean, and the power of the strong wind increased again, violently attacking the sneak attacker.

Lin Youning, who was behind the light wall, looked at the power of the move in front of him. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that it was a move issued by a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment.

While seeing Xu Miao's moves, Lin Youning also took a look at the light wall he built from the corner of his eye, fearing that if he was not careful, the light wall would be broken and he would suffer disaster.

Xu Miao didn't know what Lin Youning was thinking at this time, but if he knew, he would smile disdainfully.If a monk can't accurately control the direction of spiritual power, there is no need to continue to mess around.

The move of the north wind blowing the ground seems to be extremely powerful, and it is a move for large-scale attacks.But Xu Miao knew very well that under his control, Beifeng Juandi could become a move to attack a single person.

The sneak attacker was also an extremely decisive person. Seeing that the way ahead was blocked, he immediately turned around and confronted Xu Miao head-on.If this person is placed in the realm of comprehension, with his strength, he must be one of the characters.

Unfortunately, he met Xu Miao and Lin Youning.Lin Youning is already strong enough, but Xu Miao is stronger than him.In the later stage, monks can fight when they say they want to fight, and they can kill when they say they want to kill.

Xu Miao pointed both hands together, Feng Shui spiritual power flowed out from both hands at the same time, urging the animation to rotate rapidly between the hands.Immediately afterwards, he pointed forward vigorously with both hands, and the Huaying Sword stabbed at the sneak attacker with a sharp sound of piercing through the air.

The blue sea in the dantian was choppy and the westerly wind was bitter. With Xu Miao's urging, the rich spiritual power merged into Huaying, supporting the Huaying sword's offensive.

Seeing the menacing approach of the Huaying Sword, the attacker opened his mouth and spit out a magic weapon in the shape of a mountain. The magic weapon grew with the wind, and after a while, it became the size of a person, blocking the attack of the Huaying Sword.

Seeing this, Xu Miao flew forward and grabbed the Huaying Sword.The heavens and the earth are dead, and they are cast out.One of Xu Miao's eyes immediately became black and boundless, as if it could suck people into it.

He raised the Shadow Painting Sword with one hand, and his whole body was filled with spiritual energy, exuding an aura that would destroy the world.At this time, Xu Miao was like a god descending into the world, dominating a part of the sky.

Both the attacker and Lin Youning were frightened by Xu Miao's aura.Xu Miao didn't care about their thoughts and expressions, all the images in her dantian were enveloped in a layer of unpredictable blackness.

Xu Miao showed no sadness or joy on her face, and swung her right hand down slowly, at an extremely slow speed, but the aura on the Huaying sword was constantly increasing.The sneak attacker just wanted to escape, but his spiritual power was suppressed and he couldn't move.

Under the Huaying sword, Yamagata's magic weapon was split in half under the powerful attack.Immediately after Yamagata's magic weapon, the sneak attacker was also divided into two halves by Huaying, and there was no more sound.

With the death of the sneak attacker, Xu Miao's aura instantly dissipated without a trace.He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he had regained the clarity of the past.

He raised his eyes to look at Lin Youning at the other end of the light wall, Lin Youning was already on the spot in a daze, and he still hasn't recovered from it until now.Xu Miao ignored Lin Youning and took off the storage bag from the man's waist.

Xu Miao's spiritual sense scanned him, and he was also a poor man. As a late stage of foundation establishment, there were only a few middle-grade spirit stones, and only a thousand or so low-grade spirit stones.With this level of wealth, Xu Miao has only been involved in low-level Qi refining.

Although there are not many spirit stones, Xu Miao found a jade slip inside.In front of Lin Youning, he directly read the content of the jade slip.This also made Lin Youning's face even uglier.

The monk read the jade slips in public, which meant that he didn't take other people seriously.But Lin Youning couldn't say more words of dissatisfaction, because Xu Miao was too powerful, and Lin Youning couldn't afford to provoke her at all.

As Xu Miao expected, this jade slip recorded the technique of hiding the figure of the sneak attacker.The name of the exercise is breath holding technique, and its grade is not high, only the low grade of Xuan grade.

But the breath holding technique is very mysterious, and when it is used, it is almost impossible to be found below the same level.Of course, if you encounter a freak like Xu Miao, it will be useless.

The breath holding technique is not complicated. Xu Miao read it a few times and remembered the operation of the exercise in his heart.He operated his spiritual power according to the jade slip, and found that the fluctuation of his spiritual power had dropped to an incredible level.

With the breath holding technique and Miao Yupei, Xu Miao is confident that she will not find his breath if she is below Yuanying.

(End of this chapter)

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