Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 165 Hostage

Chapter 165 Hostage
The trees were destroyed, making the branches and vines that were already growing intertwined become more chaotic.Xu Miao wiped away the blood from her mouth, smiled, and bent down into the messy wood.

Cultivator Yuanying was originally complacent and destroyed the forest, but he created a unique hiding environment for Xu Miao.What troubled him the most was not the missing Xu Miao, but the screams of monsters one after another.

When Xu Miao ran for her life, she didn't pay attention to which direction she ran.Just look at which side the environment is more complicated, the more you run to that side, and you just entered the territory of the eighth-level monster.

The forest that was destroyed by the Nascent Soul cultivator was within the sphere of influence of several eighth-level monsters.To them, Xu Miao was nothing more than an ant-like existence, so they naturally wouldn't look for Xu Miao, who was only in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Therefore, the monks in the early Yuanying period became the targets of their anger.How can a monk in the early stage of Yuanying be the opponent of a few eighth-level monsters? That person can't care about Xu Miao, so he can only run away with his head in his arms.

Xu Miao kept walking in front of her. She sensed that the monks in the early stage of Yuanying were driven away by the monsters, but she didn't feel relieved.The monk at the early stage of the Nascent Soul was just relying on his advanced cultivation. Now that he has escaped, he will not come again.

What worries Xu Miao the most is Shao Guan, Yuan Hui, Ye Qianqian and their servants.Even if the cultivation base is not as good as the Nascent Soul cultivator, it is still more than enough to deal with him alone.

Xu Miao's spiritual power is now in chaos and her meridians are damaged. After swallowing the only remaining Peiyuan Pill, she tried her best to run the "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" to repair the damaged meridians.

While the spiritual power was running, it was as if a sharp knife was cutting the meridians.Enduring the severe pain, Xu Miao staggered forward while leaning on the fallen tree.

The "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue", which had a miraculous effect on repairing damaged meridians in the past, is progressing extremely slowly at this time.Xu Miao knew very well that the potency of Peiyuan Pill was not enough to support the operation of "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue".

He took out two top-quality spirit stones and held them carefully in both hands.The spiritual power contained in the top-grade spiritual stone is quite strong, almost comparable to the core spiritual veins of the sect before the world changed.

The high-purity spiritual power slowly rises along the meridians. With the support of the spiritual power of the top-grade spirit stone, the "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" is running smoothly, and the damaged meridians are gradually getting better after being repaired by the heavenly middle-grade kung fu.

When the two top-grade spirit stones were all turned into powder, Xu Miao's injury was mostly healed.He let out a foul breath, stopped for a while, and looked at his surroundings.

Along the way, Xu Miao could still see monsters except when he was being tracked by monk Nascent Soul. Up to now, there is no trace of any monsters. Even the screams of monsters can be heard from time to time, and they are annihilated in silence.

Standing there, Xu Miao suddenly thought of something strange happening in the center of the Ailao Mountains, causing all the monsters to retreat from the center.Could it be that he has come to the center of the mountain range?
Gu Ming had previously given him a map of the Ailao Mountains, but the map only recorded the surrounding situation, not the center.It would be great if the Wind Swallowing Demon was here at this time. It would be much better to have a familiar local demon than wandering around by myself.

Having come here, Xu Miao has no reason to return.After a little identification of the direction, Xu Miao was about to walk forward when she suddenly heard someone talking.

"Where did that damn bastard hide?" Ye Qianqian's voice suddenly appeared.

"Didn't you say that you could learn the whereabouts of that guy surnamed Xu by relying on You Yanyu?" It was Yuan Hui who asked Ye Qianqian.

"Okay! You two stop arguing. The most important thing now is to find Xu Sanshui. The psychic grass is very important and must not be taken away by him." Shao Guan spoke to stop the quarrel between the two.

It's not good news that the three of them came chasing at the same time, and they haven't pursued separately yet.Xu Miao leaned back against a big tree, restraining her breath.

Judging from the fluctuation of spiritual power, the servants of the three did not follow. If there were only these three, Xu Miao was confident that he could hide it.

"Xu Sanshui's Concealed Qi Kung Fu is superb. If Uncle Wu hadn't practiced the crystal eye technique, he would not have been discovered at all." Shao Guan raised his head and scanned the surrounding things, but found nothing.

"Didn't you also practice crystal eye technique, why can't you find Xu Sanshui?" Ye Qianqian dissatisfied.

Shao Guan glanced at Ye Qianqian, didn't answer her words, and walked nearby on his own, checking with his eyes.The consciousness can be deceived, but the eyes cannot.

As long as Xu Sanshui doesn't disappear out of thin air, he will be able to find him.Seeing that Shao Guan ignored her at all, Ye Qianqian stomped her feet in resentment, and followed Shao Guan to find Xu Miao's trace.

Xu Miao held her breath, the sword in the sleeve was hidden in her hand, and the spiritual power of the other hand was gathered in the meridian in the hand, ready to attack at any time.

Xu Miao's plan was to kill one of them first, no matter who it was.These three people came from other continents, and their cultivation strength was also higher than that of the monks of the same level in the Western Continent.

But no matter how tall they were, Xu Miao was confident that he would be able to deal with them in a few breaths by fighting alone.

The sound of feet stepping on dead leaves was very clear in the quiet environment.Xu Miao estimated the distance between the two, and there were only a few steps left.

Ye Qianqian didn't know what kind of fragrance was specially infused on her body, no matter where she went, she would carry this fragrance with her.Xu Miao's nose is now lingering with the fragrance, just for him to determine who it is.

Xu Miao's hidden qi kung fu had already reached a level that was unattainable at the same level. Ye Qianqian didn't even notice that Xu Miao was standing behind a big tree next to her, and walked straight forward.

Ye Qianqian's footsteps stepped over the trees, and the hem of his clothes left a trace on the ground.At this moment, Xu Miao's eyes were fixed, and both hands attacked at the same time. The powerful spiritual power of her left hand poured directly from Ye Qianqian's head downwards.

Without noticing for a while, Ye Qianqian was confused by Xu Miao's sudden attack.However, her reaction was also very quick, and she swung the handkerchief upwards to block Xu Miao's spiritual attack.

At this time, Xu Miao's right hand had already arrived, and the sword in the sleeve pierced Ye Qianqian's smooth and tender neck with an invincible momentum.Ye Qianqian was not of the easy-going type, a white flower suddenly appeared in her hand, blocking the sword in the sleeve.

"Shao Guan! Yuan Hui!" Ye Qianqian's once sweet voice became extremely sharp at this moment.

Xu Miao stopped in her ear, not afraid of her calling her companions.The Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art is running crazily at this time, and the aura of chaotic heaven and earth has poured out.

Ye Qianqian has killed many people, and has seen other people kill, but she has never killed anyone with such aura and eyes.

Fearing before fighting, Ye Qianqian felt timid, and the magic weapon in his hand lost its fierce offensive.As the silence of heaven and earth reached its extreme, one of Xu Miao's eyes gradually became dark and waveless, like the boundless darkness that would suck people into it.

Ye Qianqian looked at Xu Miao unblinkingly, with a vague obsession in her deep timidity.Xu Miao could see clearly and didn't take it seriously. The sword in the sleeve didn't stop at all, and cut straight to the artery on the neck.

With a slash of the sword, the defensive mask on Ye Qianqian's body suddenly shattered.After hearing Ye Qianqian's shout, Shao Guan and Yuan Hui also rushed over.

Seeing that Ye Qianqian was at a critical moment of life and death, the two quickly attacked Xu Miao at the same time.Trying to use the method of besieging Wei and saving Zhao, forced Xu Miao to stop.

However, Xu Miao didn't even pay attention to her eyes, she just raised her hand to support Fu Yu's helmet.Shao Guan and Yuan Hui's offensive was not insignificant, but when they met Xu Miao, a freak, they also felt that they had nowhere to use their energy.

Abundant spiritual power slanted out, and the supporting Fu Yu's helmet perfectly blocked the attacks of the two.The sword in the sleeve continued to press forward, as long as there was more force, Ye Qianqian's artery would be completely severed.

"Xu Sanshui! How dare you!" Although Shao Guan didn't like Ye Qianqian, the current situation was beyond his personal preference.Xu Miao is really too powerful. For the first time, he discovered that there are such tyrannical monks in Westland.

The moment Yuan Hui heard Ye Qianqian's plea for help, he sent a letter to Jindan's servant, asking him to come quickly.The Jindan cultivator's speed is extremely fast, and there is no other monster interference here, and he is only a hundred feet away from Xu Miao and others, and he can reach him just by breathing.

"Junior, let go of my young master quickly, I will let you go." Xu Miao recognized that this was the old woman beside Ye Qianqian.

He fixedly looked at Ye Qianqian in front of him, with a cruel light in his eyes.Pressing down with his right hand, the sword in the sleeve cut off the artery decisively with the might of heaven and earth, and blood burst out instantly.

The artery is the most vulnerable place, but if there is a Golden Core cultivator by his side, even if the artery is cut off, he can still be rescued.Xu Miao turned her head to look at the Golden Core cultivator who was about to rush in front of her, with a sneering smile on her lips.

"What are you? How dare you talk to me like that." Before he finished speaking, Xu Miao twisted her wrist and stabbed Ye Qianqian's abdomen at the dantian with the sword in her sleeve.

Ye Qianqian didn't make any resistance to Xu Miao's actions, as if he lost his mind and became a human puppet.The strength of the Heaven and Earth Tribulation Extermination Jue cannot be resisted by these few Golden Core cultivators.

"As long as you are willing to let the young master go, you can do whatever you want!" The old woman said anxiously, but she was crying in her heart.It's not how loyal she is to Ye Qianqian, but that there is a contract between the two of them.

As long as Ye Qianqian dies, she will die at the same time, and at the same time, she will suffer from the devastation of her soul and will not die well.Xu Miao guessed this from the old woman's words.

The sword in the sleeve was still touching Ye Qianqian's dantian, Xu Miao turned her head, raised her chin, and motioned to the old woman: "Let those four people leave immediately, or I will kill her now."

The blatant threat forced the old woman to obey.Xu Miao didn't care how the old woman communicated with other people. After closing Ye Qianqian's meridians, he took Ye Qianqian to the depths of the forest.

The aura of Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art slowly faded from Xu Miao's body, and her pure black eyes returned to their former black and white clarity.Ye Qianqian had come to her senses at this time, she looked at Xu Miao with complicated eyes, without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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