Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 157 Lessons

Chapter 157 Lessons
Xu Miao was about to take the spirit stone, when she suddenly stretched out a hand beside her, only to hear the man say: "Intermediate Dongfu, I want it, here is a year's rent."

"I'm sorry, there is only one middle-level cave left. You two should consider changing to a higher-level cave. The conditions of the high-level cave are better." Seeing that both of them wanted an intermediate cave, the monk on the counter began to sell high-level caves.

"Why should I change it? I've already taken out the spirit stones, and I want an intermediate cave. I have money and I want an intermediate cave." The man looked at Xu Miao arrogantly.

Xu Miao looked up at the man, didn't bother to pay attention, then lowered her head: "Intermediate cave, I'll rent it for one year." Xu Miao roughly estimated the time for advanced level, one year should be about the same.

The monk on the cabinet was very embarrassed: "There is really only one middle-level cave for rent and sale in the small store, or one of you can go to another store to have a look."

"Hey! Talking about you, I advise you to go to other shops quickly, lest the middle-grade caves are completely rented out, and you can only rent low-level caves pitifully." The man said, and he was about to put his hand on Xu Miao. shoulders.

Xu Miao took a step to the left, and let the man's hand fall in the air: "Don't put your claws on the person casually."

"What did you say!" The man was furious, and his voice became extremely loud.

"It seems that you are not only cheap, but also have grown ears." Xu Miao turned her head to avoid the noise in her ears.

The conflict between Xu Miao and the person next to him attracted the attention of other people in the shop. They all stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to this side.

"Tell you, I am the young patriarch of the Zhang family, Zhang Mingyun, if you offend me, you offend the entire Zhang family! While the young master is in a good mood today, you kneel down and kowtow three times to pay the rent of the cave for me. I will forgive you a lot for your mistakes."

Xu Miao picked out her ears: "The Zhang family? The young patriarch?"

"You know it's powerful, hum." Zhang Mingyun pretended to hold a folding fan in his hand, unfolded it with a swipe, and fanned the wind slowly.

"I've never heard of it. If a good dog doesn't get in the way, if you don't get lost, you will be at your own risk." Xu Miao is really too lazy to deal with this kind of second-generation ancestor.

"You—" Zhang Mingyun put away the folding fan abruptly, "If you have the ability, we'll see you on the martial arts arena, and then don't blame me for being merciless."

Xu Miao didn't bother to waste his saliva on things that could be solved with his fists. He turned his head and left the shop and walked towards the competition arena.The martial arts arena was specially developed to resolve grievances between monks.

"Don't be afraid, you will only show off your tongue." Zhang Mingyun opened the folding fan again, and with his decent outfit, he really looked like a good man in troubled times.

Xu Miao said without turning her head: "Since you are going to the martial arts arena, why wait for your clan to cheer you on?"

Seeing that Xu Miao didn't care about him at all, Zhang Mingyun clenched his fist and followed Xu Miao out.

There is a special person in charge of the competition stage, which also involves betting and other aspects.

Xu Miao suddenly thought about it: "Whoever loses will pay the winner a year's rent in the mid-level cave. Do you dare to bet?"

"Gambling! Young master, why don't I dare! One more thing, the loser has to kowtow three times to the winner, and at the same time shout that the little one has eyes but doesn't know Taishan, I hope the adults will forgive the young one! Do you dare to bet?" what?"

Zhang Mingyun agreed very readily, and even raised a bet on purpose, looking at Xu Miao provocatively.

Xu Miao turned her head to look at Zhang Mingyun's confident face, evoking a shallow smile: "If someone wants to kneel so much, I will naturally fulfill his wish."

The person in charge of the competition stage quickly made a contract according to what the two said, and the two left a drop of blood on the contract.The contract flew into midair by itself, emitting a faint yellow light, which meant that the contract came into force.

Zhang Mingyun's cultivation is in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he already thought that Xu Miao was so mad that he agreed to compete with him.Although he had also heard of monks who could leapfrog to fight, he didn't think the ordinary monk in front of him could defeat him.

As soon as Xu Miao stepped onto the competition stage, she heard Zhang Mingyun say: "You only have the cultivation base of the early stage of foundation establishment, and I don't want to be said to be bullying the small by the big. I will let you do three tricks. I will be merciful."

"Give me three tricks." Xu Miao seemed to have heard a big joke, "Are you sure?"

"Naturally, I will do what I say." Zhang Mingyun continued to fan the folding fan in his hand.

"After the three moves, if you still stand, I will lose." Xu Miao said in a low voice, and before Zhang Mingyun could react, the Huaying sword was out of its sheath.

"The first move." Xu Miao touched the ground with her right foot, and performed the Feng Ling Jue, and her whole body instantly moved in front of Zhang Mingyun.The north wind swept across the ground, and the violent north wind howled out immediately.

Zhang Mingyun was trapped in place by the north wind and couldn't move. The powerful aura oppressed him so much that his spiritual power was a bit obscure.There is only one sentence left in his mind: This is a person in the early stage of foundation establishment, isn't he really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

"Second move." Borrowing the powerful power of Beifengjuandi, a drop in the ocean appeared, and Beifengjuandi was strengthened again by more than double. Zhang Mingyun was stunned by this series of moves and didn't know how to deal with it.

"The third move." For the last move, Xu Miao didn't use a particularly complicated move, but the simplest move, and it was also the first move he learned since he entered the world of comprehension - stormy waves.

The three strokes flow like clouds and flowing water without any pause, just like a river flowing smoothly and unimpeded.The three moves have passed, and the competition stage has returned to calm.The two stood up and down, of course Xu Miao stood up and Zhang Mingyun fell down.

Although there were not many people watching by the competition stage, there were some.They never expected that the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment could knock down the monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment within three moves.

Moreover, this cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment did not show any signs of exhaustion, and seemed to be very relaxed, and he eliminated a cultivator who was one level higher than him in a flash.

"This person can be so light, he must be a disciple of some great sect, but why have I never seen this person?" A monk who was watching asked.

Another monk came to the crowd: "Don't you know him? That is the famous Xu Sanshui. For him, fighting over the steps is as easy as drinking water."

"Before the cultivation world was besieged by black souls and threatened by monsters, he was the one who took the lead in resolving it, and preserved the orthodoxy of our Westland cultivation world."

The monks who had met Xu Miao in Yanwang City and Xuanhuai City talked about his past deeds.

Zhang Mingyun, who fell on the competition stage, also heard the comments of the surrounding monks on Xu Miao, and only then did he know the true identity of the person he just tried to provoke.

But the words had already been spoken, and the contract was still floating in mid-air next to the competition platform.If I lost to Xu Miao, I had to follow the contract.Zhang Mingyun's intestines are regretful now, why did he provoke Xu Miao so desperately.

"Young patriarch of the Zhang family, you lost. You haven't forgotten what you just said." Xu Miao crossed her arms and looked at the embarrassed Zhang Mingyun with a half-smile.

Zhang Mingyun also knew that since a contract had been made on this matter, there was no way to evade it.He took out a storage bag: "In it is the rent for renting an intermediate cave for one year."

Xu Miao beckoned and took the storage bag in her hand: "What else?"

Zhang Mingyun gritted his teeth, knelt down on the ground, kowtowed three times to Xu Miao, and shouted: "I don't know Mount Tai with eyes, I hope you will forgive me!"

"Of course I'm an adult with a lot. Remember in the future, don't be too rampant. I'm a good person. I just want to teach you a lesson. The next time you meet other people, it may kill you."

When Zhang Mingyun heard Xu Miao commenting on himself like this, he just wanted to yell at the sky—you can also be called a good person?Pretend to be a villain who eats pigs and eats tigers!
Xu Miao didn't know what was going on in Zhang Mingyun's mind, so he cleaned up Zhang Mingyun, who had no eyesight, and went back to the rented cave shop in a good mood to rent an intermediate cave.

As before, after setting up the defensive magic circle and the small gathering spirit circle, he closed his eyes and meditated.

Xu Miao didn't rush to absorb the spirit energy in the mid-advanced stage, but first adjusted the spirit energy in the body to calm down the breath.When the body is in the best condition, it starts to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

In this place jointly built by the Huashen monks, the aura of heaven and earth is very suitable for the monks to absorb directly. In addition, the small gathering array specially arranged by Xu Miao has enhanced the concentration of spiritual energy.

Put your hands on your knees, palms facing the sky, and start to absorb wind aura and water aura.The wind aura enters the body from the left hand, and the water aura enters the body from the right hand.

"Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" and "Western Wind Withered Green Tree" run at the same time, mobilizing their respective spiritual powers into the image of Dantian.

Under the impact of a large amount of spiritual power, the blue sea remained more and more stable and the westerly wind became fiercer. Listening carefully, it seemed that the sound of the westerly wind could be heard.

Xu Miao didn't care about the scene where the imagery happened, and continued to run her spiritual power according to the two formulas.The spiritual power continued to flow into the dantian, and the image gradually began to change.

Reefs are gradually formed in the blue sea, and these reefs are not scattered and disorderly. If you look carefully, you will find that the reefs are formed in the order of the Big Dipper.

Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang.The seven reefs are like seven stars, appearing in the blue sea, allowing the sea water to wash away and remain motionless.

At the same time, the cang tree began to extend and grow, the roots reached farther and farther, and the trunk became taller.Compared with the previous Cangmu, it is more than double the size.

A new image was formed, and the spiritual power in the body began to wash away the meridians, condensing the meridians.After the spiritual power passes through the small circulation, it joins the large circulation, and finally returns to the small circulation.

Under the squeeze of sufficient spiritual power, the meridians widened a lot.This widening process was done gradually, and there was no one-time forced widening, so Xu Miao did not feel any obvious discomfort.

After the meridian is widened, the speed of absorbing spiritual power is faster.Xu Miao pinched with both hands to slow down the speed of heaven and earth aura entering the body.A new object has just been formed, and a sudden influx of too much spiritual power will directly destroy the object.

(End of this chapter)

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