Chapter 160

"Someone is here." Xu Miao suddenly said, and the other six looked at Xu Miao in puzzlement.Their spiritual consciousness was also fully developed when they entered the Ailao Mountains.

It's just that the range of spiritual consciousness is limited, and it can't detect the situation far enough away like Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's spiritual sense clearly saw that five monks in the late stage of foundation building were approaching the seven people rapidly, and one of the monks was still in the late stage of Dzogchen, which was equivalent to the strength of a half-step golden elixir.

Even if Xu Miao confronts him, it is impossible to win lightly.

"There are five people in total. I don't know if they are enemies or friends. Everyone pay attention to vigilance." After Xu Miao finished speaking, Huaying Sword immediately unsheathed and stared at the direction of the person coming.

In an instant, the five of them had arrived in front of Xu Miao.The late Dzogchen monk looked at Xu Miao and the others as if looking at the goods.Xu Miao hated this look very much, and a dissatisfied expression naturally appeared on her face.

"Boss, look at that kid's appearance, I really want people to dig out his eyes." A monk with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes said to the late Dzogchen monk, and the person he was talking about was Xu Miao.

The so-called boss didn't pay much attention to Xu Miao, who was in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and nodded indifferently: "Go, the fourth brother, move faster, and don't miss our important event."

With the consent of the boss, the fourth child summoned a huge ax with his right hand and slashed at Xu Miao.At the same time, the remaining four people on the other side attacked the six people on Xu Miao's side.

As soon as the picture was drawn, Xu Miao greeted the fourth child.Huaying collided with the giant axe, sending out a violent shock wave.The giant ax is a middle-grade spiritual weapon, while his own Huaying is just a top-grade magic weapon. In a competition with magic weapons, Huaying does not have any advantage.

Xu Miao flipped her hand, put away the Huaying sword, and the child-mother ring appeared in her hand.The sub-mother ring is composed of a sub-ring and a mother ring. The sub-ring is mainly for attack, and the mother ring is for defense. One attack and one defense complement each other.

Xu Miao flicked her left hand, and Zihuan immediately flew towards the fourth child with an offensive.With the mother ring in hand, it can not only defend, but also control the attack form of the child ring.

Although it is only the first time to use the mother-child ring, Xu Miao is familiar with the mother-child ring, as if he has used it thousands of times.

Xu Miao controlled Zihuan to avoid the attack of the giant axe, and attacked the fourth child from the side.Seeing that he couldn't take down a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment for a long time, the fourth child felt a little anxious.

He got rid of Zihuan's attack and forcibly rushed in front of Xu Miao. Together with him, there was a huge ax that was about to fall.Xu Miao stood there without moving until she felt the strong wind attached to the giant axe.

"Has anyone told you that you are really ugly?" Xu Miao tilted her head to avoid the sharp edge of the giant axe, and said this mockingly.The distance between Xu Miao and the fourth child was very close, close enough to see the change of the fourth child's expression clearly.

When the fourth child heard this, his face became very distorted, but soon he adjusted his distorted face, showing a sinister smile.Seeing the change in the fourth child's expression, Xu Miao knew that someone had ridiculed him with these words.

"It seems that someone found out that you are ugly earlier than me. Since you are so ugly, why did you come out to scare people?" Xu Miao said while performing Fengling Jue, easily dodging the giant ax that fell like a heavy weight.

The fourth child firmly held the handle of the giant ax with both hands, and he turned his head: "The grass on the grave of the last person who said that about me is already three feet high."

Xu Miao didn't bother with the fourth brother's threats at all: "Really, it seems that you miss that person a lot, so I'll take it as a good deed and send you to meet that person."

"However, you may not even have grass on the grave." Before the words finished, Xu Miao had already made a move.He quickly approached the fourth child from the edge of the giant axe, all the spiritual power had poured into his feet, and the Feng Ling Jue was operating to the extreme.

The figure came behind the fourth child like lightning, and with his hands on both sides of the fourth child's head, a faint voice sounded: "Do you still have any wish?"

"I—" The fourth child had just raised his giant axe, but before he could say anything, Xu Miao used both hands to break the neck of the fourth child. The most direct and brutal method took a person's life.

With a bang, the giant ax fell to the ground, and the two sides who were still fighting stopped instantly, looking at Xu Miao who was still standing, and the fourth child who fell to the ground with his eyes wide open and unable to close any longer.


"Fourth Brother!"

The sad and sad voice echoed nearby, Xu Miao picked out her ears, with an impatient expression on her face: "You guys are too noisy, since it's so painful, why don't I send you to see him."

Holding the mother ring, Xu Miao raised her right hand high, and the child ring attacked accordingly.At this moment, a high-pitched roar filled the ears of everyone present.

Xu Miao immediately put away Zihuan and turned to look at the source of the roar.The roar continued unknowingly, and it also contained the power to intrude the mind.The spiritual power was activated instantaneously, dissolving the slight discomfort caused by the roar.

Gu Ming's six people took this opportunity to come to Xu Miao's side, watching the four sad and angry people vigilantly.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, this voice..." Gu Ming didn't finish speaking, Xu Miao took a deep look at him, but the sound transmission told him that it was probably a level [-] monster.

At first glance, the roars sound similar, but if you distinguish them carefully, you will find that these roars are not from the same monster.The roar of at least three sixth-level monsters is not good news for Xu Miao and his party.

Xu Miao told Gu Ming through voice transmission that she also had the idea of ​​letting Gu Ming make his own decision.After all, it was Gu Ming who led the operation. If he wanted to hunt and kill the Swallowing Demon, Xu Miao could only choose to help him.

The dust-staining water is too important. Xu Miao doesn't think there is anything wrong with the specific information about the dust-staining water just by helping Gu Ming kill a level-five monster.

However, this is just Xu Miao's idea. The others may not necessarily move on like Xu Miao.As expected by Xu Miao, Gu Ming did not specify the source of the roar, but only told everyone to be careful.

The boss of the other party gave Xu Miao a bitter look, and left with the other three.

"Brother, do you want to let the murderer who killed the fourth brother go like this?" The fifth brother didn't want to leave, he stared at Xu Miao intently, if the eye knife could kill, Xu Miao would have been killed by the eye knife of the fifth child up.

"Shut up! The big thing is the most important thing. After we get that thing, we will come back to avenge the fourth brother." The boss also saw Xu Miao's toughness and was not easy to provoke.

No ordinary mid-stage cultivator can kill a late-stage cultivator unscathed. The boss guessed that Xu Miao is a disciple of the Great Sect. Such a person, even if his cultivation level is not as good as yours, will have various means to save his life.

He only hated himself for seeing it wrong this time, causing the fourth child to lose his life in vain.The boss took one last look at the body of the fourth child, and left with the three of them.

That sentence of revenge was obviously the boss's perfunctory words to his brother, so Xu Miao didn't take it to heart, Shi Shiran picked up the storage bag of the fourth child, glanced at it casually, and Xu Miao understood what the big thing the boss said was. .

In the storage bag was a piece of paper that was so worn out that its original appearance could not be seen. It said that there were psychic grasses growing at the bottom of the Ailao Mountains.

The name psychic grass is known to everyone in the cultivation world, and everyone knows it.It is rumored that the psychic grass can cleanse the monk's spiritual root and completely improve the qualification of the monk's spiritual root.

Five spiritual roots can be washed into four spiritual roots, and double spiritual roots can be washed into single spiritual roots.In addition, the psychic grass can also improve the rank of the magic weapon, not from the low-grade to the middle-grade, but from the magical weapon to the spiritual weapon, and the spiritual weapon to the acquired spiritual weapon.

If the monster swallows the psychic grass, it can return the blood to its ancestors, improve the quality of the blood, and quickly improve the cultivation base.All in all, whether it is a monk or a monster, high or low talent, they all need psychic grass.

But it takes ten thousand years for a psychic grass to grow, and every time the psychic grass matures, it will be snapped up by monks.It's just that in the past tens of thousands of years, with the changes in the environment of the cultivation world, the psychic grass has long since disappeared.

This time, the news of the psychic grass was discovered by these monks. According to the records on the paper, the psychic grass will take half a month to fully mature.

Therefore, Xu Miao was not in a hurry to get the psychic grass, but planned to help Gu Ming obtain the magic core of the Wind Swallowing Demon first, and then went to get the psychic grass alone after breaking up with a few people.

Although Xu Miao got the great news of the psychic grass, there was no change in the expression on his face.It can be said that as long as Xu Miao is unwilling, no one can know his thoughts and feelings from his expression.

If someone could see through his mood through his expression, Xu Miao did it on purpose, just like Xu Miao made a dissatisfied expression on purpose before, which attracted the fourth child to attack.

The other six people simply thought that there was nothing good in the storage bag of the fourth child, which made Xu Miao expressionless and would not think too much.

With the roar of the sixth-level monster, the other low-level monsters became quieter, and they would not come out to hinder Xu Miao and others from time to time.Guided by Gu Ming's map, Xu Miao successfully arrived at the location where the Wind Swallowing Demon often appeared.

Wind Swallowing Demon, as the name suggests, is good at swallowing wind, whether it is the wind blowing in the environment or the wind caused by monks through spiritual power, he can swallow it into his stomach.

Xu Miao stroked her chin, listening to Gu Ming's introduction of the advantages and disadvantages of Fengfengmo.From this point of view, the north wind cannot be used.Xu Miao's fighting methods have always been complex and varied, and if one fails, change to another.

Seeing that Xu Miao was not worried at all, Gu Ming felt relieved.Xu Miao is his biggest reliance on this trip. As long as Xu Miao does not have any problems, he firmly believes that he will be able to obtain the magic core of the Swallowing Demon.

According to Xu Miao's previous grouping, the seven people ambush behind trees or boulders.Hiding their respective auras, their spiritual power fluctuated, and everyone quietly waited for the arrival of the Wind Swallowing Demon.

Affected by the sixth-level monster, everyone waited for a day and a night, but the Wind Swallowing Demon did not appear.Xu Miao carefully spread out her consciousness to check the activities of the nearby monsters.

However, the nearby monsters are all entrenched, and there is no sign of going out at all.

Xu Miao turned her mind and came up with a way to get people to lure Fengfengmo out, and finally everyone worked together to kill Fengfengmo.Otherwise, if you continue to wait like this, who knows when you will wait.

It's fine if nothing happens, but there is still a psychic grass that is about to mature waiting for Xu Miao.

(End of this chapter)

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