Chapter 162
The raging aura of the Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art was gradually formed, and the Wind Swallowing Demon, who was still struggling hard at first, felt fear in his eyes for the first time after feeling this aura.

Fengfengmo finally realized that the person standing on him was the most terrifying existence.He gave up struggling, and kept conveying the message of fear and willingness to surrender to Xu Miao in his consciousness.

After receiving Feng Swallowing Demon's begging, Xu Miao's men slowed down their attack slightly.The spiritual power of the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue lingered in his hands, but it didn't come down for a long time.

Xu Miao was hesitating. Although Qing Jiao was powerful, it was impossible for him to show up at any time to help him solve some difficult matters.This fifth-level Wind Swallowing Demon is different, it can come and go as soon as it is called.

Thinking of this, Xu Miao turned over and landed on the ground, and looked up at the Wind Swallowing Demon, with a flickering expression on his face.The three of Gu Ming stood aside quietly, not daring to speak much.

They knew very well that the life or death of the Wind Swallowing Demon today depended entirely on Xu Miao.If Xu Miao wanted him to die, he had to die, and if he wanted him to live, he could live on.

Those who understood this were not only the three of Gu Ming, but also Fengfengmo.I don't know where Fengfengmo learned it. He knelt in front of Xu Miao stiffly, kicking up a cloud of dust.

"You want to recognize me as the master?" After a long silence, Xu Miao finally spoke out, looking straight at the kneeling Fengfengmo.

After hearing Xu Miao's words, Fengfengmo tilted his head and nodded after thinking for a while.Gu Ming and the others had never seen a fifth-level monster surrender willingly.

They have been in and out of the Ailao Mountains many times, and they also know that some monks will go to the Ailao Mountains specifically to hunt monsters as spirit beasts.

But the vast majority of monsters will not submit to human monks, they would rather die than submit to humans.In their hearts, human monks have always been insignificant existences, and they are not qualified to be their masters.

Only a small number of monsters will recognize their masters because of certain benefits, or because the cultivators who recruit them are too high.In other cases, there will be basically no monster recognition.

Therefore, the three of Gu Ming opened their mouths wide in surprise when they saw Fengfengmo's behavior, as if they could swallow an egg.

Xu Miao looked at Fengfengmo, then at Gu Ming: "But I need your magic core."

When Gu Ming heard this, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment.A fifth-level monster became a vassal, Xu Miao didn't want to take it back for her own use, but was still thinking about the magic core.

Of course Xu Miao knew the importance of the fifth-level monsters, but there were priorities, and the Dusting Water was much more important than the Wind Swallowing Demon in Xu Miao's heart.

Feng Swallowing Demon heard that Xu Miao needed a magic core, and he didn't know what he was thinking, so he stretched out his sharp claws to dig into his chest, and a small magic core appeared in the hands of Swallowing Wind Demon.

The four onlookers, including Xu Miao, were stunned.In their cognition, the magic core is the most important thing of a monster, which is equivalent to the importance of the dantian to a human monk.

Swallowing the Wind Demon saw that Xu Miao didn't speak or make a move, so he raised his hand high and sent the magic core forward.Xu Miao looked at Feng Swallowing Demon who was looking at him eagerly, and suddenly laughed lightly, breaking the silence.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, is this magic core enough for you to refine your natal magic weapon?" After saying this, Xu Miao had already dissipated the spiritual power in her hand, and the blackness of her left eye had also dissipated.

The dreadful feeling also disappeared along with the spiritual power, which made the three of them feel relieved.

Although the magic core that Swallowing Demon took out on his own initiative was not too big, it was more than enough to refine the natal magic weapon.

"Of course it is enough. It turns out that the magic core can be taken out by the monster itself without harming its life."

When Xu Miao heard this, she nodded, and took the magic core in the hands of Feng Swallowing Demon, and handed it to Gu Ming: "Fortunately, you are not disgraceful, Fellow Daoist Gu, don't forget the exact location of the Dusting Water that you promised me. "

"Fellow Daoist Xu, please don't worry, Gu will ask the elders when he returns home, and then you will know where the dusty water is." Gu Ming wanted Xu Miao to go back with him, but Xu Miao was still thinking about it. psychic grass.

"I still have something to do, so I can't go with you. When you get the information, tell me through this." Xu Miao took out a triangular jade slip that was different from ordinary jade slips.

The triangular jade slips are composed of a pair of jade slips. If relevant information is written on one of the jade slips, no matter how far apart the two jade slips are, the corresponding information can be displayed on the other.

The biggest disadvantage of the triangular jade slip is that it can only be used once.After one time, it will be scrapped and cannot be used any more.However, Xu Miao only knew the exact location of Dangchenshui through the triangular jade slip, and using it once was enough.

Miao Yu and Zhao Tiejun didn't know the Triangular Jade Slip, but Gu Ming was a well-informed person, and he knew what it meant when he saw Xu Miao take it out.

Gu Ming accepted the triangular jade slips like a fluke: "I will get news about Dang Chenshui as soon as possible." After seeing Xu Miao nodding, Gu Ming took Miao Yu and left.

Zhao Tiejun didn't follow him, but walked to Xu Miao's side: "Fellow Daoist Xu, is there any way to get rich, take me with you brother."

Xu Miao gave Zhao Tiejun a sideways look: "Am I familiar with you?" After saying that, she ignored Zhao Tiejun and went straight to the place where the psychic grass grew.

Fengfengmo also heard what Xu Miao said to Zhao Tiejun, bared his teeth and stared at Zhao Tiejun for a while, then started to follow Xu Miao.

Zhao Tiejun stood where he was, rubbed his hands and thought for a while, then concealed himself and followed Xu Miao.

Both Xu Miao and Fengfengmo found that Zhao Tiejun followed.Fengfengmo looked at Xu Miao questioningly, but Xu Miao just shook his head, signaling to ignore him.

Xu Miao had a plan in mind. Now there are many people who know the psychic grass. If there are only four people who met on the road, it will be easy to solve.

If there are other people, then bringing this Zhao Tiejun, at the critical moment, can attract the attention of others, no matter how you think about it, it will not be a loss.

After thinking about Zhao Tiejun's purpose, Xu Miao turned her attention to Fengfengmo.A fifth-level monster, equivalent to a Golden Core cultivator, followed me carelessly like this, which was weird no matter how I thought about it.

Xu Miao temporarily suppressed her weird thoughts and asked Fengfengmo what happened in the Ailao Mountains recently.Fengfengmo couldn't speak for the time being, so he could only communicate with Xu Miao with his consciousness.

Through his spiritual sense, Xu Miao knew that there was a breath of prehistoric death suddenly coming from the ground in the center of the Ailao Mountains, and this breath would affect the monsters, causing them to lose their sanity and attack the same kind at will.

After the fire crow checked, he ordered all the monsters to migrate to the periphery, away from the center of the mountain range.Swallowing Wind Demon also mentioned that this breath is very similar to the breath just produced on Xu Miao's body.

Therefore, he didn't resist too much, just bowed his head and chose to surrender.Hearing what Tunfengmo said, Xu Miao became curious about the center of the Ailao Mountains.

The aura on his body is due to the practice of "The Art of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation".At the center of the Ailao Mountains, Xu Miao didn't think anyone would practice "The Jue of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation".

After getting the psychic grass, go to the center of the mountain range to explore, maybe you can learn the origin of the "Heaven and Earth Jue", so as to enhance the power of this exercise.

Thinking this way, Xu Miao came to the place where the psychic grass grew.Not far away is a spring, and in the center of the spring grows a white-green spirit grass.

When the psychic grass is immature, it is this color, and when it is fully mature, it will turn into pure white.Xu Miao stood behind Fengfengmo, observing the surrounding situation.

On the other side of the spring, Xu Miao felt four familiar fluctuations of spiritual power, those four monks who met on the road.Not far from them, there were still several fluctuations in spiritual power.

It seems that not only a few people know the news that the psychic grass is about to mature.Xu Miao asked Fengfengmo to sit next to a stone, and he sat between the stone and Fengfengmo.

The location where the psychic grass grows is just at the junction of the outer and middle layers, so it is not surprising that the Wind Swallowing Demon appears here.Because the psychic grass is not yet mature, no monks have come forward to attack the Swallowing Demon.

With the help of Miao Yupei and Fengfengmo, Xu Miao perfectly concealed her aura and calmly watched what was about to happen.Xu Miao is almost certain that there will be an absolutely wonderful performance here later.

As Xu Miao expected, it didn't take long before the light kept falling nearby, followed by the continuous sweeping of the consciousness.With breath holding technique plus Miao Yupei, no one below Yuan Ying can break it.

In this corner, Xu Miao did not use her divine sense, but only observed the situation with her eyes.So far, the highest cultivation level that can be seen is the late Jindan stage.

It is not ruled out that there are Nascent Soul monks hiding their breath and coming here.After all, the value of the psychic grass is too high, as long as the monks who hear about it will try to get it.

The current grade of Huntian Stone is a bit low, and the raw materials for refining Huntian Stone can't be found for the time being.And this psychic herb can improve the level of the magic weapon, so it is most suitable to grab it for Xiaotian to use.

As time passed day by day, the green color of the psychic grass gradually receded, leaving only a trace.An unusual aura permeated the nearby spring water, attracting more monks to come.

At this time, some impatient monks had already appeared and came to the spring.As if it was a signal, the competition for the psychic grass officially began.

The monk who appeared first jumped up, when he was in the sky above the spring water, something happened suddenly, the spiritual power fluctuation of that monk disappeared in an instant, and he fell into the spring water.

The cultivator sank into the spring water almost without any struggle. There was no reaction, and the spring water returned to calm.Xu Miao frowned and looked at the place where the monk fell, her eyes rolled, but she didn't move.

The other monks only thought that the monk's spiritual power was abnormal due to the excitement, and continued to fly towards the psychic grass without thinking deeply about the strangeness.

Without exception, all the monks who appeared on the spring water fell into the spring water, and they disappeared without even hearing their shouts.

No. 1 monk fell into the water, you don't need to care about it, but one after another monks fell into the water, everyone's face is not good.

(End of this chapter)

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