Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 156 Return of Transformation God

Chapter 156 Return of Transformation God
From Xu Miao reading the jade slips to putting away the jade slips, Lin Youning didn't say a word.Xu Miao was very satisfied with his sense of humor.

The two turned into light again and flew towards Xuanhuai City.When the two got closer and closer to the location of Xuanhuai City, they found that Xuanhuai City had become a ruin.

When Xu Miao fell to the ground, she saw corpses all over the place, and a monk who was only breathing.Lin Youning discovered the surviving brother of the same school, and went up to inquire about what happened.

It turned out that when Xu Miao and Lin Youning were looking for monsters to cooperate with, Taoist Li Huan suddenly appeared and asked Xihuizong, Jixingdian, and Zhuoli Pavilion to hand over the magic weapon of the guardian sect.

But these three factions are not stupid. How important is the magic weapon of the guardian faction, how could it be easily handed over.Taoist Li Huan then told everyone that all the cultivators who transformed into gods in the West Land had been trapped in a certain confined space by him.

The most important thing is that the incarnation monks cannot get out of trouble on their own, and whether they live or die depends entirely on the detached Taoist.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, making Xu Miao and Peng Tianjie's plans come to nothing.Xu Miao and Peng Tianjie's original idea was to stabilize the enemy first, and then find a cultivator to solve the problem.

But now even the cultivators of Huashen are trapped, and they have lost their biggest backer. For many sects in the West Land, it is a disaster.

If there is only Taoist Li Huan and another cultivator who transforms spirits left in Xilu, it means that the gap in cultivation between Donglu and Zhonglu will become larger, and it will be even more detrimental to the future development of Xilu.

"Elder Peng, are they all right?" Lin Youning directly asked the important point, if even the monks in the late Yuanying period died, the Xihui Sect would lose its dominance in the Western Land.

Lin Youning's fellow disciples didn't know about Peng Tianjie's life and death, they only said that they saw Peng Tianjie and several Nascent Soul cultivators join forces to resist the Taoist Li Huan.

Xu Miao had heard from Peng Tianjie that the true level of Taoist Li Huan was not very strong.However, no matter how weak the cultivator of Huashen is, he is also a cultivator of incarnation, which cannot be compared with that of Nascent Soul cultivator.

Without Peng Tianjie sitting in charge and cooperating with the monsters, Xu Miao's side would inevitably become weak and unable to enjoy the right to speak.Xu Miao's face was solemn, Lin Youning also heaved a long sigh when he thought of this.

At this moment, a ray of light quickly approached Xuanhuai City.Xu Miao's right hand was behind her back, ready to attack at any time.When the light dissipated, the person who came showed his true colors.

Bai Yan walked up to Xu Miao and asked, "How was the discussion with Huo Ya?" Xu Miao nodded, saying that Huo Ya had agreed to cooperate with the monk.When Bai Yan heard this, he was obviously relieved.

He summoned a treasure ship with a wave of his hand, and made a trick to enlarge it.The size of this treasure ship is much larger than the sect treasure ship that Xu Miao was on before.

The monks who were still alive boarded the treasure ship one after another, and Bai Yan's powerful spiritual sense swept across Xuanhuai City, and after confirming that there were no more surviving monks, he controlled the treasure ship to take off.

"Senior White, what happened? Why did Taoist Li Huan suddenly attack Xuanhuai City?" Xu Miao didn't understand why Taoist Li Huan suddenly came from behind the scenes to the front of the stage. This was not in line with Taoist Li Huan's style.

Bai Yan just shook his head: "I don't know, he came and went in a hurry, just asking for some magic weapons to protect the mountain, but if he couldn't get it, he just destroyed Xuanhuai City like venting his anger, without any other actions."

Xu Miao fell into deep thought after hearing this.The mountain-protecting magic weapons of several sects like Xihui Sect are all left by the ascended monks who transformed themselves into gods to protect the sect.Every magic weapon, it is no exaggeration to say, has the effect of destroying heaven and earth.

Taoist Li Huan didn't ask for it sooner or later, but he asked for it at this time, which only shows that this time point is very important. If he doesn't ask for it now, he won't be able to get it later.

Perhaps the cultivator who was trapped by the Illusionist Taoist has found a way to escape.Taoist Li Huan saw that the situation was not good, so he rushed to ask for the magic weapon to protect the mountain, so as to save his life.

But Taoist Li Huan was born as a casual cultivator after all, he didn't understand the thoughts of those cultivators who had been cultivated by the sect.For the sect, they can die generously.

Bai Yan said that Taoist Li Huan came and went in a hurry, so when he left, he must have found that the cultivator of Huashen had come out and could not stay in Xuanhuai City any longer.And because he didn't get the magic weapon to protect the mountain, he could only vent his anger and destroy Xuanhuai City.

Xu Miao thought about it several times, and this was the most reasonable explanation.He told Bai Yan all his guesses, and Bai Yan looked at Xu Miao deeply without saying a word.

After a long time, just when Xu Miao thought that Bai Yan could not speak, Bai Yan said: "Xu Sanshui, sometimes I wonder how your brain is so long, you can always rely on a few words, a few As far as the movements are concerned, the guesswork is close to ten."

When Xu Miao heard what Bai Yan said, the corners of her mouth slowly opened into a bright smile.Bai Yan said this, which means that the cultivator of Huashen has appeared and has controlled the situation in the west land.

With the God Transformation monks in charge, Taoist Li Huan and another hidden God Transformation monk would be directly suppressed. As for the monks under the two of them, there would be no big waves.

Bai Yan patted Xu Miao's shoulder: "Xu Sanshui, when I came here, I have already met the cultivator I sent, Daoist Chen Xing. He also knows about you and will summon you when the time comes."

Xu Miao didn't expect that she would be registered in front of the cultivator of Huashen, and she couldn't react for a while.Bai Yan didn't continue to say more, but just let Xu Miao's thoughts run wild.

The cultivator of Transforming God stepped out, and one after another mountain peaks rose from the ground, and around those peaks, strong spiritual power began to linger.Although it can't be compared with the spiritual power before the heaven and earth change, it is much better than the outside.

As soon as the treasure ship landed, Bai Yan took Xu Miao to meet Taoist Chen Xing.Xu Miao didn't know where she was, so she saw a bamboo house in sight.

In front of the bamboo house is an old man with white beard and hair, holding a bamboo pole in his left hand, fishing leisurely.

Bai Yan stopped fifty steps away from the old man, bowed and saluted: "Old Ancestor, the disciple brought Xu Sanshui here."

When the old man heard this, he didn't express anything.Bai Yan glanced at Xu Miao comfortingly, then turned and left.Xu Miao slandered endlessly in her heart, leaving me here like this is not enough for a brother.

Facing the cultivator of Huashen, Xu Miao didn't dare to make any mistakes.There is a saying that Xu Miao doesn't want to verify the authenticity of this sentence by turning himself into a rage and laying dead for thousands of miles.

Xu Miao obediently bowed and saluted: "Xu Sanshui pays respects to senior."

That Daoist Chen Xing looked at Xu Miao sideways, then turned his head back, and his eyes fell on the bamboo pole.Xu Miao didn't know what Taoist Master Chen Xing's plan was, what he wanted to do, he still held the junior ceremony and waited quietly.

Sunrise and sunset, three days have passed, and the postures of the two people have not changed in the slightest.

"Xu Sanshui, or I should call you Xu Miao, isn't it more appropriate?" Daoist Chen Xing finally spoke, but his eyes were still on the bamboo pole.

"Xu Miao, my junior, was just worried about something happening, and deliberately concealed it in order not to harm the sect." Saying that, Xu Miao also took off the thousand-change mask on his face.

The Thousand Transformation Mask can only hide the Golden Core cultivator at most, and it will lose its effect when it meets the Nascent Soul cultivator.As for the cultivator of Huashen, it is even more useless, wearing it all the time will also affect the cultivator of Huashen's view of himself.

"Turn the tide and fall down, help the building collapse. At the most critical time in the cultivation world of Westland, I thought of sharing Westland with monsters, and cooperated with monsters when encountering the tricks of Taoist Li Huan."

"Even the disciples of this old man, the genius disciples of other sects, don't have your decisiveness and resourcefulness. You are very good." Daoist Dust Xing's words, without any irony, are plain and simple. In praise of Xu Miao.

How could the praise from the cultivator of Huashen be acceptable? Xu Miaolian said he didn't dare.

A storage ring suddenly appeared in front of Xu Miao: "This is the reward for your performance from the entire Xilu cultivation world. Don't slacken your cultivation in the future."

After Daoist Chen Xing finished speaking, he waved Xu Miao away.Xu Miao only felt a distortion in the space around her, and she appeared at the place where the treasure ship first landed.He didn't check the items in the storage ring, and put his backhand into the Hunting Stone.

The cultivator of Huashen appeared in time, and the Xilu cultivation world almost returned to normal.After going through so many things, Xu Miao also felt that her cultivation had reached the peak of the early stage of foundation establishment. As long as she retreated, she would be able to advance to the middle stage of foundation establishment in a short time.

This place is a boundary jointly constructed by the monks who transform the gods. Whether they are casual cultivators or famous sects, they all gather here.Therefore, all kinds of square markets and shops have emerged as the times require.

Xu Miao found a shop that rented a cave, and planned to choose a cave with plenty of aura.He estimated the current state of spiritual power. He shouldn't be laughing at the movement when he advanced, and the thin spiritual power is definitely not enough.

Anyway, I have enough spirit stones, whether it is the spirit stones I got from Tiandingmen, or the storage rings rewarded to me by Mu Yin and Daoist Chen Xing successively, there are many spirit stones.

If there are enough spirit stones, Xu Miao has enough confidence.When he walked into the shop, he saw many monks in the shop, and the monks chattered about the recent situation of Xilu.

After listening to Xu Miao for a while, she knew that the temporary city had been declared abandoned, and the great sects and powerful forces from the Western Continent had gathered here one after another.

Therefore, the Dongfu here has become extremely tight, and many people are willing to spend a lot of money just to get a Dongfu.Of course some are not just individuals, but represent a family.

Xu Miao came to the counter and asked about the situation of the Dongfu.Seeing Xu Miao's attire, the monk on the counter thought he was just a poor casual cultivator, and his attitude was very perfunctory: "Low-level caves, two hundred low-grade spirit stones a month."

After finishing speaking, the monk did not continue to introduce.Xu Miao looked funny, and threw out a middle-grade spirit stone: "What else?"

Money is the uncle, and the monk's attitude changed very quickly and became very enthusiastic: "Intermediate cave, one thousand spirit stones a month, high-level cave, five thousand spirit stones a month, top-grade cave, [-] spirit stones a month. "

"I want an intermediate Dongfu."

(End of this chapter)

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