Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 161 Seduction

Chapter 161 Seduction
Xu Miao informed Gu Ming of this plan, but was opposed by Gu Ming.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, I know you are very capable, but it is really dangerous for you to lure a level five Wind Swallowing Demon." Xu Miao listened to Gu Ming's ears and admired Gu Ming even more.

Obviously there is the most convenient method, but he is unwilling to use it. I don't know whether he is honest or stupid.However, Gu Ming has a good heart and is indeed worthy of friendship.

"Don't worry, I don't care about a fifth-level monster." Before he finished speaking, Xu Miao disappeared from the spot in a flash of light.

The fluctuation of spiritual power caused by Xu Miao's departure woke up other ambush monks and asked what happened.When they learned that Xu Miao proposed to go alone to lure Fengmo, everyone showed a little shame on their faces.

Of course they knew that after lying in ambush for so long, the Wind Swallowing Demon did not appear. It must be some accident in the Ailao Mountains.I also know that the best way to kill the Wind Swallowing Demon is to have someone lure him here.

It's just that thinking is one thing and doing is another.The cultivation base in the later stage of foundation establishment is also a high-risk thing against monsters of the fifth level.Even though Gu Ming had already promised great profits, they were unwilling to take any risks.

Xu Miao couldn't control the thoughts of other monks. He only knew that there was not much time. If the psychic grass could not be picked when it matured, the psychic grass would lose its effect and become an ordinary grass that could not be more ordinary.

The two powerful spiritual senses, without any reservation, spread out to the surrounding environment, looking for the traces of the wind swallowing demon.Xu Miao had seen the map of the Ailao Mountains, which explained in detail where the Wind Swallowing Demons gathered.

It's just that until Xu Miao stood in the middle of the place, he didn't find any trace of the Wind Swallowing Demon.Not only was the Wind Swallowing Demon missing, but other monsters were also missing.

Xu Miao frowned, carefully checking the surrounding situation.There were no traces of fighting, and no traces of monsters fleeing in a panic. Everything was in order. The only difference was that there were no monsters.

There are only two possibilities for the monsters that originally occupied this place to suddenly leave.One is the intervention of human monks, and the other is the appearance of high-level monsters.

If human monks forcibly intervene, they will not only drive away the monsters in one place, and there will be no monsters staying in the periphery of the Ailao Mountains.The only remaining possibility is that high-level monsters appear here.

Monsters are similar to monsters, and their ranks are strictly divided.Which grade belongs to where the boundary belongs to is a convention and will not be changed easily.However, since Xu Miao entered the Ailao Mountains, strange things kept happening.

A large number of high-level monsters migrated outwards. Could it be that my guess was wrong at the beginning, not that there were higher-level monsters, but other things appeared, which caused the monsters to feel jealous.

Xu Miao was thinking wildly while walking quickly in the middle of the jungle.Suddenly, a powerful demonic energy quickly approached here from a distance.Xu Miao quickly restrained her breath and hid behind a tree.

In order to avoid revealing the whereabouts of the divine sense, the divine sense was also retracted, and he turned his head cautiously to look at the monster who came here.When Xu Miao saw the approaching monster clearly, her eyes widened.

The seventh-level monsters are at the front of the team, and behind them are a group of fifth-level and sixth-level monsters.They move very fast, as if someone is chasing them from behind.

The monster passed by Xu Miao quickly, bringing up a gust of wind.Xu Miao half-closed her eyes and looked behind the monster team.A Wind Swallowing Demon followed the monster in front of it not far or near, and chased hard.

The corners of Xu Miao's mouth curled into an inconspicuous arc, and there was really nowhere to find it, and it took no effort to get it.These monsters only care about running forward, and don't care about the surrounding situation at all.

Especially the last one, the Wind Swallowing Demon, who looked like a fool.As long as you do a little trick, you can take away the Wind Swallowing Demon.Xu Miao took out the jade toad and waved the toad flag to make it look like a toad again.

The toad's breath was not enough to attract the Wind Swallowing Demon, so Xu Miao added wind attribute spiritual power to the toad.The Wind Devourer likes to devour everything related to wind, including wind spiritual power.

The toad flag pointed forward, and the toad jumped on the wind swallowing demon.A toad without self-awareness is manipulated entirely by the toad flag.Swallowing the wind demon smelled the strong breath of wind spirit power, and immediately stopped, raised his hands, and wanted to swallow the toad.

Xu Miao saw that Swallowing Demon was playing tricks, and continued to wave the toad flag, manipulating the toad to bounce on Swallowing Smog's body, avoiding Swallowing Smog's hands.

The Wind Swallowing Demon has a huge body, and taking away the Wind Swallowing Demon rashly will attract the attention of other monsters not far in front.Xu Miao was very patient. He calmly let the toad stay on the wind swallowing demon.

When the monster in front was far away, Xu Miao controlled the toad to jump to the ground, jumping in the opposite direction to the monster's progress.Although the monster's strength is high, its IQ is not as good as that of monsters of the same level, and it has not noticed any abnormalities at all.

He thought it was just a coincidence that a toad full of wind-attribute spiritual energy appeared, so he turned around and followed the toad without thinking too much.One monster left the team, and Xu Miao's deliberate calculations did not attract the attention of other monsters at all.

Xu Miao restrained her breath and followed Fengfengmo.The Wind Swallowing Demon's attention was all attracted by the toad, and he didn't realize that anyone was always behind him.

Generally speaking, the Wind Swallowing Demon would not be attracted to the toad. It was because the wind power that Xu Miao had just bestowed on the toad was too strong.Since the Wind Devourer came to the Ailao Mountains, he had never encountered such a high-quality wind power.

After all, it wasn't the spiritual power of the toad itself. As the toad moved, the wind spiritual power gradually dissipated in the air.Xu Miao had to add some wind spirit power to the toad after a while, so that the wind swallowing demon's attention was firmly on the toad.

When they were about to approach the ambush site of Gu Ming and others, Xu Miao notified Gu Ming via voice transmission: "Fellow Daoist Gu, the Wind Swallowing Demon has been attracted, let the others get ready, as soon as the Wind Swallowing Demon arrives, we will do it."

After receiving Xu Miao's voice transmission, Gu Ming directly transmitted the voice to the other five people without hesitation.The others didn't expect that Xu Miao could really lure Fengfengmo here, their eyes were complicated or looked at Fengfengmo not far away with admiration.

Xu Miao has been hiding her figure, even a Jindan monk may not be able to find it, let alone a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment.The Wind Swallowing Demon had arrived at the preset location. Xu Miao waved the toad flag, and the toad returned to the appearance of a jade toad, which was captured by Xu Miao in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Miao appeared in front of everyone without a pause, and the thunderous offensive was launched instantly.Seeing Xu Miao's sudden appearance, everyone was stunned for a moment.

However, everyone is an experienced generation, and soon came to their senses and started to do it one after another.The seven powerful spiritual powers attacked the Wind Swallowing Demon at the same time, and even the fifth-level Swallowing Wind Demon couldn't stand it.

He kept roaring and scrambling to avoid the attacks of Xu Miao and others.He also knew at this time that the toad full of pure wind energy was a hoax.

He was brought here just to set up an ambush to kill him.Thinking of this, the Demonic Qi of Devouring Wind suddenly strengthened, shouting and rushing towards one of the monks.

The monk didn't expect that the Wind Swallowing Demon would suddenly rush in front of him, and hastily summoned a shield to resist.This shield is just a low-grade spiritual weapon, and it can't stop the angry blow of the Wind Swallowing Demon at all.

The sharp claws of the Devouring Wind Demon raised high, tearing through the shield's defense in an instant.Seeing that the shield was broken, the cultivator tried his best to prop up the defensive mask, but the mask could only withstand it for a breath before being broken by the Wind Swallowing Demon.

Seeing that the monk was in danger of life and death, Xu Miao wanted to fly to the rescue, but the distance was too far. He just came to the side of the wind swallowing demon, and the monk's chest had been caught by the sharp claws of the wind swallowing demon. The heart was also caught by the Wind Swallowing Demon.

The heart is still beating weakly with several blood vessels connected.From Xu Miao's angle, he could just see the Fengfengmo grinning, tearing off the blood vessels, putting the heart in his mouth, and swallowing it.

The cultivator hadn't lost consciousness at this time, he stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at his heart being grabbed out by the Wind Swallowing Demon, and ate it again.Blood gushed out of his mouth, and finally fell softly at the feet of the Swallowing Demon.

In Xuanhuai City, Xu Miao had seen many monks being killed and eaten by monsters, but there was no violent reaction.But Miao Yu beside Gu Ming saw this scene and screamed.

"Ah—" The woman's sharp voice echoed in the forest, disturbing a group of dormant birds.Xu Miao didn't stop Miao Yu, she held the mother-child ring with both hands, and smashed it down on the head of Swallowing Demon.

The moment the child-mother ring touched the head of the Swallowing Demon, tyrannical spiritual power poured out.Xu Miao knew that Swallowing Demon liked wind power, so he purposely didn't use wind power, and only used water power.

Trapped by Xu Miao, Fengfengmo spun around in a circle anxiously, then began to shake his head, trying to shake Xu Miao off.How could Xu Miao tolerate his intentions, the water spirit power frantically poured into the head of the swallowing wind demon, destroying his sea of ​​consciousness.

The others also reacted at this time, they approached the wind demon one after another, and stabbed the magic weapon in their hands at the wind demon.The defense of monsters is extremely high, one of the reasons is that their bodies are far thicker than those of monsters.

To pierce their flesh, one must have a sharp magic weapon or powerful spiritual power.Obviously, even if the strength of those five people were gathered together, they would not be able to break through the wind swallowing demon's defense.

Even two of them were caught by the sharp claws of the Devouring Wind Demon, and their heads were separated in the blink of an eye.There were only three people left, not to mention the opponents of Fengfengmo, all of them showed fear in their eyes.

Monsters hold grudges the most. If they retreat at this moment, Fengfengmo will spend his whole life chasing and killing Xu Miao.Therefore, there must be no chance for Swallowing Demon to leave alive.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Xu Miao's eyes. He stood on the shoulders of the Swallowing Demon with both feet, and the water spiritual power entered the body of the Swallowing Wind from his feet, so as to destroy the meridians and magic energy in the monster's body.

At the same time, Xu Miao began to run the "Spell of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation", and the breath of ancient times came from Xu Miao.The three of Gu Ming looked at Xu Miao in amazement, and they fought alone with the Swallowing Wind Demon.

(End of this chapter)

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