Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 169 Killing Shao Yuan

Chapter 169 Killing Shao Yuan
"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. You hand over the red velvet. I'm not interested in other things." Xu Miao suddenly felt an urge in her heart, an urge to kill all living beings.

It must be the problem of the spiritual power passed on to him by Wu Wu, and the tyrannical factors in it have not been completely resolved by the Bihai Qingtian Art, but are hidden in the body, which will affect him from time to time.

Xu Miao closed her eyes, adjusted her breathing, and calmed down a little.His sudden impulse just now made his whole body exude a bloodthirsty temperament. Ye Qianqian saw Xu Miao who suddenly looked like a different person, and hurriedly withdrew the storage bracelet from his hand.

"My spiritual power and consciousness are blocked by you, and I cannot open the storage bracelet. I will tell you the password to open the storage bracelet, and you can open it."

Xu Miao's consciousness was immersed in the storage bracelet, and there were quite a lot of things in it.But all he wanted was the red velvet, no matter how precious the other things were, they didn't belong to him.

"The red velvet is the compensation you calculated, and the ban on you will be lifted automatically after three days." As he spoke, Xu Miao patted Ye Qianqian, and a trace of spiritual power entered her body.

"There are traces of people here, it is very likely that Xu Sanshui has been here." It was Yuan Hui's voice, and Xu Miao cursed secretly, and the bloodthirsty impulse he had just suppressed surged into his heart again.

Xu Miao whispered to Ye Qianqian: "Don't make a sound, you know the consequences." Regardless of Ye Qianqian's reply, Xu Miao flew out of the cave.

Temporarily only aware of Yuan Hui's spiritual power fluctuations, Xu Miao stood in the hidden place at the entrance of the cave and observed Yuan Hui sideways.Yuan Hui put a sound transmission jade pendant back into the storage bag, and walked towards where Xu Miao was.

At this time, the few of them still dare to act separately, it is really too long.Xu Miao opened her right hand wide, concentrating her spiritual power in it, and waited motionlessly for Yuan Hui to approach.

Yuan Hui found this hidden cave, but he didn't find Xu Miao standing at the entrance of the cave.Yuan Hui spread his spiritual sense and found that there were people in the cave, but they were not like Xu Miao. He suddenly thought of Ye Qianqian who was kidnapped by Xu Miao.

She was overjoyed, thinking that Xu Miao left Ye Qianqian here and ran away by herself.As soon as he entered the cave, he saw Ye Qianqian standing deep in the cave.

"Ye Daoyou, I saved you this time. I don't know what benefits your family will give me in exchange for you to go back." The first time Yuan Hui found Ye Qianqian, he thought about using Ye Qianqian to make a deal with the forces behind her.

It's a pity that when Yuan Hui was still dreaming, Xu Miao instantly appeared behind Yuan Hui.The monk's instinct made Yuan Hui aware that something was wrong. He wanted to look back at the person who came before, but Xu Miao used the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art to cut off his head directly.

Ye Qianqian opened her eyes wide in surprise, watching Xu Miao kill Yuan Hui with just one move.Even if Yuan Hui wasn't the first echelon disciple of their generation, he wouldn't be so weak.

Xu Miao looked at Yuan Hui's corpse indifferently. He knew very well that the reason he could finish Yuan Hui in one move was because Ye Qianqian had absorbed most of Yuan Hui's attention.

In addition, since he received Wu Wu's spiritual power, his spiritual power also carried a killing breath, which invisibly enhanced the power of his moves.

Xu Miao took the storage ring off Yuan Hui's hand, glanced at it casually, and threw it into the Hunting Stone.It's not that Xu Miao doesn't want to look at it now, but that four people are approaching here quickly.

If Xu Miao's guess is correct, it should be the three Jindan monks and Shao Guan.With Ye Qianqian in hand, Xu Miao is not afraid that the old woman will attack him. As long as the old woman can temporarily block the other two golden core monks, he can kill Shao Guan.

"Notify your person, let her stop those two people." Xu Miao commanded Ye Qianqian in a deep voice, raised her hand, and a ball of spiritual power entered Ye Qianqian's body.

This group of spiritual power will not lift Ye Qianqian's ban, but will be temporarily used by her to send a letter to the old woman.Ye Qianqian did as she was told, pointing her finger between her eyebrows, and transmitted the sound to the old woman.

Xu Miao threw a ball of fire to burn Yuan Hui's body, and then heard Ye Qianqian say: "I have already notified her, you can do it now."

The scorching flames burned Yuan Hui's body in an instant, and Xu Miao's expression flickered under the light of the flames.Although Ye Qianqian was standing beside Xu Miao, she also felt that there was a natural distance between her and Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness spread out unscrupulously, clearly telling others that I am here, and I will come if I have the ability.As soon as his spiritual sense detected Shao Guan's trace, Xu Miao rushed out of the cave immediately.

When Shao Guan's servants saw Xu Miao rushing out, they were about to go up and kill Xu Miao.At this time, the old woman came from another direction in front of Xu Miao, resisting his attack.

"You! Don't forget, he is the master who wants to kill you." Uncle Wu stared at the old woman with an ugly expression.The old woman rolled her eyes at the sky, Shao Guan's people are so stupid, no wonder they are always used by his elder brother as a weapon.

The old woman faced two Golden Core cultivators at the same time, so she could only be at a disadvantage.Xu Miao didn't care, anyway, she just used her to block it.Xu Miao moved her body and quickly appeared beside Shao Guan.

Unlike Yuan Hui, Shao Guan was completely unprepared.After he received Yuan Hui's voice transmission, but he didn't receive a reply through the reverse voice transmission, he knew that Yuan Hui might have made a move.

He was fully prepared, and the moment he saw Xu Miao appear, he took out a spear and attacked Xu Miao.The rank of the long spear is a top-grade spiritual weapon, and the child-mother ring in Xu Miao's hand is not the opponent of the long spear.

In several hand-to-hand battles, the child-mother ring has no advantage.Even with the support of Xu Miao's sufficient spiritual power, he was still attacked by the spear and cracked.

Shao Guan was overjoyed when he saw a crack in the weapon in Xu Miao's hand.He saw Xu Miao more than once, but never once, the magic weapon in Xu Miao's hand was higher than the child-mother ring.

"Cultivator Xilu is a monk of Xilu. His level of comprehension is low, and he doesn't even have a decent magic weapon." Shao Guan's tone was full of disgust and contempt for the world of Xilu's comprehension.

Xu Miao was born in Xilu, and Shao Guan despised the monks in Xilu, just despising him.He snorted coldly: "An idiot is an idiot, he doesn't know anything, just like a duck, it just croaks."

Xu Miao said while injecting spiritual power into the mother-child ring. With the support of strong spiritual power, the mother-child ring's radiance is not inferior to the spear of the top-grade spiritual weapon.

In a flash, Xu Miao appeared in front of the spear.Xu Miao didn't care about the power on the spear at all, grabbed the barrel of the spear with one hand, and quickly approached Shao Guan.

Holding the mother ring in the other hand, it hit Shao Guan's face.Shao Guan quickly turned his head and hid aside.At this time, the tyranny and bloodthirsty in Xu Miao's heart was completely aroused, and the eyes that looked at Shao Guan were like looking at prey.

Out of thin air, Zihuan appeared in the direction of Shao Guan's side head, and hit Shao Guan's face squarely, leaving a red mark.Shao Guan was stunned by the beating, and was about to retreat, but Xu Miao continued to approach, and the mother ring hit Shao Guan's dantian.

The dantian was attacked, and Shao Guan immediately felt that his spiritual power was unstable, and spit out a mouthful of blood.Xu Miao turned around in time and hit Shao Guan on the back again, causing Shao Guan to rush forward.

"Still yelling?" Xu Miao's face was extremely cold at this time, like an executioner, who would harvest everyone's lives if they disagreed.

Shao Guan knew that Xu Miao was strong, and he had already put Xu Miao at an extremely high level, but only after he really got started did he realize how terrifying Xu Miao was.

The way Xu Miao hit him reminded him of his elder brother.Every time he is taught by his elder brother, he always kneels on the ground unwillingly.At that time, his elder brother's expression was very similar to Xu Miao's, as if he was going to kill him.

However, no matter how angry the elder brother was, he didn't really kill him.Shao Guan looked at Xu Miao who was walking towards him, his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, he knew that Xu Miao was really murderous.

Xu Miao wanted to kill him, but he didn't know where to hide.He looked up blankly at Uncle Wu, who was a monk specially assigned by his mother to protect his safety.

But his life-saving straw was blocked by the old woman, and he couldn't free his hand at all.He shook his legs and staggered backwards.

Xu Miao followed Shao Guan indifferently, watched Shao Guan retreat and fell to the ground, still staring at his legs, backed away, trying to stay away from him.Shao Guan's embarrassed appearance suddenly amused Xu Miao and made Xu Miao laugh out loud.

Shao Guan heard the laughter, like the sound of horns urging his life.He used to think that Xu Miao was just like his big brother, but now he knew he was wrong, Xu Miao was even more terrifying than his big brother.

Xu Miao's expression remained unchanged from the beginning to the end. It was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry, only the murderous aura around him showed his thoughts.Xu Miao raised her hand, and Zihuan appeared next to Shao Guan's cheek. With one blow, Shao Guan's cheekbone was directly crushed.

From Xu Miao's point of view, Shao Guan's face is sunken, which is extremely ugly.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, the opponent's attack is too strong, and I can't hold it anymore." The old woman's voice came suddenly, and Xu Miao looked at the battle situation of the Golden Core cultivator from the corner of her eye, and knew that the old woman had tried her best.

Xu Miao pointed at Zihuan, and Zihuan turned into a sharp sword, directly separating Shao Guan's body from his head.Until the moment of Shao Guan's death, Shao Guan's eyes were still full of fear of Xu Miao.

Seeing Shao Guan's death, Uncle Wu's facial muscles immediately became distorted and ferocious, and he stared at Xu Miao intently, wishing to have his skin cramped.

"The master of the two of you is dead, do you want to consider taking refuge with me?" Xu Miao completely ignored the anger of a Jindan monk, picked up the storage ring in Shao Guan's hand, and threw it into the Hunting Stone.

Xu Miao's meaning was very simple. The Jindan cultivator followed to protect the Foundation Establishment cultivator, which meant that the Foundation Establishment cultivator's status must not be low.But when the Foundation Establishment cultivator died, they rushed back to the master's house and were either killed or imprisoned. Life must be difficult.

Xu Miao has become extremely proficient at conquering people's hearts.Whether it was Zhu Ping at first, the three brothers of the Zhao family, or Qing Jiao later.As long as it is profitable, Xu Miao can take them under his command.

The Golden Core cultivators who followed Yuan Hui were obviously moved, and Xu Miao's scheming could be seen along the way. His strength was far superior to the cultivators of the same level, and he was comparable to the most outstanding disciples of the forces behind them.

"Follow me, you will have enough freedom, and I have always been generous."

(End of this chapter)

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