Chapter 168
Xu Miao closed her eyes tightly, while dispelling Wu Wu's spiritual power, while being vigilant against Wu Wu's spiritual consciousness.The function of the 梼杌 spiritual power is to let Xu Miao concentrate on resisting the spiritual power, and lose control of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Taking care of this and losing sight of another just happened to create an opportunity for Zhuo Wu.Xu Miao also intentionally made sweat break out on his forehead, proving to Wu Wu that he is currently dealing with the issue of spiritual power with all his strength and does not care about the sea of ​​consciousness.

"My spiritual power will be a bit tyrannical, but don't worry, it will never cause harm to your body. As long as you bear this spiritual power, there will be no hindrance to the next infusion of spiritual power." 梼杌Comforting Xu Miao, Xu Miao nodded her head.

Looking at the trembling monk in front of him, Wu Wu grinned cruelly.Human monks can only be controlled by him after all, and any cleverness is just a monk's self-consoling rhetoric.

After all, he was trapped by the magic weapon of the immortal, and the tyranny in Wuwu's spiritual power was also very limited, so Xu Miao successfully eliminated the tyranny in it.However, Xu Miao still acted like she was on the verge of falling, as if she couldn't bear the ravages of spiritual power.

At this moment, part of Wu Wu's free consciousness poured into Xu Miao's consciousness, looking for Xu Miao's consciousness, trying to swallow it up.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness is Xu Miao's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and his understanding of the Sea of ​​Consciousness is second to none.He hid a part of his consciousness, and only exposed one part of his consciousness in the middle of the sea of ​​consciousness.

As soon as Wuwu's consciousness entered Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness, he found the consciousness in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness.The biggest reason why Xu Miao was able to deceive Wu Wu was that his spiritual consciousness was equivalent to all the spiritual consciousness of a monk of the same rank.

Without any suspicion, Wu Wu controlled the consciousness and began to devour Xu Miao's consciousness.Xu Miao's consciousness found Wu Wu's consciousness, and immediately ran to avoid it in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Xu Miao's consciousness is white, but Zhuo Wu's consciousness is red. It looks like a red ball chasing a white ball.The red ball was about twice the size of the white ball, and the white ball shivered into the corner of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The red ball also lowered its speed at this time, looking at the white ball like a lamb.Xu Miao's other consciousness, that is, another white ball is hiding nearby, ready to attack at any time.

In Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness, as long as Xu Miao thinks, Wu Wu will never find another white ball.The red ball proudly rushed towards the white ball hiding in the corner. The white ball seemed to have lost the consciousness of resistance and remained motionless.

When Wu Wu almost thought that he had the chance to win, that he would be able to control Xu Miao, something happened suddenly.Another white ball suddenly rushed behind the red ball from one side, and took a big bite.

Red Ball was taken aback, confused by the situation in front of him, before he had time to react effectively.The white ball didn't hesitate, took another bite, bit off part of the red ball, swallowed it, and strengthened itself.

The red ball only reacted at this time, flew into a rage, turned around and bit the white ball.And the white ball, which was too scared to move in the corner, suddenly got into trouble and bit the red ball too.

Under the attack from both front and back, Hong Qiu realized that he had been deceived.Wu Wu thought that Xu Miao was completely under his control, so he didn't leave any extra consciousness at all, and all of them entered Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness.

Wu Wu was furious, and could only look angrily at Xu Miao who was sitting next to him.But trapped by iron chains and nails, he couldn't do anything to kill Xu Miao.

Wuwu roared angrily outside, while Xu Miao's consciousness was immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness, fighting with Zhuwu's consciousness, completely ignoring Wuwu.

The red ball is only twice as big as the white ball, and the sum of the two white balls is equal to the red ball.In addition, the red ball fell into a disadvantage when it was attacked at the beginning.

The red ball, which is not dominant, turns around and wants to run.But how could Xu Miao do as he wished, the sea of ​​consciousness was completely closed, leaving him nowhere to run.

The white ball catches up with the red ball and bites the red ball from two directions.The red ball can take care of one side, but not the other.Under the ebb and flow, the red ball is only half of its original size, while the white ball has grown a lot.

The two white balls had the upper hand at this time, surrounding the red balls, biting and devouring them.The red ball also knew that the situation was over, and began to signal surrender to the white ball.

Anyway, he has already had a grudge with Zhu Wu, so letting go of the red ball now will do Xu Miao no good.The white ball didn't care about the trembling of the red ball, it just gnawed blindly, and finally completely disappeared the red ball from the sea of ​​consciousness.

After swallowing Wu Wu's free consciousness, Xu Miao's consciousness was a little confused for a while, and he needed to rearrange and digest and absorb the memory of Wu Wu.

The 梼杌 consciousness swallowed by Xu Miao is only a part of the consciousness, and the memory contained in it is also chaotic.Xu Miao sank her mind and read the memory of Zhu Wu.

In this memory, there is the memory of him meeting the monk of Yulingzong. Xu Miao saw that Wu Wu used the same method to control the monk, but the monk also saved a hand. After knowing that he was controlled, he forcibly Self-destruct.

There is still a scene in my memory of Wu Wu being suppressed by the immortal. The immortal is dressed in plain white clothes, and no dirt can get close to him.Seeing the immortal raising his hand, he subdued and suppressed Wuwu, but unfortunately he didn't see the immortal's face from the beginning to the end.

What is left is the matter of how Wu Wu caused chaos in the world and caused great chaos in the cultivation world.Xu Miao didn't care, he opened his eyes after sorting out his memory a bit.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Wuwu's eyes that were about to breathe fire.Xu Miao smiled brightly: "Thank you, Senior Zhu Wu, for your generous gift, the younger generation is very grateful."

Wu Wu looked at Xu Miao and gritted his teeth secretly: "Human monk, I remember you. When I regain my freedom, I will find you and tear you to pieces!"

"Regain your freedom? I think you should stop having those daydreams. You can't even die here, and you still want to leave here. Maybe when this world is completely destroyed, it's the time when you regain your freedom. "

"Of course, it's your soul that regains freedom, not your body." Xu Miao had just swallowed the consciousness of Wu Wu, and she was in a very good mood, with a smile on her face all the time.

It's just that this smile became extremely dazzling in Wu Wu's eyes.But he couldn't do anything, he could only stare at Xu Miao angrily.Thinking back then, how majestic he was, calling the wind and calling the rain, but today he will be bullied by a low-level human monk.

Xu Miao stood up, walked to Wuwu's side, took out the mother-in-law ring, and slammed one of Wuwu's feet hard.There was a crisp sound, but nothing changed.

Wu Wu was about to go mad with anger. He wanted to use this human monk, but he tricked him into tricks. He didn't know what he was doing now: "What the hell are you trying to do!"

Xu Miao shrugged and said in a calm tone, "Oh, I heard people say that the blood of fierce beasts is very precious. It's rare to meet them, so I want to get some and take them back."

When Wu Wu heard Xu Miao's words, he panted heavily to calm down the anger in his heart.He was afraid that instead of being consumed to death by the chains of the immortal, he would be pissed to death by this human monk instead.

"You still want my blood, don't even think about it!" Zhu Wu stared at Xu Miao with killing intent, but in Xu Miao's eyes, Wu Wu was like a tiger whose teeth had been pulled out, without any threat.

"If you don't want to bring some hair, you can bring some meat, anyway, I don't dislike it." Xu Miao's indifferent tone completely angered Wuwu, who raised his head to the sky and screamed. Xu Miao estimated that another group of monsters had to move because of this movement. .

Xu Miao walked around Wuwu, and whenever he went to a convenient place, he would try to cut open Wuwu's body.But a ferocious beast is a ferocious beast after all, even if he is in trouble and trapped, it is not something he can take advantage of.

But it's all here, and I don't know when I will meet next time.Xu Miao directly took out the Nirvana Sword and operated the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art, trying to obtain the blood of Wu Wu by this method.

Wu Wu felt an unusually familiar aura, turned his head to look, but was startled by Xu Miao's aura, to be precise, by the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Sword.

"Where did you get this exercise book?" Uncharacteristically, Zhu Wu asked very seriously.

Xu Miao glanced at Wuwu: "Why should I tell you?" The spiritual power continued to circulate, and the aura of silence in the world became stronger and stronger, even Wuwu was a little startled.

He remembered this kind of momentum very clearly. When he was a cub, a human monk helped him.The monk cast this spell to drive away the other humans who bullied him.

"Heaven and Earth Silence Jue", a practice that is not restricted by the cultivation of monks, as long as the mind is strong enough, it can definitely destroy the world.

"Wait a minute, don't you just want blood, I'll give it to you." Hearing this, Xu Miao quickly stopped the operation of the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art, and looked straight at the 梼杌.

Thinking of repaying his kindness, Zhu Wu forced out a drop of blood.Xu Miao took out a jade bottle and took it, muttering: "You are too stingy, you only give one drop of blood, is it worthy of your name as the Four Great Beasts!"

Zhu Wu could hardly vomit blood when he heard it, this drop of blood is from his heart, it is more useful than a pool of blood from other places.However, after all, he is the one who has learned the Heaven and Earth Jue, and he has never seen the same aura except for that person.

Zhuwu endured it, and flicked his tail, the hair on the tip of the tail fell to the ground: "Get out of here quickly, don't get in my eyes here." After Wuwu finished speaking, he closed his eyes and ignored Xu Miao.

Xu Miao picked up the three 梼杌 hairs, turned around and left without any souvenirs.He didn't hear what Wu Wu muttered to himself the moment he turned around: "Is it really you?"

Back on the ground, the pool of blood stopped rolling and began to descend instead.But for a moment, a piece of ground appeared out of thin air, covering the place where the blood pool was originally.

Xu Miao threw a stone in the past, but it was bounced off, and the blood pool was sealed again. She wondered if she would have a chance to see her again next time the seal was unblocked.

When they came to the cave where Ye Qianqian was placed, Ye Qianqian sat on the ground obediently.Seeing Xu Miao, Ye Qianqian was overjoyed: "Are you okay?"

Xu Miao's concern for Ye Qianqian was inexplicable: "Naturally nothing happened." The secluded jade that Ye Qianqian gave him was fake, but she still had red velvet in her hand, no matter it was true or not, she had to get it first before talking.

Seeing Xu Miao walk in suddenly, Ye Qianqian's heart beat faster.Xu Miao also noticed Ye Qianqian's abnormality and gave her a strange look.

(End of this chapter)

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