Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 166 Blood Pool

Chapter 166 Blood Pool

Xu Miao didn't even look at Ye Qianqian, put her arms around her waist, and walked forward.Xu Miao knew that Ye Qianqian must have a way to contact the old woman, but Ye Qianqian was in her own hands, and even the old woman couldn't make a big deal out of it.

A strong smell of blood suddenly rushed to the face, Xu Miao frowned, asked about the strange smell, and walked carefully to the place where the smell came from.

After crossing a pile of rocks, a pool of blood came into view.On the top of the blood pool, there are still remains of monsters.Not far from the blood pool, there is an extremely hidden cave.

If it wasn't for Xu Miao's spiritual sense to scan it many times, she would really ignore this place.Xu Miao was very interested in the blood pool, so she took Ye Qianqian to the cave.

The entrance of the cave was blocked by vines and rocks, and Xu Miao waved his sleeves to clear the entrance of the cave for people to enter.Ye Qianqian was not afraid that she would run away alone because Xu Miao used the special technique told by Xiao Tianqingjiao to seal her dantian and meridians.

Letting go of Ye Qianqian, Xu Miao took out the night pearl and illuminated the dark cave.The cave is a little deep. Judging from the appearance of the cave walls, it was artificially opened with a sword.

Xu Miao walked deep, and saw a stone platform similar to a table.There were still a few scattered jade slips on the stone platform. Xu Miao picked up the jade slips, read them one by one, and put them down with a gloomy expression.

The person who left the jade slips was the one who opened up this cave.According to the jade slips, this person lived thousands of years ago.

He was originally a disciple of the Yulingzong sect ten thousand years ago. The Yulingzong was a sect that specialized in envoys to envoy spirit beasts.Yulingzong has a secret recipe for subduing level nine monsters, and it is through this secret recipe that Yulingzong stands on top of all sects.

This monk, by chance, learned that there is a high-level beast imprisoned in the Ailao Mountains, and it is very likely that it is a 梼杌.

Wuwu is one of the four ferocious beasts. In ancient times, it once caused chaos in the cultivation world, making the world a purgatory for a time, and mourning everywhere.

This incident alarmed the High God, who was so furious that the Lower Realm personally captured the four beasts that wreaked havoc in the cultivation world, and suppressed them in different places.

And this monk learned that Wuwu was imprisoned here, in order to subdue Wuwu, he opened a cave next to the blood pool, and studied how to subdue Wuwu.

One of the jade slips introduced in detail how he entered the city to subdue Wuwu. On a certain day in a certain year, he first visited the blood pond;

However, this jade slip came to an abrupt end when it was remembered that they met Wuwu again, and there was no new content added.If Xu Miao guessed correctly, that monk died when he met Zhuo Wu.

Ye Qianqian walked to Xu Miao's side, and her spiritual power and consciousness were sealed, just like ordinary people, unable to read the content of the jade slip.

"What... what do these jade slips say?" Ye Qianqian asked hesitantly.

Xu Miao didn't bother to talk to her, put away the jade slips, and walked out of the cave.Xu Miao, who left, did not see Ye Qianqian's complex expressions of disappointment, anger, and grievance.

Outside the cave, there was an apparently flat and smooth ground, and Xu Miao stepped over it.When he stood on the ground with both feet, a tyrannical spirit rushed straight into Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness.

At that moment, Xu Miao seemed to be in purgatory.Countless people were fighting around, begging, roaring, laughing, crying, all could be clearly heard.

This scene is so familiar that Xu Miao seems to have seen it before.He didn't resist the tyrannical mental intrusion, but let it influence Xu Miao, leading Xu Miao into that purgatory on earth.

Xu Miao watched everything happening around him coldly, and a man whose body had been cut off in half rushed towards him.Xu Miao didn't even frown, she didn't dodge or dodge, the man fell at his feet.

In an instant, an earth-shattering sound broke into Xu Miao's eardrums.Xu Miao turned her head to look at the source of the voice.A tall monster like a tiger appeared in front of everyone, and those who saw this beast ran away desperately.

Xu Miao took a closer look, and saw that the monster had a human face and pig teeth, and when it gnawed on it, several people died.The limbs of the monster are like tiger claws, and when the huge claws fall, they can crush several people to death.

Coupled with its one-foot-eight-foot tail, everyone who sees it will be shattered.Xu Miao once read a jade slip related to monsters, which mentioned four fierce beasts.

This ferocious beast that disturbs the world should be that 梼杌.As if feeling the gaze, Wu Wu turned her head and stared at Xu Miao fiercely.Xu Miao looked at him proudly, without any fear.

Zhu Wu bared her teeth and rushed towards Xu Miao with huge strides.Being in the illusion, Xu Miao couldn't use her spiritual power and consciousness, so she couldn't resist the attack of Wuwu.

Xu Miao could only roll to the side in time, narrowly dodging the first blow of Wuwu, and Xu Miao knew that she would never be able to dodge the second blow.

He bit the tip of his tongue fiercely and spit out a mouthful of blood. The picture in the illusion finally faded away. Wu Wu watched Xu Miao's figure disappear gradually, and did not do anything else, but turned his eyes to stare at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao took one last look at the huge 梼杌 and closed her eyes.When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to reality.Ye Qianqian looked at Xu Miao nervously: "Are you okay?"

He was obviously still fighting to the death before, so why did he change his temper so quickly.Xu Miao was puzzled by Ye Qianqian's change, and slowly shook her head.

"Xiaotian, did you see anything strange just now?" Xu Miao and Xiaotian said via voice transmission.

"No, you have fallen into the illusion again." Xiaotian's unintentional words gave Xu Miao a flash of inspiration.He felt that the scene was so familiar. He had seen similar illusions in the Boneyard of the Ninth-Level Great Demon Cultivator.

Could it be that those people fell into madness because of the rebellion between 梼杌 and the other three fierce beasts, and finally died.It's just that there is one biggest difference between these two illusions, which is 梼杌.

In the illusion of the Burial Ground, there is no Wuwu.Whether these two illusions are the same, or fundamentally different, Xu Miao fell into deep thought.Xu Miao continued to sit on this smooth ground, but no illusions disturbed him anymore.

The previously calm blood pool suddenly began to boil, and countless blood bubbles appeared.A stronger smell of blood lingered around Xu Miao than before, and Xu Miao directly turned off her sense of smell.

Ye Qianqian, who was covered with spiritual power, couldn't avoid the smell of blood, so she could only cover her mouth and nose with a handkerchief.Xu Miao noticed Ye Qianqian's discomfort, so she turned off Ye Qianqian's sense of smell with great kindness.

"Humans, what are you still doing standing there? Gaining powerful power is at this very moment, why don't you quickly enter the blood pool!" Xu Miao suddenly looked at the boiling blood pool, but did not respond for a long time.

The four fierce beasts are a disaster for the world. If people in the future have no objection to them, they should stay away quickly.This sentence was written on the jade slips that recorded monsters and beasts, warning future generations to stay away from fierce beasts.

There was a demagogic effect in Zhu Wu's words, and Xu Miao used her spiritual power a little to dispel this feeling.

"Human, aren't you indifferent to powerful power? Control the life and death of the world, and let the world be in your hands!" Zhu Wu's words are full of temptation, no wonder the disciple of Yulingzong is persistent with him See.

Xu Miao was not worried that she would be bewitched and lose her mind.It's rare to meet a fierce beast from ancient times, and it doesn't hurt to see it.Xu Miao brought Ye Qianqian to the cave, and set up a defensive formation, and only after the formation was imprisoned, she walked towards the blood pool.

The pool of blood was tumbling and the temperature rose. Xu Miao made a trick and jumped into it.Xu Miao, who was guarded by the mask, looked at the environment in the blood pool.

The remains of corpses can be seen everywhere, scattered in all directions, moving with the tumbling pool of blood, touching Xu Miao's mask from time to time.Xu Miao's expression remained unchanged, and she probed into the depths of the pool of blood.

The blood pool only extended to a certain range, crossed a layer of light film, and both feet fell to the ground.However, this place is quite different from the Land of Trapped Demons. Xu Miao discovered the extraordinaryness of this place just by casually looking around.

Someone has designed an exquisite formation here, and Xu Miao has already entered the formation when he stepped on the ground.It is easy to enter the battle, but difficult to get out. It is already impossible for Xu Miao to retreat.

Xu Miao thought of the disciple of Yulingzong, and didn't know how he successfully entered the bleeding pool, but it was a pity that this matter was not mentioned in the jade slip.

"Humans, be careful with your feet. If you stand for a long time, you will be corroded by the soil under your feet." Hearing this, Xu Miao looked down and saw the nearby soil approaching him.

Xu Miao had never seen this kind of design of the ground as a part of the formation. He was just confused when he saw these formations with his formation skills.

If you don't move, you will be corroded by the soil; if you move, you may encounter other dangers.Xu Miao made a quick decision and took steps away from the land.While walking, Xu Miao carefully observed the changes in the surrounding environment, but no matter how he observed, he had no clue.

"This is a formation designed by God, how can you, a little monk, see through it?" Wu Wu's sarcasm sounded, Xu Miao didn't think it was disobedient, but laughed instead.

Even if you can't understand the formations designed by God, being able to take a look at them will be of great benefit to your formation attainments.Wuwu would lure himself to come, it must be because he is in urgent need of himself.

Then he doesn't need to worry anymore, anyway, Zhu Wu will guide himself to him in the end.After thinking clearly, Xu Miao squatted down and began to study the formation.

"Humans! See what's the use of that, come and see me quickly." Along with the voice of Zhu Wu, there was also a ball of light.

"Follow this ball of light, and you will reach my position." Although Zhu Wu tried his best to hide it, Xu Miao could hear the anxiety in his tone.

Xu Miao smiled lightly: "What's the hurry, it's the first time I've seen the tricks of a fairy, of course I have to enjoy it." No matter how the light ball next to it dangled, Xu Miao ignored it.

Carefully poked out the consciousness to feel the changes in the formation.Xu Miao walked in the simplest and most basic way.As simple as it is, Xu Miao believes that immortals are strong in their immortal power, not in other aspects.

As he expected, although the simplest steps did not allow him to crack the formation, he was not attacked from the beginning to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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