Chapter 167
Wu Wu was irritated by Xu Miao's unhurried appearance, but he was trapped by the fairy's tricks, otherwise he would have to rush out and beat Xu Miao severely to relieve his anger.

Xu Miao observed for a long time, and finally determined that this formation is only for confinement. As for the soil will erode people, it is only a self-protection method of the formation.

Just seeing this formation, Xu Miao developed a good impression of that unknown fairy.It is obvious that a killing array can be set up to kill all who come, completely cutting off the possibility of Wuwu escaping.

However, in the end, the immortal just set up a non-aggressive formation.Don't think that the formation is not offensive. Whether it is the principle or structure of the formation, Xu Miao can't understand it at all.

Forcibly researching high-level formations, Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness can't support it at all, and the use of the sea of ​​consciousness has almost reached the extreme.There was a dull pain in the head as if being pricked by needles, and blood red eyes, all of which showed the excessive use of spiritual consciousness.

"You can easily comprehend the methods of immortals, Xu Miao, don't make things too difficult for yourself." Qing Jiao persuaded Xu Miao.

Xu Miao looked at the light of the formation around her, and couldn't look away.He is extremely talented in formations, and has received systematic education from Ji Xingdian many times. His current attainments in formations may not even be comparable to ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators.

Formation masters will feel itchy when they see high-level formations, and Xu Miao is no exception.Although his mind told him that he couldn't continue watching, deep down he couldn't help but calculate and research.

Xu Miao closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and forcibly shifted her attention away from the formation.Although it is impossible to see through the formations arranged by the immortals, Xu Miao's formations have also been tempered just from the surface of the formations.

"Human, now that the formation has been studied, it's time to come and see me." The ball of light appeared beside Xu Miao again.According to relevant historical records in the realm of comprehension, Wuwu may have been trapped for tens of millions of years.

Being able to guide people through the light sphere and take the most correct path, it must be easy to deal with Wuwu.Wu Wu wanted to see him so eagerly, he must have something to ask for, Xu Miao was prepared in her heart, and stepped forward to keep up with the light ball.

The ball of light guides Xu Miao to make seven turns and eight turns. Xu Miao will make a mark every time he walks a certain distance.Every section of the road looked very similar, but Xu Miao didn't notice the marks he made on purpose.

This also means that the formation that traps Wuwu is far more complicated than I imagined.It is not easy to find the correct path in such a complicated formation arranged by the immortals.

Whether it's Wu Wu or Xu Miao, each person and beast have already had a high opinion of each other before they meet.After passing the last turning, a towering iron pillar appeared in front of Xu Miao.

He stopped and looked at the iron pillar. Below the iron pillar was the 梼杌 locked by chains.The appearance of Wu Wu is exactly the same as what he saw in the illusion, the only difference is the size of the body.

Xu Miao guessed that it was because Wuwu was trapped by the immortal, his strength was restricted, and his body was naturally shrunk.The originally tall Wuwu became only two people tall, at least judging from the appearance of Wuwu, he is quite aggrieved.

She secretly laughed in her heart, but Xu Miao didn't show the slightest bit on her face.

"Human, you have finally arrived here." Zhu Wu saw Xu Miao standing there, neither approaching him nor speaking, so he could only speak first.

Now that she has come here, Xu Miao is not worried that Zhu Wu will suddenly break out of the trap.He walked a few steps and looked up at Zhuwu: "You spent all your time creating an illusion, and then brought me here, what is your intention?"

Xu Miao didn't plan to play tricks with the ancient beasts. Regardless of age, experience, resourcefulness, and strength, Xu Miao had no chance of winning in front of one of the four fierce beasts.

Straight to the point, he had thought about it a long time ago. With such a posture, he can take the initiative.

"The last time I saw a human being was more than 1 years ago." There was a nostalgic look on Zhu Wu's face.Xu Miao looked at Wuwu vigilantly, not knowing his purpose, which was very bad for her.

Xu Miao's mind changed, and the ultimate goal of being trapped here must be to get out of the trap.However, the formations and chains set up by the immortals cannot be destroyed by a little monk in the foundation establishment period.

What on earth is Wu Wu trying to do by taking so much trouble to attract him.Suddenly, Xu Miao had an idea, and Wu Wu's body could not move, but after tens of thousands of years of his spiritual consciousness, perhaps part of him was freed.

Then the biggest possibility is to destroy his own consciousness and use his free consciousness to enter Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness and control his body.

Thinking of this, Xu Miao's heart trembled, and a trace of vigilance flashed in her eyes, which quickly disappeared.His spiritual consciousness is far superior to that of monks of the same level, and is the biggest hole card.

As long as this point is not exposed, he will have a chance to counter-kill Zhuo Wu's consciousness.With a part of Wuwu's spiritual consciousness, his own spiritual consciousness may be strengthened again.

Xu Miao remained calm, and looked at Wuwu with great interest, and even walked around the wuwu.Wuwu's limbs, tail, and body were firmly nailed to the ground and iron pillars by multiple nails of invisible material.

Coupled with the iron chain that has been wound several times, it doesn't look like it can run out.Xu Miao's mind settled down a little, and the sound of 梼杌 rang in her ears.

"That human monk was originally an excellent partner, but he didn't want to listen to me, so I had to kill him in a fit of anger."

"Oh? Really?" Xu Miao's voice could not tell whether she was afraid or not.

Wu Wu looked at the human monk standing in front of him with great interest. No matter in terms of cultivation strength or age, this person was nothing more than an ant-like existence to him.

However, it was this ant who showed a calmness and boldness that completely did not match his cultivation.

"Your strength is too low to help me. As my sincerity in cooperating with you, I can cast spells to allow you to increase your strength. We will talk about it when your strength rises to what you humans call God Transformation." How is the cooperation?"

Wu Wu's words were full of temptation, and ordinary monks would nod their heads immediately when they heard these words.But Xu Miao knows that the cooperation is fake, and the real point is to improve the strength that Wu Wu said.

Xu Miao didn't know how to improve his strength, but he knew that when his strength was completely improved, it was when Xu Miao disappeared from the world.

What he has to do now is to hide his clumsiness, so as not to let Zhu Wu find out that he already knows his true intention.At that time, when Wu Wu is not prepared, he will completely use Wu Wu's strength for his own use.

All of this was planned and conceived by Xu Miao himself. Wu Wu's strength is too strong, Xu Miao can't estimate it, and he dare not let Xiao Tian and Qing Jiao speak out.

Xu Miao raised her head, with greed in her eyes, but he blinked and quickly hid the greed.Xu Miao's petty actions were seen by Zhu Wu, who despised Xu Miao even more.The two have their own ghosts, but there is harmony in their conversation.

"Senior Zhuwu, how do you plan to improve my cultivation and strength? I'm afraid my body won't be able to bear the sudden increase in strength. If it ruins the important matter of Senior Zhuwu, it won't be good." Everything inside and outside is nothing but plagiarism.

When Wu Wu heard that Xu Miao called him senior at this time, he felt disdainful.He is one of the four fierce beasts who used to call the wind and rain, why should he be so polite to an ant.

Thinking of this in my heart, I couldn't help showing a look of contempt.Wu Wu's scheming is very deep, and he will not easily show his expression on the surface, but Xu Miao's expression and words are too deceptive, so he can't help but let down his vigilance.

After all, tigers and ants, it is really difficult for tigers to be vigilant.What Xu Miao wanted was this kind of effect, she looked at Wuwu with a little flattery, but tried her best to put on an upright and worried expression.

"I will infuse your body with spiritual power to gradually strengthen your physical strength. At the same time, I will also expand your sea of ​​consciousness. Knowing that the most difficult thing for you monks to improve is the strength of your spiritual consciousness, I will also help you complete it."

When Xu Miao heard this, an overjoyed expression immediately appeared on her face, and she deliberately let the spiritual power in her body circulate for a while, causing her mind to become unstable and even the spiritual power to lose control.

"Does the younger generation need to make some corresponding preparations?" Xu Miao bowed and saluted. Xu Miao showed her expression of gratitude to the fullest, but she kept sneering in her heart.

"You just need to let go of your whole body's defenses and accept my spiritual power infusion. Don't resist me, whether it's meridian or spiritual consciousness, otherwise, your spiritual power will be mixed with mine. Immediate death."

Wuwu spoke seriously, and it sounded like he was really planning for Xu Miao.When Xu Miao heard this moment, she knew the specific plan of Zhu Wu.

Imbuing the body with spiritual power is only superficial, the really important spiritual consciousness.Similar to a monk seizing a house, by annexing one's own consciousness, one controls one's own body.

Xu Miao clasped her fists in both hands: "Senior Wuwu, please give this junior a spiritual infusion. As long as the junior has a sigh of relief, the senior has an order, and the junior will definitely do it with all his strength, and he will never shirk."

Zhu Wu told Xu Miao to sit down beside him, Xu Miao didn't mind, just lifted up her robe and sat down.Seeing it, Wu Wu thought that Xu Miao was too stupid.

And Xu Miao carefully studied the iron nails and chains, and made sure that Wu Wu could not move her body, so she boldly sat next to Wu Wu.Xu Miao's two consciousnesses were all shrunk in the sea of ​​consciousness, ready to fight.

Wu Wu spat out a mouthful of spiritual power, which poured into Xu Miao's body from the top of her head.At the moment when the spiritual power entered Xu Miao's body, Xu Miao secretly complained that she was being overwhelmed.

Wuwu's spiritual power is completely different from that of a monk, with an extremely tyrannical aura. If this spiritual power enters the body, it will not benefit the monk. It is a blessing in misfortune that it does not destroy the monk's body.

Xu Miao mobilized the spiritual power and operated two exercises at the same time to transform and absorb the spiritual power of Wu Wu.Xu Miao's body has always had a great need for spiritual power. Although Xu Miao's mouthful of spiritual power from Wu Wu might be accepted by Xu Miao, it will not cause any bad effects after all.

"Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" runs quickly, using gentle water spiritual power to remove the tyranny in the Wu Wu spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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