Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 159 Entering the Mountains

Chapter 159 Entering the Mountains
After picking up the tracer, everyone dispersed and agreed to set off on the next day.Xu Miao took advantage of this time to come to a teahouse to inquire about the Ailao Mountains.

Although Gu Ming said some news about the Ailao Mountains, it was not exhaustive.Xu Miao likes the feeling that everything is in her hands. Since Gu Ming doesn't say anything, she can find information by herself.

There was a lot of people in the teahouse, and there were many monks talking loudly inside.Some just came out of the Ailao Mountains, and some had the same purpose as Xu Miao, to obtain the latest information.

"Brother Sun, I heard that you killed a fifth-level monster. You are really a role model for us foundation-builders." A monk praised the monk beside him.

The monk called Brother Sun waved his hands modestly, but his face could not suppress the joy: "It's just a coincidence. The place where I went with my brother is the place where fourth-level monsters often linger." , I never wanted to run into a fifth-level monster."

When Xu Miao heard this, she rubbed her fingers against the rim of the teacup and fell into deep thought.It is not good news that a level [-] monster appears in the territory of a level [-] monster.

There are two possibilities for this phenomenon.The first type, the number of monsters has increased significantly, and the monsters have expanded outwards; the second type, higher-level monsters appear, making low-level monsters have to move outward.

No matter which one it is, it is not good news for Xu Miao who is about to enter the Ailao Mountains.

On the second day, seven people gathered at the entrance of the Ailao Mountains.Xu Miao didn't tell the other six people what he heard in the teahouse. After all, he couldn't be sure if the fifth-level monster was just idle and wandering around the mountains.

The shelter of the Wind Swallowing Demon is located at the connection point between the outer and middle layers of the Ailao Mountains. If you want to get close to that place, you must pass through the territory of low-level monsters.

The strength of seven people is more than enough to deal with low-level monsters.Although they ran into a lot of low-level monsters along the way, the few of them teamed up to deal with them easily, and harvested some low-level magic cores by the way.

Not long after they left, everyone noticed something unusual.There should be a large number of fourth-level monsters in the territory that should have been a third-level monster.Seeing this, Xu Miao told the six people what she heard in the teahouse yesterday.

"There is nothing to worry about when the fourth-level monster appears here, it just shortens the location of the destination." Miao Yu's voice was brisk, without worry.

"No." Xu Miao frowned and shook her head, "Level [-] and level [-] monsters are mixed together, so when we go deeper, it is very likely that we will encounter level [-] and level [-] monsters mixed together."

"Also, you can see that the number of level [-] monsters has far exceeded the number of level [-] monsters in the Ailao Mountains. From then on, the number of level [-] monsters will also increase."

"We can kill a level five monster with greater confidence, but if we encounter a group of level five monsters, we will have to run for our lives."

Hearing Xu Miao's words, Miao Yu, who didn't care at first, also pouted.The five of Zhao Tiejun, even though they didn't say much, their faces faded.

Level [-] monsters are tempting, but they have to be enjoyed, right?Cultivators have always sought advantages and avoided disadvantages, knowing that there are huge risks, and no one will take risks without matching benefits.

The scene fell silent for a while. Although Xu Miao was not afraid of level five monsters, if everyone wanted to quit, he would naturally not insist.

"Fellow daoists." Gu Ming clasped his hands together, "The magic core of Swallowing Wind Demon is very important to me, as long as you can help me get the magic core, I will definitely be rewarded."

Gu Ming first looked at Xu Miao, and he also knew that Xu Miao's cultivation seems to be only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, which is the lowest level among the seven.But whether it was the movement made during the advanced stage, or the spiritual power group that taught Zhao Tiejun yesterday.

All of them showed that Xu Miao was the most powerful existence among the seven.As long as he could get Xu Miao's support, even if one or two quit, he would not be afraid.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, as long as you can help me obtain the magic core of the Wind Swallowing Demon, no matter what you ask, as long as it is within my ability, I will definitely go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate."

Xu Miao didn't agree or disagree, but asked, "Friend Gu, this promise is very serious. What do you want the magic core for?" Xu Miao wouldn't mind if he knew other uses of the magic core. Time to kill a few more monsters.

"I didn't intend to hide it from everyone, but the power of the magic core attribute of the Fengfengmo can just be used to refine my natal magic weapon." Gu Ming answered simply, and gave Xu Miao an idea.

His natal magic weapon, the Ningwu Sword, still lacks four raw materials. Among them, the exact location of white concentrate, jade marrow, and wind grass is known. Only the dust-sweeping water is a vague news. Maybe it can be found through monsters to replace the dust-swinging water. Material.

However, these can only be realized after obtaining the magic core of the swallowing wind demon, Xu Miao suppressed this thought for the time being.Now that Gu Ming has made a promise, Xu Miao will naturally not let go of the opportunity to benefit.

"I wonder if Fellow Daoist Gu has heard of white concentrate, jadeite marrow, grass in the wind, and dusty water."

Gu Ming thought for a moment, then said: "These four materials Gu has only seen in ancient scrolls, among them, I have heard from my elders that I have seen them in the dark mountains."

"After this trip is over, I'll ask the elders about the specific location of the dust-scattering water." Gu Ming's words caught Xu Miao's heart. The location of the dust-scattering water is determined, and the fog-condensing sword can be expected to become a sword.

Seeing that Xu Miao only asked for information on a few kinds of materials and did not ask for other rewards, Gu Ming felt uneasy and took out a high-grade spiritual weapon—the mother-child ring.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, just asking for a piece of information, it's too unfair. I don't have anything very good in my hands, so let's use the mother-child ring as a reward." Xu Miao will not refuse the magic weapon that comes to your door.

Except for Miao Yu, Gu Ming talked to the remaining four people one by one, and gave benefits.After all, we have come here, and we can't guarantee our safety if we leave alone at this time, so we might as well continue to move forward with the army.

People die for money, birds die for food, and the benefits that Gu Ming promised to everyone really attract everyone.Not to mention the child-mother ring, just knowing the exact news about Dang Chenshui is already worth Xu Miao's trip for Gu Ming.

The more you go in, the number of fourth-level monsters is increasing.There are not many people in the team of seven, and it is very easy to attract the attention of monsters.Along the way, the spiritual fluctuations in the team never stopped.

"If this fight continues, when will it be the end?" Miao Yu couldn't help complaining.

Although the others didn't complain, they knew that if they continued like this, the seven of them would be exhausted before seeing the fifth-level monster.

"Let's move forward in another way." In order to save everyone's spiritual power, Xu Miao decided to deal with the approaching monsters in batches. "A total of seven people, except me, formed a group of two."

"When encountering a batch of monsters, one group will go forward to deal with them, and when the next batch of monsters comes, the next group will take the top, and the previous group will take the opportunity to recover their spiritual power."

"Using the rotation system to deal with monsters can preserve the combat power to the maximum." Xu Miao's suggestion was agreed by everyone, only Miao Yu asked with a little worry: "Xu Daoyou, is it okay for you to be alone?"

Xu Miao smiled briskly: "Don't worry, I still don't care about level four monsters." If others say this sentence, they will definitely be considered arrogant and conceited.

But according to Xu Miao, no one would question it.Xu Miao's display of strength in the Ailao Mountains has completely convinced others.Whether it is the concentration of spiritual power or the level of combat, they all belong to the top ranks of monks.

Another two fourth-level monsters approached the team of seven. Xu Miao and Gu Ming exchanged glances, then flew close to the monsters.

The Huaying sword appeared along the way, and Xu Miao held the Huaying in his hand, pouring out his spiritual power.The north wind swept the ground to catch a drop in the ocean, and with only two moves, the two fourth-level monsters fell to the ground with a crash.

Xu Miao inserted the Huaying Sword into the monster's body, cut out the monster's core, and put the monster's corpse into the Hunting Stone.After a while, Xu Miao had already retreated to the team.

Before, Xu Miao just joined forces with other people to kill monsters. The six of them already believed that Xu Miao's strength was extraordinary. Now seeing Xu Miao kill monsters with only two moves, they were so surprised that they didn't know what to say.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you really keep surprising us, far exceeding my expectations. I only need a message and a high-grade spiritual tool to let you help me, which is really a big advantage." Gu Ming said Said.

After Zhao Tiejun was taught by Xu Miao, he also began to convince Xu Miao: "Yes, if fellow Daoist Xu's strength is recruited by other teams, there is absolutely no top-grade spiritual weapon that can't be used."

Xu Miao smiled calmly, not taking these words to heart.His goal was never Xilu, but the entire cultivation world.His strength may be top-notch in the west land, but there is also a powerful east land, and an even more powerful middle land.

The wandering monsters saw Xu Miao's team and attacked one after another.The magic core is of great use to human monks, and the flesh and blood of monks is not something that monsters crave.

It was originally Xu Miao who made the move, but now it was Gu Ming and Miao Yu who made the move.They are also two level [-] monsters. Compared with Xu Miao, the battle between Gu Ming and Miao Yu is not so pleasing to the eye.

Miao Yu was almost injured by a level [-] monster several times, and had to teleport to the other side.After Gu Ming got rid of one monster, he teamed up with Miao Yu to kill another monster.

The difference in the strength of the monks is revealed in the battle, especially with Xu Miaozhuyu in front.

Groups of monks took turns to fight. Except for Xu Miao who could cut through the mess quickly, the other monks seemed to be struggling.Xu Miao saw it in her eyes and knew that it was not the fault of her teammates in the team.

They can safely enter and exit the Ailao Mountains many times, which shows that their strength is already extraordinary.But facing level four monsters is so difficult, it can only prove that the strength of monsters has increased again.

When Xu Miao was still thinking about how monsters strengthened their strength in the realm of comprehension, she sensed that someone was approaching with her divine sense that had been released all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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